asad Mm SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One New Gillette Razor One New Gillette Blade One Tube l'almolive Shaving Cream All For 35 Cents trra gin Pioneer l'honcs 81 & 82 Three Graduate 5& DAILY KOIND TKIl1 s? 1'i.ncc William - ik iff ii. i River r '-.ii 's suo. t ! River ( 1 : unc day. , fj half fare. port Morula?, Wednesday, tor Aii)n and Stewart Moniluy ami rrnlays. For Alatlta Port Wednesday and "l."!' fyiKtjf' Alto regular williiia for SLeena and Naas Ititrr ports and North and South (Jurrn Charlotte Island. I'aMenjirr trtrfna for Kdiuontoii, Viiiiilx- and all point Fait Irate daily rtrrpt Sunday at 1 p.m. Ixiw farra NOW. 4ik about our Trianfl Tour. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA rr injormalton call or MTile 11 F. McN.U'UITON. DUlrlct l'.wtnjfi Agent. Prince liiH-rl. It.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED kalllm In-ill rrlitre Huperl ' ofVER. VICTOIUA. "8utvd.e. AlftfHBT. etc. Tuesday. 3.30 p J, VV ot ti.u. l( IOl.! Unirdals. tle'l !. rU.. Friday mldnUhl I t M.d't AUM. ANYOX. HTIAVAHT. Naas iltt. Votl liuuoa. UD-diy. S.oo p.m. i simpson and WAIJ5H 131 ND. Ihurway p.m 1 ' Atiiiiie it M aMITII Mnl frinre Kupert. II. C. Vlmtnh tlfkrtu lti to Vletcl and Seattle A taitate the'kfd '-i:i::h to destination pig ,B OOAST U1 '''-Msaips B. C. Coast Steamship Service HAII.lNCiS HtOM rillNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wraugell. Juneau, Skagway August 1, 4, 8. 11. 15, 18. 22, 25. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-August 2. 6. 9. 13. 16. 20, 23, 27, 30. Princess Mary- -Ocean Falls,' etc, Vonwmver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m , ArMiU I'nr All Klrcimshli) Lines W C Orchard, General Agent, Alexander X HAY SERVICE PHONE 575 hl'SNER BLOCK DENTIST ! T as Dzti&rists Third Ave. & Sixth St. Pharmacists amers OUTII by steamer lu Vanrouver, Victoria, Seattleanu Inlrrmrtliitte Tliurtaliiy f n '1iI,XijQ'1 .... 3rd Ave, 1'rince Rupert, i'hoi. 31 vGOAL, c vDuy the rcsl Coal our, fa-inous Edson and Cassldy-Wellinjton In any quantities. Also IJulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Try a Daily News Want Ad. Annette Fashion Show at Capi tol THeatfe August "2T alid 28. 193 Union Oil C6,'s tanker Unacana was in port 6n Sunday discharging fuel at the company's local tanks. Dominion Constable E. O. Newn- ham of .KIneollth is a visitor in the city, having arrived yesterday by gasboat from the Naas River. Miss Louise Stapl es passed through here last week en route to her home in Winnipeg after a visit in Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Dr. and Mrs. O. S. MacDonald and son, Buntie, of Anyox are making a motor tour of Vancouver Island. Recently, they were In the Port Albemi district. Having been taken 111 on the last voyage north, Capt. Arthur Slater of the steamer Princess Louise s now in hospital in Vancouver and Capt. Hughes, regularly chief officer, is In command of the vessel on its present voyage to Skagway. Provincial nonstable M. Martin of ' Queen Charlotte City, who has been soendinsr a holiday In Vancouver, 'rlvd In the Mtv vestwrdav after- f noon on the Prince Charles from ' me souin ana sauea last mam on the Prince William for his post on the islands. W. J. Rimes, publisher of the Ne-: chako Chronicle . Vanderhoof wtek-j ly newspaper, who has been spend- ( Ing a holiday In Victoria, arrived in the city on the Prince Charles yesterday afternoon from the south and proceeded by train to the in terior. Mrs. 3. Sutherland and two chil- kren of Seattle arrived In the city '. on ihm Prince Charles vesterdav af- ternoon from the sonth en route to 1 New Massett where they will snond . the next counle of weeks with Mr. authrlanl who 18 accountant Of the Unas Fishing & Packing Oo.'s etarry Uir. 1 Mn. William Oliver, wife of the vetamn Oueen Charlotte Island Htaiied Church missionary, and son , arrived in me ciw on ine rram , Charles yesterday afternoon from ; Vancouver, where they have been i . I I - 1 1 1 -I .J 1 m night on the Prince William for their home at Sandspit. U & I Cafe Formerly the White Luneh Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'MII'.K NE1V MAN.ltlKMBNT Xlrom llealrd: TrurHiiT' wwalf UiMmi; Hot and (old Ualer I'rre U Sm All Train and llnaU Kates $1.00 and Up sri:ciii. M(iTiit.Y i:Tt.s C. K. ItlOGART & A. DONALD rropi letom 1'IIONK 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. l'KUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Eraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy W. Nieran, Port Essington; Mr. t 1 August 26, 1030. THE DAILY NEWS PAGETHREP Your Children Dinncrware, china, crockery, Was QWe Constipated. glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Local Items Bilious Jired; Now Thomas Trotier sailed last ev ening on the Prince Charles to Glasses fitted by registered Well, New Woman make the round' trip to Stewart, optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Anyox and Massett Inlet. Years of Misery Ended by "FRUIT-A-T1YES" and Mrs. H. Hellin; Mr. and Mrs be t Hfth school ev?ry morn-Karl Joanssen and family. Mr. and , A,tf ,n n ,mn.' ,ek' Ju" VaUcerT,a"d I D. McGUllvray,, city; Mrs. R. C. Garner. Sunnystde Cannery; C. C, Walker, John O'Connor and R. Jordan, Calgary. jNey,Royal " Hotel I. Znrrlll. "rop. Tilt: IIOTKI. UOUTII WHILE Hot Se Cold Water: Strain Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone tSI Royal 11. E. James, city; Harry John-sonu, Qsland; William Adams, Claxton; W. T. Frlton, C.N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Cumoron. Swarison Bay; Alfred Anrii'i-smi, h'alls River. John Duff and S. Crlstlanscn, Vancouver; Mrs. M. Mcllmoyle. Hazelton. "Was always constipated, b 1 1 1 o u i. tired, out of aorta. Since taking 'Frult-a-tlves' feel like new woman, perfect bealtb. Constipation all gone.'' Muriel McHendrv fnntiai Hoet of men and women write years-old constipation and liver trouble ended overnight with "Frult-a-tlvea." Biliousness, Indigestion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic. Kidney and bladder ills, pain in back fad away quick. Nerves quiet, sound tltvy ouce. Rheumatlvn, neurugia, neuritis, sick headaches decamp in hurry. Complexion clears. Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined In handy tablet. Marvelous discovery by famous Canadian doctor. Speedy results amaze all. Quit being sick, tired, weak. Get "Frult-a-tlves" from druggist today. Baseball tonight S.O.C. vs. Cen trals, at 6.45 sharp. Entries for Labor Day sports (major events) must be made to the secretary, Prank Derry, not later than Saturday, August 30. (199) MU ollve Macey of Windsor, Ontario, Is visiting in Prince Ru- IP6" Prior to returning to her jhome In the East. Before coming . iiv niw uiiivti among vast- ouitLiwa i' here, she spent several i days lnrecent dliasterous fire in the bus vuueuuver. George P. Harris, manager of Mill Bay cannery on the Naas' River, which has now been closed for the : season ; arrived in the dty from the north on the Catala this I morning. Vf Ism TsMin TIaan hUa ua,Kus . T11", 1 -h3taZrJ7 school in SkldegSjte Irv'et. arrived In ' th. ntt twTZ, rK.rf- .' " T Tl JL.i, h.r h. h, h, summer vacation and sailed last ntaht on th Prinr WiHlom frr th. talanda ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ersklne KiAA hn tiaim hMti mslrlnn Via ,trto to Skacwav ' foltaWln their marriage in Varicouve? fast " WkTer hts- t,llrtren mro,,1 will be passengers aboard the Prince Henry tomorrdW morning rpturninff aouth Mn Kind i a won ; known Vancouver society girl, Imv-! ms formerlv bn Miss Beth Tine- i jey. They will make their home In Vancouver. Miss Vivian Wrathall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wrathall, displayed considerable valor for one so young one day last week when she j rescued Vic Houston who was nearly drowning while bathing In the Salt Lake. The school girl towed Mr. Houston to a log to which he was able to cling until further aid was forthcoming. Miss Isabel Montieth of Shanghai after viaitlna- In t)ndnn nnri Devonshire, England. Is now the;?""11 Charlotte Islands on the guest at Vanderhoof of her broth - er-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wynne-Heath. From Vander- hoof she will proceed to Powell U1. "1C l I4U1 River to visit wit hec mother andi?60' and,h k T will make a stay in Vancouver be fore returning to China, In the society section of the last Vancouver Sunday Sun appears a picture of Mrs. George Herrmann of Vancouver, who recently made a trip to Skagway aboard the steamer Prince Henry, standing on the bridge of the vessel with the skip n-f a t nuw 4v,.Jn the Catala this morning after (picture shows Miss Adele err. mann and Miss Aicia Fenders, of . naiimta- -j .w the ship. NOTICZ Tha IMnplnal Mr HUrlnttu urlll P-rents of pupils tng Grade! 9 with regard to Courses offered. Senior Matrlc students are partlc ualrly requested to register their names at the School as soon as 'day's train to visit Cedarvale, Ha-Posslble. zelton and Glen Vowell. They wUl I back here next Sunday and Smith & Mallett LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Engineers Automatic Domestic Oil Furnaces Telephone 174 Show Room 259 Third Av. W. Miss Dorothy Shrubsalll whdhasl been visiting at 'Stewart 'for 'hW past month, returned home on ths Catala this morning from the north. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ooldbloom, after visiting for a few days in the city, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince George oh their return to Vancouver. Mrs. M. M. Mcllmoyle arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from Stewart-and will proceed from here to Hazelton. She is now a guest at the Royal Hotel. A. H. Carson, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, and Mrs. Carson, sailed last evening on, the Prince Charles for Tlell where they will spend" a holiday. Chief Mark McKay of Kitselas. who has been here attending the native congress, accompanied by Mrs. McKay, left today for his home. He will return next week for the fair. Nick Sutilovich of Alice Arm wai an arrival in the city on the Catala this morning from the north. He was the sufferers In the lness section of Alice Arm. f r and Mrfl X7U1I-itti MlMn11sli , oit,, .. '!... i .i !h,, ,,, u .fD Mr McMullan to .take moving pictures of scenery and natural life in this district. father E. M. Lerary. OM.I., of Stewart 0t.i arrived , in the Ko city on the .M Catala this morning from the north and will proceed on Thurs day by lln f Terrfce where "c"' ounuy uc wiu wuuun i monthly services in the Roman Ca- I thollc Church. Mrs. P. Campbell wife of the Canadian Customs officer at Sll- , wwari. ana ner cnuaren are pas- ngers aboard the Catala today bound for Vancouver where the children will resume their school siuuies, A. Hallcran. who has been engaged as a police officer on the Naas River during the salmon can-nine season, returning to the city on the Catala this morning from Arrandale and will resume his du- ties next week on the local school teaching staff. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shadwell and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rochester and daughter, who have been guests at Madame Rajaut's summer resort at Tlell, are expected to return to the city from the rrmce unanes aay morning, Mrs. Neil McLean, wife of the rvv the summer here, will sail Saturday evening on their return to Vancouver. While here they have been residing in Miss Jessie Roth well's house on Fifth Avenue East. Mrs. R. A. Marrlthew, president of the Rcbekah Assembly of British Columbia, arrived in the city ! havl of f Idal vUit to the Anv lodge and tonight wtl pay ! a sltnllr vu4it to the local lodge. ; ,,., U in n morning by the Prince Henry on her return to her home In Van rouver. Staff Captain Joseph Acton, divisional commander of the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, who was one of the leading figures at the native congress which has Just concluded .here, and Mrs. Acton left on to- sail Monday morning on the sa. Princess Charlotte for their head- quarters In Wrangell. ANNOUNCEMENTS Rebekah Bridge and Whist Sep- icmoer 10. Moose Bazaar, October IS, 17. Ann Fashion Show Wednesday and Thursday August 27 and 28 at the Capitol Theatre A. J. Lancaster, provincial col lector, sailed yesterday afternoon oji the Prince George for a trip to Ocean Falls, on oinciai business, A. E. Parlow, district forester, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George, for a trip to the Ocean lfc$s district on official business. Mason Brown, Indian, for dru- kenness, was fined $15, with op tion of fourteen days' imprison ment. In city police court this morning. More Indian cases are to be heard this afternoon. ' J. W. Reid, officer of the Board of Railway Commissioners from Ottawa, arrived in the city on yesterday's train from the Ea&L jpd sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver.) T C. R. Gilbert of Terrace, who has been at Alice Arm adjusting insurance on buildings which were re cently destroyed by fire, there, ar rived in the city on the Catala this morning from the north en-route back to the interior. Judge P. McB. TToung and H. P. McLeod. court register, sailed yesterday afternoon , niha Prince George for Ocean FaJJs, whjre, theyj have county court work.' to attend to. They will return to the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning. H. N. Brocklesbj, who went south yesterday afternoon with other, members of the scientific staff of! the Prince Rupert Fisheries 3ta-' tion to attend the conference of Pacific Coast workers of the Biological Board of Canada at De parture Bay, Vancouver Islnd, was accompanied by Mrs. Brocklesby. ' S U7ii Horse in Seetland'a senior Whisky. Used throughout the wojld uherever connoisseurs foregather. elms Peter Black, Jr., who has been engaged in summer work at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Peter Black, sr. He will resume his studies at the University of British Columbia in the fall. Mrs. Charlotte Carman, who is to take up residence at Telegraph Creek to which point her husband has been transferred in the ser- ' vice of the Hudson's Bay Co., passed through the city at the first of the week bound north. She arrived by train on Sunday from the Interior and sailed yesterday morning on the Princess Louise for Telegraph Creek. : Army Luncheon Held Yesterday Sirs. William Kerr Hostess to White Officers Who Attended Congress litre This Week Yesterday at noon Mrs. Kerr, wife of Adjutant William Kerr, local commandant, gave a luncheon at her home In the Citadel for Commissioner and Mrs. Hoggs rd of Winnipeg, Staff Captain and Mrs. Joseph Acton and other white officers at the Salvation Army congress this week. Both Commissioner and Mrs. Hoggard addressed the gathering at the table, speaking suitably. Commissioner and Mrs. Hoggard sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver and were given an enthusiastic send-off as the steamer pulled out. ItlC MARRIAGE" OF WHITE HORSE WHISKY "X yTARRYING" is a term used 1V1 by experts to describe the blending process through which "White Horsa" gains its smoothness and mellowness. Scotch Whiskey is the blending of malts and grain whisky. For "White Horse" only the choicest makes of Scotch Whisky are selected. These are matured for a long period In sherry wood-expertly blended or "married" then aged, reblended and aged again. Every drop of "White Horse" must go through this long, deliberate process-and the result generously repays the effort. lAfolTE HORSE Whisky DISTILLED, BLENDED AMD BOTTLED IN 5COTLAND This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.