TOMORROW'S TIDES Friday, February 13, 1930 High .. 2.27 a.ra. 21.3 14.25 pjn. 22.7 Low 832 am. 4.2 20.54 p.m. 0.4 hoi XXII . No. 37. new School maae in ADDITIONAL ft. ft. ft. ft. tiVt "nm "- .... Building mat uvery room in lioom C. Fraser, inspector of Will Soon be Required Says Inspector Fraser Stating that the High School and Borden Street School 1 3 . . J .3 3 T il Iere aireauy uvei;iuwueu aim Memorial School was full, H. schools, told the local school poon be faced with the necessity -lc-e. It might be possible, he High School would fill the bill. Mr. r raser was referring in Divisions I. and II. of Borden .47 CLARENDON IS NEW GOVERNOR I be ppoIntcd Vice-roy for South Afri ca, Succeeding Earl of Athlone C APETOWN. Feb. 13. The Earl Id ( lurendon h&s been appointed c i rnor-general of South Africa to succeed the Earl of Athlone, a bi -'her of Queen Mary, whose ortg- an liiiui tenure of five years ended in :D28. Tlir Earl of Clarendon has been i(.:..rman oi uie uriusn Broadcast- h .1 C orooratlon since 1927. I COUNCIL AT GREENVILLE Lazarus Moody Named Chief Coun cillor for 1'esr: Election Conducted by Dominion Constable The naUve village of Greenville. I on the Naas River, had its election oi dmd councillors recently, tne pou bring conducted by Dominion Constable E O. Newnham of Klncollth arung for Indian Agent W. E. ColM-, son who was unable to be present. Hx'urus Moody was named chief councillor, with Peter Calder. Johnson Russ, Herbert Robinson, Sam McKay Leonard Douglas and Joe Clark the other councillors. Three Residences Are Being Built Sam Bloom and J. E. Jollymore Building at Corner of Summit Avenue and Taylor Sts. Three new residences are now under construction or about to be built at the corner of Summit Avenue and Taylor Street Two are being built by Sam Bloom and the other by J. E. Jollymore. . ENOUGH "SOUP" TO BLOW IIP HALF OF WATERFRONT HERE In the valise which police officers tookcharge qf at the C.N.R. baggage room here last Tuesday afternoon was enough nitroglycerine, It is said, to have blown up half the waterfront should Jt, have exploded and sometimes it takes only a Jar' to blow it up. The "soup" was contained in two innocent enough , looking bottles. In ad-addition to the nltro-gly-cerlne the bag contained a quantity jot percussion caps which also explode easily and are capable of doing great damage. The outfit was a veritable safe blower's klt; j. board last night that it would of building another school) suggested, that a Junior particularly to overcrowding ; Street School. There were pupils of eleven different na-j tkmallties in Division I. and the situation was much the same In 1 Division II. The school was handi-; capped as long as it did not have a third teacher, so these grades could brought up to the standard they 1 should enjoy. As it was, it was im-' possible for two good teachers to do Justice to the work. There was the difficulty that the ninth division might have to be housed outside the present school building. Trustee B&rrie mentioned plans that had already been drawn up for outside office at Borden Street School which would make room for another classroom. The board de- cwea lnal nouung cohki be done in "1C STOCK QUOTATIOiNi (Courtety 6. D. JohaMoe 00.) Close Feb. 13, IKO Big Missouri. 68. 71. ' Cork Province, nil, 4. Cotton Belt, 18. 25. Dunwell, nU, S. Duthie Mine, nil. 40. George Copper. 2.M, 2.70. Goieonda, 78. 80. Grandview. 11, llVk-Independence, nil 5. Indian Mine. 2. 4. Intr. Coal & Ooke. 31, 32. Kootenay Florence, nil, i. L. it L, 1. nU. Lucky Jim, nil 4ft. Mohawk. 1. 14. Msrton Wooteey, 8, 8V. Marmot River Ooid, nil. 12 Marmot Metals, 1, 14-Nat. 1. G. S. 6, 8. Noble Ftee. 22, 23. Oregon Oopper. 10, 11. Pend Oreille (Cm)., 3.15. 3.30. Premier. 1.48, 1.43. Porter-Idaho, 20. 35. Reeves Maedonald, IM, 1.10. Rufus-Argita, 6, 6ft. Ruth-Hope, 10, 11. Silver Crest, 4, nS. Silverado Con., nil, 38. Snowflake. 16. IS. Sunloch. 80. 1.00. Tonley Richfield. 4, 5. Whitewater nil, 19 Woodbine, 2, 4. Bluebird, nil, 5. A. P. Con, 1.95, 1.90., Calmont Oils Ltd, 1.60, 1.66. Dalhousle OIL 1.00. 1.70. Devenlsh Pet Ltd, 30, nil. Home OH, 9.70, 10XW. Mayland OIL U6, nil. McLeod, 2.55, 2.66. Hargal. 1.23. IM. Freehold, 62. 96. Sterling Pacific, 39. 40. United. 84, 86. Merland. 50. nU. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb. 13. Wheat was quoted on the loaxl exchange, todady at $1.34. ... .,. .. , CHILD BURIEO ,1'" The funeral of Lome Robert ' 4-year-old son of Mr. and Ryan, ' m Thomas Ryan, who died on 'Monday in the Prince Rupert Gen-i eral Hospital, took place this after- j 'noon with Rev. Alfred Wilson of j First United Church officiating. ... .-rii. in the chanel of the! B. C. Undertakers, Interment was NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ROYAL mm PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, COMMISSION Church Scene At Recent Roys! View of interior of Paulm Chap J- O'ir ni T-'ome. during th; wv .-. -a r ?mo;.y Princ? Humbert of Italy and P vices Mario lose of Brlgium PROPOSAL OF FRANCE Is Willinr lo Enter CiMri'fUTart a - Agreement Limiting'' '' Her Fleet LONDON, Feb. 13. The French distffitlon to the naval conference, in a sfitenent today, announced its wtllmgneas to accept a navsi pro-gnua running from 1980 to 1930, eftabHshfeic a fleet by the end of 1W6 fttrgaUng 724,706 English tons. BENNETT SEES ELECTION EDMONTON, Feb. 18. Definite indications that there will be a Dominion election during the summer are seeo by Hon. R. B. Dennett, Do minion Conservative leader, wtioi arrived here today. BRITAIN SEES I WORLD PEACE1 Hates IIp! on Krllocg-Briand Pact and Thinks Further Armed Conflicts Unnecessary LONDON, Feb. 13 Great Britain base htr hope for world peace on the) Brtend-Kellogg pact and looks forward to a period in which armed oohfHcts need not be expected and, on these grounds, can limit her cruiser fleet to fifty instead of seventy, Premier Ramsay Maedonald told the House of Commons today. STREIGHT IS FAIR CHIEF Elected President of B. C. Association Yesterday; Exhibition Pates Set NBW WESTMINSTBR, Feb. 13. Ilarvey M. Streight HI New Westminster was elected president of the British Columbia Fairs Associa- tlon yesterday. The next meeting or the association will be held In New Westminster. Fall fair dates this year include the following: Print George August 21 and 22. Smlthers August 27-29. Prince Rupert September 2-5. Terrace September 11-12. Williams Lake September 24-25. r HUMANIZATIOV- OF SUBMARINES : LONDON, Feb. 13. An - t Immediate step toward the .1. f..MnMlM.nM nW V, of submarines was tak- en by the naval disarma- ment conference yesterday with the appointment of a drafting committee to formulate American and French resolutions for embodiment in the treaty to be signed here. 4 SCRAPPING NO SHIPS First Lord of Admiralty and Premier Answer Questions in British House LONDON. Feb. 13 First Lord of the Admiralty Alexander told questioners in the House of Commons yesterday that there was no question1 ofuOreat Britain scrapping any of her latest battleships. Premier Ramsay Maedonald tcld the questioner that no pro- posals had been made by any foreign nation at the naval disarmament conference that would entail scrapping battleships of the Queen Elizabeth and Royal Sovereign classes. TORONTO STOCKS (Oourty 8 D. Jt&acte Co.) Close Feb. 13, 1930 Amulet 1.65, 1.67. Dome. 7.60, 7.75. Falconbrldge, 5.40, 550. Holllnger, 5.80, 5.90. Howie, 95. 96. Hudson Bay, 14.60tM4.70. Int Nickel. 38.00, 9X)0. Imperial Oil, 25.30, $$.40. Mining Corp.. 350, 335. Mclntyre, 18.85, 18.90, Noranda, 42.68, 42.90. Nlplsslng, 1.50. 1.6V Sudbury Basin, 4.25, 4.30. Shtrrttt Oordon. 2.93, 2.95. Teck Hughes, 6.45, 650. Ventures, 2.35, 2.40. Wright Hargravea, 155, 157. FEB. 13, 1930 A TION NEE IS Wedding oi Ci jwn H14PRINCE..DAVH). LAUNCHT0DAY sAnini riMdiin Vadnnal Str.mpr Takes To Water at Birkenhead LIVERPOOL, Feb. 12. -Warm tribute wre mid to Sir Henry W. ! Thornton, chairman and president 4"lfUK rmailtan Wo lnr1 Ra Itlua v ! In the speech following the success- 1 ful launching at Birkenhead today ! of the Canadian National steamship ' Dniu, n-oiH Mrm T.tnn! H!hn bowl." recalling the Lyttleton fam - ily of noted cricketers. R. S. Johnson, managing-director of Cammel-Laird Co, the builders, described Sir Henry Thornton as a hard-headed businessman who was getting good value for his money ana sam tne uanaaian nsHonsi was ; not only getting good value, but was j noted as the most efficient railway in North America W. C. Noxon, agent-general of Ontario, saw uie uanaaian national was not only hard headed but warm hearted. He regarded the new ships as contriDuung towards empire economic unity. Mr. Noxon said that in efficiency and good management and enterprise, the Canadian National was not exceeded in the world. Sir Henry Thornton was outstandlng in ability and leader - "P- The launch was witnessed by a huge crowd. The new vessel took to water and dipped gracefully. The event was memorialised with movie sound pictures into which Mrs. Hlchens spoke a message of Godspeed. BRUINS STILL WINNING GAMES TookPiurg at Fort Erie by Score oi 4 to 3 FORT ERIE. Feb. IS. The Boston Bruins continued winning form in the National Hockey League here XtiXlES ontiucVS Bruins were put to the test In the rurinH n own. a substi. ..... a . n . major penalty. The score was 4 to 3. NOW PROPOSED Government To Liberal On Watt Local Case Takes Up Another Day in Legislature; Mode of Enquiry Is Under Dispute; Barge Complaints Not Tabled (Special to Daily News) VICTORIA, Feb. 13-Statement that Col. Nelson Spencer's motion for investigation under the Departmental Enquiries Act into the conduct of Norman Watt, former government agent at Prince Rupert, was both unfair and not applicable in law was made in the legislature yesterday by A. M. Manson, M.L.A. "We want to investigate both the minister of finance and Mr. Watt," said Mr. Manson. "Mr. Shelly is more on trial than Mr. Watt. Yet solution proposes to place in- the minister's hands the power to name the man who is to try his co- d.iendant, whom he has himself already tried and condemned." ; ! Mr. Shelly protested that he did1 not know that was the effect of the '. motion and he said he would refuse ; ' to have anything to do with naming j School Board nas Budget of 330,330 or suggesting the. Investlgltlon. Mr.j This Year; No Extraordinary --Mnson-expUlnedi'thMhtrDeparts- i vExenSitore mental Enquiries Act specmcauyj covered only an investigation by a minister Into the condition of offl-1 clals in his department. Hence, if muuun jjaaocu, au. oncw wuw , not escape naming the Investigation. Mr. Shelly's repudiation left the government iorces in uie air ana col. u. w. recic oougmgiy aajourn- 'ed the debate. I Mr Mansnn's other noint also proved embarrassing. It was that J the act only authorized the conduct i of one who is an official of the de- i Tvrtmnt Mr Watt Is no loneer an 1 apply, he contended, j h. D. Twlgg, Victoria, suggested that Mr. Watt could waive this pro , vision, but Liberal members indl cated that this was unlikely, In view of the other consideration that Mr. Shelly would then have the right to name uie cuuuausiuuci. premier Tolmle made an official promise that the Investigation 1 would be In nubile or private as Mr. 1 watt requested, that Mr. Watt wouid have the right to counsel. ana that the commissioner would be somebody In whom the public would have confidence. PRICE FIVE CENTS Is Opposed Suggestion . Investigation DECIDE ON ESTIMATES j .? - - The school' board, at its regular mcnthly meeting last night adopt- ed ordinary estimate for the year vgvamng wmca aawimi u but $395 higher than the estimates of last year. The board has made no provision for extraordinary estimates this year. The ordinary estimates of the school board will be presented to th "y council. wWeh required automatic to pass U.m. ttie f1011 m provided for in the tax rate fn- the year. UNITY FOR TWO RACES Attempt to Set CanadUn reopie at Variance Ref retted by Thornton In Addressing Engineers OTTAWA. Fee. 13. 'Those who undertake to set at variance the 'two great races of this country, whether by sectional Jealousy , b' religious strike or by political con- tentlon. are doing a great dlsserv- dlan National Railways, in address- mg the Engineering Institute of ! Canada yesterday. ; Wm. Perm. WHEAT SUPPLY IN GT. BRITAIN Liverpool Liverpool Corn Corn Trad Trade Assocla- Assocla- ! tlon today adnilts that Its esU- ! for the whole country. Is little . , A. a a l a m it T more luan enougn ior wireer Mr. Pattullo said the opposition Ice to Canada. Rather should ef-was Justifiably apprehensive on this forts be united towards bringing score, in view of the character of them together." So said Sir Henry cnmr of the other lnvestiaators an- Thornton, d resident of the Cana- 'p, by tnls government. ) JonM at i ,, thf rninn.1 Rxmrrti mo - tlon for a departmental enquiry had j A. J. Orant. engineer In charge t construction of Welland ca-motton right of way over Ian Mackensle's for enquiry by committee of nal, was dted preeWent of the In-the house. Mr. Manson. while ex- j stltate. pressing his preferment for a house : . committee, brought the opposttten 1 Bqwivocatloo U half-way to lying objection to the Spencer plan be-1 a IThig ttie whole way to ImIL fore the house concretely by moving an amendment for a royal commission. Mr. Twlgg said this was too expensive for a mere matter of the dismissal of a civil servant Attorney-General Pooley also re- , return of correspondence contain Inn (k. MtmnUInt, ftM u.Vllh XX IT Fisher of Rupert was appointed to y " j -investigate 65-year- stat on Tuesday as John L. Barge. ; j . . n being enough to last ten weeks gvtf I not correct. It wm an- Sucrose eSLSSSS S,f -unccd today that the total 1 1 a . . at . mm I J hut waf refused "VI to . table k, complaints , . 7.Z by what Mr. Pattullo said tVi mtt cotcrle that Jbbed Mr- DTt: i (Continued on page four.) Boston Grill LAKGE CAUARET Bpceltl Dinner Tburidayi and Saturday! Dineioe Every Saturday Night, to 11 Dance HtU for Hire Accom&DdtUoni (or Private Panic PHONE 48T and a half weeks. i.