PAGE SEC "1 THE DAILY NEWS PEMMNA EGG Delivcrpd, Per Ton $12.25 MINKHEAI) EGG Delivered, Pen Ton 12.50 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 RHONE 580 , lKHWlKIO0Hl0KUOa0OOO0a3na0luaB SAFETY'S TEN COMMANDMENTS If you want anything, try a classified ad. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert October 20, 1910 The Men's Bible Class held an enjoyable social last evening In St. Andrew's i Phurch Hall. W. II. Mitchell, the president, opened the proceedings. Those contributing to a musical program were Mrs. Archer, Miss Barker. Miss Craig, Mr. Clark, Mr. Melllor and Rev. W. G. James, the accompanists belne Miss j Ward. Miss Ellett and Miss Froud. There were monologues by J. G. Weston and a recitation by Rev. T. S. DesBowers. S. M. Newton gave an j appropriate speech. A sharp squall which came at the peak of a high tide yesterday afternoon did minor damage along the local waterfront. Among the places affected were the Robinson and Davis boat houses, Alfred Swanson's float and the Westholme Lumber Co. wharf. Aid. V. W, Smith returned to the city yesterday after having spent a three weeks' vacation at his ranch near Camrose, Alta, He also paid a visit to Port Manri, the proposed terminus of the Canadian Northern Railway. , Sore Throat SORENESS or Inflammation of throat oftto leadi to larnygitlt and bronchial catarrh. Pepi tablati ara tbt ipeedr, aootbifif remedj. Tha medidnal fnmit ln off tha diiaolrlsf Pep, deitroy nltchlcTOui print, and ortaeii and Irritation tod portly and lnrf(orta th wbola el tha brealblof paiaagaa. A Ptfi Im Iki mnuM Utpt Uftctiin tmtt PEPS First ff fell shalt have no other thoughts but thy work. Seqondj JTJiqii shalt titfw no unnecessary risks, nor try to show QijSffifrpTay practical jokes, for by this careless- nogs thoUmay$ (ftf injury which will have effect unto the third and jEouHh generations to follow. Third: Thou shalt not swear nor lose thy temper when things do not go just right Fourth: Remember thou art not the only one on the job and that lives of others are just as important as thine own. Fifth1 Honor thy job and thyself that thy daysmay be long in employment. Sixth: Thou shalt not clean machinery when it isMn mo-' tion. Seventh: Thou shalt not watch thy neighbor's work, but attend to thine own. fyjtfith: Th6u$halt not let the sleeves of thy shirt hang' loogexhor the flaps of thy coat tojx unbuttoned, as they may got caught in machinery and1 thereby do great bodily narm. Ninth: Thou shalt not throw matches nor greasy waste 011 the floor, nor scatter oil around thf honrinfrs. na n rlirfv yqrj(8ril a clumsy worker and a clumsy worker is a mcn- fillW w workers im-i "r fThou tiiSlt M irith the switcHes Wr,., jyriamos. nor the belts, HOP thri PhhW nnr rhn nnrrinna nor anything else thou art told is dangerous. at at DEPRESSION " I'm a different woman " "Two years ago I began to get depmwed, and everything was too much trouble for me. I was a misery to myself and everyone around me. I was advised to take Glaulier Salts by my friends who said it was the same as Krusrhen but it did me no good, so at last my husband got mo a bottle of Krusehrn and no one would realise the different woman I am. I have been taking Krusrhen now constantly for two years. .My daughter also would not be witliout it. I have got my neighbour to take Krusclien as well and she has found Its worth as she feels a different woman." .Mrs. G. A. K.) The commonest cause of depression is partial constipation- -an insidious complaint because the sufferer Is seldom aware of it. It means the gradual orrumulution of body poisons which dull the mind, damp the spirits, sap the nervous strength and lower the whole vitality. Krusrhen Salts make constipation imrxMsilile. Therefore, if you keep to Krusrhen you need never know the meaning of melancholy never feel " " nervy or depressed. Valuable Book Issued By Gov't Gazetteer of British Columbia In-tcrcsllns; to Gcographists The Department of Lands, by dl-ectlon of Hon. F. P. Burden, Minuter of Lands, has issued a Geo-iraphical Gazetteer of British Co-umbl3. This publication is a most complete and valuable one. The work has been carefully prepared by the Chief Geographer of the De-jartment of Lands, Major O. G. Aitken, and his staff; and comprises a list of all recorded place-names, cities, towns, post offices, ivers, lakes, creeks, mountains and ithcr geographical features, the location being shown in each case by the latitudinal and longitudinal portion. , The all who are interested in the geography of British Columbia, this carefully complied Gazetteer will rove a most valuable reference book, and will be an appreciated addition to. their libraries. In the Gazetteer are approximately 23,000 names contained in 291 pages. There is a very interesting prefacein which short, concise descriptions are given dealing with early history, settlement and physiography. Describing Prince Rupert, the Oazetteer says that this Is a city of 7,500 population and the Pacific terminus of the Canadian National Railways. The geographical location is given in detail and the dls1 tance north; of Vancouver is given at 477 miles. The business institu tions of the city are enumerated and there is much other Informa tion of a gccnral nature. Daily News "Want Ads" brm tulck results. 95 c. Combination ' Specials 8 lbs, Turnips 8 lbs. Carrots 4 lbs. Onions 4 lbs. Beets , OROUI" NO. 1 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps cans Plums, 2's 1 can Potted Moat, 's 1 bottle Sweet Relish All for GROUP NO. 2 6 lbs. Green Tomatoes 2 lbs. Pickling Cucumbers 1 lb. Oreen Pepper 1 quart White Vinegar 1 lb. Mixed Biscuits All for GROUP NO. 3 95c 95c 1 bunch Celery On aii for .v?y All oilier Fresh Fruits & Vegetables at reduced prices Fresh supplies arriving every boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue F.ast PHONE n AND 8t C. G. I. T. Social Evening Friday About Sixty Were Present at Very Enjoyable Affair A very tuccessfuf.30cla tvcnlng was, held.jpn Friday, night in the Presbyterian Church Hall, under the auspices of the C. G. I. T. with Miss Beulah McKlnley, president, in the chair. Music and games were Indulged in. There were about sixty present and young and old all participated in the games. J. A. Tens rendered several solos accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black. The program committee consisted of Miss S. Leila Stuart, Miss Helen Walker and Miss C. Mussallem. The refreshment committee consisted of Miss R. Rice and Miss W. Bby with Miss M. Wllllscroft at the door. Interior Couple 1 Wedded Recently The wedding took place recently at Buck Flats, south of Houston, of Miss Jmm MaUlda McCorrftick R.N.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McCormlck of Vancouver and former member of the Burns Lake Hosnim staff, and Lewis Watson of Duck Flats. The bride wore a gown of blue satin and the ceremony was M?rfor:ncd under a floral arch by Rev. E. S. Fleming of Burns Lake. The groom's parents' home was decorate 1 tn pink and white with 11 YEARS CONSTIPATION I GLYCERIN MIX ENDS IT "For 11 years I tried to get rid of constipation," says Chas. E. Blair. "Then at last the simple mixture. Adlerika, made 'me regular." The simple mixture of glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, etc., (Adlerika) ' acta on BOTH upper and "lower bowel, relieving constipation in 2 hours! Brings out poisons you never thoaght. were in your sys- tern. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel!, Limited, Druggists. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'Mikk m;w mVn.i(ii:.mi:nt HIf:iiii llratrd; Travrllrrn" Snniitf Kooniit: lint and Cold Watrr frrr llim Mrrt All Train, and IWmI Rates $1.00 and Up M'KCIAl, .MONTHLY ItATtf CILBIOfJAUT & A. DONALD Proprietor! PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rtiper.'s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roonu A. J. I'KUDIIDM.Mi; Prop. Cor. of Fraser nd Fifth SU. Savoy J. Rackham, Edwin Jones, II. C a person, J. M. Dunn, N. McAr thur. P. Will and J. O. Mollard city; K. Brydon. Pruilhommc Lake; E. Clements, Seal Cove; W. Mack. Cedravale; Mr. and Mrs. Owen White and family, Oalloway Rapids; II. Dixon and H. Anderson Maasett; P. R. White, Telkwa. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Vrop, TIIK IIOTKt, UOItTII WHILE Hot Ac Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphune tXI Royal M. Cowe, John Hampson. and F. Monaghan, city; Mrs. Blair, Winnipeg; II. M. Oourley, -Vancouver; C. F. Samuel Rainbow Iake; Ben Clade, city; W. O. Valpey, Falls River; John Cross and L. M. Fredericks. Falls River; J. L. DeVoin. Smlthers; Al Gordon, Montreal; Jack Knight, Seattle. Boston Grill large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private ' Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert STEWART The death occurred recently at 3 Renton, Wash,, of Frahk P. (Pap) j Stewart, pioneer prospector of Stewart and original discoverer of Via Xfniint'i In Tliw mtnn Tim ! 1 1 n Mr. oiewart as jo years oi age,. !A. Link, managing director 'of jg which Is developing a group of i S claims on Bulldog Creek, states that the company plans to continue work on the property during the winter wrth a small crew of men employed. A son was born last Thursday in Vancouver to Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Rochfort of Stewart. trip iu vtiucuuvur uii uiiiciiu uu--, ties. , 1 i a jldrens Colds Checked without-"dosing." Rub oi VICKS ar VAPOHUB Monday, OcK)t in - a rri I i . n MONDAY and TITsihv "SSI U , 3 p-IB k .www y t; M J ;'aW.maS AMI il H ' kaf Richard Arlen ihe light oi IIT Western stars The home of George Bolcn, Just J An AH TalRlny Zii f across the railway track at the east sj Story A rarainoum i;,.-end of town, was destroyed by fire a last Wednesday evenlne. The 3 Comedy house was a small one and its contents were insured for $500. JAMES BOYI) SAILS SOUTH James Boyd, supervlson of fisheries for District No. 2, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a J . l a. ? a i I 1 .j.. M 5 CIIIC SALES in "Ladies' MM a 5 CARTOON and m PAIJA.MOUNT SOI Nil . Novelty g "OLD TUN KS I'OFt . y. M J Admission ;0 ( . Feature starts at 7 J . WEDNESDAY & Till " 4 S Ladies of loisui John Kristman? 'i was a passennrr , the Prince Rupert l.r i im.aVl IVA Ior Vancouver on a h THREE-PIECE MOHAIR CHESTFR-FIELD SUITE SPECIAL $160.00 . Other Suites at Outstanding Valurs MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 327 Third Avenue West Telophonn CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK .ho. AND SHIPYARD Ol'EltATINfj (i. T. P. 20.000-TON l i.OATINO UKYIXH K Engineers, Machinist Iluilermakern, lUarkhmilh.x. Palit rn Makers, Founders, Woodworkens Ktc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 4.1 AND 38S DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " ' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lit1. PIUNCE IUJPEKT, B.C.-