Lrednesday, August 13, 1930. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Monday S3. Fnnce nuperM p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala .... 3.30 p.m. Wednesday ss Pr. Henry, & airi. Wednesday es..JT. Henry. . 9 a.m. ss. Princess Alice, 5.p.m. Thursday-ss. Pr. Charles, 4 p.m. F :iday ss. Princess Mary, 10 p.m. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight jturday ss. Pr.Charlotte, 5 p.m. ss. Prince George, 7 p.rh.' From Vancouver Gunday-Ss." Catala ss. Prince William, pjn. For Skeena River Thurs -ss. Pr. William, ,8 bju. Fa ss Pr. William ... 8 ajn. From Skeena River Thurs ss. Prince William, pjn ss. Carderia p.m t .. -at Prince William, ...pjn. Mail Schedule For (he Fst Midday, Wednesday and Satt uraay 1130 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 12 noon Prom the East Dilly except Tuesday 12J0 p.m. or Vancouver-Monday 3 pjn, Tuesday 2.30 pjn. Wednesday 4 pjn. Thursday 3 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. B .turday 4 pjn., 0 pjn. front Vancouver Sunday 4 pjn. Monday 0 ajn. Wednesday 11.30 a.m. Thursday . pjn, day 9 a.m, lurday mo ajn. Fr Anyox and Stewart r-nday 7 pjn Monday , .. 7 p.m. Friday From Anvox and ttttumr 1.30 p.m -"""ujr - , HhJU n.ut, niursday .:..'..:. 10.30 ajn. Eiturday im 6 p.m. rr Wales Island and port Simpson- Thursday From Wales Island nd Port Simpson-Friday queen Charlottrsli Mnday 7 ... pjn, p.m. p.m. 'rom queen Charlottes Thursday " n m Fr Alaska-Mondays and Fridays a.m. F'om Alaska Wednesdayi ( and, Saturdays, p.m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Holiday Resorts U - 100 mlka of take and wood In every direction. Apply to CA.Il. or by wire or Irtter to IMtlM Uxlf. tort H itmn, It.C. Sm-j 34 Lakelse Lodge ' New Lakelse Lodge on the shon? of Lakelse Lake is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest ln Canada) Good for rheumatism. Thone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return S2-50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlcll JtEIA CIIAKLOTrE ISLAND The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing Kivrr and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine "Will? tan 'n"mfY'tfilildrt:i or Port 1nnl. tVlrrlrt fur Kexrrvatlona MADAME RAJAUT JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements snd Queen Charlotte City, Mondays sltd Baturdaj. iMin lort Clement. .M a.m. Qaeeri ChMlolte Un.njn. Tare Z earli. Hound trip M. I. Iirftn.N. I "oft Clement" Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. 6dan Oats nwwt all boaU at Port OMnenta and at Quean Charlotte City. Regular trips to Port Clements every TMiilay tas Thursday teavtag q. c. Otty a asn returning from Port Cle-masU at t pjn. lute (Heen I nsrwue t iiy 10 i-ori ; ClemrnU 9M orfs relHrn or vlee veraa. InrsrwHIIsit point. 1. a mile. Ride in comfort. It costs no more, j Phone 3 abort, 1 long. Wire or pbone. our sxpenas). FmTVsn HTKVKXS - Profrlelor I Jaspe Lino Rugs At Greatly Reduced Prires JUST A FEW LEFT Before purchasing a Vacuum Cleaner see the Air-Way Sanitary System, no fUtliy bags to empty and several other features that no fbther cleaner on the market has. Five years guarantee. At MncKcnzie's Furniture hrirriNTR'fTRn FOR RENT 4 DinU . ' RAINBOW TROUT LSheJff- - Lf Monday ss. Princess Alice am. Tt-,plSf,VrtUi l?L Tn ln tne tu!POR RENT -roomed flat remocl- 3. Princess Charles, 1150 am. spoon, m thi. wiSi tirBin country um, I elled wlth bath- Phone 543. tt by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tt' FOR RENT Furnished suites, two and five rooms. Phone Mussal- lem Grocery. FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a piano ln your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Clean welWfurnished modern apartment. Palmer Apj aximents. Red 444. f tf FOR RENT Summer hou&j at Tex race. Apply 323 Eighth Avenue East or Phone Green 496. (18V) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. M BOARD residence, week or. month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. lm-J5 SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Han9 Goods Ronght, Sold or ExcliSnptd .. TT T T T Mir . R ll:-.v w. n. Montgomery;! 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 k STEAM BATHS 261 6th Street Phone Black 764 I Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. Gents, from . 10 ajn. to 10 p.m Auction Sale! of Household Effects To Be Held at 141 Firth Ave. West, on Saturday, August 16 Commencing: at 1:30 pjn. Consisting of Oak Dining Room Suite. Toronto Couch, Leather Couch, Sectional Bookcase, Pictures, two large Leather Chairs, Vlctrola, Mc-Clary Kootenay Range. Violin, complete Dinner Set, Electric Iron. Refrigeratoi, 3 Beds completaAljrSnrge Dressers. ChlffpneerTk. Table. SewinzT Machine; li. L Double Barrel, Shot GunUBrC. Smllh), Special WttiJspester Rifle, .410 Shot Gun, '.4l Army Colt Revolver, Grass Chairs, Arm Chairs, Centre Tables, Tapestry Rug and miscellaneous articles. Goods on View Saturday . Morninc GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER PIIOE BLACK 120 BRINGING UP FATHER TMfj TOWN) VJHUSl IT I I VEfe 6YJOVB. IT'S SaO EMoiXH WVHtNj THE 5US oot- fA nSrwuK-arYr. tat. Brtom ru rwsrrri .. . TEB DAJV2 REW3 paqz nva - FOR SALE. FOR RENT. LOS FOR SALE Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf FOR SALE tf Ah 8-roomed house with bed rooms, In live town and doing good boarding house business. Ill-health compels owner to sell for $1100.00 cash as going concern 16 boarders, M. M. STEPHENS & Co. LTD. To Whom it may concern: This is to warn any party or parties contemplating purchasing or1 "chartering gasoline launch "Billi- ken" registered No. 126544, now ln Prince 'Rupert, B.C., that they will have to deal direct with the owner TRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sr 11 or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf PHOTO FINISHING BY EXPERTS Send your lllni and I'hotoWork To Urathal! l'hoto HnMilnr I'rlnee Rupert. II.C. Quality Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mail. Stewart British Columbia. C.N.K. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tuesday,, 12.30 noon. For East Daily, except Sunday, 1 pjn. just cWt qtrr OVER T- THE COUNT DEBATE RlOiMCj ABOUT WITH TWO CHORUS GlRlA- I COOUD HvROl HELP WANTED FOR SALE Household furniture , WANTED Housekeeper, must be ln good condition, kitchen uten-j good cook. Call evenings between ills, crockery, ets. Phone Green j 5 and 8 or Phone Red 710. tt 450. . ttirrri " zr:. .:. lii'ji census uierKs. uunarcas wui Vod'dy-ss.Pr. George. 11.30 a.m. f.1' ?Lmll!l 01 twwiy in! t,,J,"7T,, nnZZZ FoR SALE New clinker built ce-i be required. Write M.C.C. iCIvil Thursday -. ss. Cnrm oaraena p.m. l".kl !2S "t!"?B. M P!P011 R1 Furnished apartment ... tnathnlkta ,ft ,in T.inHvV! How, Service School, cti i. 18 Mackle mm. Block, ni wooded unw, unentered br Friday ss. Princess Louise, a.m. h" "? Now that really good ac- SS. ro Prinw Prince VlrnrPP UCOrge. inn 11.30 .. am. m camping lm,no1tl'n equipment Provided la attainable. and modern many us Trlnccss Mary 4 pjn..1""' "n fishm trips, ,iiitt!iv ss Pr Henrv 11 ina-m "ff""" w mere ss, rr. t. -Ti uuruay iiixiry ii.jiia.rn., a rldo or hike to the ton of limine For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. F id ay -ss. Prince William, 8 pm. From Naas IUw and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11.30 aon. Friday as. Prince William, pm. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday . Catala, ..,... 8 pjn. Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn. Fi:d:iy -ss. Pr. George, 2 JO pjn. For Stewart and Anyox . Tiirsday ss. Catala ..-..llio a.m. Thurs ss. Pr. Charles, 1030 aih. F turday ss. Pr. George, 6 pm. r l urday ss. Pr. George, 6 pjn. For Ocean Falls-Monday ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 pjn. F-iday ss. Pr. Mary. ....10 pjn. p -ss. Prince Oeorge, 7 pjn. From Ocean Falls-Wed ss. Pr. George, 1150 ajn. -ss. Pr. George, 11 JO ajn. Princess Mary, 4 pjn. Far -ss. Prince Henry, 11 JO ajn. For North Queen Charlotte Islands Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn. From North )ueen Charlotte Islands Thurs, s, Pr. Charles, 10 JO a.m .j For South Qaeen j Charlotte Islands j M.mday s. Pr. William, 8 pjn. From North Queen Qnren Cliarlotte Islands I Thurs -ss. Prince Wtlllanv !.! For Alaska : Monday--ss. Princess Atlce, ajn.' Wed -ss. Pr. Oeorge. 2J0 pjnJ Friday . Princess Louise, ajn. Tit -ss. "Prince Henryr 2J0 pjn. From Alaska M n ss. Prince Rupert, 7 ajn. W j ss, Prince Henry, 7 ajn. rs. Princess Alice, pm. F iturday ss. Pr. Charlotte, pjn. Tor Tort Simpson and Wales Island-Thursday ss. Cardena pjn. Fud:ty ss. Pr. William, 8 ajn. From Part Simpson and Wales Island-Friday ss. Cardena pjn. Pope, from jhlch a wonderful picture Calgary. w START NOW you can earn money quickly, taking orders for the most beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ever shown ln Canada. Write for par-i tlculars. Regal Art Co., 310 Spa-dlna Ave., Toronto. tf FOUND FOUND Small bunch Dally News: of II. H. Hogan, Bella Bella, B.C. The! "If It's on or under the water we authority of any agent to sell or I do It.' charter said gasoline launch has this day been withdrawn. tf H. HOGAN, Bella Bella, B.C. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING by experienced dressmaker. Coats, evening gowns etc. Phone Green 187. 19! CII1ROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) fff & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Ormety Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrvns' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green Z41 AUCTIONEER SALVAGE AND TOWING DrivurselfTaxi keys. Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage "Work Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EAST1IOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Dlstrioutors Cooiidge Propellers Sand and Oravel ln any quantity. delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 5C4 ; :. P.O. Box 1564 Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomqrrow? If you cannot drive now, why not Hunt s Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Trrms Arranged G. M. RUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 A DIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows Tor special low prices. Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $1506 Finest quality and latest patterns. Come ln and see us today before It Is- too late. SUTTS Special order complete and finished ln three days. See Llnf the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue wel.i-t, Aaoor tai tims Vou cams HOrlB. DlDlsfT TELt- VOO WE'D OlME AO" SIX? m TO Phone 619 Get quick results with a want ad. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rwert TAKE NOTICE that Richard Walter Underbill of Vcooouvcr, B.C.. Aoesun-ttht, intends to apply r perm '.salon to pse the following described foreshore una:-'uori)merirg a post planted . at High Wster Mrk about 1-2 tnllel south and 1-3 mile e&it of the souttt ! east corner of Lot 336. Swindle Island. ! thence ruta 5 chains to lttaod. thence 1 east 7 chains to there, thence north- ' eflr westerly and southerly along High ' 'Water Mark to point of commence-' tnent and containing 20 acres more or less. tt i Dated July Mh, 1930. Richard Walter Underhlll, , James T. Underbill, Agent. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prinoe Rupert. TARE NOTICE that Frederic Clare Underhlll of Vancouver, B. C. Land Surveyor, tntetida to apply for permission to lease the fallowing described foreshore lands: Commencing at a pent pnnied on tee south shore of smui tt bay on North End of Price Island about I a miles tsduth and 1 mil aast at tfee (south east corner or Lot 338, Schooner j Passager thence North 10 clMins to op- iwww snore, ineace westerly, anutneriy and Easterly along High Water Mark to poln,t of commencement and encles-lnz the bay and oootalnthz 13 aeres more or less. Dated July 4th. 1030. Frederic cure underhlll. James T. Dnderbtfl, Agent. RANOE 8 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that John Edward Underhlll of Vancouver. B.C., Engineer. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described foreshore lands: Commencing t s post punted at the west end of amaU bay a boat 1 1-1 miles south and 2 miles east of the south east corner of Lot 394 Swindle Island, thence south east 20 chains, to east en trance- to bay, tlienee easterly, northerly and westerly alone High Water Uark to point or commencement, and con taining so acres more or leas. Dated July 4th. 1980. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District ot Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Norman Hill of learn? Therell be a day when youH 'ion". ' wisn you couia. We win teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walkeit Motor Co., Ltd. . , Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS Dated July tth. 1330. Norman Hill James T. Underbill. Agent. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OF ANLir.TIOX FOR BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY a I YEN that, ea the 21st day of August next, the under- signed intends to apply to the Ltaroorl iniroi ooara ror a licence in "SORrXV- OEAR- BOT iVE BCOvl VJTH CO UNIT OE BATS OAV- IW5 CO 7,1 T & FOUND TIJIS IS TIIAGE WHICH m6sT XiibirE.&iD.!BKCAUSE IT IS FULL OF IIUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNGND OLD. 4oor. S . ... .... , ... A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper. Walirelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Patnterg' and Pancrhanyers' Supplies. Phone. Red 53 P.O. Box 45 339 Second Avc Prince Rupert TYPEWRITERS S other value ran approach the (ieetal REBUILT SEA LCD UNDERWOOD $75.00 Very eay term All other makes from SI 5.00 SirNTlStltASn AMlINO MACltlXtS United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANcoi'VEn. n.c. Spirella Service Supporting Garments made to meet your personal needs. MRS. ISABELLA PETERS Resident Corsetlere Thone Red 103 Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings auiui uiwuu uiuuiuu, ,TIItI?n AVrVItP James T. Onderhlll. Agent. ! THIRD AVENUE Mansion sehnol TTrJDntB. endorsed THAT LIE DIONT , SEEM TO rr OVER O 5OO0' PHONE ZZ RAMOE S COAST DISTRICT Recording: District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederick BuueU BarHett of Vaneaaiver, B.C. Secretary, ri' irrr rj: I'" . intends to spplr for pennljwl and lanxuu .rut atlmitJ liT , 3 chaUw to point of c more or less. on to . JT?! Iee th follotrlnc described foreshore so? dMndt sTcnTns sJuXa ?Z?2J2t ''r Soufaohath' of Z? cS .TinV.ftea40!?t - -SS 2 U'alonS to a point behind Double Island, thence , Sih ' waHr thTSh lert 3 chains more or less to Low Water I Sj,!1 tTVll TV Mark, thence eterty along low water STS J XfL' J,,.. J2l' commence ment, and enclosmr. ail tidal flats and lagcoas. and containing 80 acres more or less. Dated July 8th. 1B30. Frederick Runell TJnrtlett. Jamas T. Underbill. Agent. DEPARTMENT or M IILIC WORKS Notice to vuntrartori Tender rear respect ; for Houston School" will be received or premises being part of the buUdtng by the Minister of Public Works up to known aa Seal Cove Hotel, situate at I 13 o'clock noon on UondaT the 2Mb the City of Prince Rupert, In the Pro-1 dag of August. 1MO. for the Erection vlnce of British Columbia, upon the, and completion of a One room School lands described as all that portion of at Hmiaton Ir. the Omlneea Electoral Waterfront Block "I" Bay of Prince Dlatrlct BC. Rupert, city of Prince Rupert. Province I Plans. Specification, contract, and of British Columbia. Map 998, Prince forma of tender may be wen on and Rupert Land Registration District, and after the 30th day of July 1030 and being more particularly described as further Information obtained at the follows: Department of Public Works. Par Re in dee., commencing at a point which ties : mem BulMmga. and at the offices of a ttraigM line bearrng nortb M 38 ft.. 8 ins. East s dlatanc of 767.20 feet from the centre of circle as shown on aald Plan 938. Section 7, thence couth 4 deg , Si ft., as Ina. Cast a dletane of 60 feet to a point, tttanc north 83 deg. 24 ft.. 35 Ins. Cast distance of 100 feet to a pogat, ahanee north 8 dec. 3S tt., 381ns. Wast a distance of 60ft. to a point, thence Booth 83 deg.. 34ft.. 35 Ins. West a distance of 100 feet to the point ot odmmenoe-ment." for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. Dated this 3-2nd day of July. 190 IL A. DODD, Applicant Win it Agents at Vancouver, Inoe Rupert and Smitbera. and Build- m exchange. Vancouver, copies of pl&ni specifications, etc.. can be obtained rrean the Dail8Biat no payment of a dopMIt ot Ten Dinars (10 00 which will be refunded on return of the flans, etc.. In good condition. Tenders will be opened in public at 8.84 pm. on Monday the 23th Bay of August 1090 st the Parliament Buildings, Victoria. - The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. PHTUP, ' Chief Engineer. Department of Public Works, ' Parliament Buildings. . Victoria, B.O. i By George McManus)' MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS