rday, October 11. 1930 lassihed WANTED HELP VV ANTED STKT: S41slady With some if'TEEV-Oood second-hand truck forehae:- JR RENT Furnished room. soard optional Phone 543. M RENT Modem Hat. kitchen range westenhaver Bros. tf Red -607. R installed. Pullen, Dally News. BOARD AND ROOM liQARD and Room. Phone Black rrtn. tf v - - " -Company. -Bums Howard, FOUND FOUNT Motorcycle key. Owner niay nave -same py raiiuifffq-t Dally News fand paylng7or aavertisment. To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rental $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTR1ENTS 3RD AVE. THE DAILY RZW3 ; FA03 FITS Adve raseraenis. wmess and rroressional Mens mm. jm mwta. - ' MIVW A 1 V b V WVafTg) OM BE TWWj KVEfVHE PROWmiWkAmm NEWS fENT. LAM) ACT Notloe of Intention to apply to Leaj. I LAW) ACT Foreshore ! Notice, of TntentLn to apply to Lease In Custar Diatrlct luni tiMnminul Porwhore ! DlJitrlct of Prince Runert. and aitunti. In Range 6, C.-.ast District. Land Rc-i Uog Puh '' """ding Distriot ox Prince Rupert, and n.flfP jrf Hhno rtnaln... a Bay on Portland Canal. ..,.,- ""'-"' Take Take notice notice that that Th. The n Canadian !., 1 KW'-.N to .'11 TP 111 ILL. 1 I I I 1CT limJNHHrV FUllil f ....... 1 .. . ... . ' --vr j uwu, uviuwuuuii a a pott planted at imp for reply. Dept. C 42, On-' (V. . In th . V. oorner . pout of Lot mm -j i . . ! u jiiimenciiv.' : SITUATIONS VACANT r 1 p appointments yearly as Post- n Clerks, Stenographers, Cus- Snins Bxammera, etc., in dovern- bui Service. For uartlcutars -IV Civil Service Dept. MXJjC. :hooli Udn 401 Kensington Jig Winnipeg. tf FQR RENT VE roomed flat for rent. Phone Hue 34S. tf -AT FOR RENT Wallace Bloa. Squire store tt 3IIED FIAT, 4 rooms and Phone 647. t traenceTKmith 6 chakna, thenee Nort: less to mgt water eaeteciy. aauoarlng pomt or commen Ing s a eras, more TI ill f'ifaoil TnSZ !. n.Tt.vt hA tanBMMHU1. S i . . , . . . ' 1 ..... Ictcl. .uiu us icmouiiauie lor i wiawicv; ,nWei "at o chain fl AMtl V Harrv Rontf Tlnunl ; -"'no; nvnn 239 mark; thence South, vwesterif following uji iki mar noipt o. commence-BMtnt: and eontelrring' aere. more or l-. - Hie THE CANADIAN FISHlNO CO. LTD -.--per A H.-Kolland. Aent. Dated Sept. th, 19SO LAM) APT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease ; Notice rrrsnai a. IS CANADIAN HttltlNO CO LTD jacr A. . Bpla-nd. Agent iJtNDAtrr Notlaa af lBmate. tn -Wimi- f t. Needlework t&ma in Ranae t. Coast Diriot. Lend R- 1 cordlnt District of Ptlnee Runert. anti MEMSTITCIIINO, Mrs. Feaiby, " .West hore of the moat v slae trttsli- eaa -e -awsau-! -. Phone Red 315. I oaf, mit or thT'Arn.'ton - Point. Dundee Island. - i Take nntlae that The Canadian Ptsh- i nrrt, Ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouvar, B.C.. oecu- IAjoS. patlon Pern Peckers inttauts to apply ,cr ' tn following deaeriBed , foreshore: ST Friday evening, a small : Comrnencrng at a poet planted on bunch of felt flowen. Finder North 1.oorB"'.0' oat westerly Km nf h. WMta TalAB !-. a, W i ictuiu w i uttum iiuiuv. jr.um iu cnains: taenee west 6 Hwne 203. OST October 1. lantc Docket! chains. thence North 10 cnains; thenoe Beet 8 ! "hains and containing S acres, mom or book: containing valuable papers' per a h. Holland. Aent. ' "" 8eirtMnb,r 8U- 1M9 name Inside folder, Oaorge ' T.llaSscri.-Flnae'r" pleo-se notify 1 I line. 1 and onc-qra.'ter mile ;:?uth chains; thence S'Uth v.e-t ID clialru. thrnce East & chain.', and containing acres', more cr less. THE CANADIAN PTSHIKO CO LTD per A. H Ilrll&.id, Agent. Dated Bept. 1st, 1980 LAND ALT Notice of Intention to apply to Leate u,a....c ueyopr; aDOUl Bt Si i.T . Ka of th rvnwun m , JSWJ.'" In Ban 5 Coas, DUtrtct. Land Rr island S miles South east of the mot ly of the White Ialand OrouD T-ke notice that The C.nadlan Pishing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following describe:! fovaahore: Commenelng at a post planted at the aouth entrance to a Bay .lying about o mllea aouth east of the most waautrl) of the White Island Croup; thenr North west 10 chains; thence South weat o chains MT A II. Dated Sept. 1st. 1S0, HUaM. Agent.' I..WH APT Notice of Intention to apply to Lsu Poreahore In Ranae 6. Coast District, Land Re cording Dlatrirt of Prtnee Supert. and Situate en the North and of Hayatar -. Ialand. Take notice that The Canadian Plsh-rng Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver. B.C.. occu- II r RENT niniT trn.,..irninn . I P""00 11 Paokers intends to apply Housekeeping rooms for a lease of the foUowlne deaerlriA tiy day. week or month. Phone toreabore: 4' uoramencing at a paat .planted a; l,cnn Uleement amumui o- uu Mort..j-..'CU.C7: nr.,-, , 4 ' r. of "Jftac Id.,,henoe mettt iwaM. Bath, moderate rental. We-ten- h f . , i water mark; t lien n re south-westerly, fol- "', u i lowing (sign erater mark, to poln'. of F0R SALE rUR SALE Three piece chester field suite Apply Box 82 Dally News Office. coiruTienoemetit and containing 5 acres, more or less THE CANADIAN FBMtUiO CO LTD par A H Holland. Ager : Dated Sept 7th. laao. LAND ACT Notloe of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore o,.i ' in naoee e, uoaai imtrict. La no tu oorning DUtrtct of Prlaoe Rupert, and I -llttta xa nam Bn. U-,-. i. PRICE REDUCED The price of Iaton7 ' ' " the launch Owen Is reduced to . r ot' tttt Th Canadian P'.ah- .... - . . , , ., tug OO. Ltd of Vanomreer. B.C . oceu-$200 for Quick Sale. This is the pTuon Plah Packers intends to apply best buy on the market. Cylinder !or of tn foUowing dcscribe i ,,i.. v, , ,, .. ;foieeve: -c-uicu iiu hc mis. ootnmeautllic at a peat Dianted at the 'outhat corner of Haystack Island; noe west 10 na, more : thence Boutl - ter nuirk to and contaln- situate on 'he Eaat shire o? Dirndls In land ofxi-:te Green Inland Lighthous Take notl-.-e that The Canadian Plah-lng Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation P:sh Paikers Intend to aDplv for a lease of the following describe ' foreshore OomnM ncInK at a peat planted ar high water mark on the Eai: shore of Ounda Island opposite Oreen Ialan ! LlghthoitK?. thfnc. East 6 oha!!; tlien Mcrth 10 chain; thftice We' 5 chain.' thsnee South east 10 . .... ,. . . t . chain. ta-M. hm .1...-: !""M! nll?n wawr v..i i mar v o' .r,.. a . point rcmmenceniei containing acres, morw-ior less. 'contemn: TH naatariTAai aiauuiii t t . rr"' " 8 a-rs ". aorc more, or or less less n-a per A H. HcUaud, WftRl Bept dth 1980 Agent " ' T am ,rr;"y Y:i'f8:ME Canadian pishing co lit l..M T Notice of Intet tl-ir to apply to Lea.-c Pores hore In Ratine 6, Coast Dmr'.c-, Land R'.-"ordlng District of Prince Rupert, ar.fi ltuate .. B,r l:t Petnt os rrc Sotrtt Was: of Walo I.l.i:id. Take cotli-e r ti - The Canprtinr r--rf Co. I tj . ) Van- tttw. t C . rcc ktpn P!i Pvkts Intend anpl-or' A Iciw of ih, :ol!owlut: .irj. rloed ISreahotv --1 nieiu-.m; a t a LK.st nlaiitcd a Po:r:. i: S ii!!- Wfy.- ,-iiot.. f l!.vrt MietK- W-jt 5 -h i:n- anu-f' Soutli halns in it -ha!:i; then-r Ka-- '.0 !, v.n:c :imrjc. !!.-nr, orth v.:e-l f li hlch tsaver iiark. anil cnuiniiig 10 sunt,, more rr THE CANADIAN FISHING CO LTD rr A II Hol-and. Agen 3ated Sep:. 7th. 1930 I AM) tt'T Vctlce of l!itcn;t n ::. apply to Least Poreahore In Banw 5 On' Dtnn?t. Land Recording Dlstr.ci of Prl'ic.- Rupert, am' 'ituate en an unn.inied Island lylni. we mile North of Hsyr-ack Island. Take rotice thit The Canadian Pishing Co. Ltd of Vancouver, BC. ocru oatlon Ptih P 'ters ln;e:id!t to apnly 'or a lease of '.lie inflowing described foreshore - Commenctni: nt post p'mited on a" unnamed Ialuno approximately one lunrter of a n.ile North end orvs-hali f a mile We" rf I,t 6322 R S Ooast thence West chains; thenoe South o halns; thrrc. Fa-r 5 chains more t ess o ehi-re line, tlvenoe N"rth warterlv Uong htdh water mark to point of "omineneeineiit ano containing acres trwre or hss THE CANADIAN PTSHTttO CO. LTD per A H Holland. Asjent. Hated BeDt 4th, 193P KtBNA LAND HKrOHDINO DISTRIfTI Take notice thit the British Cotum -la Planing As Pnoking Compsnr. Ltd if Vancouver. B.r . oe'iinatlon, fa)1! 'acker, intends to npnly for s lease if "he following rlcTtb"rl fire -hire, situ te on Naaa Harbeur. fronting on Lot S lange fi. Coast DUtrtct: Commencing V pnt pjanted on the east aide of Naaa BRINGING UP FATHER I I I 'I IB WfcLL TXATfj TOO BAD- i THOUCHT OiM-V WOOt-0 36 OM TITHE , h-i ,' 0 i V-tSiii.l mil mm ttANOE 8 GO AST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert, Plu.i-! sltu-lt on ayas Is! und of West slior. TAKE NOTICE that John Sdward Un iv uox oo, uxujr ow union, tf w uo. Ltd.. of VunuMr rn ... ,1,. , - . paticn Flah Packers intends tn rmi. 1 " ntrtn mat curl. '- or in ismnd. Neckwear Co. 3ftfi Artflmn- ' cmn ..! nl" 1 w.v uuua, tocnoe aouw is oiuuia 7erA. Toronto 2.18 ih"Cc EMt 10 chain; thence North -wbiiiu, more or lea, to high water UABLE man for one hundred Trn ' S. i,Jh'J,.h TOUte; tfllg icountry; ex- ""cl -ntalnlng 8 acre, more or lew. ice unnecemry; no sell- THE cwiadian rroiiNa co. ltd. . Ptr A. H. Holland. Acent. (IP amrlEHiU and collect. Dated Sent. 5th, 1930 Should Jiet -seventy dollars weck- I.ANH AfT Shamas Mfg., Co., Now Tor- Not,oe 01 Intentun to apply to Leate Ont OIK Poreahore '"a - In Caaalar Distrlc Land Recording District oi Prince Rupert, and altuate 1 n D r Pish Bay on Portland Carui! lake notlcr that The Canadian Falsing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. BjC.. ocru-! paticn Flah Packer- intend to app!j ! for a lease of thr Joilowlrw dnserih. -i tends to apply for pennlaiton to lease . ' JS .... i , for a Imm n .n4.. .. YJT.:. ! ' Take notion that The Cnn'irilan Flnh. the fnUnwirur rfjMerltwvi far.tw.r- 1.nri. . ... ... : lm.i.jii nan j-aancru .menus i:i apply j weai ena oi small oay aoout u -z mile for a laaae of the following described south and 2 mllea cut of the south loreahorc: east corner of Lot 338 Swindle Island. Commencing at pes. planted 1 an ! thenee couth eaat 20 chains, to eaat en- one-quarter miles south of the Noirtri 1 trance to bay, thence eaaterly, norrher-Iwert ccmor of Tiys island, then;ojly and westerly along Ulgh Water Mark I North east 10 chains: thii'c West i to point of commencement and oon- talnine 30 acres more or jess Dated July 4th, 1930. John steward LndernlU. Jamas T Underhlll. Asent. RANGE 3 COAffl DISTRICT Reoornlng District of Prince Rupert. Poreahore j TAKE NOTICE that Etederlc Oare TJr.- In Rrnge 5, Cat I.;.tr:a Irid R" derhiil ol Vancouver, B. C. (and Sui cording District of 1-r.nfc uu..rt. anr veycr. intend to apply for permlsalor sitrat' mi Zayao 1-1 - J, .. ..-f,urf.- 'fltj lease the fnUowlng described lore-:i mile NcrDi eo' o: t: South n ' hhcre lands: Ccmmenclng at a post orner. pHnted on the Soutfc shcre uf ssaki: Take notire that T'i rai. ii!..ui F; ' -, bay on N-:rth End of Price bland abou i.ik Cj. Ltd., cf Vn.'it .uver. TIC. jrcii-2 m.les south and 1 mile east of the planted dt : ,'""'J" to app s-u-n eaat cornar oi ym 33fj, Bebooaer 10 efntss: thence Ku cnains more or leas to high water paKsaw.. thence North a chain to ua. .u.n.iu.c. puwii- more, inenee waateny, anuUMri; . 'Commencing at a poat planted on - and Easterly along Tn.b Water Man quartxr of a mile North east of the ; Vo poir of corrmii8siitnt and eneiox-South eaat corner oi ::.ivl-.s Islanl: ling the bay and oontalnlr t 12 aerea tnenee norin eas; iu cnniiia; then": Gouth east ft chains, then south tf..' 10 cnaliif thure Njph w.tt 5 chains and" contnlnln;' t, aw. nr.re or THE CANADIAN riSIIINO CO LTD pet' A II Holland, Agent. Datml Bept. 1st. 1970 't'ore or leas. ! Dated July 4th. IB30. i Frederic Clare TJnderhUl. fames T. ThiderhUl Agent RANOI g 0O4BT DHJTiaCT " I Rrordln D'-'Wet of Prinee Rueert I M) act of Intention to apply to Leue I rurc Nrrrfirv ... -d.-i lease the following described foreshore ands: Commencing at a post planted at High Water Mark about 1-3 mile outh and 1-2 mile eaat of the south ast corner of Lot 33S. Bwlndle Island, thenoe south 8 chains to Island, thence -t 1 chains to shore, thenee northerly westerly and southerly along IHgb Water Hark to point of eofnmenee-tnent and oontalnlat so acres mere it 3ated July 8th, 1930. Rio hard Walter Underhui. James T. DnderhlU. Aent. RANOI 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prinee Rupert. i AKE NOTICE that Norman Hm Of Vancourer. B.C.. Clerk. Intends to ap-Hy for parmlselon to. hwee the follow n deVrrlbed foreshore landa: Coa- "encinr nt a post planted on the sotatt shore of wimtte lalcad abaut SO chair nTh and 109 chains west of the aouth west comer of Lot 988 thenoe westerly uonx nign wawr aianc uoot -mi cnains o a point behind Double Ialand. thence i cnains more or leas to Lou Water stark, thenee easterly along Low Water Mark, thence north to point of cim merteement and enclosing all tidal flats and lacnons and containing .30 asre nore oi less. ated July 6th. 1330. Norman nin T. OsktierhlU. Airent. RANGE 3 UOA8T OiBTBIrT Becordlng Diatrlct of Prinee Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Russet Bnrtlett of Vancouver. B.C . Srcretarv ntend to apply tor permUadcn t--ease the lollosrlng Jascrlksd foreshore and Oonunenclng at a post planted n the aouth shore of Swindle Island about 80 chains aouth and 100 chains east of the south west eomer of Lot 36. thence Easterly and northerly along High Water Mark to tM aouUi won of Lot 338. thenee to Low Waff Mark, thenee southerly and westerly along Low Water Mark, thenee tarth 3 una 1ns to point of ooanirteeor-:vent. and enclosing all ridel flats and ngcons. and containing 80 acres wore Jeted July 8th 1830 Frederick ttueetu TJartleti. Jamas T. Underhlll. AgerA. L.INI) ACT lottos of Intention to aaai to Lease Poreahore In Range 8. Oaaet District. Lead Recording District of Prinee Ilunert. an-l Mtuete on the South west shore cf wales bland, eppoetu The Proctor Islands, Take noUee that The Canadian Pish lug Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pish Packers intends to apph for a lease of the following describe.' foreshore : Corn men cine at a mat lnt nn Harbour, thenee wast 15 chain more or tle South West shore of Waiea Island ess to th ppoaite shore: thenee Woelte the Proctor Islands; thence cutherly. eaaterly. and northerlv. fol. , "oat M chaitte: thence North 10 chain. 'nwinR high water mark, tn he point of laet 8 chains more or less tc -oiuaiHnpen.cn;. and containing twentv- nlE water murk: theuse South esut-Mve n-res. men- rr les ' rly along high water mark tolnt of mteii ntn Ainrnst. 1P30 i , mmenceroent and containing acrtf ' mere or lees. i H. Buehnell Airent BRTTI8H fOII'Mpr rtH'ITvn PACJCINO CO.. LTD THE CANADIAN FISHING OO. LTD per A. H Holland, agent Dated Sept. 4th. IBM. THERE HE MOW MH 1'U.CiO boat wrrki C" I 11 1! r-iKl-r-0 kUwsttp I Jr. I UA I V ?5Sr Fl.il T isH-j THE WAY TO BUILD HEALTH and to maintain It, is to get the bf.Ilt -of our chiropractic ad-jHStments. By relieving the peeasure at certain points on your spine, and restoring the rtems to their normal activities, ell bodily disturbances are relieved and oSea cured. W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) underhlll of Vancouver, B.C.. Accoun-! Gents, from n'j',. mtenaa to apply ror permssaion to I STEAfll BATHS 201 Gth Street Phone Black 764 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 pjn. to 8 pjn. 10 am. to 10 pjn Hunts Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings' Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 LAND REGISTRY ACT NOTICE Re: OertlJtoate ef Title No. 2891-1 lto Los TssBty-hree () ndTwenty-J lonr (at), stack tleeenteen (471, See-tton 8ts r. Ctty of Palnee Rupert. Map WHBRBAB 4-Ufaetorr proof of ipse of the aawre Oertineate of Tttle laauea in the name of John Oordon 'has been tried tn this office, notfee Is hereby given that I shall at the espiraon of -ue month from the first day of pub lication hereof, issue a .ProssjalontM otrtlMeete of Title tn Hen of th said est Osrttf teste, nalees m thi meantime vaUd objection Is made to roe is wrM- Dated at the Und Reglatery Offlea, Prinee Rupert. BC . this erd dsW of Ylnce Rupert. B.C., this 3rd flee' sjf October, 1(90. H. F. MaetaOD. Sat.-St-nor 1. - Registrar. L.IXI) ACT Notice of Intenllan to Apply to Lease uina In the Stlklne Land Record lng Dis trict of OassUr Distriet, and sttuaM bowt three mfies and one-half aouth of nsieaguah Post Office on Taku River. Take notloe that I. WUUaan StrotM. if TulejfUh. DC. ooeupatlon mereh-ot. tetectde to apply tor a lease of tbs ouowins; oeacriDea lanoa: Get the Ad. (pays. " at a post- clan ted on of a atougo. tfcenoe eouth 80 thenoe eaat 40 chains: thenee lorth 80 chains: thence west 40 ecahw, tnd oontainlng 330 acre, more or leas. WILLIAM STRONO Dated Aufttet 38, 1930. L.XD ACT Motlre of Intention to apply for Lease Und In the Btlklne Land Reoerdiog Die-net of Oaaetar Diatrlct, and situate bout three eniles and one-half south of Tuleequeh Poet Oilk on TekU Brrer Take notice that I. Ooorge ROhblns if Tulaeouah, B.C.. occupation book-ceeper Intend to apply tor a lease of he following deesribed landa: Oatnmenclng at a post phuHed cn 'Mink ef aloufh, thenoe south 80 chains: beaee eeat 40 chalas; theoce north S5 thatas: thenee west 40 chains, and .ontalalng 330 acres. mr nr leas. OEOrtOF Dated August 23, 1030. . Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Ileeins September t H. AUBREY PRYCE rrofessor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesday and Fridays. Telephone C74 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Block Courses In Technical and Etifta- eerhig Training Vrtte or Phone Ij&ctl Agent for information. Box 13S-F. 3 Boutell Phone 78 "JITNEY5 SERVICE Queen uean OharibtM 'Matt. lw 1Ifjf4 .Sturrtays. ,ltiiiLli 'ijueen OvnrtMje1' and tadayi ajn. , i. lares S each. Keundnrlp $G. L. DYKON. lort.f,'nent MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 223 Second Ave. Telephone 7G7 Silversides Bros. ' WALLPAPERS' PAlNTb iil Izil'IWintJiim.iniaAsnH iodetokfe PxzmciAtouldihgs THIRD rfi'"1!'' '' AVENUE PHONE 32 SALVAGE AND TOWING If it's on or under the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'il Equippodu for Drring and General Salvage Wtrk, Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents lor EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 15G4 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUQTJQN MART We buy, sr H or iflxglijurge any kind of furpUu.re RCjhousehold goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, pactogUinijlpplng. WoclrmansnilIfaiTrtiecl. Just phone Blaxk; 120 and we will cill. G. J..' DAWES, Auctioneer-Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS FREE SUIT With each suit thoroughly knted and pressed, you get a chance to win a high-class euttom made suit. Your choice from largest range cf best materials. See Wm. Auld WEE TAILOR SHOP Opp. Post Office Phone 577 iiia-mn asme Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3j00 per month Cheaper to buy than rent McRAE BROS. LTD. bobbins Montgomery, Chimneys swept and repaired ! 3rd Avenue Phone Blue .739 Furnaces and stoves cleaned and rending habit. II New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged TYPEWRITERS No other vaitte ran apfroarh the ftpeottl REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very easy term .VII ether makes from $12.00 SL'NIWRANn ADUINfl MACHINE tUnited Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER. U.C. A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and. Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave- Prince Rupert Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engineer Phone Sl P. O. Box 730 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Chimney Swccd repaired. Oeneral handyman. Phone 204 Night phone Blue 712 Get qu dc result, with a wat ac H. j. ZUMKEHR By George McManus 1 H I FOLlMDPilIT H i-r v-,i'-r- II I , " rJ1. II iTON GQ'W jfHJ in 'cr 1 u umm r .v -w. vLiyiisKS I f ' C. N. R. TRAINS S SI 1 a ' . " vl .-s 1 n tyTB A5t Sundays. Tuesdays v-r. tit-bsef . 1 a.eak . ! 'Jfeat- t tf 19 i' l-m -,. ki K ' ' !. , '