PAGE SIX "a a pi ere s to the great Canadian grain in its most delicious form! Made " into Kcllogg'a Corn Flakes and,, enjoyed by more than 12,000,000 people every day. Here's to wholesome CO coirv FLAKES' "kAlwayi oren-freih in the patented tcaxtite inner teal tcrapper mt it is. rr,,M T H READ and USE CORN fUKES Tints ISO SOLD AT ALL GOVERNMENT LIQUOR STORES This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. PEMBINA EGG-Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAD EGG-DeliveJ-ed, Per Ton i . . . . 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP DelijeredRer T . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 - Want Ads - Let Thtfin Ik Your Broker in Buying and. Selling Somebody It wtlUnlo buy that house or bedroom act. or coat you haY to cell. Somebody la waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It la you are In the market for. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ada. You'U find undi earned of bar-Sttins undreamed, opportunities. Do your shopping uirouav ui columns ana see now profits ak.and PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED. ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" CONCLUSION OF CONGRESS Sslvatlqn .Armj jGathrring.Came to Close Last Nlght heTastolTa m6$ successful series of meetings was held at the Salvation Army Citadel last night. This took the form of a musical program Interspersed with a variety of other Items. Staff Captafn Acton, divi sional commander from Wrangeil. Alaska, was in the chair. Many places at which the 'Army is at work In ; this! district. wfcre represented with aspeclal Item, among them be ing, Glen Vowell, Hazelton, Cedar- vale, Kitselas, Metlakatla, Canyon City, Port Simpson, Prince Rupert, as well as Ketchikan and Metlakatla, Alaska. A banner was presented to the corps which gave the most to the Missionary appeal. This banner was for only native corps. The winner was Hazelton, where Envoy Holland Is in charge. Some of the items were worthy of special mention and were vociferously applauded. Tne natives possess excellent musical and vocal ability. From every point of view the congress has been a success and 'it Is expected that next year there will be a much larger number of delegates. ;s The program last evening was as follows: Opening Song. Prayer. Chairman's remarks. Staff Cap- tain Acton. Solo, Mrs. Atkinson. Address. "Father Duncan," Bnvoy Tomllnson. Cedarvale. Chorus, Envoy Halland, Hazelton. Duet. "The Army Will Be There", iinvoy W. Wright and McKay. Solo, Mrs. Envoy Milne. Recitation, Mary Lamb. Men's Duet, Canyon City Officers. Trombone Solo, Bandsman J. Starr. Surprise item, Metlakatla. Solo, Mrs. Envoy Clifton. Duet, Mrs. Ma Jury and 3. Starr. Solo, Bandmaster Aukland. Duet. Capt. and Mrs. Andrew McKay, Port Simpson. Solo. Bro. Alexcee. Solo. Peter Wale of Hazelton. SPECIALS Shredded meat OCp 2pkgs Empress Jelly Pow- Op ders, 4 pkgs mux Peek-Frean's Biscuits All yt. 50c Allen's Rum & But- CTA-- ter Toffee, per lb. Silver Spoon Tea per lb Sunlight Soap OAn per pkg. Palmolive Soap J. A n 5 bars Lux Toilet Soap OHZn 5 bars 00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 Sth'Avenue East PHONE lh AND 81 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team oi Motor Service Coal, Sand snd Grsvel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. The Daily News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge, B.C. Smithers Drug Store, Smith- ers, B.b. R. W. Riley. Terrace, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. An News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Discoveries on Black Bear Group Woodbine Is Resuming Work Soon District Did Well at Vancouver Exhibition This season's work on the Black Bear group, which ad joins the Red Top near the headwaters of Bear Kiver, has ; disclosed some very fine ore. Copper assays as high as 12.1 per cent with $8 in gold and galena assays giving 82 per cent lead, 32 ounces silver and $4 in gold have been obtained. The owners, Messrs. Bolen, Garner and Gillof, are well pleased with these very encouraging results and are I busy prosecuting surface development on the property. A well mineralized vein of quartz porphyry, eight feet wide, nas also been located during the recent work. This is the very latest discovery and no assays have as yet been obtained. The owners look upon this as the most Important discovery upon the property. Last year the Black Bear came Into prominence when it was announced that surface work had revealed a streak of ore running 81.7 per cent lead and 29.0 ounces silver, being' the effect that the high grade vein ' - has widened to three feet and that shipment Jack Rennie has the hauling contract. A crew of men have commenced work on the Woodbine property at Stewart, getting the camp, pine lines, etc. in shape for the recom- i mencement of development work, i The prooerty will be In acUve op- j eratton by September 1 with a crew of about twelve men under the: personal direction of Hush Mr-Outre. The persistence of gold va- lues In the ores of this property is a most encouraging feature and Justifies further development. Extensive surface prospecting an! underground j exploration will be undertaken and the results to be obtained from this projected work arc looked forward to with considerable Interest particularly in view ; of the fact that persistent rumors are current to the effect that gone gold values have been obtained at depth In the adjoining Premier' property. Mr. McGulre visited the mine a few days ago and has new gone to Vancouver to compleU ar-rangements for the' resumption of work. Louis Lecge has uncovered some very promising looking ore on the claims in which he is interested near Chlckamln Glacier In the Portland Canal district. Fair average values In gold, silver and lead have been obtained over a width of 10 feet. Legge and his associates are pospectlng the surface by means of open cuts. Portland Canal again this year carried off honors for mineral displays at the Vancouver Exhibition. In addition to the award which was received by the Silverado mine for the best exhibit of native silver ore, minerals displayed from the Stewart district were awarded a cup for the best general district exhibit of ores. First prise for the best individual property exhibit of copper-ores went to the Glenora-Queen group on the Stikine River. Second prise for the best lead-zinc ore went to the Ingenlka Mines Ltd. on the ' Ingenika River while the Stella group at Alice Arm got first prise for the best exhibit of molybdenum ore. The Portland Canal exhibit is stated to have been the largest and most representative collection ever assembled in the province. The northwestern mineral survey district exhibit this year In addition to ores from Stewart, Alice Arm and AUin was greatly in created by some splendid displays from the Taku and Stikine River sections. ALARMF0R L0N CHANEY Famous Character Aelor of Screen It Battling With Attack of Anaemia LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26: Lon Chaney, motion picture character actor, is battling with anaemia. lie has received at least two blood transfusions and studio , officials express concern over his condition. Chaney rallied .somewhat last night and there was reported to be a change for the better in his This Year's Pack Of Salmon Double Twenty Years Ago Twenty years ago the salmon oaek on the British Columbia coast accompanied In the same vein by totalled 530,000 cases which was two and a half to three feet of cop- considered at that time a very good per ore. At that time no work what-! showing. So far this year, with the ever had been done on the property season not, yet finished, the total beyond what could be accomplished pack for the coast is 1.197,457 cases with a pick. The high copperjvaluea'or more than double that of 1M0. are found on Claim No. 3. All told, ( That year as this, the Skeena had the group consists of five claims, jthe largest pack of any individual 'district. Latest news from the Kenneth ' group In the .Stewart district Is to Un'on steamer Catala. Capt. A. Dbknon. returned to port at 10 I V Inrlr this mnmintj Irntn Anvnv the crew U busy sacking ore : art and other northern points will tall at 3.30 this afternoon or Vancouver and waypolnts. NEW DIRECTOR OF TUCKETTS Mr. L. R. Creene, Vice-President of The Tuclcett Tobacco Co. Limited, recently do tod to the Directorate at ' tkU well-known Canadian company. Mr. Greene joined the Tockctt Company in 1915 as Manager of Sales snd Advertising. Prior to that time he had served for 17 years with Sherwin-Williams Company at Cleveland and Montreal. Mr. dreene is weH known throughout Canada fur bis interest la public affair.' lie U, at present, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton. He is past President of the Rotary Club, and a past firesides and Director of the Canadian Association of National Advertisers and is a roudi sought after speaker, being ananthority on sales and advertising. 19 sA, 'SEATIl TO THEM ALL my W9VTM WUrt , J35'ji a On SAii AT atus eftdctsr ano tTOKS WNdl I t, i,, I MT.R0BS0N IS SCALED After Many Attempts, Peak Is Reached For First Time a, . This Year " 1 -V . . MOUNT ROBSON. B.C.. Atie. 2u: Mount Robson after many Attempts has been climbed for the first time this season. A party composed of N. E. Odell and C. G. Crawford of London. England, both members of the Mount Everest expedition and Terrls Moore of Haddon Field, N.Y., are now on their way down to theii base camp after successfully gaining the summit. It was In a lone attempt to cllmfc Mount Robson, 12,072 feet high, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies, that Newman D. Waffl of Orange, NJ, lost his life two weeks rBrxaixswenrxsnrai r i- - g MONDAY & TUsVn BUDDY ROCK; "Safety In Numbers p i "uai ail lau. : With Many New s COMEDY THE FAMILY M . g "DRESDEN I. B PARAMOUNT SOI , , ,i u 3 5 Admission - , ,( jjj Feature Starts at : ut M Biai KSai B9 Bl'.i IK K g a t DEMAND fRuprt Brand" K ippers 'THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST TOO!) Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCE RUPERT, B.C. Features of the New FORD Car Beautiful New Streamlines Shatter-Proof Glass Windshield Rustless Steel for allbright metal parte Four Houdaillie double-acting. Hydraulic Shock Absorbers Four Wheel Brakes, Fully enclosed v Smoothness, Balance qndSecurity at all speeds Long Life' anil Greater Economy, Call or Telephone For a Demonstration S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, U.C. illH lA:. Cr.,n tml x imc m seconds n . ' . nr fi nlnnrnf L If you are a techriidsB, i doctor, a prcics'i J nun one who must have the tsnc m second.' or one who warfs a distinctive watch, the Gruc; Tcchni-Quadron is the wttch for you! It has an extra laree seconds band for quick accurate reading, a fine Guild movement, anJ case of artutic design -for business and Jre' John Bulger Jeweller Tliird Avenue Trlnce Rupert - I!,u i 4 7 i 1 i ft -'3 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated