f..r February 13, 1D3C sffivVJfvVJ pi oast ANAO in FLOUR. For All Your BAKING SPECIAL Whale-Bone Brushes Excellent for Massaging the Scalp Values up to $2.25 While they last $1.25 Pzoncpr Drutcjtsts IIRDAVE.fr SIXTH ST TCLEPMONtS Kt20C Three Graduate Fharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hnlili( twn Prince Buurn rotllll. VK'TOKIA. riiMHi V). UulrdJle. Ocf.li talk, Alert I .. Tiirodaj, l:S pjn. j v tiu. vinnnn. iiuedaie. Mm iia. tic . frway miaaitw r AIM'S. ARM. ANYOX. STKWAUT. Nam tmer. Pert hnMa. n-fiay 8.00 o m. V. -1 v.-inif R M SMITH ent PtIW Rupert. n.C l mu(li tet old to Vlrtorl. and rattl .and (wrote tbett! K. ij o ilHtlntlon Kpecial Round Trip Excursion Rates Will De In Effect from )KEMIJEIl 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 1' irlhe r Infonnation Enquire At Local Office il C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM MIINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway ebruary 8th, 22nd. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle i vbruary 12th. 2th. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Kj-jr.d Trin Exrurslon tickets Prin.e Rupert-Vancouver and Victoria, $10.00. Agents For All Steamship Lines IV C Orchard. Central Arent. 3rd Ave.. Prinre Rupert, Phone 31 Ian Nats on al ic Largest Kailway Syslem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VIC-""MIIA. SEATTLE, and. Intermediate points, each Thurda 10:00 pjn. I ".NYOX and STEWART eaeh Wednesday at 4 r-m. lor NORTH and SOUTH OUILN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, tortnirhtly. I" SS, .,(.t. TIMIVS I KAVE PIUSrE Hl'I'tHr ' IV VKWi:attV ami TlliHV W m. tor VMSCK il li;. :)tONTN.' WIVMIW. VtMt 131' is , AOTNCY AU. OrtAn STK-tMllir USH ! Ifv Ticket Office, 528 Third Prime Rupert Phone ONE WAY TO GET INDEPENDENT! RUY SOME "BABY CHICKS" (R. O. P.) Of i he Highest Standard, Handle Them Caret ally and Yeu Will Succeed, 1 Can Offer You : . ; , t., y i '-.I Plvmouth Rocks MO-SH eggs ' A'vandottes 340-W eggs - :,cK!iorns 840 nd over 106 LIVE DELIVERY GUARANTEED : Jack Selvig, Prince Rupert, B. C. COAL huy the real Coal our fa- nu: lCdson and Cassidv- plIinCton In any quantities. Mo Bulklcy Valley Hay. pnun and Robin Hood Flour. riice Rupert Feed Co "HONES 68 AND 558 Br Alexander PIIO.E MS HKHNKK III.OCR DENTIST Local Items Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 086. Household needs at half price at the Denny Allen closing out; sale. 37 Try our Alberta -.Sootless Coal, mined at Jasper. Albert '& McCaf-fery, Limited. Phone 116 & 117. 41 Join our Art Classes and make your own home refinements. Instruction free. For information Phone '6. McRae Bros. Ltd. 37 J. it; Gordon, proprietor of the Terrace Hotel at Terrace, arrived in the city from the interior on this afternoon's train and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south. The school board, at Its meeting ; last night authorized the secretary ; to make a contract with Cecil Mor- j rison for the regular inspection and ' overhaul of typewriters of the com-1 mercial class at the High School, the tee suggested being $10 per month. It was decided to hurrryi up. if possible, the delivery of type- j writer desks for the commercial class, which are being made by the manual training department. NOTICE , L, F Coles, piano tuner, is now in towifc Oall Red 103 for orders. 3 .ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 ' Mooseheart Women Whist Drive and Danee Thursday, February 13, at 8:30. 7fcs and SOc. (tf Presbyterian Valentine tea is. Church Hall. HUu' ary 14. Masquerade Ball. Valentine concert. Church. February M. at 8 pjn. Uimm TjurWin Aft Iflnml Nnv.tv jjhance. Thursday. February 20. , Catholic Women's League oJal Friday. February Jl. Players' Club staging Patsy," Feb . M and Hall. Pioneers' Bridge, Dance March 10. So the 4$ae at Mftfee Sixth Annual Ball. Audltoitttn, Friday, February M. . "The Rebellion si Youth." United Church, March 7. Whist and Cathohc Women's League Spring Sale, April 14. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel CKI;K NtfV MAN.WIKMEXT KUwn Hmtrd: TraeMrr' Nmi)r, linnmc Hot and 'M IVater ' IVee IViM Mertt All Train a1 Hoot. Rates $1.00 and Up H'U'Ul MONTHLY KATi:S jdllN FRV and A. DONALD IToprMw PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. FRUDHOMiME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. . Savoy X. Cote, city; M. Watson and T. Watson, Digby Island. New Royal Hotel J. XsrHII, 1'rop. THE HOTFL VtOKTll WHILE Hot Cola Water; Steam Heat . 75c PER DAY AND UP TrKithone Ml Royal , B. Llpsin and M. Hanson, city; Mr. and Mrs.' T Jonasson and Harry Johnson, Osland. White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i I I r .WW KB I T1IE DAILY NEWS PAGE TOREK 1-, In 6-ot. Flmtll yrtAKE it a habit to have a d4 steaming cup of "OXO" with your lunch. You can prepare it in a moment it is I delicious, wholesome, invig- orating. Just what busy workers want! Glasses fitted by registered op tometrist at HetlbroneFs Store, (tf) When down town don't forget the Denny Allen 'half-price Bale. ave 37 A copy of the new gear ratings for salmon canneries and other fishery plants as decided upon under provincial government control of the salmon fisheries has been, received at the local government agent's office from Hon. S. L. Howe, commissioner of fisheries. jfaey on Quality iroceries LARD Gainers. PQn S-lb. tins UOl LARD Gainers. c-j nr HC. tins ?AVU tZTL. 2.00 OU DUTCH CLEANS BR fl fn Jw tia aimmtwum- Per tin BULK SUGAR 10 lbs 15c 65c CROWN SARDINES In all re Or ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP QA Pnr Mn idUi ROD'S SULTANA CAKBS S) f? p Fresh shipment. Each ACADIA BONSUBBS COD A On 2-lb. boxes lOf DBCKAJUUK TEA Broken orange Pekoe. hsn Per lb STRAWBERRIES King Beach brand. Per tin 29c CORN FLAKES Quaker or Qn KeUogg's. Per pkg ABPARAGU8 TIPS 9(iP ! Picnic slae. Per tin ......... Bini'HR is. Fresh ft A creamery. Per brick yOVl NABOB COTFEE PDn Per 1-lh. tin '.r..' OL NABOB OOFFES OA bp I'er 6-lb. tin . I O ROYAL CROWN SOAP 4T?0 6 bars aw' ROYAL .CROWN 80AP Qfto POWDKR Per pkB Vi CIIRlBTaiS dlNOER Orp BNAPCMi lbs. '....!:.'-d?' ROSKDAL PKcfetS-'il, OQ' Per tin . Watts' Grocery Quality Klght-I'HONE 55 -Prices Right PHONE 56 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Blg'4 Taxi, tf "" j Billiards tonight, Canadian vs. Elkl. Moose dance Saturday 9 to 12. Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c. Port Simpson vs. Prince Rupert Tonight, Exhibfioh Hall. 37 50 Very good bargains still going atJ the Denny Allen closing out sale. 37 Valentine Concert at BaDtist Church, Friday at 8 pjn. Admission 50c. 37 Shingles Before buying Shingles call and see us. We have a special line. Albert & McCaffcry, Limited. Phone 116 and 117. 41 Saturday Special: Ten-cup family size Brown Betty Teapot. Regular $1.50 for 40c. Denny Allen's ' Closing Out Sale. 37 Arrangements are oeing made by the school board to secure the services of a nurse to assist Dr. J. IL Carson in bis work of medical ex amination of the pupils of city schools. On account of Elks' Masquerade Daaoe Friday night, -Basketball Leacne aames will . he Dlaved on Thursday night. C .N .ft! ?. Bankers. Toilers vs. Maple Leafs. Port Simpson vs. Prince Rupert. First game 7.30. Adults 50c. Children 10c. 37 School expenses in this city for the month of January amounted to $838235, including $12235 In accounts. $6448 in teachers' salaries, $12 in substitutes' salaries. $480 in Janitor salaries, and $100 for secretary and medical inspection. The accounts were pasaed for payment at the regular monthly meeting of the school board last night. Chairman Mrs. T. M. Spencer asked Inspector H. C. Fraser at last night's meeting of the school board if it wotfld'feot bt poseible to obtain move' frequent Teports from him with regard to "work in the schools. Mr. Fraser replied that he was mak ing arrangements in future to give the board copies of Inspection re-'portowMeh he made to the depart ment. At the luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Gyro oiab yfesterday, Joe Greer gave a Interesting report of a recent trip lh thei course of which he visited dub gatherings or members in Vancouver. Victoria, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal. At each place mutual greetings were exchanged. Dr. J. II. Carson, a newly-elected member, was initiated at yesterday's luncheon. Th? regular monthly meeting of the school board was held last night in the city police court room. Those present were: Mrs. T. M. Spencer, chairman, presiding: Trustees L. W. Waugh. J. S. Thompson, W. R. McAfee end Earl Barrie; Principals D H Hartness, Miss E. A. Mercer, Miss S. A. Mills. Miss O. E. Me-Arthur and Miss J. D. Moflatt; and i Sec eta ry J. o. Williamson. On motion of W. R. McAfee, sec-onoed by L. W. Waugh, an Increase of $10 a month in the salary of W. il. Derry. janitor of Booth Memorial School, who is now receiving $150 per month, was granted by the chool board last night Mr. Derry's implication for an increase was supported by Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of the school, who stated he had had no increase in salary since assuming his duties at Booth School six years ago, although the work had increased. Miss Mercer testified to the quantity and efficiency of Mr. Derry's work. PALPITATION Throbbing of Heart After the "Flu" Mri. J. Cunningham, fiault Bit. Marie, Ont, wrltea: -"Laat February I had a arTPre attack of inflnenta which left me with palpitation and throbbiag of the heart. ' ' I felt very weak and tired ao began to tale and uad about nil boxfi and have found them help me a greet deal, and am rerr thankful for having found such a good medicine." Priee, 50c. a box at all dragtriata and deeJere, or maikd direct uo receipt of price hj The T. MUborn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. Buildup your Strength Against Winter Ills- A little Bovril in your diet every day , makes a lot of difference ; you get more real nourishment from less food and avoid clogging your system with excess that creates fatty tissues. BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat Elks' Masquerade Dance. Good prizes, good punch, good music. Friday, February 14. (38) Allan Davies is sailing tonight j on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Union freighter Chilliwack. Capt. John Muir, is due in port tomorrow with general cargo. John Dore, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs, was the speaker at the luncheon Of the Rotary Club today. He gave a vocational talk. D. C. McRae will sail on the ss. Prince Rupert tonight for a business trip to Vancouver. He expects to be away a little more than a week. A charge against Ken Sen Wong, proprietor of the West End Cafe, j of keeping liquor for sale has been dismissed by Magistrate McCly- mont in city police court. The ownership of liquor found by the police was not established. R. R. NlchoL assistant taxation commissioner for the Canadian National Railways, who has been here to attend the municipal court of revision, will sail by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to Winnipeg via Vancouver,. Mi Lady Beauty Shop. Expert hair cutting by Miss Grace Ruth erford; expert marcelling and finger waving by Miss Grant; permanent waving a specialty by Mrs. Allen. Your patronage will receive our careful attention. Phone 655. 37 W. H. Tobey. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on this afternoon's train after a trip up the line as far as Prince George on official duties. On the way back, he stopped off a day at Burns Lake to attend the Omineca Ski Club's tournament More than twenty-four hours late on account of snowy weather in the north, CP Jl. steamer Prin- j " cess Mary, Capt. C. C. Saintey. Is expected In port this eveing from, Skagway and other Alaska points en route to Vancouver. The vessel was due at Ketchikan at 11 this, morning. At last night's meeting of the school board, a letter was read from John Kyle, organizer of technical education for the Education De-1 partment advising that the federal grant for technical education had been withdrawn and, in future, this contribution could not be expected. No action was taken by the board in the matter. Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for the northeastern mineral survey district with headquarters in Hazel ton, arrived in the city from the interior on this afternoon's train and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to departmental headquarters in Victoria on official duties. Aboard the steamer Prlnce Mary this evening will be a Salvation Army party of fifty persons, headed by Staff Captain and Mrs. Joseph Acton of Wrangell, going to Vancouver to attend the annual British Columbia and Alaska Congress. The party will Include an Alaskan Indian band of thirty-five pieces which will make a tour of southern cities. If lime permits, the band may give a brief open air re- cltal during their brief stay Here. The Alaska party will be Joined here for the trip south by Adjutant and Mrs. William Kerr and Capt. E. Warren of this city and Ensign Yarlett of Hazel ton the latter having arrived from the interior on this afternoon's train. Spring Service Commences Soon Starting at End of This Month, C. N. R. Will Oive Two Sailings Weekly Between Here and Vancouver Effective with the trip on which the steamer Prince George arrives here from the south on Wednesday, February 28. in place of the Prince Rupert, the spring schedule of Canadian National Coast Steamships will be inaugurated. Thereafter, until the tourist service commences in the summer, there will be two boats a week between here and Vancouver. The Prince George will arrive from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls at 10:30 Wednesday mornings ana wm sail at 4 pjn. the same day for Anyox and Stew art, returning here Thursday evening and sailing south at 10 pjn. The Prince Charles will arrive from the south Saturday mornings at 10:30, sail at 4 pjn. for Stewart only, return here Sunday evening and sail south, at 10 pjn. The" Prince Charles will make three trips and will then be replaced by the Prince Rupert, which will then include the Anyox call on her run north from here as well as Stewart. The Prince . Rupert will, make- a special sailing south from here at 5:30 Sunday afternoon, March 2, with a Great West Life Assurance party from the prairies. The vessel will also be open for general bookings. She will sail from here direct for Victoria and will then proceed to Vancouver, where she will' be withdrawn for annual overhaul. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported early this afternoon to be on time. George A. Bryant and son. Jimmy Bryant, are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. UNION PACIFIC xmr logical route ast Ti.i PORTLAND thru world famous COLUMBIA IlIYER G O RG E , J fine J fnsl Trains to Salt Lake City Qgden Denver Oraalia Kansas City St. Louis Chicago and oilier eastern points Superior Dining Car Service UNION STATION SEATTLE