atsianMiran "SCHEDULE FOOTBALL SPORT CHAT FOR MST WAS GOOD r Get Wader a.aauaa lIsaewanfcryaiB--6 Ffsm DkJt.j Street F lw-' Eanen rneeraai Leane -tffVteJ fbsar Hat tint naif if -te nasoa Oct. 22 flea: O-tv va flbt teen Lrf frfaui IrtnaiaBmiat)' lers Oct Kttf MhM m Deyi Dnefc. "-ir.rr 7i. teai Cove, fas? Lv.&-. t OrJtto, r O O . P va CAntmmn Lsmmr. riMiii va f s - Vi: fve tj Lett Ir- Dry -n OreOA Lrsjr. -n Tiz isasteteeta. lers 7t : O O r. saxae vs. ITsav dr?. ; o o r ik Jn feeteers. Waadkresa vs. w n. !if MaoB. OroO vs. Coaadtas LeVir. Dry Seal V.. Dry Hack W Uri-- Six Mfcuittrj Letf rtkrn n ff ibiIihii Seal Cave w Gnty, vuderm nio.o r 9rm Tl WwmMrn m Strife. Mtaw 7? r 0 O Gnxto w Lett Enfcma. Canadlaa Leajaa fcaW Dee. 4-Hma a Orotto, Lett Sr vs. CaaadfaMi L Im th Sot SaaahrfMaa, Dry Waadkuii, J a ft r. f Dee. U fcal caw m ThiMffi n B,Ba P4-l ujiatii. tbbwc or t hWsae. Lett Erftaaa a fltz ' T. M,: innfMh.iM aBay Mra. rauy Tafteaa. tw f rw- n. iZZ 9 Bd aakBT lem. I O O F vs. Leaf Mam V ?? J"11" i1 for"l Sea! Cc-e, Ling, the Tailor 7hf23fefefe7tst ApinstNiecaJcti LomejuyfAe fjpestaeZ r. . w ThJraa oaajr one defense againkt the cold weather and that'J the proper land of coal, hay a ton of coat Iretn tu and (Ire away at Old Man Winter. Ilell quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone CIS IVB. 3 ! V W. iM i- i .iihi momf .htm in jmtmter - . . ; ' - uBvnw Mm aeed thai the "en .'3mm 9 a' ie Ac scat case. fjfher fists? TOtr ate 1 . . at mm as and ofhwik e Caoadkkn Vn rW9 icxij Jc - onethanht at rtag its- ; rwffl to war that boy had! The J- Carrte. were aotewarthy tor' m Jiy patva tvkb uk er oraeneM Oetaaer II and 23. etoe eaa Im atore ttadto j hm. SLEEP m BIGHT SIDE iSra2r5J?2 inrfWP rnn irnrm ttt i tit' bb tiykac u hv The' Per An for and Allte- Arm ' Safafty - ...j -4, , For Naat Hirer and, Pert Slmjnon Sandar . Phone (U From Naat Hirer 1 - 'isnd Port Simpson Tuotday Per North QNten Chartttes- aaturdayt .. . 11 Prtmr Nwrth Qnven Gharlott Wednaafay a Prom Anjdr and Alice Arm sandaa; . Por Aletfca October 1, M. and 22. Prom Alaska Oet S, !,' and 24, 4 pjs TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Ft r pw tablet In toed shape. Prtee $t2S fbr Je tot. Wii) 4a40 The Dally Newt can be pur 4 4 chased at 4 4 peei Oiflce Newt SUnd, 323 4 4 Oranrllle 8t Vaneourer. 4 4 Karl Anderson, 4 Oeoree, BO. 4 8 ml Ih err Drug Store, Smith 4 en, BXS. 4 R W. Rller. Terrare. Tin . General Store, Anyox. !l. 4 ,4 4444444444 09fd aeHasst. fit several sac line; at Ow Banana hoe whew! then -Ad nwid sorely to WOtm at em- re who was always ilainiiiaa Ike tog wapratiauiii in eoanaaattoa. Ok a Imbm Mok the hal pass from Hake, taarf at a MrtkJO. -even the aaacr. Oar z fJJLOl rim IUUri fltMl -a-kiar d H ap theU wflDderM "15 on v .n an r.toM iwf prtf"l and ansd laanwr mum , 'oread to cant .- .n tr. dmi P1 trj(ln!cler mat Deertn ia..r ete Adleniui r to AC of widen nnvpav) Jen torwaida dhf not OV? arm retlevaa sui A BIG OPPORTUNITY far taawaba want TaifferMade Suits aal oar trtmmn Tin emend lor KeirHkr Prices Reduced WK) lo $Io.OO Flneat cjoallty and tale natterM. Come in and aw a today before Hi n too late BXTITa-peeial order ewaaVte and flnafhed to throt dap m line (fee Cotter um jar Brnoanra gonua. a at- aaaai ainfianliani ai n per tally " noied aoald nwke the I Une or a goal vonM have , ' 7"- sand al BXcht UnBk ather MMdW Peatee . . alJ errwt-petaMn The Borden goalie etoe Atftolka aett on BOTH apaer "d ioacr bowtl. leaaaeing atiaaa yaa never knear acre there amen eoMUpation tn 2 noan. Let Adter-flca eleanae yoor rtomarh and bow- eat and ate how gaod yoa feel! MaU Schedule rr the Cart-. Mtadny, freni the Fitt - For Vaneeam- Friday and Oetofrjr S, H, and 24 Proia Vancoorer teadayj Wcdaeadar . ana; 94- rttanday 3M am .. 9' pjn. .- 9 OJB. It Ha on aeveral tones to anaw hat ti aarate a dear headed a he left ft goal to rob the whole op xonant one who were la on an oaan aoaL WDaa. craft ante the neat attack whan Croat waa eoauac la with alone fna Walton. Aaln the Mioh eaae to chowlnff apiendU WeUo aawftd to Croat tw ajakkly aent it to Marshal. The latter bnmk a beaattfiil shot waa rlcbt on the lob to -aace a wonderfal save, aithouch Mi and Oaat were naidua in on ban. Hardy cleared the nut tttfeatentof ball tent f front e OW Bontea goal hr a aerf eet em. tre fraai flaber aat Easlw lfjf jua.llfc and made a tare aaat to Croat fM natlvno scored the second seal far men. Borden was not deaniMartedu Ifcetr lt wax? now Umk ap the a taste, showtoe: neat tuaasiv 1 0mfataiaastedaraehwtthood werwHon rron uaagate ana yaytor. However. Brtddea and Ar- 7 pun lner were snvwinc to better advan tage than at first and Blake. Da-vies and WaHen vr 11 Jfi aat fwVer. The naff ended sfftar two Bor. wna aaawss, wnaan raeeang tn bar win wen placed panes loom Dan. gntft. Davtes turned the first and aaehiro was f oread to ate sound Jadgmtot on the second when hsrcH pr easetf by Undsay't foOow-Myj Second Half Theteeaad half saw the Htoh for ward penetrating more deeply In to tne Burden defense and raaktor. f reaaeot sails on Fisher and Wlllla- erof t who responded with good fnU- oacK tactics Marshall was spotitng too many eg the Htah rashes brt theottng wide instead of patstngi However, he made on for It in af fourth- senior goal came toon after - from a - play In which Amey, ' CrosaU 1 out of it r 7 TI had only known dbjs woukl happen! So suddenly I So unexpectedly! And when everythtng looked so promising! "And to think that time after time he wanted to increase ins life insurance and I talked him ontof h. How hard I worked against myself and against my own interests. I wanted a bigger house. I wanted luxuries! I wanted everything except the protection he was urging me to accept. "I got my own way, of course. The Life Insurance wa not taken. 1 robbed the children of their Hardy were outstanding on the defence. For King Edward. Croat was the most usefol forward and Wal lets was a tower of strength for the defenee. Berden Morcan: WUllseroft Flahef Natemeto. Hardy captain) Carrie; Lindsay. Msytor. Wilson. Campbell Banaatd. King Edward Buehlro: Walten captain). Davtat; B ridden. Blake. Amey; Marshall, Hill. Cross. Welle. Fisher. Linesmen Mftter and Brkkson. Referee W. W. C. ONefll. short time when he tent In a find i.... centre from, a tax from Cross. - 1 am tf rJl J vatas . m . . I mrcire uu riwter ooui rusnea in ton e ADVEKTISINO COPT 4 follow up and the latter scored. The! MUST BE IN K.1RLT 4 fTariW f A Mdtmltatf fi A arskwi toL 4 4 w wwj ivt warvMSf ssvi ci aaaT;- and Welle took, nart hf nr PUhdtr a. iM g. Prince 4 tcored. Tne good worfcoMferdy and' 4 of the printers net later than 4 succeeded in tarnine back the re- 4jpeatd attacks of the hearler boys. n ine pay was taieen into Hhth School territory Lindsay made a splendid shot which Suehlro clcar- 4 cation. This ft necessary to en- 4 4 able best positions to be te- 4 4 cured. 4 4 1444444444444444 education, of my care, perhaps of their future success in life. I robbed myself of the children's companion-ship. For now I must leave them to earn the money needed to keep our Httlefamily together - - the money thatUfelnsurance would have givexi me if he had had his way-' "--and I talked him out of it." It has been truly said, that, "If every wife knew what every widow knows,, every man would carry adequate life Insurance". Arid too, is the children who must pay the penalty of the wife's prejudice. :d bat Csiiawiidl was mneaar than Jtny of the High School backs and tsenred a wefl deaei i eif seors. Both aoalfia were oond 9ar iw. den, Lindsay. Wilson and Campbell were good forwards, hakamoto and i.i... ' C'j.otilnuL') winners of NaUonal L' gue pc ma: with ticker tape during triumphant paradi tht -usii II