B page srs The ABC of Vitamins And Where to Find Them dispositions. lane vitamin A away from a child and he is underfed. Lacking vitamin xj. growin is stunted, without vitamin C, scurvy may develop. Ana vitamin u is essential to assimilation of food. In what foods are these vitamins found T Let the United States Department of Agriculture answer: Vitamin A Some common sources of vitamin A are avocados, bananas, string beans, butter, carrots, cheese, cod-liver oil, dried cowpeas, cream, dandelions and other greens, eggs, lentils, lettuce, liver, milk, peas, sweet potatoes, spinach, squash and tomatoes. Vitamin B Common sources are asparagus, dried and fresh beans, brains, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, egg yolk, fish roe. grapefruit, kidney, lemons, S For For u Bread Cakes u M H by edwika vht.av filrivfnr of TTomn SmV r.nra! Electric Refrigeration Department piIILDREN and adults, for that matter need food containing the various vitamins, if they are to enjoy health and vigor and even lentils, lettuce, liver, milk, nuts, okra, onions, oranges, parsley, parsnips, peas, potatoes, pineapples, rutabagas, spinach and other greens, tomatoes and whole grain products. Vitamin C Pound In apples, bananas, cabbage, young carrots, cauliflower, grapefruit, guavaa, lemons, onions, oranges, peaches, peas, pineapples, potatoes, raspberries, rutabagas, spinach, sprouted legumes, string beans and tomatoes. A f n vitamin T) M. I. through open-air sunshine, from VAllf Till VtlZ-idn'l ,ll -n .rnlf .. machine, or from doses of good old-fashioned cod-liver oil. AH the vitamin nlnrinhot tulnne- in the family diet Say it with milk! and fruits and vegetables with,' m.4 ... .J .... i l - l ymiicijr iiu me cnances are that von will hnvo WliiH. rvin.f of the essential vitamins. Perish ables, properly refrigerated and wholesome, are necessary. The nerson vciih a rhormfnr Aim- position usually is properly vita-mined. By the same token, he with a grouch, a snap or a snarl may be lacking a vitamin. Don't trust to luck Use this H World Fnmmis Flniir Tn All Ynnr RnWnrr r FIVE ROSES FLOUR I I Alvays the Best and Best All Ways 1 For For g ruuuings rasincs n Every Bag Guaranteed By I Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd. g TIIOS. McMEEKIN PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I M Local Representative Q iMx3sri ra ra razaia jkxsxeoi ra cat a i a i a nnnivicMrMjri? DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. riUNCE RUPEItT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS t Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (!. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlncksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 HEALTHAND I MATERNITY INSURANCE ixpeied 'hat legislation Will Fol- low-' Findings of Commission VICTORIA, B.C.. Aug. 13 Some form of maternity benefits Is expected to be recommended by the provincial commission on state health which has been Investigating-the subject for the past two years. In the Interim report of the commission last February, the principle j suggestively endorsed was Identical i with that of the workmen's compensation for Industrial accidents. This principle has been accepted by all European countries and It Is probable that the commission, in its final report, will suggest that British Columbia legislate along these lines. Under this system every employee would contribute a percentage of his pay towards health Insurance, with the result that all medical bills would be paid by the government. Including thosefor hospital service. This prtacgjigfU' ipplied twtthe compensation board, Insures a workman IfomToss in accident and makes hls:"ftfroIover lointlv finan cially responsible in keeping up in surance payments. Health insurance prevents pecun iary loss to the individual usually ustained through heavy hospital ind doctor fees. The system even toes to the extent of protecting the .vorker against sickness by period- cal examinations. This would be of considerable eneflt to municipalities which) support hospitals, for instead of he institution being able to collect inly from a proportion of its pat- tenis, it wouia receive payment ior every case that entered its hospital. This would allow expansion of hos pital service along lines to provide for necessary inertfata'accymo- iatlon. It ivassumecT thaFwftrf ttos- jltal care open tb all througli'the1 health Insurance plan, most people vould avail themselves of this ser vice. Many physicians are reported to: be more in favor of limited insur-i ince, as under this plan they would j be able to collect fees that before never had been available. -Instead of "carrying" many charity cases,' or people unwilling to pay the; doc- j tors would recelvewirtgular Income ! for a great'. percentage' of Grtnelr work. I!"0" ' ,.. i.r;;.; a. r Jif Soapflakes FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT ChildnnQyforlt SPECIALS Quick Quaker Oats with China, pkg. large pkg. per . . . 40c 20c Nabob Malt & White Off Vinegar per bottle Pure Rock Maple Syrup, 16-oz. bot. Special Pack Nabob Orartge Marmalade jCn Korean Crab, the QfJr leading brand, tmtrtr' Eagle Brand Lobster IPZp l-2'g, per tin c EagFBrM Lobster Off-- THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, An HEADACHES Rheumatism Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Man in the Moon asr Relief I ami YOU cant always stop work and give-in to a headache, but you can always get relief from such suffering! A tablet or two of Aspirin will ease an aching head every time. Perfectly harmless; prescribed by thousands of doctors. An effective antidote for pain, taken by millions of men and women whenever they've a cold, headache; neuralgia or neuritis; rheumatism, lumbago, sore joints, etc Read the proven directions that come with Aspirin and realize how much suffering these tablets can spare you. Aspirin has medical endorsement. It doesnt depress the heart.-You know what you are taking. The box bears the word genuine in red. TRACK MARK MO 4 SPIRIN The annual fall fair is to be pretty soon and you bet you, I shall be there with bells on. , j Jake savs everv fool should wear a cap and bells but unfortunately there's a lot' of people loose wlth-PUt 'em. He looked as If he meant-me but I don't think he could have.! A cuckoo clock is one that strikes the wrong number and never tells the time correctly. Then there's art-other kind that has a little bird come out and tell the world about it. I hear the; baseball guys are all het up over adlttle team from Van couver coming to lick 'em all Into nothing. Yes, sid I say "lick 'em-." - To play or not to play, that Is" the question worrying sometof the am- bitlqus baseball boys. f 1 I 1 A 1 f Tom Trotier was a passenger on ,UUUUJ, "cei" mmgry in the Prince Henry this morning en r4"";c w" f. " w",e route to Vancouver and southern v-uuu"' " lcc"""8 W1"' M""0"; IOU " !rarrv it. hnma vrmrcjlf ' W MVM4U V U UV Some of those central states 'would have given a million dollars for the shower that" visited Prince Rupert last evening. It was nossibly worth about fifteen cents here. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert Real estate business is active, at present. W. S. Benson representing ! the Atlantic Realty Company of I Fredericton, NU., has purchased six ! lots In section one for $45,000. Lot four, block nine, section one was . also sold for $3,600. The new school which is being constructed on Seventh Avenue and which contains eight large classrooms will be ready for occupation by the end of the month. Ten and probably 12 members will represent British Columbia In the House of Commons after the next distribution was predicted by Hon. William Templeman, minister of mines. The Prince Rupert Coal Fields, Ltd., has been incorporated with head office in Montreal and a capital of fire million dollars. Steamer Camosun had 50.flrst class passengers for Prince RUPfift list night and 10 fqrSwartpBt 1-4's, per tin , f T V-,DrtA kl XMCS W ' Nabob Fruits assor- Cp Doai r SSage ted, per 8-oz. tin Qn Prince Henry Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arrivlncr lvnrv Itnni I The Prince Henry Is a very popu- " " jlar boat for travellers who are de- M 11 C sirous of every comfort and anxious lYLUSSallem brOCerV tO. to Vancouver in quick time. Limited 417-423 Sth Avenue East PHONE lb AND 84 One nasseneer this morning took her own food with her. The passenger was a fine large nannygoat and her refreshments a large bunch of succulent grass. 1 CONVENTION CENTRAL B.C. Associated Board WjH Convene at j The annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia will take place i this year September 3 and 4, and Prince Rupert Board will hold a special meeting August 29 to con- sider any resolutions that might go before the convention from here. I The date was set at the request of the Prince George Board. Harry Quest, the vice-president will prob-1 ably preside as Olof Hanson, the president, it is presumed, will be attending the session of Parlia-j ment at Ottawa. Prince Rupert : delegates will find it difficult to attend owmg to n De;ng t air wcck Victorious Pipe Band Welcomed 1 Billy Burke Serenaded By Scotsmen I at Winnipeg Station WINNTPEO. Aug. 13: Cana dian National officers, here, headed by General Manager A. A. Tisdale, welcomed, yesterday, the Canadian National Transcona Pipe Band, on their return from Vancouver whpre j ney cantured the J. w. Stuart challenge Trophy, emblematic of the pipe band championship of Canada. This smartly costumed Scottish musical organization brought home with them the magnificent trophy donated years ago by General Stuart. They also won individual gold medals, presented by John A. Campbell, honorary president of the Caledonian Society. O. Orant of this organization also brought home the g(af;trchajlenge Irophy for best jTliO jJperlJapon arrival, serenaded1 Florenz Zlegf eld, theatrical producer. New York, who left here this morning, on the "Continental Limited" for Lac Edward, Que., where he has a summer home. In his party were Mrs. Ziegfetti, the former Billy Burke, actress, and daughter. Transmission I' Line Is Almost Completed Now The peak of the work on the . transmission line of the Northern B. C. Power Company has been reached and the number of men so engaged is being steadily reduced. Many of these have found further employment at the different' It lOlJin i. ' ' i rcaiKniiuKBin WEDNESDAY and TIIUrSd!?. I TWO Kllmvc , . . sut " ' "naspj Joan Crawford in "UNTAIWFn - - 1 A J J I f ALL TALKING, SINGING AND DANCING A Irnminr Cuitnlnv Wnm Trnnln fiiMl a. r- Comedy Harry Langdon In "THE SHRIMP" Also NOVELty. g Admission 20c & G5c Feature Starts at 7 , t , ' USaKBlBIE.BW'BXBXIBlllBXBKBIIBBiKBVnillBi'Bia.UB, 1 r y Avoid 1 ' " - 7 Iron without effort with a ELECTRIC IR0NER Sit at ease and simply feed each piece into your Thor." Save time. Save troublel " ' " A Wonderful convenience that irons everything from sheets and table cloths to the sheerest undcrthings . . . . beautifully, far better than you could do them by hand Typhoid Largely carried by Flics. Get your Flit and the Special Flit Sprayer. 9 Ac. an smell i tin. Art. I AFTER ALL FACTS ARE FACTS The absolute and undeniable fad thai '83 b 7 years old Is allesled by Ihe Covernmenl label appearing on Ihe neck of each bottle. CoprrfcDt 1MO RUMO I ML TliQ World's C tScIJin Insect n j .A... M r-A. HWn ALA 11 1 yaiMiion Kil OhiU'j f ( This advertisement is not published or d;siJfu:-Liquor Control Doard or by the Governn British Columbia. DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST ONLY Pay Only $00 M IVVI ' Ai , :3 ' '' B The balance $5 a month Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited PKINCK; RUPERT, B.C.