Tomorrow's Tides BOSTON GRILL Friday, Aug'' "n Mi LAKUE CAIIAKE1' Bpcclal Dinners Thuraday and Saturday Dancing Every Saturday Night, 0 to VI Dance Hall tor Hire Low Accommodation for Private Parties PHONE 4S7 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V., .9 V ) XXI.. No. 201. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1:30 PRICE FIVE CENTS PLANS ACTION All Signs Point To Successful Exhibition Rupert Next Tuesday All Booths In Main Building Ar6 Taken and Entries Coming In Well Mayor Ormc Consents to Officiate I At Opening Ceremonies All the the main exhibition building have been j taken, entries are coming in very well, especially from Ter-, ran-, and everything points to a splendid exhibit and a ! u onderful fair this year. All will be in "readiness for the opening Tuesday. A meeting under .the presidency of W. H Sherman jr. was held last evening at the Exhibition building' when a survey of the situation was made and i'mal plans laid for carrying out the work next week. Mayor C. H. Orme has consented to formally open the fair Tuesday evening. C.C. PERRY WAS HERE I Ar-sMaiit Commissioner of Indian Affairs Paid JJricf Vhit toCity After Trip Up SUkine After a three weeks' Inspection ur of theBtiktnc River as far as ! r.raph Creek and Tahltan Mis-n rharles c. Perry, assistant nmKsloner of Indian Affairs for i i Ah Columbia with headquarters Victoria, was a passenger aboard Princess Charlotte yesterday moon returning south. It was first trip up the Sttklne River while official duties occupied ii of his time, the tour proved i if great interest and enjoy-nt Pine weather prevailed uuhout. Mt Perry, who la an ex-alderman rruifp Rupert, spent two days at . uim ll while In the north and iri .ssed a dinner of the Chamber I'limmerce at that town, being : uost of honor for the occasion. M: Perry's duties as assistant ninissioner of Indian Affairs ne-u.tte his travelling a great deal already this year he lias toured southern part of the province ' v thoroughly. He is looking j lit and was given a hearty wel h by old friends who met him mu liis brief stay while the n'vss Charlotte was In port yes-.; iy afternoon. Wright Sends a Message Regard To Burke Rescue Di Mundy, district mining engln-' i received a wire last night from W. Wright, gold commissioner Attln, in which he told of the ( Kting of Captain Burke In a ' .'ill lake 30 minutes from Wolfe U;c, Y.T. Messages and cigarettes n dropped and plans made to urn when light to land and bring : passengers out one at a time. SPECIAL SESSION WILL OPEN SEPTEMHEK 8 OTTAWA, Aug. 28: Parlla- iu nt will open on September announced yesterday 'V air Oeorge Pcrley, acting Prime Minister. It will bo a pedal session, calling prl- marlly for the purpose of for- miluting plans for unemploy- mont relief. COMPLETE ADVOCATED TO ! One of the but features is exnec- ted to be the floral display on the . main floor. In view of the weather conditions any who possibly can do so are asked to take part In this Important section. The prizes will be awarded for a combination of quality of flowers and skill an dorigin- allty of arranaemeot, artistic effect being great deciding factor. Table space of six feet by five feet is allotted to each exhibitor. A new feature in the exhibition this year will be a wonderful historic collection of Indian totems and other articles collected by George Cunningham at Port Ks-slngton. These will be on display and will be very attractive. Plans were made for the marathon event and it was decided to provide a trophy for the winner. It was decided to allow the final track events to be run off for the Hanson Trophy Wednesday afternoon before the lacrosse game, In which a local team will play against Alyansh. The races will commence at 1 :30 and the lacrosse at 3 o'clock. Ticket selling for the city lot is proceeding apace. It was decided by the board to grant to the four who report the largest number of. tiokets Monday night to operate a wheel giving chances on tickets at the building. The ticket sellers will get their earn mission on the raftMs as they would on the sales The Inside attractions are all ar ranged and the usual midway fair frolic will be more attractive than ever it was reported. The merry-go-round will be there and all the other features Including boxing and wrestling in which all comers will be taken. MODEL POLICE COLLEGE PLAN Science Laboratories. Motoring and Wireless to Itc Included Y.ONDON. Aug. 38: Officials of the. Mftromlltan Police are plan ning a police training college which will be a world model, coaxing perhaps $2,000,000. The college is to inciuae science iihnmfnriM motortne and wireless schools, and possibly an aerodrome for aeronautical lnstruruon. The London police are famous the' world over for their efficiency and Intelligence. LACROSSE PRACTICE Another practice of local lacrosse players was held last night in anticipation of the series with native opponents next week. Lacrosse games promise to be one or the attractive features of the Fair Wee sports program. Crew of Sir "TV Crew ol Sir Thomas Liptuu S Rock, off New London C .a. unteiipuise to race siiamkock NKvYPORT, Rhode Island. Aug. 38: The yacht Knler- prise, skippered by Karon 6. Vanderbilt. has been chosen to defend the America's Cup against Sir Thomas Upton's challenger. Shamrock V. -V- Native Honors Are Accorded Dawson ofPenn WINNIPEG. Aug. 28: Lord Dow-son Of Penn, the King's physician yesterday -was made chief "UIk Me dicine Man to the Dig Chief" by the Cree Indians in a colorful cere mony. DOROTHEA STRANDED Well Known Motor Freighter Is Ashore at Alert Hay and llelaa Js Salvaging Her VANCOUVER. Aug. 38: Tlie'Pa-clflc Salvage Co.'s power tug llelac sailed Tuesday night for Alert I lay where toe American motor freighter Borothea is ashore. The Dorothea Is a 90-foot craft owned in Seattle. . The .Dorothea. Is a well known vessel In Prince Rupert waters as she baa made many calls ltere to load clear spruce from the Dig Day Lumber Co. for Seattle. 8he runs between Seattle and Alaska In freight service. I i New'Minister Is In Ottawa llauford Macnlder Arrives From United States to Take Over Ambassadorial Duties OTTAWA. Aug. 28: Hanford Macnidcr, the new United States minister to Canada, arrived by airplane yesterday from Washington to take up his duties. ASSIST Thomas Lipton's If .ui.. cU V a.- sci, :.. m dinvul from En.4l.u1; IS FOUND IN FAR NORTH Missing Flyer Had .Made Forced Landing inn Small lake and Was Unhurt Capt. L. J. A. ISurke, missing for over a week while on a flight from Atlin io Ltard River in an Airland Manufacturing Go's seaplane, was located safely on a small lake, 75 miles cast of Wolf Lake, acrordin: to word received here early this morning by (he Oovernnient Telegraph!.. Iturke had made a forced landing on theilake and was unable to get up again. Neither he nor hia mechanic suffered injiirv. Tliegt'were discovered by Pilot W. A. Joers who had rome north from Vancouver with another of the company's planes locnfnge in the search. An effort will be made to bring Capt. Iturke out to Atlin today. VANCOUVER WIIWT VANCOUVER, Aug. 38: Wheat was quoted at 84c on -the local exchange today. MRS. JOLLIFI E OF QUHKN CHARLOTTE SINGS OVER RADIO SKID BOAT?, Aug. 38: - Many friends litre of Mrs. Oor- don Jolllffe vwre delighted last week to hear her sing oyer KOMO radio Uor from 8e- attle. She wm announcad Hy 4 Mayor Anseqsnb of' Vietfarla who said tltaAtthe would stfin a few Scotttth airs and thai she was from Victoria. Resi- dents ol the islands feel that the mayor of Victoria was stealing their honors when he said that Mrs. Jolllffe was from Victoria. As a matter of fact, her home Is In Queen Char- lotte City and the neunlc. there i are very fond of her and her slngtnn ! , t i ' i: ANNUAL CANADIAN SHIPBUILDING Shamrock V. ' q .a Dasseci Race (up wi'Jj Enterprise. CANNED SALMON PACK IS STILL (JETTING UIOOEIt VANCOUVER. Aug. 26: With a total pack of M 46.000 cases, the canned salmon output of British Columbia for this season to date hat already eclipsed the aggregate for the whole of last year. New Pistol For Prussian Police German Constabulary Will Discharge Distressing Gas Bullets RERUN, Aug. 37: The Prussian police are henceforth to be armed with a novel kind of pistol with which successful experiments hav recently been made. The pistol, it is said, discharges a gas bullet which spreads a cloud of gas and Irritates the mucous membranes to such an extent that the victim becomes helpless and in a short time unconscious, but otherwise sutlers no Injury. Beaverbrookls Recovering Now Is Getting Itettcr After Attack of Food Poisoning Aboard Ills Yacht DOVER. England. Aug. 36: Lord Heaverbrook. who was reported yesterday to have suffered from food poisoning on his yacht, Is now reported tn be recovering from the indisposition. TO PROVIDE j ' Shorter Working Day and Worklffti Insurance Proposed IJy Tom Moore in Labor Day ! Message ! OTTAWA. Aug. 23: Unemployment may be met by shorter working hours and a scheme of unemployment Insurance. Tom Moore, president of the Trades is Labor Congress, said today in a Labor Day message. Clarence Wallace In Favor of Penalizing Foreign Craft Here Fifty Per CcRt Duty on Foreign Uuilt and Thirty Per Cent On British Built Ships Proposed Also Amendments to Coastwise Laws Regarding Carrying VANCOUVER, Aug. 28: Urging vigorous action to assist Canadian shipbuilding, a letter prepared by Clarence Wallace, president of the Burrard Dry Dock Co. Ltd., North Vancouver, has been forwarded to members of the Dominion Government and to federal members-elect. Mr. Wallace proposes a duty of fifty per cent on foreign built .and registered ships seeking registry in Canada and a duty of fifty per cent on repairs done and equipment purchased in foreign ports to be payable at the first Canadian port of call ; amendment of the coastwise laws so that no goods or passengers may be carried by water from one? port to another in. Canada except in British ships built and registered in Canada, and a duty of thirty per cent on all British registered ships seeking registry in Canada to engage in foreign trade. TARIFF TO BE CHANGED One of Three Courses Expected to lie Taken By Parliament at Session OTTAWA, Au?. 28: Tariff action is probable at the September session of Parliament. One of three courses appears likely although no official intimation has been made as yet. The probable courses are: A measure in the nature of a flat tariff increase, provision for advance in tariff on certain specified imports, or a bill increasing the duty generally except on certain stipulated commodities. Granby Profits Show Decrease Smelting Comnany, However, Still lias Good Returns Oranby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. Ltd., for the quarter ended June 30. 1930, reports profit of $418,069 after expenses and ordinary taxes, but before depreciation, depletion and federal taxes, compared with a profit of $688,385 in preceding quarter and $1,164,813 in June quarter of 1939. Profit for the first half of 190 amounted tn $1,106,485 before depreciation, depletion and federal taxes, against $3,106,177 in the first half of the previous year. European Travel Less This Year Eighty-Two Go Over This Year For Every Hundred Last V i wkuon, Aug. a?: rot every one hundred Americans who tra velled first or second class to Europe last summer, there are only S?. tills year. The decrease k due to business depression, but this has not affected 3rd class travel, which has risen. Steamship sailings from Europe tn the United 8tutes are down 20'.' thi.s season, the chief reason beinp, financial lossas suffered by Amer-i leans living abroad. FAIR STATEMENT FROM PITT Comments on Erroneous Kcports Appearing in Vancouver Press On Premier Operations STEWART, Aug. 38: The Stewart News will say tomorrow: "Asked this week as to the authenticity of reports appearing in the Vancouver press concerning the discovery of hundred dollar gold ore on and below Premier number six level. Dale L. Pitt, manager of the Premier Oold Mining Co., denied most eni-pliatically the truth of any such statement saying that "development on number six level has not r med any ore body with values i.nythlng like the report." Asked concerning the statement in the same report that two hundred men will be at work on Prosperity and Porter Idaho by October 1. Mr. Pitt said: "The whole article its absolutely ridiculous and is not I founded on fact at all." Mr. Pitt 1 said that operations are proceeding j normally at Premier, Prosperity and Porter Idaho without any appreciable Increase or decrease in the number of men employed. TO ELECT TODAV O. J. Ness and E. H. Lewis, charg-i ed with having scuttled the fishing ' boat C. N. last May, are coming be-; fore Judge F. McB. Young tn Coun-i ty Court this afternoon for election. I Also coming up for election this af-; ternoon is O. Newman of Port Bs- sington, committed tor trial there on a charge of breaking and entering. FISH SALES Summary American 80,000 pounds, 8.5c and 4 to 9.3c and 4c. . Canadian 19,000 pounds, 8.5c andxJjb.O0e-ni rM - : ihk.htm:-!.- -hi American Zenith, 68.000. Booth. 8.6c and 4c. I Brothers, 10,600, Cold Storage, !sJ2c and 4c. I tiger 9DB.. 7,500, Atlin, 0.1c und 4c. President, 0,000, Royal, 8JJc and 4c. Canadian Clipper II.. 5.000. Atlin, 8.0c and 5c. Oslo, 11.000, Culd Storage, 8.5c und 5c.