Thursday, February 1?, J9io, ftewa """ """ '"" " fAQB fits ' " THE MARKET irr ' - Following arc retail prices current here today: Apples-Yellow Newtons, fancy $3.SQ C. Qrade 3.10 Cooking ApplM. -.liJifc'-f IbrjHfc. Bpltzenberg, fancy Z '"i Household 2Xo; SeJSf : Wagners 2.75 and 3.28 Rome Beauty, fancy 3.00: Fruit I Naval Oranges 35c to 85c'"BB,p "mems- Lemons, Sunklst, doz 45c to JSQ Arizona grapefruit 8c to A2 Florida grapefruit ...... 15c to a&: Bananas, 2 lbs 55 Extracted honey, per Jar 25 ' Comb honey j35 , Table figs, lb 501 Dates. bulK, lb 15 l)( K-tV IK -at ',2 Emperor grapes, lb 3Q Oreen Almerta grapes, lb ,40 Butter-No 1 creamery, lb 47 No 2 Creamery, 3 lbs IX Cheese kraft" Camembert, ffiSeSSS 8-os. pkg ST. .Z1T Z .66 So Ontario solids .35 New Zealand solid JO Stilton, lb 45 Kraft 45 Norwegian goat .05 Napoleon Llmberger .70 Hoqueiort 36 STz!'':::::: Si j McLaren's Cream, jars, 45c and JB& ; Brookfield Swiss, -lb. pkg..... .30 1 Gruyerc 45 urooKiieia Canadian cnease, V4t-lb. pice. 3t Golden Loaf, lb. . .45 Flour-Flour, I 49s, No..l hard wheat. 256 ! Pastry flour, 49t 2.80 Pastry flour, 10 lbs. .60 Lard-Pure 2 i Compound 126 j Eggs B. C fresh pullets, doz. u IS. C. iresn IirttS, doi JSl w u vueen unanovie is- B. C. fresh extras, dm. 60 A P'ant costing $270,000 will Local new laid, doz. .70 erected at Roee Harbor and one Meats I hundred men will be employed. Fowl, No. 1, lb 2&c and .401 Boasting chicken, lb. .45 . The president of the Grand HaT"iced. firtt' 'grade Si,1'16 n"my anninfl Ham. picnic, firtt grade M , H,hiompftny hM!ne6tfi Cottage rolls, lb M Veal, loin . . . .46 ' tton" to eo1" Edmonton and Pork' ShouldwZZZZZ.'.!""'. j;Frtnee Rupert. Pork, dry salt M i Ayrshire bacon, lb 3e to 50 ! At a public meeting here a reso- Veal shoulder . JOilutkm Wil- was passed requesting lee1 ,tem itonm' MPJ.. to have the Pork 40 Beef," pot roast'.":: "Z I'iSeto M Pwftoctal ,rrnmnt ive over UH- Beef, steak Me to .ttjraterved water powers in Khtada Beef, boiling 15c to ill River and Tsimpsean Peninsula to Beef, roast, prime rib 2b the city of Prince Rupert- Lamb, shoulder M ; Lamb chops ZZZZ'ZZZZZ. m Mail Schedule Mutton, shoulder J0i Fish For the East-Smoked kippers, lb .15' KlDnered white sfflmon. lb i Mont., weds.. & Sets. 1030 am. Red smoked salmon . .45(r5n e East- Smoked blade cod, lb. .-, Finnan haddles, lb. . Halibut Salmon, frozen spring Jfli ' Hr!r!l fllUU lrT Shrimps, lb - .. 30 Crabs, 2 for .26 ; Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valencias. M Oregon Franquette walnuts, lb. 45 1 California soft shelled walnuts jB Walnuts, brpken shelled .40 , Walnuts, shelled halves "2, Valencia filberts, lb . ? Almonds in shell, lb Peanuts . New Brazils, lb. ..- JO Feed- I Wheat, No. 5 and Bulkley 1 vaney Qa jj j0 Bran 119 8horto 2.35 Middling I.Te Barley 2i0 Laying Mash -. 3.75 Oyster shell 2.10 Beef scrap '. 4.03 Ground oil oake Jfl,YUw, 1M lbs Fine oat chops . 3 JO Crushed oats UO Fine barley chop 2jW Dried fruits-Lemon and orange peel Black cocking ff8s. lb. . Citron neel : White figs, lb .15 Currants. Ib . JO Apples, dried 3fr Peaches, peeled Jt Apricots, M Prunes. 00-100, 4 lbs 3 25-lb. box l Prunes, 60-70, lb Al Prunes. 30-40, lb M Evaporated pears, halves, lb. .. X Vegetables-Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs 36 Potatoes, m j)S M Potatoes, sack 3.76 Parsley, bunch 10 California celery, head r... 3$ Garlic, imporied, per 3 Cabbage, local per lb 7 Okanagan onions, 5 lbs 36 California, lb 10 California head lettuce,' 15c to .20 Hothouse tomatoes, lb. - 40 Leeks, bunch 10 Brussels sprouts, lb 30 Green peppers, lb ."50 Imported cauliflower, head to .40 .v,;: v :- ;v -3 uik tufnips, i ios ... Carrots, 7 lbs 25 California, bunch .... .15 Beets, fl lbs .25 Bpinach, California, bunch.... .45 LLAairiLU APVMIDimMa-rUIi MIL rUKKtWl. LlIM & Ml NU IT! r-.-,.-.- rT . I J ' THIS JS TJIE -vT, 1 " ELITE WBAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massaee and Phone 499 SILVEliSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Glass Picture Frnmp Mnnlrttn . - ..w Third Avu one 22 BR INDEPENDENT OF DULL DAYS KEEP WELL! Have a San Bath at Home Ultra-Violct SUN RAY- Lamps from $65 up. IN'FRA-1'EI) LAMPS FIIO.M $12.50 All Information From CARROLL ELECTRIC CO. 524 1)unjmuir st- vnr. b. q. r - . Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 13, 1910 Having taken over the smaller Pacific Whaling Co., the Queen Charlotte Whaling Co. Is about to commence operations on a large Dominion government to establish a system of wtrelees tetegraph sta- Suns., Tues. t Thurs. 3:30 pjn. For Vancouver ( AE?3L TTlUmaT8 - 9 P-"1- Fridays 11 run Feb. 12 and 26 pm. From Vancouver Sunoays 4 pin. Wednesdays 10:30 ajn. Fridays p.m. .Fb. 8 and 2S ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sundays .7 pjn. Wednesdays J3 pro. Prpni Stewart and Premier Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays 8 p.m. To Naas River and Port Simpson Ulllt7 .......! flil Port Simpson 1 Tuesdays 1U0 am. Feb. 8 and 22 a.m. Qteoe artichokes, doz 3.00 sugar- 6.10 white, 100 lbs 630 BRINGING UP ! PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HED BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern house, flve-rooms and bath. Munro Bros, tf FOR RENT Two 2-Roomed Suites Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 44 ; tf FOR RENT Furnished apartments 2, 4, atid 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Orpcery. ltf FOP. RENT $5.00 a month put a piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. WANTED YOUNG girl would like hotel or housework. Phone Blue 542. 47 WANTBD Exeprienced waitress. Qood wftges. References required. Knox Hotel. 42 WANTED Capable young lady for office work. Must be accur-- ate, good penman and c&ick at figures. Permanent position. Ap - ply Box 3, Dally News Office, tf The J. K. Watklns Company HAS an exceedingly fine opening on Vancouver Island for a goodiWrth great care and are sure they live man to take over the salejwm pay their losses promptly and and distribution of its products, fully. selling direct to the consumer! Ask Us For the Itate On and serving hundreds of satis-1 Your Property fled customers. This Company (tt n ttVt rrpcnM Tim is the largest distributor of household and farm necessities! in the world and its dealers ev- erywhere are making real monp-' ! i II . r , o 11 I I i f HQntS rUniltUre & UpilOlStry1 ' Thf. llie Ktni BtOfe OI r oiniitv" IIUalHjr I Completd-lUase''Furriislilrlr;s Terms ArraTigea ' "" ' G.M,np$T ,v Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 PHOTO FINISHING For FiRC Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 322 Thlrd 'Aveniie WE FRAME PICTURES " CLEARING iS GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels anu shafts In difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL FOR Tailoring, Cleaning and Pressing SEE M. T. LEE & CO. Store Moved to 323 Emad Block LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Crave -' We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Progressive merchants advertis. FATHER O-t' HAVE YWT 1 .urjs? v. MACOIE IMTME mew hOl6E Mt ROOM COiNl' FOR SALE MUST be sold by February 20. Solid Oak Dlningroom Suite, - Kitchen Cabinet, Chiffonier, Ivor? and gold, Vanity Dresser, Ivory arid gold, Ivory Bedroom Tabje, Solid Brass Bed, Bronz colored Iron' Bed, 5 Dlningroom Chairs,. Cot. Apply 8. W. George, Phpn'e Black 703. 43 FOR RENT February 1st, 5-room modern cottage, Fifth Avenue Wast, 430.00. M. M. STEPHENS & CO- LTD. Rentals T,oans Heat Estate. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room. Phone Black 707. tf FIRE INSURANCE We can Insure your property 1 against loss by lire better than any i other Insurance Agent in town. Our rates are the lowest which it is possible to obtain. We have selected ' the Companies which we represent 11 VI. llUlilJlJlWUlS JUJJ. I Phone 9G 216 Sixth St. Q JJ E N CHARLOTTE- PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets t. southbound cnnthhnunH hmt boats at st , Pnrt Port. Clements to receive passengers ,foj Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.60, and in proportion,) intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE prIaher hotel queen ciiarlqtte city. b.c. ''.Win toe lOit'H ELECTRIC BAKERY -fb.e Store Tliat Quality ' Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. ItOX 416 PHONE 6C7 AUCTION SALE Timber Sale. Xltltl. .tdverlWrmrnt There will ba offe(d tor aa.le at Public Auction, at noon on the Mth day of Kfbruary. MM, n the office of the uistrlot roreattr. PritMa Rupert, the Licence X12131, to cut 1,406.000 r.BU. of Spruce, HMnlofk and Cedar on an area situated on the Weat Arm. Cum-Vewa Inlet. Qwn Charlotte Island LLand District. "Provided any one Unable to ' attend the utotion In pson may aubmlt tmllii;: to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further p4ffcai)ars of Ue Ohlef Forester. Victoria, B.C.. or DUtrlct ftoreater at Prince Rupert, B.C. (33.2W.) MAGGIE1 COOLQ I "3 A HA.D'0 if MV I TELEPHOM6 AuSd ? 'V IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATIrtJILDERS, COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Red 415 SALVAGE AND TOWJ.Vf, "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Band and Gravel, In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Night 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CIHUOPRACTIO and SUNSHINE TREATMENT For Colds, Coughs, Neuritis, Lumbago and Rheumatism R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 DR. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractic Health Service UJtra-Vlolet Ray Ultra-Red Ray All Diseases treated successfully Green 241 Phones Black 283 1 Typewriter Repairs 1(:C MORRISON -in. Phone 231. or call Rose, ' Cowan Si Latta. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange anv kind of furniture or house- -hbld goods, musical Instruments, i imaeninery, etc. oenerai repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Wnrlfmnnshln ffimrnntpprl Jiirt '"phone Black 120 and we will :"calL O. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block WATER NOTICE Diversion, and Tse v -TAKE NOTICE that James B. BUD- ler wboe address li Hotel dastlneau, Juneau, Alaska, will apply for I Use nee to take and use 300 cubic, second, foot of water out of East Fork Tulsequah rtlver, which flows Southtrly and drains Into Taku River about 20 mile above the mouth. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 3 miles up atream from the mouth -of the Eaat Pork and wUl be used for Mining Power purpose upon the Tulsequah Chief group. This notice was posted on the ground on the 31st day of October, 19S9. A copy of thu notice and an application pursuant therato and to the "Water Act. 1914." win be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Atlln November Itth, 1939. Objections tc the application may be filed with the aald Water Record r or with the OotriDtroller of Watee Rfht. Parliament Buildings, Vleterla, B.C. LANI1 ACT mgii wiu nunc, ana ft tne mora corner pi llato etrcet, aud the corner lot nitic 30 Town of Mouett. B.C; thena South Westerly It and In line with Hpllca of Intrntlon to Apply , to Lrav Land J n Prince Rupert Land Recording niatHM of Rrltllh nnllimhlft anil Attn. Ate pn the South Bank of S.eena KIT ivar, opposite Mile 28.76 oil Canadian! nutttnii 5gn9J, r.w oi rnnse u-1 pert, B.C. TKe n?tlfl that Northern British Columbia Power Company. Limited of I Prince Rupert. B.C . occupation Power corporation ujienaa to apply lor a lease of the lollowrng deacrl'jed landau I CAmmj ncine a( post planted about 120 thb distant and !Q 4 Southerly direction from centrp line ct Canadian ! Natrona! Railways, apposite mile 28.76, irA otf!$$ mt fiwc a North I cbatna nun or lest 1 Low Water fcltrk; thenoe Wtaferly along L.W.U. I ' ehatiu; Uhcg South 5 chains, more or lsaa to H W.M : thence Easterly along H W.M to point nt Cfmmajifemfnc ad gontatnlnit two (3) actfj. mare or laaa. 1 KQBTMEBN BRfTlSTI COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Tltfl September 31. J929. LAM) ACT Nolle of Inlrntlon to Apply to Purrhane Land In Stlkln Laxtf Bcof(llnt DUtrlct and s)tut on (Ke nertU baftk 6f th pjfjr at point tt threji m'les north of the Junction of tht Tulcequah Rlvw ith tba Tau R?tT. TaVc notice that the Alaska Juneau (lolfl Mining Cprapany cf Juneau, Alaska, occupation a mining company, intends to apply (or perm Us ion to purchase tba tollcwtng described lands: Commencing at a post planted near the Muti)wit corner .of the Jack U C. thence South 40 chains: thence Wet 20 chains: thence North 40 chains: thtnee East 20 ch&l&a more or leas to point or commencement aal en taming eighty acres, mora or less. ALASKA JUNEAU QOLD UININO COMPANT Bj Paul A. Decker, agent. DaVd 28 lb day of October. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention tq Apply to Lent Land In Prince Rupert Lapd Recording District or onusn ixuumoia. ana situate on the tfortb bank of the Beaver ttiver. so c ftoln NorthFn Of tne mouth of the LltU Beaver River In the Cltsumkalum Valley. Eaat of Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Joseph Hart oX Aberdeen, Washington. occupation, miner, intends to ipry for a lee or purchase of the following oSeacrtbed lands: Oommeaalng at a post planted 30 chains distant and in a Northwesterly direction from '.he mouth of the little Beayjr River in the Kitaumkalwm Valliy; thence North 80 chains: thence Westerly 80 chains: thence Southerly 80 chains: thence Easterly 80 chain and containing 1280 acres, mere or less. JOSEPH HART. JOHN B. COUTURE, Agent. Dated January 4, 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase I .and In the Oasatar DMtHet Land Recording District of Sttkint and situate on the Taku River about three quarters of a mile up strewn tram the oon faience of the Taku and TuUequafe Rivera. Take noUoe that Horace MeNaughton Frascr of Vancouver, B.O., ooowpnttn Civil Engineer, Intends to atpty for permtaslon to purchase tne fpilortng described landa: Oommenctng at a 'Pest planted on the Taku River about 'three Quarters of South 20 chains: thenoe West 90 chains more or leas to point of com - . menoement and containing forty awtes, more or less. HORACE McNAUOHTON FRASER. I Dated October 29 tb. 1939. YOUNG ANP OLD. within thirty U data after ,thJ first 4P-J a jnlle un "" stream from fJf the 5f5 mouth Sillir of j0- newspaper. raranof notice Vfe ggr. gfigg.. The oate of the first publloaUon of hla aotloe la December infi. 1929. jAnnse p STAPLER.. Aiipllaant. By J. MIf. FRASSR, Atlln. B.p Agent. LANIl ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to-Lrjse Land 1 Take N that 1, James Martin1 of Mjtt. Bj , found to apply for a 'lease of tha following described lands: Copime! H5 at a post planted at tip Bast tde f Main Street for about tfef luuQm fca to low water mark; tnextaf tp a North Westerly direction tq Hv Maacett wharf; thence along tb wharf ' about three hundred feet nyoft or leas to high water mark: thettc jUjg hfth ater mrt to the point T7niiink:ement. ' Miu n pawea, u.. lav. sum aay of Niivemb JAMES MARTIN. INll ACT Notf of Injtintlon to Apply to Pttrrbajte Land tiptoe Land Beoordtng Dlvl- aing uutnet or Teie- Bam k and situate on extreme nknula on North banlc".'of Wlseqush and west bank of Taku piTera, aoprozlmately one mile south cr Maple siougn. Tffke notice that E. J. Norman and R. McCombe of Juneau. Alaska, occupation miners. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following (described ands: CMEU&epclng .at a post planted one mUe south of Maple Blough; thence North 40 chains: thence West .,.20 chains: thence 8outh 40 chains: thence Baat 20 chains and containing 80 aerea. more or less. FDMUHD JEAN NORMAN EGBERT SALE McCOMBEi Dated 19th day of October, )928. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In The Queen Cbarlotte Land DUv ttjet La ml Reccrdjag District of Prince Kupert, ana situate near Block 30. Massett Towatlt. Take Douce that Arthur Robertson and Eugene H. Simpson of Masaett BjC occupation Lumbermen intend to apply for a' lease of the following tteeerrbed lands: QwwrnenrtBg at a past planted at the SX Oar. Blk. 30 Massett Town-atte: thencs Westerly ID chains To Oov. Wharf; thtnee Southerly 4 chains, running parallel to Oov. Wharf to Low Waw Mark: tbenee Easterly 10 chains: thence Northerly 4 chains, and containing 7 acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUOENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated Nor- 13th. 1939. MINERAL ACT Section Z8 Notice U Co-Partners Mineral claims Star, Rand. Belle, Aurora, situated at Loekeport. Queen Charlotte Islands. Owners Ross Morrison FJJ.C. B71893 R. Dunlop and II. IL McCoU. To all oonterned. uke notice that L Rosa Morrison FAI.C. 871093 O. having done all the work and paid all dues on tba above Mineral Claims for the year ending Oct. 37th. 1929, without any work done or moneys paid by oo-owners, R. Dunlop and H. H. McCoU, UUd to apply within a period of 130 ds.fl after first appearance of this notice, to the Mining Recorder, to have the interests of said co-owners vetted solely in myself. ROSS MORRISON, Ul Per J. L. Barge, Agent. COMPANIES ACT HELMO.NT St' HP INLET MINES LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN ihat piMSAsant to Section 313 of the "Cni-pttttta Act" a meetuig of the Crenrters we anove named company will he I MM at the offices of E P. Dafls St th Floor. Royal Trust BuU4lc, mwn Kncvi nNb, vai09uvcr, en MitKhiv the aoth dav of Jan. uary. A.D. 1930'. at 11:00 o'clock In the forenoon for the purposes provided tor 'n the said 6ectlon 313. DATED this eth day of January, A.D. 1990 D. O. MARSHALL, Liquidator By George MrManus T -AVE TVlfS BILXA i 9H2 I I YE I UL BRlMc KNEW PEH THE MONTH , ffB THEM AUU lYQOTO MEAf? " T COM6 VET j Rrfj RlCHTttoTp I That J i. if S C ItJO Infl rmnt Smkt. Inc. Crwl Britain nxu ttHrni f 3 MAKE YOURWANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS