Wednesday, August 13, 1930. IP WD a o o D D D DAILY ROUND TRIP ss. rrincc William ? '' na River r; aits $no. to Kaus River : u .same day. .ircn half fare. Caps From 15c. to $1.00 Special l-3i off Qrmes 1M. Ufio Pioneer Drugfvsls . Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists sssaoooooooooooiwoHSrooiKKJoooPDMootioociDoaoooooeiooea - Want Ads - Let Them He Your Hrokcr in Buying and Selling: Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom .set. or coat you have to cell. Somebody Is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It Is you are in the market for. Get the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undi earned of bargainsundreamed of opportunities. Dolour shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant It is. HEAD and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Mad x: Hi $2.00 , AV earners SOUTH OUTII ly a learner to Vanrnuvrr. Victoria, Sea II lea ml iitlrrmrtllale rwrta Monilaya,WrdnMdaya,Tliurlajannil Salunlaya. For Aiiym anil Stewart Moiulaja and I rlilay. For Ataaln Porta Wnlnfmlaya an.l Salurilaya. Alio rrgular Milling, for Skcrna and Naaa Hltcr orti and North and outli Queen Cliarlottr Inland. TaaaeiiRrr tralna for Edmoiiluii, WfiinirK nd all polnti Eaat Irate daily rirept Sunday at 1 p.m. l.nw larra NOW. about our Triangle Tour. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA For Inor million roll or R. F. McNAUMITON. DUtrlet I'aweniier pent. Prlnrr Hupert. IM UliBIIKSBU UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED " VANi'OU VER, VICT03IA. Butwlale, Alert Bay. etc , ir VAM'tlU Kit. VirroilU. Iliileitale. Alert May. Me.. r ALICE AIIM, ANYOV. HTMVAUT, N" Klltr. w.iai Mulilnt Hulilm.i tiom torn l-riiit ITlntt Hupert iiupen .. nm www-. - I rrMn inldnlftit Pol Port sliuuon. sun. oiy. 8.00 p.m. POUT HIMPBON Dd WMS8 ISLAND. ThurMay pm IU iml Atrnuc It M SMITH tmt , PM" "iJ. Tl rough tirkrta told to Victoria and Heattle nd battue theraro Ihromh to iieotlnatlon h r 77Zl KAII INKS FROM ritlNCE RUPERT steamships I To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway August 1. 4. 8. 11, 15. 18. 22, 25. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-August 2. 6. 0, 13. 16, 20. 23, 27, 30. Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc Vancouver and victoria, every r riaay, tu .m Agents For All Steamship Lines w C. Orchard, General Atcnt, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, I'hoi.e SI Early Ad.kC.0p is appreciated 8 Phone 98 2 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" wooooooocHScKioooooooooaooacKooooaoooooooooauuocK50t) Local Items Glasses fitted by registered iopfomctrlstat Heilbroner's store. ."AC. .. 0. CBushby returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. C.PJI. ss. Princess Alice is due from northern points this afternoon at 3.30 and will sail again at S pjn. Mrs. T, McMeekin left this morning on the Prince Henry for Vancouver where she will visit for the next two weeks. Union ss. Catala, Captain A. E. I Dickson, arrived In port yesterday at 2 p.m. and sailed again lor Vancouver with a large passenger list and capacity freight at 3:45 pm. Passengers booked to sail on the Princess Alice this evening Include Mrs. and Mrs. J. II. Johnson, Mrs. E. Allen for Victoria and F. Zuern for Seattle. The Northern Tranaportalon company s norco, uapiain uougu.i which was in wlpta cargo of salmon left again on her return to Ketchikan last nlgbt. In the local police court before THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREP Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Hugh Forrest .fand son werei southbound passengers on the ss. I Vancouver. Hull!- ' ,": i .:! Mrs. A. and, N. McLeod were passengers on the Prince Henry this morning for the south where they will holiday. Mrs. J. It. and Miss Irene Mitchell were passengers on the Prince Rupert today returning from a holiday spent In the south. C. If. ss. Prince Henry arrived from the- north this morning at ',6.30 and left again for Vancouver land southern points at 9.15. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls and children; returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today after having spent the last two weeks at southern points. W. J. Klrkpatrick veteran customs officer at this port and Mrs. Klrkpatrick returned on the ss Prince Henry this morning from a trip to Alaskan points. George Morris of the Preventive Service of the Canadian Customs Department was aa through passenger on the Prince Henry thl? morning from Stewart to Victoria. Frank Kermode, curator of the tTZ " provincial museum at Victoria Is In Ing Henry O Nelll was fin Ined on h retumed a charge of tatoeatton ?lnd SL SJf JT..0! :ng wlth the local museum board juiiii -ua.vUi. " j while here and has already inspec- grancy. !td the Hvde collection of Indian TT . . . 'curios at the government buildings. Passengers on the Catala from Stewart for Prince Rupert included Oeo. Gills, John Phony, M. Jnn Y,ATCTDTTar,TIT7l7 Nicholson, R. Nicholson. O. E. Mor- UIhiJ lKULHYC ris, H. G. Hilllam. Mr. and Mrs. a. u Wright, J. J. Uttle and Ret. O. M Sanford. Messrs. Robert and Jack Stewart. after whom the town of Stewart Is named and wno are inwjreswa m the Dun well mine and caher Indus trial actlviUes In the northern port were through passengers on the Catala yesterday returning to Van couver. FUNERAL TODAY Richardson took place this after- Central Hotel I' st:v minuikmknt train Heated; Tramerx' Sample limxiit: lint and Cold Haler tree llun Meet All Train anil la" Kates $1.M and Up uri'.Cl.tL MONTHLY ISATtA C.K.IUGUAKT& A. DONALD Prnpitetoni PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. FKUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth SU. Savoy A. O. Hlllen. 8tewart; Chris lEdMlllAfrftvlMcCallum, South Pre mier) ! New Royal Hotel I. 7-arelll. Tnp, THE HOTM. UOICTII wnii.r. Hot At Cold Water: Bteatn Hat 75c TER DAY AND UP Telephone SRI Royal II. Leln. W. 8. Jones. Bnsi! Hors-. fall. Vancouver: John. Phony. Hy-der, Alaska: H. Buckholb!, Hazel-ton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Orwlc.k. city; F ! McQlbney. M. Stanlch. P. T:rcllck. M. Llnstadt. SUGGESTIONS WELCOMED Open Session of State Health Insurance and Maternity Benefits Commission to Be Held In Prince Rupert The Prortnetal Royal Commission on State Health Insurance and Ma- ternity Benefits proposals is to hold The funeral of the late Henry optn myng at the Prince Ru pert Court House Saturday evening, noen from the B. C. Parlors. Her., August hear any representa-Dr. Dafoe conducsing tha service , tt(ms tna may 'be made by resl-prior to tatormeitf jrt PatJT6- denU of the northern areas touch- metery. ANNOUNCEMENTS Pat's Playboys dance. Moose Hall AuflUSt 32. ! i -a. Moose Basaar. October 10. 17. U&I Cafe Formerly the White Lunch Is Now Open Under new management' HOTEL ARRIVALS ing matters within the scope of the Commission's investigation. The Commissioners invite the attendance of all Interested in the subjects of the inquiry and will be glad to hear as witnesses individual cl-Utens or representatives of public or seml-publlc bodies, Industrial organisations, fraternal orders, trades unions, social or hospital workers, medical men, etc.. who may be able to offer constructive suggestions as to the possible economical operation of public health Insurance or maternity benefits In British Columbia, or give any new reasons for or against state health insurance proposals as they now are fairly well understood In this province. Copies of the Commission's Progress Report presented at the last session of the legislature are available upon request from the secretary at Victoria. Au. 9, 12, 13, 15. C.N.R. Will Use C. P. R. Docks In Vancouver Now -The local office of the Canadian National Railways has been notified thnt arrangements have been made with the C. P. R. for the Canadian National Stcam.shlr to use Plere D. at the foot of Oranvlllc Street for their steamships, both those on the Triangle run ind the Prince Rupert i steamers. All ve.isels will use this dock for the present. DURING BABY'S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Loose Diinha'a, dysentery, colic, emrapa, etc., manifflrt tbcmwlvra; tha gums become swollen, and cankers form ia th mouth. This Is tha time when tha mother should use and porhnp sve- the liaSy's life. On the rkrt for 80 ymn. I'rioo, a Iwttlo t J1 drucgiMa ol dsilca s The C. N. R. ss. Prince Rupert ar- i ' rived In port this morning from the south at 1 pjn. Officers report that j the damage done to the new piers . at Vancouver was terrible. The Prince Rupert docked at Ballantyne I Pier. i Loading of the Prince Rupert was Uko much interfered with owing to ack of elevator accomodation at he Ballantyne. However, they were able to use both hatches by bring-ng part of the load alongside in a cow and then transferring it by a :rane on the wharf through the side of the boat where the cargo Is ordinarily loaded by the elevator. Japan to Share Nitrate Trade TOKIO. Aug. 13 Japan is ne gotiating with the government of ?hlle to obtain a concession in a specified location for the production of Chilean nitrates, and it is probable that if the deal goes through Japanese Interests will obtain an Important share In the ontrol of this vast Industry. According to Matsumoto Kitada. first secretary of the Japanese legation in Chile and son-in-law ot Premier Hamaguchl, the negotiations are progressing favorably. He believes that the scheme will result in large development ot Japanese agriculture aa a large part of the export nitrate 11 'is to be brought to this country (or distribution among farmers. " , 70 PEDRSONS S. D. Johnston returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon. He had gone south to attend the Rotary convention and later was in the plane accident near Port Townsend. By Injecting air Into Uic head Prof. P. Frlsch. of the Children's General Hospital in Vienna, Austria, claims to relieve Infantile epilepsy and wcakmlndcdncss. Indian From Far North Reaches Edmonton After Being Shot In Thigh By Companion EDMONTON, Aug. 13: Marvelling at the works ot the white man even as he moans with the agony from a serious gunshot wound In his thigh. Joseph Fish Bagbone, Yel-lowknife Indian and victim of a shooting accident ot a -week ago, reached the General Hospital here after a sensational trip from the farthest reaches - ot Qreat Slave Lake. Canoe, aeroplane and motor ambulance played a part In bringing htm here to receive medical care. With a companion, Bagbone left ) his Yellowknlfe home a week ago to go In search of a moose, so It Is un-Iderstood here, for the man speaks no English and It Is practically impossible to obtain full details. The pair became separated in the bush and the companion, mistak ing Bagbone for a moose, fired ; three shots at him. One of the bul- lets took effect in Bagbone's thigh, fracturing the bone and leaving a dangerous wound. Wound Is Treated Such first aid as could be rendered was given and the man was i placed In a canoe for the crossing of Great Slave Lake to Fort Resolution. Details of the Journey eartiot be learned, but it must have beer one of excruciating agony tor , Bagbone. j. At last the ifanBe recrod Resolution where Dr. Bourget dressed Bagbone's wound and applied splints to the limb before placing the Indian aboard a Commercial Airways monoplane piloted by. I. Glyn Roberts. Leaving Resolution at 2:15 pjn., the mitchtne reached the South l onkint: Lake air base at 7:30 pm., near record time being made during the dash. Thr injured man was conveyed, In a i-ity ambulance, to the Grnrral Hospital. i ii mi i mi ii mi Jabour Bros., Limited ii ' liml.' ; Third Avenue and Seventh Street All Day Tomorrow, Thursday Aug. 14 to Re-arrange Stock and Mark Down Prices for Sl Mammoth Storewide aisio Selling Starts FRIDAY, AUG. 15, at 9. a.m. See Tomorrow's Paper for Full Particulars Bad Loading of i INITIAL RIDE Prince Rupert j IN AIRPLANE BallantynePier NOT PLEASANT Dr Alexander X-UAY SKKVICL PHONE 575 BESNEK BLOCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Uartuxe, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team ot Motor Service Coat, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. man. affnegarCTamitWi TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIltY FOR RKF.ENA BKAMI Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH ,PASTF'lRf7.EO MILK AND CREAM DAILY Earlj Delivery Throujhout the City !USSSBBiSXVUS3BBiB& IfllllXtW COAL Buy (he real Coal our fa-mom Edson and Cassidy-Welllntton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and' Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Uet hc Ad. reading habit. It pays.