G. H. Arnold We offer Lot 7, Block 44, Section 7 A fine level lot on Eighth Avenue, midway between Dry Dock and Cold Storage, for $300.00 Notary Public Insurance boats making Several section, . fees H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. keal Estate ca M.M.Stephens Notary Public Cenveyancer FOR SALE A well nee consisting of two appointed apart- eit — fais five _roomed modern harbor view rents for #70 with excellent Borden Street per menth- Price $5,500, Terms. M. M. Stephens REAL EST ATE, LOANS, INSURANCE | | i | CnittiConlarne and and Hot Tomales at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 4 ; : ’ : Anyone Mal Shop Anywhere He oF likes the sult it sometimes makes a difference where you ££. We heave worked to ply your polat of Hess From collar butions to diamonds we atrive Ww make our store perfect i> Ga dnvitation bo lo see it We do not ask that you buy anything, You'll find pleasure in just seeing; and we in showing JOHN BULGER Jeweler of Worth and Beauty. she Hut al thought and accurately sup wants at every the Jewelry busi ilils you The Stor | | | | : 5 } ' ; . Bonds one small Large stock of repair Machine and Boiler Work of aii kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries ‘ Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. ea 3 PETE HERMANN STILL IS BANTAM CHAMPIC Newark, et. us 48 Pete Her- mann of New UOriears., world’s} bantamweight champion had little trouble outpointing Harola Farese of New Orleans in an eig round bout. es 2 r 4S sont vf : cir ic n f 2. Pa ay _ =i Mrs. L. Kendrick gavs her ee is a “erank” about eating. He's “finiky,” she say s. He wouldn't have canned miik 1 the. house—if he knew it. But when she made some bot with Pacific Milk Sunday morning he spoke about ’ CAKES oe = ES Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co, Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. can te docked together on light. materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. t| ie} THE DABLY NEWS EEE | Extra Special ! 100 Boxes Choice Wealthy APPLES Unwrapped, 4 Ibs. tor 25c Per Box, wae 00 ie Table Supply Co PHONES 211, 212 : Ce ee ee | Another big freight steamer, one 1} Loca! News Notes of the Vaneouver built boats, is | me et is ae et rn ec ex] ted here before idneg. By an | Ladies’ gaijers just arrived wn neement in ‘a Vancouver Family Shoe Store tf} paper, the War Chariot has FS eon made her ‘port trials very satis rectly tuned. G. CU.) factorily and before leaving 'Walke Phone Blue 389. tilher first voyage will load lumber | 2 qt Vancouver and finish her cargo he ry Chapter 1.0.) Qi4) aeroplage spruce from ou ho their monthly Prince Rupert. lin eting in jhe oils hall on Weds is | ne weekday. October 15. at 4 o'clock Tf POOLROOM RAIDED ‘a Cartet manager of atte a on Sunder night and will : spend the winter at his home at rhree drunks were arraigned ; > ; Vax Bay. a ‘ = hefore Magistrate MecMordie in the police ourt this 1 - Littl ge Burr, daughter of a rs 8 : art thi adet an olin “istianse as e . | Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burr of Seventh , meIPURP ere. WS oo. doliars; §. Hayashi was fined #10 Avenue, is a k home again after 7 : } and $2 costs, while the old offen- wing operated upon in the Gen- , ; > } ler, Pat Casey, wae fined $15 and feral Héspital. The little one has . *2? costs om 30 days’ hard labor, nade good progress and is now mw . The Hub Poolroom was raided much better. TWELVE AVIATORS CROSS CONTINENT i | (Special via 0. T.P . vetidraoes New York, Oct. 14.—Twelve out lof the sixty-three aviators in the jtranscontinental air Derby have |completed the first half of the race, seven having barided at San Francisco. and five at the easie:n fend, Mineola fe. Nineteer istarters are out of the race, eight ng erashed. San Francise Oct. 14 Lieut la rd is the only pilot who will permitted under the rules to |oegin the return transcontinental p today. afternoon. PACIFIC NAVAL BASE He plans to leave this ‘| AT THE FUL ISLANDS ow nice they were. The sa: happened with a loaf ca) 4 Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Then she toid him why they Suva, Piji., Oct. 14..—Admiral better than Sous |Lord Jellicoe on his arrival here Now he insists that she was met by a fleet of sailing all her baking with Pac ifie Milk.|canoes and welcomed by native == ‘hiefs. In a speech he suggested Pacific Milk Co that Suva probably would be a * | Pacific naval base. Limited aaaamaii FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. Full stock of rubbers and rub- 8) bes boots for everyone. The ~ —_ -|Family Shoe Store. tf ~;_ $) . DENTISTRY + Don’t neglect your Teeth ;] One decayed or missing tooth ; 0 lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT F or Sale eam heated m ydock, eaneh, poe hoom house, lern h near dr 7th Avenue, Section YESIGHT all The m the senses is st valuable of the most neglected and the least understood Many suffer from ils, which, upon examination, can be traced directly to defective eyesight HE removal of th often restore the run-down sufferer té When glasses properly preserib ed, they reste the vision to nor mal and eliminate al) eye strain will and Leaith Cause delicate robust T are re SS Fred Joudry $1,760, Room house Terme. on FitW Avenue $1,600, Terms. Avenue, Terms. 6th Avenue, Section 7, near $360 each, Torme. Block 29 5 5 . section 6, 2 Lots, 6th $660 each, 2 Lot, drydoeck, Low 26, Cash McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents if 3rd Avenue loeuranee Real Kstate Rentals. Section 5 mectior ence Phone Practical Optometrist Third Ave. Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Picnic and Fisbing Parties Trips round. Harbor J. MYHILL-4JONES c! PTAIN M'GREGOR While out with a hunting party yestemfay on Porcher Island, Oap- ltain McGregor, V. C., while pack. lis za deer down the mountain sid ad the misfortune to stum- bis ; lok and fall heavily. breaking his collar bone. In the party were Jarvis Meck eod, 7. Cargill and W B. Kerr, also of tthe Customs Department, and they brought Captain McGregor BROKE COLLAR BONE | WHEN OUT HUNTING to the General Hospital here with all speed for treatment. ANOTHER FREIGHTER TO LOAD LUMBER AT PRINCE RUPERT last night but nothing was found to indicate that the law was being broken. A el For Women ——— you find at Wallace's are reasonable in price and stylish in appearance. Ze woman who wants a good, serviceable and stylish coat for a moderate sum can get it here. We have recently re- ceived a new shipment embodying the very latest fashions. Some are fur trimmed and others are made in the popular Silvertone Cloths in Blue. Brown, Reindeer, etc. Prices range from $25.00 to $65.00 Look them over H. S. WALLACE (C., 11D, Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. ee ee FIRST HANGING TAKES . PLACE IN MAYO CAMP T0 CARPENTERS members of the Carpenters All “d the took place Exactly who per- deed not known. are still suspended from the trees, and in full sight f the road. They are big, dark fellows, who hang silently by the neck as a grim reminder of the past. The victims formerly were illed with rye, Secoteh, bourbon, and other brands of the tribe of John Barleyeorn. The decree having been passed September 1 from trees beside The hanging time at night. formed the the ‘tims spring. some tm! vir manning them from their usual rendezvous in road-houses and hotels, some of the boys took the eS nion must be present at meeting \\ Mute Record of Battle With the| Vednesday might, Cclober 16 Scotch Left by Roadside Shipwrights in the city are also ‘ ’ juested to attend in Yukon. By order of the Exeentive af News fhe following story of a Yukon ragedy appears in a recent num- ber of the Dawson News under a Mayo headline and dated Septe | NAYS ber 20: is 4 ihe first hanging in the Mayo ré are: cag EE eg amp took place several days ax: =: ARE E HERE it ‘Skinners’ Rest,’ the beautiful ae ae oadside resort beside the crystal springs seven miles ut fror : ie : — " Outfit Your Boys and Gir! “Twelve victims were suspend RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOE ¢ Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E.R. 1 ABRUM The Practical Shoemen ie FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. P I as victims out and quietly and in the nost approved manner provided whe number of nightcaps, ind then proceeded to render life the spirited outlaws complete!s extinet. “Phe the usual only thing now remaining} in vicinity of th: beautiful pool with which the ‘weary way farer can slake his thirst is the kickless and vapid liquid gurgling from the earth. No ome has yet dared ¢rink too heavily of this rare lidation, and siime cynical passer-by has posted on the t beside the twelve hanging victims the satirical inseription, ‘Skin ners’ Rest.’ “The perpetrators of the lynch ing are entirely shrouded in mys tery, but recent*arrivals at Mayo report footprints in the vicinity similar to these of Jack Pickering. Jimmy Greenfield, leaae Lusk, and a lot of other ardent dry who are kaown to have done all possibl in their tiMe to retire firewater whieh drove the snakes out of Ireland.” C hildre n's "ania rs just arrived. : The Family Shoe Store. “tld ee ee a ere * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY °| Spirella Black 257. i illaae’ | | | RCE THe Hee me | POR RENT Sewing machines | and pianos Singer, Shop, 144 Mhird Avenue, the home of the Gerhard Heintzman piano, TURNBULL’S Pure Wool UNDERWEA j ADIES who know and appreciate the eccnomy of PURE wool UNDERWEAR select TURNBULL’ 5 It is 100 per cent. pure wool and both Union and Canadian made. It stands any test of wear. We have them in both two pieces and — Prices $4.00 to $9.00 We also have some fer G's and Misses. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Third Avenue