pAce sis Thm AamotimUd Royal Academy .mi Royal College of Music th of Music IXXNDON. KMCLAM) Far Larat iUamioaUana .a la tha British Empira. Annual Examinations HHi ThrorelicaU Ut Salardajr Mil Prtlt.U ilnl Juno. Tharrtk-ala lt Satarda; Tkfaa Cola aad lam Silvw Meaab ai ! tag aaam UMiai taaa l wo ia ammLer, in Maj. oSatad awalty, ala Tkm ExUkWau lean me ajaatai TMIMa at an or I. . J. A' tr Krmitlmt Secretary CM., lauuanr, B.C r )W Exhibrtioaa aaftjwea awarded ia Brita Catamsia. When Pain Comes hours after eating Far Aal' jiortM-auara mpfUr lo . for B C. IK frocifire ForTrouWe due to Acid iWaOSBTlO". Two What many people et.ll indication very often means excess acid in the itomarb. The stomach wrrea hare been ver-timulaMd, and food sour a. The orrertive it an alkali, which neutralise, acids instantly. And the beat alkali . known to nedieal science it Phillip' Milk of liagaeafa. It hat remained the standard with phjraiciaat in the 60 J tan sine its invention. Om spoonful of tuia harmless, taste- "Exclusive But Not Expensive" To Be Well-Dressed In Prince Rupert, See -ANNETTE- Shoes, Hats, Coats, Dresses, t Lingerie a ANNETTE LADIES WEAR COMPANY LIMITED Third Ate. & Fifth St Two Store 703"Eishth Ave. W. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet and Buick Automobiles a Good Ueed Cars Boat Engines Goodyear Tires Raybestos Brake Linings Expert Mechanics Telephone 52 leu alkali in witer will neotriliie Instantly many timet a raueh acid, and the tjnaptoist ditapftasjat pnee. You wBl never ute erode methods when onee you learn the efficiency of thb. Go get a small bottle to trjv Be sore to get the pennine PaitHps' Milk of Magnesia prearribad by Pts4-eiaaa for 60 years in correcting excess acids. Bach bottlt contains fail directions say drugstore. i r ana rurs Reliable Wrecking Brand" PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEIIEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton ... 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 I DEMAND "Rupert 0 BamrJ mf Th MT11E DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRIN'CE RUPERT, D.C. LUTHERAN BOAT HERE Third Church to Give Marine Mission Sen-ice in Northern British, Columbia rtieV I 'I Ot I ' The North Pacific and Alaska Coast Lutheran Boat Mission is be ing organized in Bellmgham. Wash. to give ecclesiastical service to fish- ermen and others residing on the Northern British Columbia coast DrttVava itna rr wall K t tVuu.4 ZnrZeuLL .t is about to be built to travels far south as Alert Bay and as far north along the Alaska coast as fisher-, men operate, and carry the Gospel message. The Queen Charlotte Islands will also be Tisited. j The boat, which is now under construction in Seattle, will be 54! THE ..DAILY NEWS Saturday, Be piv feet six inches ong and will be mo-j during August were considerably three-mile limit, that such neces-dern and un-to-date in every re-, ki. ...u I.- . i. u ! xttv mint hp hwi nn nnn' ,uc- spect. It will carry two men and same month Vnd the catch wa5 two women. Rev. P. M. Fosse, nowiy With 149 trlp, pa. in Bellingham, who has been alJT ,k. t,..., ffthman ftvwn hmrtwwvl will K in , , charge of the boat. With him will ; be Mrs. Fosse and Mr. and Mrs. Paul , Oteen- of Bella Coola. j OHii. Piagjdent of the Mission is RevTTYJ. Moen of Bellingham. Paul ! OTSetrtt the vice-president, and! dev. r. m. ujuu mu Aarvtairy. wuuu ESrof Serrtte is treasurer ?.frFns ia mw leavins- for thr . . . ; :r " ,::,:rT:T :r;: i ZTT . c w- ku Z7 ' Mands ta 3me-1 now in the hands ; n. Is i-ain trying his htett- hali-!fll tl Mr. Fosse is . Jl! ! of the piecing Judge of the Ad-ib,ttin? with bjs well knew,, boai money. expected if re in the near future. The boat will be in operation in the spring. It will be named "Eben-3zer." The new boat is of cruiser type specialty designed for such work, tt type has been in successful operation on the coast of Norway for nany years. Dally News "Want Ads" brins- luick results There Are Bigger Stores Than This Lots of them but stee isnt everything J, i, V.I f A nice collection of this, that .and thP nthfT Thing. wjbJch a 4&ielttiip)tjjiapc& to sol. -Plenty-of -articles of household use like silverware, docks of all kinds. The same in chains, rings, novelty Jewelry, etc. Everything to make a complete Jewelry store. 5 Tit JOHUgMLGHIr Jewellers !sTltC STORE WITH THE CL0CA eamttKH i 3aa -ami t S. E. Parker Ltd. FOR FAIR DEALING PROTECTS YOU We have a real reputation to maintain in selling used cars as well as new ones. Prices are exceptionally low because our trade-in policy makes it unnecessary to "pad" used car prices in order to recoup for over generous allowances. You pay no more than the ear is really worth in unused mileage. : :iu- LOOK THESE OVER 1921 FORI) TKUCkf" Price S12Svii 1923 FORD TUDOIt Price 8135 1925 FORD FOKDOR Price 8200 c S.E. PARKER LTD. Telephone 83 WATERFRONT WKIFFS Whale Catch on Islands Is Large Ketchikan Awaiting Construction of Boat Harbor Jlajibut Landings A4 i j- ine total caicn ui wnmea iui bor and Naden Harbor stations 01 ine Lonsoiiaatea wnai - ine Corporations, according ted to 212 -mammals. Rose sperms ' 41 finbacks and seven humpbacks, - A . .'. while Naden Harbor had captured 42 sperms, fSht sulphur bottom, seven iinDaCKS, one iiuiiiijuucjv unu eigni si. i lie revoni for the highest catch up to the last report was held by the whaler .White with 51 whales, operating out. of Rose Har- ;bor, while the William Orant. ply-"" : ing out of Naden Harbor, had taken 38 mammals. Prices mttri for halibut in Seattle fiwvMvia u un nuQu0v it.vii, ... . ... .. . ZULUOQL recetpi- in aeaiUC Uus year "umarsuiviirnrm. iiaruig scTurtH totalled 152.450 pounds for which tnc decision of the court on ; 5190,549 paid. In August of last ! ciole, miijht review the ca and th 109 trips, the receipts to- j g'ye consideration u tht fiaher.nen tailed 1,544960 pounds with a value!"! their forfeiture.. 0f $222,414. ' J IIaJibtiaiI aate Tne late of the four American . ' J' ' a mac . ana ouiinac. wiwu wer?'3 the oen crmnott,; miralty Court. Mr. Justice Archer i Martin. At the conclusion of argu- j ment by counsel, after a trial at Victoria lasting ten days, the Judge Lreaerved his decision. The hearing of the interna tional case attracted widespread interest on both sides of the border The evidence of navigating experts was heard relative to the position of the fishing boats when seised by the patrol steamer Htvkils, and at times the court resembled a ship's chart room with charts and marine paraphernalia scattered about the. tables in the chamber. WSliam Savage, counsel i for1 the owners of the four vessels. fought the case strenuously on grounds that the boats were mere- j ly seeking shelter from stress of weather. J. W deB. Farris. K.C., of Vancouver, -totmsel pressing the What About Your it Fall Supply? ' WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY White Flour-All brands QQ QA OO.VV 98'a, per sack a White Flour All brands QO (f 49 per sae P.UU 10 it per sack TSUOAR 60s CO TH per seek fW SOOAR 10 s eJtJl In per sack LARD Silver Leaf, 10 s Q S) 4J of ttaMJaV MF tifi LARD Silver Leaf. 5's per tin BUTTER IS ADVANCING Buy Now! BRICKS- 81.05 1 3 lbs. BOX- 84.85 14 lbs. E.CD , Woodland and 'W. 38c Hollybrook, per lb Raisins Market Day 50cl 4-tt. pkit Batatas Seedless 60c 5 lbs Prunes OikxI site 60c 5 lbs Fresh Mixed Biscuits 25c! lb. per i Molaates Snap 50c 3 jte Last Call Por Preserving Peaches 81.65 per crate Field Tomatoes Qood and 30c firm, 4Vj-l6. bejket This is the time to make voir" Chutney. n other fruits and vegetables at reduced prices The Economy Cash & Carry Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave. uitrsucraurrvi trie uwmcemerit mufp engineers to the latest reports, amoum Harbor boats had taken 49 case in the interest of the Canadian government, argued on the definition of -necessity" in the case of leraft seeking shelter within the tress. Mr. Fan-is k! that If the de- cteion af the court were that the 1 boaLs shnniri r rWi.ntArt th rv,. - - - . n i i Capt. Jim tyrn nMvei to 1 ; '- t" """i year or so ege't TClU- tm- ulc. He his not yjt been here but -.iy ; .ry- . :y be tn port to renew old acquaintances- before the season :nis. Sealy Lake, near Haselton Is reported to have been yielding strne excellent fishing for visiting anglers. The steelbead fishing tn the Klaplox River is Just beginning to be good and the fishing is practically all fly fishing. Claude Kirkendall Charlie S'arr and Doe Alexander were among the surjl'aatflll aWt3laTijn it Uw ami) at tast u a trip on the IUTt tnenttoaedfc Poll, Ann. they urn with tw . deer The Dolly Varden Tnut. as it l. commocly cilleil is a funny mixture. It is cursed by many fishermen, and loved by others. It is a snorting kind of a brute. becau it will take when nothing else will give the asveleraport. On the other band has "very stasty habits. It is the most - predatory flhri that swinu. It does more atoms an to the good fish than anytMng else. It gorges itself on salmon eggs and small fry. and chases the spawning fish up the creeks and as fast as they lay their j spawn gorges itself. On the ether band its voracious qualities make it wonderful feeder and trlvcs the angler great sport. It is not what might be termed a great fighter, as does mos of 'is fighting belsw the water, and u.ft?r a f-w, and very few rushes, it gives up the fight. It amuses itself generally by trying to shaW the hook out of Its mouth en tht bottom From an eating point view it l- considered to be the An itching rash A blemished skin Eczema? WHl DDI) Ileal avfroicht? Sometimes. More often it Uket I oncer to wadi oat th poison cvmplettiir and restore a t-mootu. rlear tkin. (let tlie Imrninr, the Hdiinf , the irritation, are soothed. riMtlrtl, liifetaotl. J. McCUTCIIEON. DRt'OOIST RUPERT PHARMACY ORMEK LTD. COAL Ituy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wrlllntton in anv Quantities. Also Ilttlkley Valley Hay, Grain ami Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 358 iweazmzBrtsataKJuzsGSttsiaGBat "Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE rilONE 575 I1ESNER BLOCK DENTIST best, more especially when it Is caught in glacial streams and cold lakes. It has been known to take a fly when the fly is sunk aeep enough, and sometimes, when fishing at the mouth of a creek it will take a fly readily. They run to a great sise. Ketchikan, where more salmon Is jacked thanarjy other city in the Htot eonstntctfon soonrwouid start on the Thomas Basin -project, which will provide a harbor for the -man boats used In catching the fish. Nov the boats are forced to seek othe: havens after salmon have 'been ur. loaded at the canneries. The re cently paused U. S. Rivers and ilax bors Bill, . carrying appropriaUonr of $145,000,000. provided $272,000 fo the Ke xhikan work. Work is to restarted at such times as funds an available The project has been approved by the engineers and it wa-expected that development would be started in the near future. Ap- le.rJPPP,: I ?,of fundf "1,fd a ,on nht m P3 the people of , , iflal city. Thomas Basin was the Hf of the first buildings in Ketchikan Boats could approach only t hjh tfdc, the bmsln being a tide-flat. The main part of the city now lias shifted to the north. Countless numbers of halibut boats working 'n adjacent waters also have been farced to seek other harbors, doe to aca 01 laciuues m netcniKan. Halibut Landings Hrllbut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the week of Sep '.ember 20-26 inclusive totalled 79. 800 pounds, of which 119,500 pound was Canadian fish and 973.30 pounds American, bringing thf to tal for the season up to 19.791 pounds consisting of i.TXfiK pounds Canadian and HA&JCV pounds American fish. Prices during the week wen not as high as those prevailing in ttv week previous but, despite this, wer-generally satisfactory. The high price of the week for American fish was 16.7c and oc which the Restitution received for 54)00 pounds and the low 8c and 4c which severa! ooats were paid. The top bid of the week for OuuKtyan flab wae 14.7c wd 8c paid the ftVyal III and Cane Spencer for catches of 4,000 and d.OOG pounds respectively and Uu tow 7.5c and ec wnteh was received by Viking I for SJOO pounds. The Fisherman's Prayer Lord! let me get a trip of fish 8o large that even I, When talking of it afterwards. Will have neause to lie. Then let the weather be so nice That I can ship them without Ice. Send me a buyer wfaall pay freight And furnish boxes free. And then. O Lord, Jack prices up. And 111 cemented be. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert September 27, 1910 The Jury at the inquest held by Coroner J. H. McMutiin Into the death of the late Joseph Deaudota returned a verdict that deceased had come to his death by a bullet from a rifle in the hands of Al-phonse Relcher. Witnesses at the inquest included Sergeant Tirana W. Regan. Dr. II. X. Tremayne. David Sandstrom and Oeorge 8t. Claire. The city council has requested Mayor Stork to consult with city street contractors with a view to preventing any further labor troubles. W. W. Leach ef the Dominion geological survey is In the city after having inspected the coal fields on the Copper and Morlce IUvtrs. SfMONDS SAW BITS Alloys of special Slmondt steel tempercJ to give best possible cutting edges give Slmondt Saw Bits their wonderful capacity end long life. They speed up the work and reduce coats. I MONO CANADA SAW CO. LTD. woMTaaM. wntm vhmcouvs: aAlMT M4N, N a. w two simivs ) 5 H.WW ....' H M 3 S a Buddy Ro- : In - a H n m a "Young a a Eagles M n I M at With n Jean Arthur and p , a A THRILLING. AL; ING AIR ROMA' 8 TWO COMEDIES U lUH HEAD ( g "PICK TM Y( MUSICAL NOVEI.T "BUSY FINf- tm s 2J Feature Starts : S SATURDAY MM ; , n - a 5 uriKniv o,. t ' 8 ruth niAriF B "Sarah and s N.H. KcL: 110 AT RUILIii Soal('o( Can take you oa unaer roof fu: : Any class boat bu:. able pric BoaU For Sale. H ;; A.W.EdgeC. . Wholesale H R( i : Plate Winds a- UlOUsavWail; i Muresee Dras!: v r , nlshes. Oils, Fum'i Papcrhaaten' Supnii Thene Red f3 V ' !' JMhtwivdArr I'rin, i..t OIL IIURM Agents for U i Herner" for lnciu -: hotels, apartmtii- ' and the allent '" automatic fo: r giuranUe a mvii; otse-third to.on i. Bnaelrka Sol ; Walter Lorn: Healing Ki Phone Ml I' ' SUITS, SIII T RealRainc .'j Reliable quality v. for partlrui.. See Wm. Au WEE TAILOR r Near Post OH Smith & Ma'-tt LIMITED Plumbing and If n Engineers Automatic Dohh-mi G Furnace- Telcph ! I Show Room 2"'" 'I' u s a akMrLTOTwrnrrjaaC ISINDSAY Cartage and Stcraje Phone 68 Cartage, Warehou- Dlatiibutlng. Motor Ser u-) Coal, Sand and ;r We Specialize in Plan n!l Furniture, Movin