while your pleat ure I served. No other tweet Uti to long', cotta to little or does to much for you. WR1GLEYS Promote! good heslth when uied regularly after every meat. It clesnMi teeth and thrott, wectens mouth and breath, and strengthen the gum. Your health U aided m. m i A Good and Good for You start In the first game. As he plays In the outfield when not on the mound, it would give him a better chance if he pitched the first contest rather than play outfield and then come In to pitch the second or third game. Herman Loblick Is a sure starter in one of the games. while it is thought Nick Chenoskl will be the other twlrler. With Somerville away, the catching de partment Is one of the weakest points on the team. Jack Nelson although developing, nicely, is lack-1 lng in experience, while McKeegj is a little slow on nis tnrow to second. Downie, who has been playing first base for Centrals, will probably do the receiving. Bill Mitchell will be stationed at first as In the other series. Bill Harold, who plays third for the Elks In the City League, and who handled second in the eames against the sailors, is liable to play there again. Benny Wendle is the choice for shortstop, while Stan Moran, If he Is able to play, will probably cover third. In tfje outfield. Oeorge Arseneau will be seen In his usual place in left field Lambie will play centre When he Is not dolus duty on the mound. Skinner or Chenoskl will probably be In rlht field, with the Hurdling Is form of athletics that Is net sVA rn the loe&l sports nWln Tt j nnn nf most pleasing races to watch. It, Is not. however, an, obs&clfeyace wlih the rennets going as hard as possible between the hurdles and Jumping over them as they are met. It is a question of taking the hurdle in the stride and pictures of Earl Thomson, the Canadian who. holds the world's record, shew that from the start of a race to the end of it, his head was practically the -same height frerolthoirouMd. xhi At tbe'j&M.Games .atTlamil-ton; Emgtorttf wfllfeWesented by Lord-BurghleyrD. O.-Pinlay, Royal Air Force, P. R. Gaby, Polytechnic Harriers, R. St. O. Harper, in the 120 yard hurdles, and by Lord Bur-ghley, Dr. M. L. Neame, W. O. Tat-ham and R. Leigh Wood in the 440 yard hurdles. Lord Burghley Is the Olympic hurdle champion of 1028 and the British champion at both 120 yards and 440 yards in the amateur championships this year. He holds the British native record of 14 4-5 seconds for the 120 yards and the 440 ftrds rfccwfl With 53 4-5 seconds. Probably his greatest asset Is his fighting spirit, his determination being the subject of 'comment by competitors lafid spectators of all countries. Physically he is not at all of the ordinary and would not be pkked out as In any way likely to be one of the greatest hurdlers of the age. GAME POSTPONED The scheduled baseball game between Elks and Centrals in the City Baseball League last evening was postponed on account of a heavy rain and wind storm that made playing impossible. Itudv V.Ulec noted Crooner of the air. leading automobile parade tsUgcd tn hi.-- honor in Portland, Mc while en route for Westport, hi; home town, THE DAILY NEWS FAOE FOUR RUTH WON a HIGH JUMP GAME FOR a AT Great Compulsion NEW YORK GAMES SOON Hit Homer aftd Single With Two Out and TVra on Bases For Yankees Yesterday NEW VOftK. Aug. 13: Babe Ruth's borne run and his sinsjk-with two out-and two on bases In the ninth inning enabled the Yankees to defeat the Tigers in an American Leaftie game. Philadelphia won a double-head er from Cleveland. In the first game Grove registered his nine tecnth victory of the season. In the National League Pittsburg went 14 innings before defeating Philadelphia and it took Chicago 11 innings to gain the victory over Brooklyn.' National League Boston 2, St. Loins 4. Brooklyn 2, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 7-3. Pittsburg 8-8. American League Cleveland 1-0, Philadelphia 9-7. St. Louis 4, Boston S. Detroit S. New York 6. Chicago 4. Washington S. TRIBUTE TO SPORTSMEN IN ENGLAND With the recent dissatisfaction with refereeing over the results of the Sharkey-Sehmeling fight and the Sharkey-Scott fight where decisions were won and lost on fouls it Is reassuring to read the tribute paid by W. L. Strlbllng, father of "Young" Strlbllng, who knocked out Phil Scott In London the' other week. "I have never met a finer set of sportsmen than those of England," he said before his departure. They gave us a clean break all through. Although the fight was under British control, on British soil and against the British champion, nothing could have exceeded the fairness with which we were treated during tbe Scott fight. The referee, Sam Ilutsell, is the best man with the best knowledge of the game I have ever seen, and if my boy fights for the world championship he will be happy if the third man in the ring is Sam Russell." BOXING BOUT IS ARRANGED Hilly Itacthaw and Oil Woods to Clash Soon Interest In the boxing match between Oil Woods of 'Vancouver and Billy llagahaw, the local star is steadily Increasing. O. L. Cochrane, a visitor from Vancouver, called at the office here to deposit his check for $100 that Woods will win hU fight against Bagshaw. We understand that the money will be covered forthwith. Bagshaw is In good shape and is training even more seriously now, and with the matfh only nine days distant will be in A-l shape to take,! on Woods. A new air-cooled machine gun, with compensating sight, has been developed for the U. S. Air Service, which fires from COO to 800 rounds per minute. Picturesque bear-h scene from Kilcrf- Prince Edward Island, a splendid haven of beauty and pa'oral surroundings for the tourist The island, sometimes known as The Garden of the Oulf," has about 90.000 Inhabitants. Sport Chat Much interest is being taken in the forthcoming baseball series to be played during fair week between local players and tbe Vancouver Athletic Club team, leaders in the Senior City League of the southern metropolis. It is to be hoped the weather holds fine for tbe games i the locai association will have to raise a big gate to meet expenses. The local team has showed p exceedingly well this season against outside teams, taking Ketchikan into camp in the four games they have played by an easy margin. When the American destroyers were in port last month, it was expected that the Gobs would be able to put it over on the locals, but Prince Rupert won tbe first game handily and were unfortunate in losing the jecond game which went an extra Inning. The boys should" pu up some stiff opposition against the southerners, and if they can bat the way they have been during their other series, the games should be closely contested. It is expected tliat Bill Lambie, who has been pitching fine ball for the Native Sons this summer, will possibility that Farquhar will play that garden. There will be plenty of relief players to fill in who will not weaken the team to any extent. George Mitchell has been playing a steady game at short for the Elks while Smith, who has been hitting nicely is a relief player for second base. Ales Mitchell and George Howe, who is leading the league at batttng. are both good outfielders and can play in any field. Esc Hint Contests Expected Whrn Men Meet at Hamilton On of 'he most exciting events to watch in any athletic competition is the high jump. One has only to wnteh the spectators at these contests to see what a thrill they get out of the effort of the contestant, the short quick run. the lift, the suspense, both literal and men tal, as the jumper reaches his highest and then the clearance or the , fall of the bar. i At Hamilton this event promises i to be keenly fought out. Canada's : three representatives are Jack Portland, Colllngwood A. C, D. A. JMcNaughton. Vancouver A. C. and O. Smaikombe. Toronto West Y. M. C. A. At Toronto last Saturday this event was won with a jump of six feet. This is 3 inches below the Canadian record. McNaghton is Credited, with doing 6 feet 2 Inches. But this is not likely to be quite good enough to win at Hamilton. England has sent three Jumpers of quality. C. E. S. Gordon of the Achilles Club. London, is the present champion He cleared 8 feet 3?B Inches against the Princeton and Cornell Universities last month. He was also a representative in the last Olympic games where the Jump was won by an American entrant Robert King, with 6 feet 4g inches. Another English entrant is O. Turner of the Earlstown Viaduct Club. He was second in the English championships this year. He Is credited with having done,6 feet 5 inches on one occasion. The third serious competition will come from E. Brttdbrooke who did 6 feet 2 Inches in the triangle competition with1 Scotland and Ireland this vear. I Altogether those who areprivl-, leged to see the Empire Sports will have every opportunity of seeing some splendid hfgh Jumping with Canada having a fair chance of producing winner. VANCOUVER AT GAMES. Two Men Prom That City Will . . Represent B. C. at Hamilton Empire Meet HAMILTON, An?. 1J: British Columbia singles and doubles lawn bowlers will represent Canada in the Empire Games as a result of qualifying rounds yesterday here when A. S. Reid of Vancouver won the singles and Held and W. H. Moore of Vancouver won the doubles. GREAT SCOTT AGAIN WINS KEMPTON PARK. Eng., Aug 13: Mn. Chester Beatty's Oreat Scott won the Oreenwood Stakes over a mile and a quarter course today. Only seven horses ran with Virgo coming second and Antiquary third. Pump Takes Ride North In Plane From Edmonton Shades of the Village Blacksmith, the vlllan-e numD's KOne air-mind ed! Brown and Alcock flew across the Atlantic and Klnesford-Smlth around the world, but it remained for C. H. "Punch" Dickens, famous pilot of the Western Canada Airways, to take the village pump for an aerial Joy-ride, says an Edmon ton paper. This undbergn or an pumps, painted green as many respectable pumps are, reposes at presrnt. along with all the acoutre-1 (nenU necessary .and, desirable to , tnrludlhK a handle, in the ! Western Canada Airways offices I here. On Monday It will be hurtling I northward In the Super-Universal Fokker monoplane piloted ' by I "Punch" on his northern flight to Fort Resolution. i It's a substantial pump and not the kind one would normally expect to lake up aviation. There is Just a possibility that it's not even an air-minded mimn. but a mining camp on OreUt Slave Lake needs water and miners must 6o served ... so the pump flies northward Monday. A D.lly News want-ud will! 'bring results. I Sale This is your opportuity to buy shoes in many lines at less than Manufacturers Costs. Our store is full of Quality Footwear and every pair is on sale AT BEDROCK PRICES Our Juvenile Department is very complete in Boys' and Girls'. Buy Now and save real money LADIES' HART SHOES Canada's finest Ladies' Shoes We are discontinuing this lino and must clear them out at prices that will surprise you. Black anu brown kid cutout buttons. Black kid, blonde kid and Patent cutout ties and black kid oxfords, nature tread, sizes, 4-8. RICHMOND SHOES Men's Richmond Shoes Makers of Astoria shoe in AC black and brown calf. Sale price JM tIu LADIES' SHOES t ,We have many lines in numerous styles and patterns, CO Off 1 ! strap ties, oxfords, cuban dnd spike heels, one price " BOYS' SHOES Boys' School Boots With panco soles and rubber GO AC heels, sizes 1 to 5 1-2. Sale price qAdO Your shoes tell others what you think of yourself Shoe repairs while you wait. McARTHUR SHOE STORE 1 n BUY 51,000 lOU can buy $1,000, on the instalment plan. Take an instalment from your wages every pay-day and put it into a Savings Account in the Bank of Montreal. We will pay you interest on each instalment every six months. The day wjll come, sooner than you expect, when you will have 1,000 to your credit. BArfe OF MONTREAL , "A Dank Where Small Accounts Are Welcome" Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns