rday,Aprll 5, 1930. kTMs tea has that flowery fragrance you will enjoy if f 'Fresh from the gardens' MSTER RABBITS, EASTER EGGS EASTER NOVELTIES Iiuster Goods Have Arrived and Are on Display Ganongs' and Pascalls' See Our Wndovvs rE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE 'ines TTfie Pioneer Drtifcists HIRD AVtL i, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONE 6 20C iThree Graduate Pharmacists U UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED i-Bu kIIImc Horn Pilncf Bupen pHHWAN' ;: VER, VICrrOHIA. Bulertale, Alert Buy. etc. Tueaday. 350 p.m l'urVAt m K!t. lU'lDKM. Ilulrdale. Aim liar. Hi.. I'ridat mldiilrhl ftOfi ALICE AllM. ANVO.V. STKWAKT, Mas Klifr, Tort Hlnipa. Bun B.ihi D in. ! pO.' r SIMFSON nd WALES ISLAND. Thursday p.m. Paaj. ind AM-nue B M SMITH Kent frnice Rupert. H.C. ifllrouru 1'rkrta Dld.to Victoria aod Seattle Aiid ba(ca( eherJied otiKh to tleUliiiilon . B.C. COAST ) steamships fcaiAti .71 i ' aVv tmmu. Iw jit . Coast Steamship Service ArfNiS FROM PRINCE RUPERT Trf; K&chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway oril 9. 19. 30, To .Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-April 2 13. 23. Prhwss Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Yttrorta. every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For. All Steamship Lines W. C Orchard General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Q7jc Largefl Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from riMN'CE RUPEitT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, t&EATTIF and intermediate points, Thursday Si Sunday 10 p.m. SFor ANVOX each Wednesday at 4 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. nJr North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. pjAJJSF.Miru TKVINS LEAVE I'UIM'E KITEKT QlJvNlMV UKIINENDIV and MITlltDAV at 11:30 a.m. for I'HINCE llr.eM.L. EI)M()TUN, WlNNiri:ti. ail iwinm Eaotrru caiiadj. imiird Ntaleo. GFNCV ALL OCEAS flTEAMSHIF LINES Ity Ticket Offlcp. 528 Third Ave- Prince Rupert Phone 26(1 MANUFACTURER'S ANNUAL Safin Gh n Ml e jatin-CIo Paint; Satin-GIo Clear; Satin-Glo Enamel For One Week Only, Commencing March 29 SALE PRICES SATIN-GLO CLEAR & STAIN COLORS Regular Trices Sale Prices El Gals. $3.50 MM Run its 1.85 U5 Pints 1.00 75 Pints .GO ., .15 We Supply Coupons SATIN-GLO ENAMEL Regular Prices Sale Prices Vt Oals. $3.50 .'...$2.50 Quarts' 1.85 7... 1.35 Pints 1.00 . .75 Vi Pints .60 .. .13 4 Pints .35 ... .25 SAT1N.GLO REGULAR Regular Prices. Sale Trices : 'a. ; Gals. $2.85 $1.85 ? Quarts 1.50 1.00 Pints .85 CO Vi Pints .45 30 STH0MPS0N HARDWARE Co. Ltd. fdvertise in "The Daily News" Local Items I a Taxi Phone 4. ltig 4 Taxi. t( For higher prices and prompt re turns ship your raw furs to T, Pap-pas,-Prince George, B.C. tf Mrs. Jack Watson acted as cash ler at the Easter Sale Thursday afternoon of the Ladles' Aid of First Babtlst Church. Mrs. James Waugh contributed vocal solos to the musical program. B. C. Keeley,Paciflc Coast mana ger of Canadian National Steam-rhlps, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles today from Vancouver and will spend the next few days on general Inspection duties. Members of the crew of the steamer Camosun, which has been in dry dock here for the past two weeks following her stranding at Calvert Island, are expected to arrive in the city on the Catala tomorrow afternoon from Vancou ver to rejoin their ship. The Camosun will be taken from here to Vancouver whence she will be je-commissioned In service on the. Ocean Falls-Bella Coola route. DDD a sluggish pimply skin needs its tonic action An active fluid that cleanses the tissues of unsightly Impurities. Skin sufferers give this treatment a test. Soothing, cooling, healing a remark, alio agent. W. J. McCUTCHEON, DRUGGIST ORMES LTD. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'MIKK NEW MANAGEMENT Hiram llratrd; Trate'ldV Sample lloonii; Hot and Cold Water I'ree Ilua Mrrli All Train and lutalu Rates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY ItATLS C.R.HIGGART & A. DONALD I'roprleturt PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDUOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Mr. and Terrace; R. Essington. Savoy Mrs. H. 0 PHONE SIS HESNEH BLOCK L. Montleth. Royal L. O. Taft, Terrace; D. Roseman Holland Rock; O. II. Taft, Rainbow Lake; A. F. Kemasen. CNJt. Dr Alexander DENTIST PRINCE RUPERT STEAM BATHS Pear Sir and Madam : Will HESITATE? Steam baths and massage promote health and happiness. Personal cleanliness produces a chatmlng personality. Massage induces the natural health to q, with it. AVhyJS'ot Enjoy Both? The Prince Rupert Steam Baths offer you both at very reasonable rates. And we feel sure that one trial will convince you. Your patronage is solicited, and inspection is invited. May we expect you? Respectfully, Prince Rupert Steam Baths. Hours Indies 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Gents 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. dally. Dentist. C86. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone Foster William returned to the' city on the Prince Charles this morning from a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. Glasses fitted Jy registered .op-r tometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf) Dr. J, C. Dunn of Massett will embark aboard the steamer Prince John tonight and sail via the Queen Charlotte Islands for Vic toria. $400 cash buys level double corner, Section 6 .Helgcrson. C.N.R. Opeh Badminton Tournament Tuesday, April 8. Entries may be phoned to W. C. Currie. Red 197 and A. Teng, Green 270. All entries should be in by Monday. (81 ) John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fisheries, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Vancouver, being here on official duties. A. J. Galland, who has been spending the past few months In Vancouver engaged In excise department relief work, returned from the south on the Prince Charles this morning. Eric Barlow, teller in the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce will sail on the Prince Charles tomorrow night for his home in Victoria where he will spend a vacation. sentatlve of the International j Railway Co. here In the early days Fisheries Commission, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning' from Vancouver where he was called on account of the illness and subsequent death of his father, the late Captlr Freeman. senger list. Mrs. William Cruikshank and young son, who have been visiting in Vancouver since their arrival a MUSIC TEACHERS AND PUPILS Mnl.ummrt Lncal Examiniiion. far I9i0 will br hrld tkmuihoui lh.' Dominion In May. Junr rail Jul)- n't! Anp icatinni nd (rti from Candid ilr it Stu't Str. Mtrit tad all pninu funh weu must rrach the Convn-aiuo' e latfr than MAY 1st. 19W. Appliratim Iran and Annual i'yllabua o.nlainini full partkulan will be nailrd un rrquel. TORONTO . CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Colltja St. and Unlvanlty Av. TORONTO I. GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! How about having your boy friend take you for a nice car ride? Tell hlm- Drivurself Taxi Walker Motor C, Ltd. ' Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS BIG ORDER For Reaver, Martin and Otter Pelts Just Received Ry , W. Goldbloom FUR nUYKU He pays more for all furs than anyone else. Bring your furs to him first, the old reliable place. COMMODORE CAFE Latest John A. Clark, manage of Clax-ton Cannery, arid Mrs. Clark and family arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning en route to the Skeena River after having spent the winter In Alex Geary, route boy for the Dally News, was knocked down i C. P Marshall, who has been .,, ' "A ,,. identified with the Mussallem Gro- K ,. K D , ! eery Co. for some time as book-: Queen Cnarlotte city He spralned keeper, will sail on .the Prince !n ,eg but ,3 able tQ be about wUh unanes tomorrow nim wr a dus- the aid of crutches mess trip to Vancouver. Norman L. Freeman, local repre- Albert Davidson, who was an of ficial of the Grand Trunk Pacific and who is now ldentmed with a Vancouver shipping concern, Is a passenger aboard the Prince. Charles today making the round trip north to Stewart. R. F. Davy, federal department of Making her final voyage north! public works engineer, Victoria, in Dlace of the Prince Rupert: who has been stationed hero for I Rupert which has-bcundergolng several weeks supervising the con-nnaalwoTerhauUaO Vancouver f or , struotlan of the new fishermen's the nast five week!. CJOl. steamer floats, will sail tonight on the j! Prince Charles, Capt. E. Mabbs. , Prince John for the Queen Char-, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this ( lotte Islands to Inspect old wharves j morning from Vancouver and at pprt Clements, Queen cnarlotte Powell River with a falr-sized nas- City and Sandsplt and look Into fishermen's needs at Massett. He expects to return to the city from the islands In two weeks. Dr. Charles A. Eggert, pioneer ( ' II 1 HM.lnHn IUIn !.. Cunningham, Port -w weeks ago from Detroit, arriv ! "-j. 'ed In the city on the Prince .Char-! who has been on a year-and-a- New Royal Hptel J. Zarrlll. "ru. THE HOTEL UOKTII WIIIIX Hot Sc Cold WMr; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrnhoiip 2X1 1a thl mnmlnir frnm Vanroiiv.r nan posi-graauaie ujur in nie uree of whlch h travelled as far to take up residence with Mr. Cruikshank, city ticket agent here for the Canadian National as Vienna, returning to. this pro" vince on a round the world voyage, arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the south and will be here for the next few days before proceeding to Vancouver where he will practice In future as a specialist. Mrs. Eggert Is at present In Victoria. ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles Smoker April 7. First United Church Easter Sale April 10. Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thursday, April 17. Good Friday Sacred concert St. Andrew's Cathedral April 18, aid organ fund. Daffodil dance ODJ3. Hall. April 21 In I. Moose dance April 21. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale April 24. Elks' Balloon Dance, Elks' Home Friday, April 25. Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllngton in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMION'ES 58 AND 558 HAS JUST INSTALLED THE I U Type New Lunch Counter and Waffle Service Owing to thic popular demand this High-Class Restaurant has Installed the very newest thing in Lunch Counters. One of the features will be the serving of delicious Waffles by means of Very Latest Equipment. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHES A SPECIALTY Austin McKala left here on this morning's train for Sudbury, Ont. Donald Rodman of DIgby Island left pn .this morning's train for Gait, Ont. $hurcK $twck$ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Mother Chureh, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "UNREALITY." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL , (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning prayer and sermon and Holy Communion at 11 ail. Subject, "SANCTIFICATION," being the fifth of the. Lenten Series. Sunday School at 2:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7!30. Subject, "WHY PEOPLE DONT GO TO CHURCH." .Mid-week Lenten service pn Wednesday, at; 8, .0 FIRST UNITED CHVRCW Tastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A.' ' tr Morning service at 11 a.m. Subject, "THE TRIUMPH IN THE TRIAL OF JESUS." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "LOVE AND THE' CROSS." Duet, Mrs. T. R. Ross and Mrs. Macfle. : :" Young People's Society meetlrlg Monday 1 at1 W oclock. Devotional meeting Wednesday at 8 o'clock ; Max Hellbroner returned to the: city on the Prince Charles this! morning from a two weeks' busl-! ness trip to Vancouver. j R. O. Cunningham left by this morning's train on his return to j Port Essington after having spent the past few days in the city. ! Mrs. Victor Clausen, who arrived In the city earlier in the week after a visit In Juneau, left on this morning's train for her home In Sudbury, Ont. H. A. Breen will sail on the Prince Charles tomorrow night for a three weeks' holiday trip in the course of which he will visit Vancouver, New Westminster and Powell River. P. W. Baldwin, local auditor, Canadian National Railways, arrived in the clt yon the Prince Charles this morning from Vancouver on official business and will sail by the same steamer tomorrow evening on his return south. James Martin, well known Massett merchant and Mrs. Martin who. have been on a trip to California, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince Charles tills morning and will proceed to the islands on the Prince John tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson left on this morning's train for a month's trip east. Mr. Hanson will visit Ottawa, Montreal, Washington, D.C., and other eastern centres on business, while Mrs. Hanson will visit FROM SAINT JOHN TO GLASGOW-LIVERPOOL xApr.l !B Duc)ie of York April 35 Ducliesa of AthoU ' No', enlliug at GUasgcw. To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON HAMBURG April 18 Montcalm TO BELFAST-GLASGOW April 17 Mellta TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON, ANTWERP April 33 Montrose FROM NEW YORK To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON April 18 Empress ct Australia FROM MONTREAL To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON HAMBURG May 1. May 39 Montclare. FROM VANCOUVER"! ; To lUwiUI-Japmi-China-rhlllpplnrs j xApl 17 xJun 13 Empraac of Canada : May S. Jun 36, Empreaa of Kussla ! May 90, July 34. Empress of Aala , xlsdudlat call to Hsnolulu. Aoplv to Anu evarywncre or J. J. lOIWTFJl 8teamahlp Oknl. Paw. Agent O.P.U. attUon. Vancouver. frlephoM: Trtnltr Ml in Toronto with her daughter, Miss Llnnea Hanson, who Is now studying at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. ATTENTION: TAKU PROSPECTORS Avoid the necessity of clearing your supplies through the customs at Juneau. We carry complete prospectors outfits right on the ground In Canadian territory. TAKU TRADING CO. TAKU RIVER Win. Strong, Prop. P.O. Address: Tulsequh, B.C.