TB DAlL? W2W3 Wednesday, Augiu l3 PAGE tTVO The Daily News PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert i... .Daly Ncl'9;llW,iJlMrdy(V.tJJe W H. F. ?ULLEN - - - Managhig-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mall to allpther parts oi British Columbia, the British Em' Dire and United States, paid advance, per year Rv nul tn nil nthnr 'rihnntrifta. ner venr By nail to all parts arts of oTNoithurn Northern and and Central Central British British Columbfi Columbia paid in advance Or four months lis For lesser Deriod, 1. paid paid HER OWN HOME TOWN It was interesting to learn yesterday that Miss Amy Johnson had been given a great reception in her own home town. Hull is where she lives and the people of Hull are THE TARIFF BOARD The tariff board which has just been abolished was created by the Mackenzie King Government with the idqa of taking the tariff out of politics, which of course was not feasible. It is bound to be in politics, no matter how many boards are established. Mr. Bennett is now planning to establish another tariff authority but it will not take the tariff out of politics. The government is responsible for the income and the income is largely dependent on the tariff. It will always be a pol itical question here, just as it is in the United States. It will j L- ! L i A -A 1 i? e an important taiKing point at every election. It is to be hoped that the new tariff policy when it is brought in, will be one that will really make the country prosperous, for we need prosperity more than we need anything. IRONY OF FATE It is one of the ironies of fate that a man who spent his life as a soldier should eventually be knocked down by an automobile and die from the effect. General Sir Horace Smith Dorrien took a prominent part in the late war. It is even said that he saved the British army at Mons by refusing to retreat when ordered to do so. Even so Nelson is said to have once saved the British navy. At any rate Sir Horace stood hisfground in the face of the enemy and than many years after Fate oomes along in the form of a peaceful auto and strikes him down and he dies. TIED UP IN WHEAT Canada has a lot of money iod up in wheat. With such a condition existing financing of the present crop, even though not exceptionally large, would in the ordinary way have been a difficult matter. An appeal is made to the federal government to aid and it along with the interested provincial governments arranges that money. shall be forthcoming in order to prevent the sacrifice of last year's holdover. It was the only possible move. The most wasteful person in the world lg he who wastes his time. PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 BHNEHEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 MID DEER GERMAN RY. ON RAMPAGE- IS LARGEST New England Variety Have Special! LikinrrPor Greenhouses fl ' r f fo?s niamed own hand A righteous rpbe doth afford, That may purer grow, till called to go Forever to dwell with the Lord." No life can be empty It spirit filled With love and with Joy and peace Neither room for strife ln a risen Itfo, All hatred and e.nvy must cease. And sad? nV ho, God hath given a song; Even praise our tongues employ. Kept by Ills power till life's latest hour We have unspeakable Joy. For He who clothes the llllles cares for Me. lie who notes the sparrows fall Hears His children pray; leads them on the way; Knows their need and answer ere they call. Minnie Dill Qualfe Canadian National Comes Second In World VVecordlng to ' Visitor i KEENE, N.IL, Aug. 13 The irild WINNIPEG. Aug. 13 Among the, 6.00 deer In this section of the country European railway lines 10 adop. thr ' ' lMi. have acquired a very bad habit of policy of sending r.ilssions acrox jgallafclng gaUapfng Into into formerly ijbar iod '. R , f, ""3.W , causfSg conskle considerable for v,it. .la! . . i,. . .'L,. damage, pg niidance:'tieVmonth'!,.l: .'. . . 50 planr.UonsoTth, towns and, after the Atlantic to study matters nere, real estate ,Jth a tlew to thei. application, without any cx- ;1diere possible, at home, are the their strange actions, f Qerman National Railways, of nHr Hlivrv hv mall or carrier, vearlv Deriod. oaid in advance $5.00 j A year or so ajo a high stepping which Dr. Karl Sten Miagel. Berlin, Transient advertising on front pace, per iach 2.80 buck Invaded the town of Gardner, jasslitant to the president and dl- not far from here, and ol statistics for that Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 , Mass, pick-: rector sys- Transferil display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 ed out tha roof of a greenhouse to tern, h in Winnipeg today, confer- Classiried adverting, per Insertion, per word 02 do few dance steps. As a reMlt ; ot.clng with Canadian National offi- Contract rates an nppIicaLsn. Advertising and Circulation Telephone .... 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 80 Member tf Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION BE A PARTNER Wednesday, August 13, 1930 I Gardner gardener had a rather Dr. Stenernagel's duties keep htm l heavy glass bill to foot with no one In touch with railways on this side to blame except, perhaps, a queer of the Atlantic and. in making a ' j fancy of na' jre. comparison between European lines I A few days at,o another over en- :and those here, he said that, next jthusiastk deer, probably a younger . to those he represent s, which are brother or a son of the Gardner in- jthe largest in the world, came the vader, duplicated the stunt here ' Canadian National, both in mileage with approximately the same re- ; and in progress made. Activities and sulU,Thc intruder atong thejeperattons of the Canadian Na- top of a couple of greenhouses,ulonal, as made known to him by : MrUMAltne with PVfTV Imii snrnmrgnornl maridnor A A Tlmlftle J Canada might well be a partner in an Atlantic air ser- nicely lended panes of glass tlialljvere, too, similar to the German vice. According to the despatch that arrived yesterdayjeoet real money flWnstall, as wellftailways. Dr. Stenernagel observed. Vrflm nr KpnnAtt Jh f avtvrab e to tne sciieme anu in il nef""" y;iiiw w? ,n,AA ,.i,okl tHio harX'intr nf rnlo nf thn nnun.PtwP0xW petuniasMsnap-dragons, two vuum luiiuu.j- BCt wc wcti.fc u v..v yv... v..v Ajfflna asters an'fl' other flowers ness of ll'V. ; that were awn I line nmsnprtfvp rus. ' At Latpr it should prove to be a profitable venture. that woods ranging dogs have chasfd the animals Into the settled parts of the city. Flowers of Life proud of her. Hull is also the former home of her uncle consider the miles ee how the:? who lives in Prince llupert and the Yorkshire people 01 grow Prnce Runert will feel iust as uroud of the famous woman i1 not- nor do they spin flvpr riK fin thP nonnlP nn the other side nfthe nnnd. If Miss i"1 wW ,on? a5 "tth"! Amy had been able to come here she would have received just as hearty a reception as she did in Hull. , greatest king Was never arrayed like them. i companies as not unlike in big-1 stature and ability. j Vanniivr whprp hp will r- We 'Say "probably because one never knows JUSt Wnat ; tomers In the houses. ; rive on August 14, an Inspection will the people Will do. We thought they would have favored I Lite? his Gardner brother, the be made of the hew Canadian Na-j the Dunning budget but apparently they did not. janlmal was bay cut ln fl,eht tionai steamship and the new hotel. ; In this air transportation scheme somebody has to pay ,22 i.a" !lgIa"L. . the bills for gaining experience and doubtless some bills iUeu of any other the peopieifJcW Zealand win liiivu lu uc puju uy vuiiuua 11 sue uuca iinu nic otiiuuiu. inereaDouu are incunea u Deuevei Would Trade With Empire Association. Has Been Formed Encourage Closer Relations to I AUCKLAND. NJZ ., Aug. 13:-Por-, ution of an association for proij iottng trade within the British mpire is being considered by the !e business men of New Zealand !S r. M Pmft. th Panartian trartA '. - - J commissioner to New Zealand, as-1 Clothed In robes -of fair, dazzling, himself with the remarks sheen Tmade by the British trade commls-1 Dainty or gaudy and bright- oner, l. A. Palsh, at a recent con-: Surmounting their leaves of beau-wLrence here. Mr. Croft stated that 1 tiful green, mhouehtleasneos of buvers was the ' They are emblenjjgyfjjlilef det-prent to a greater volume " light. of trade between 1 the Dominions j - - anu me iuuurcrianu. xie tunru wny So I planted with oare one TirTrvfNew Zealand products should be day ' '-.jfrjRO.i R ehipped to the marketei of the world, A bulb a brown,. withered thing. , Canada was able to furnish soper-I knew It would rest ln Motlier lor wood at equal prices. Earth's breast, ; Mr. Palsh followed this up with In beauty 'twould grow ln the examples of New Zealand's pur-spring, chases of goods produced outside the Empire when British material I patiently waited though gales of superior quality were available blew cold, : He asked why New Zealand butter And snow lay heavy and deep; (should be wrapped In cheesecloth Till April showers called forth the made ln the United Sti(te and cost-flowers ,lnB $60,000 annually, specially when And bade it awake from its sleep. !90 of the butter wa ",d ,n ttw British market. Hats valoed at The sun genUy reached with its $M0 were purchased outside the beams so warm I EmPlre when similar hats could be And lifted its tiny 'head bought at similar prices from Bri- And told It of lovoJandHghfjust mh, co"n,ll?e8- ,., , w.. Mr. Palsh stated further that a "Pres. upward, 111 help the" sun 'V &S made In Great jgfc, . factory typewriters Britain but three years ago British, . ,.,. i manufacturers had turned out ma-h i ll n H , 8 the,chine. as good a, any produced m AftourUhlng bright, tender green. nwB men to conslder thls That grew till at length In Its sizn and strength The fairest of 1111 les was seen. Then I thought of life as a dry brown bum, Naked and empty and sad. If self be not dead and this life not hid With Christ ln the love of Ood. No life need be naked for Ood'l PARIS REBELS AGAINST RUDE Iteturn to Polite Manners Sought in I'larc of Today's "Frank Itudeness" PARIS. Aug. 13 It is no longer smart to be rude. The "Group of Thirty," the ne- we'reicult power which decides fer Parte 'a la mode' and what is not, have put the ban on American Importations in manners nd' especially on the cocktail. This group has a single honor member S.A.R. the Prince Slxte de Bourborvafamous Afrlenn explorer, and,.anJKe,sccretaryk.M. Curmon-sky, prince of epicures,' to modern Paris what Brlllat-Savarln was to the Paris of his day. They meet secretly ln an old Louise XIV house In the shadow of the Louvre 'There are millions of people,' states one of these psychologists of good taste," who would be polite If they dared. Today It Is not enough to say that the fashion of polite ness has passed. The fashion of being rude has beenestabliihed. At every step we meet people who aggravate their natural vulgarity to show us that they consider Someone else got the joh he wanted. Someone else won the jprl he ad rnired. "Dad luck," lie called iU Unt the real return va "B.O."l One day a dose friend lold him what hk fault was, and how to correct it. Today lie is forging ahead in husineas a favorite socially. 'B.(V My Ar no longer handicap him. Often wc wonder why we don't succeed faster make friends easier. "IJ.O." may be the unsuspected cause. , ; For everyone perspires. Science declares lhat even on cool days pores give off a quart of odour-causing waste. Unnoticed hy us, because Ve soon Iccome accustomed to it, this ever-present odour m Men! Try LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM It, rick. cmar. douMr-detue Intricate, the itin. No mJrrficc ifar 4nmnt wAh Ait mxhnt Utlxt. 8aa4c lecc. leva Drochrn LimlieJ . Dept. J20w Toronto, Otu. I SHE THOUGHT: "You'll never be lucky in love until you end 'B-O.'" Yet, to be polite, Sim SAID: "Your heart line shows many difficulties ahead." "Luck" was always against Him . . . unt il lie ended "B.O." (Bo.! Odonr) may be a constant annoyance to others. Don't take chances. Adopt the simple precaution of millions of particular man and women. Wash and lathe regularly with lifebuoy. Its gentle, creamy, antiseptic lather "purifies pores so deeply that fl.O." completely vanishes. And how gloriously fresh how satisfying! dean you feel! Keep complexion youthful Clogged pores stifle complexion beauty. Lifebuoy's soothing, penetrating lather gentjy frees tores of impurities makes dull skins bloom with healthy, youthful radiance. Its pleasant extra-clean scent-that vanishes as you rinse tellsyou Lifebuoy purifies. Adopt lifebuoy today. Lifebuoy UC A ITU CHAD stops body odour- These wives of ours: ) vWo took them from the aholtpr pf their families, gave ' thorn two or three rooms and a sharo of our salary tlion "".IJeft thorn sitting thoro among tho wedding presents, a bit . bowildored. - ' But they knew how these wivos of ours. Thoy knew how to make rooms into homes, and bow to get more merchandise out of a dollar bill than we ever could, We're lucky to have wives. How do thoy do it? Look through this paper, day after day. You will find advertisements covering almost every human need. Thoy are filled with hints for tho household, hints for health, hints for clothing, hints for keeping young. They arovir-tualjy little essays on life. No wojicjor these wives fof ours follow thorn so carefully. As one wo wife said: "It isn't so much that I know housekeeping1 so well. I know where to loam Hi" ' : Mostcr foremen. V Read it. It forms an authoritative text-hook on good housekeeping. OUMV ...t.-t-- wvvuinn..,uuuHUOOBOOaDOI)OODOOIOOBBDOW' themselves inferior to none. "What occult manner has Introduced into France contortions from the den.s of San Francisco and Buenos Ayn s under tho name of dances? Who Is responsible for the cocktail and tho family barf "French taste believes in embellishing life not in degrading it." A widespread press campaign li (directed chiefly against the cock- tan. Dally News "Want Ads" M"' 1 quick results.