Asesary oar rTerRe-7 y | We Hurry Taxi—Phone 99 Ope! Day and Night : New ; 707 Second Avenue M. 4. LARGE Daily News TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep wo, 240 PRINCE RUPERT, 8. C., WE ; : — — —_ iberals Decide to Oppose t fair to Parliament or Country for such important legis- lation late in session; Financial condition of Country makes deal unwise. (Special to The News vis G.T.P. Tetegravns. ii ree Ottawa, October 15.—A full caucus of Liberals decided FREDDIE WELSH ose legislation confirming the Grand Trunk deal proposed by | Government on the ground that it was unjust to Parliament | IS OUT ON BAIL the country to bring down legislation of such importance in of the declaration of the Acting Prime Minister on October —— hat the business of Parliament was nearly completed and Accused cf Biting off Part of ogation was at hand. Manager's Right Ear, but Another reason for their opposition is because financial con- Says Not Guiity. ‘ e "7 “ od make it unwise that the country assume further heavy (Special via G. TP. Telegrephs.) jlities. Berlin, Oct. 15.-Freddie Welsh w. L. McKenzie King, opposition leader, was present at the once world's champion light- us. Several of the members were opposed to Government weight boxer, was arraigned in ership altogether. A lengthy debate in the House seems in- “OUrt here charged with biting bie. half his manager's right ear off quanaincegiiinagitiiaiects during an altereation. Manager Harry Pollock was confined to a hospital ward, his counsel announced, 7 Welsh told the court he did not N GAIN BEFORE ) IS PROMOTED bite the former manager's ear but 4 simply knocked him down and a | leh ane broken bottle on the floor was PARLIAMENT \svpoines Deputy Minister of responsible for Pollock's ear gashes. Finance at Victoria—Deasy Welsh was held on bail of $1.- issuer of Marriage ndments Making Measure to) Licenses. , on to "ies up for trial on Tues- day next. nelude Pact with Austria a Adopted by Commons Iwo appointments of interest ee eS After Protest. : lt: Prince Rupert people appear ° \u Prince Rupert people appear OFFER To SETTLE : Seca! via OT. P. Telegrapts.) | British Columbia Gazette. Ernest 15.—A short sharp; D. Johnson, inspector of revenue, the German treaty/is acting deputy minister of -Stand the House of Com- finance in place of Deputy Minis- ee rday when that mea- ter Geepel. Mr. Johnson was un- Broug Close ; ved. The question til recently city treasurer here. gubbndies he Sonate amend- Thomas Deasy of Masset, In... The matter of the city’s claim ll to carry the) dian agent, is appointed as issuer against the Canadian j General ‘eace Treaty into effeet. of marriage licenses in place of Electric was finally disposed of by Hon. ©. J.'C. Harrison who recently left for last night. A letter was the effect of these overseas. vas to extend the — suns of the bill so that they ‘soply to the treaty. with HOSPITAL FINANCES na and also to other treaties he ARE DISCUSSED AT nister asked the House the amendments in- Austrian Treaty was | { not with regard to read expressed their desire to keep the matter out of courts. They of- fered to settle with the city on a fifty-fifty bq@sis, The settlement . claims on either side. Before adjourning the Council The city fathers, after consider- lineeting last night Ald. Barrie able discussion and careful look- ‘brought up the matter of the pay- ing into the matter, decided ment of the city grant to the hos- unanimously in favor of settling pital. He had heard that the hos- on this basis and the long stand- pital was ia bad financial shape ing dispute was finally brought to and wondered why the city could a close. jnot pay its grant without delay. ). McKenzie wanted the text \ustrian Treaty cabled be- ‘ express its ap-/| id W. 8. Fielding thought | ‘exacting to ask that the Parliament should as- his agreement mE seen it r. Doherty explained that in ! tlals it followed the > ' the German treaty. The ranged when the ne the Documents Will be Printed Before ent's motion them eens! hospital grant was broug up at Discussion is commenced Re- garding Transfer. ACTION ON House \McRav explained that this grant was paid according to the rate taxes were paid, this being ar- GRAND TRUNK PAPERS the first of the year The ar- | rangement was that on 65 per lieont of the taxes being paid that | {5 per cent of the hospital grant / would be paid. Ald. MeRae felt that some more (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, Oct. 15.—Hon. Arthur Meighen tabled some additional STEEL S Matibiity, way of paying thie correspondence and apeenesaennies irele. satistactor way o ay " ae . wish ion~to -ac- is grant should be made, especially relating to the legisiati } jininers quire the Grand Trunk R@iway. consideration the rhese documents will be printed jlaking into & Heated Discussion on the Hifliculties under which fhe hos- hefore the diecussion:of the Grand | pital board labored. bor Proposal to Arbitrate, rhe general policy in the mat- Trunk resolution is commenced in Industrial Commission the House of Commons. Adjourns: jter of hospital ~— then ne - in for discussion. Ald. Casey felt, '.P. Telegrapha.) that hospitals should be directly BRITISH OPERATING shing Oct. 15.—~After q Under the government supervi- ‘ll day discussion of the/#ion, that they should be sup- AGAINST TURK REBELS ' Proposals to anbitrate the Ported by general taxation and queen b strike , » free for the Land during whieh at. that they should be free for the Two British Transports bostponement and the! Sick. He suggested that Ald. | Reinforcements on the ‘ f another resoly.|Mehae might myke a name for | Asiatic Coast. ublic group met with | Bimself in evolving some hospital | , “Se National Industrial jreform along those lines. (Special vie G. T.P. Telesraphs.) ‘1 "nee adjourned without! Ald. Kirkpatrick expressed her-| Constantinople, Oct. 15. wo definite action. pself as being in favor of such a|Rrjlish transports landed rein \scheme and éxplained that D. 4G.) ¢oreements on the Turkish Asiatic | Stewart, president of the hospital|eoast for the British contingen| |board had just such an object in| which is operating against the PRESS, SERVICE LONDON TO EUROPE‘ when he attended the re- | nebela. és cent hespital convention, It was, | inne o Trunk ond. iis however, pointed out that doctors | tadyemith Coal. The best. Prince "88 Co. Utitiz a nadian Ex-| were not in favor of it and it Was |mupert Coal Company, Phone 15 ® Air Carrying junderstood that the convention steal Grand Trunk Railway Deal jfrom the company in which they} would provide for the payment of} COUNCIL MEETING $2,297.50 to the city in full of all} DNESDAY VON DER GOLTZ HAS RESIGNED German Commander Drops Out As Result of Entente Protest; Bolsheviki Badly Beaten. OCTOBER 15, 1019. STAGGERING BLOow AGAINST THE SOVIET tperie! via 6.7. P. Telteeraphs Berlin, Oct. 15.—General von der Goltz has resigned from the German army as a result of the latest Entente note, says the rages Zeitung. London, Oct. 15.—Six German merchant ships have been cap- Lured during the past two days by the British torpedo boat destroy- ers, Which took them to Reval, says the Daily News Reval ¢or- respopdent. London, Oct. 15.—The succéss of General Yudenitch against the Bolsheviki is so eomplete as to be almost staggering, says the Daily Mail's correspondent at Reval. The advance guard took Koloshova, 50 miles from Petno- grad, om Sunday and recovered the advanced point of the Jugo offensive. A thousand prisoners, PLUCw FINS CP No Gratuities for _ Returned Soldiers Help will be extended to men of various classes for special purposes. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, October 15.—-The special House of Commons com- mitiee appointed to consider soldiers re-establishment are coni- pleting their report behind closed doers. It is authoritatively predicted that there will be no further system of gratuity along he lines suggested by the Gratuities Association or the Great War Veterans contained in the recommendation of the committee. It is understood that the committee will recommend: * 1. That Canadians who served with the Impefials should get ihe difference between Imperial and Canadian gratuity. 2. That grants be given matriculant subjects who left for the war and were unable to complete their university courses. 3. That loans be advanced to medical men who graduated just before the war and who are now in need of post graduate courses. 4. That vocational training be extended in case of certain trades. +. That an actuarial form of abled men companies. usuranee be provided for dis- at present unable fo secure insurance from regulor thirteen guns and many machine guns and an armored train were | captured, London, ®ect. 15. Noon). The} bombardment of Riga by Gerinan | and Russian forees has set parts | if the city in flames. ! YUKON STEAMERS STILL HELD BY _— THERIVERICE afid Frozen in for Winter; Women and Children on | Other Vessels. (Special, via G.T.P. Telegraphs Dawson, Y. T., Oet. 15.—Over jland arrivals from Mayo report ithat the steamer Nasutlin reached i that point safely and is frozen in! for the winter. The Yukon River is partly | cleared of ice from Dawson south- | wards The steamer Dawson was jexpected to arrive here with all the delayed upper river business. | |The Stead between Forty-Mile and Cirele is still delayed by heavy ice. The temperature is higher, but it is a question if these boats will be able to make their desti- without |4¢ting Mayor Rochester and Ald. MR. MEIGHEN TABLES lation : | Forty Mile, Y. T., October 15.— |Many women and children are in- jeluded in the 300 passengers on ithe four Yukon steamers maroon- ied in river ice. The passengers jare helping ‘to cut wood to keep jsteam in the boilers. The steam-| ers are the Alaska and Seattle fyozen:in about sixty miles helow | Dawsen and the, Wukon. below | LOSSES WERE 27 VESSELS } Paris, October 14.—The naval | losses of France during the war'| period ineluded 27 vessels, -of | | whieh three were battleships. PRINCE RUPERT PIONEER DIES AT VANCOUVER Word has reached town of the death of J. YT. Moore, one of the pioneers of this city and a large property owner. Mr. Moore died in Vaneouver on September 18 after an operation, having left Prinee Rupert only a few weeKs before. He was well known over the coast from the boundary to the Yukon and his many friends will regret to learn of his de- cease, rom England. |had not taken it up. 1 Next Sunday Night’s Concert © oF at 8:40 and closed when all children cannot be admitted. will be carefully regulated, at the door. (Special vig , ; a aaa . Ve lexraphe ; min fo. TENDERS WANTED. St ee 15 The sree Plumbing. Wanies oe. ie Express | Replacing water pipes in Bor- 9 *staDlishe . ; ’ - r . ’ »| Mestvigony S to Pay . ‘tin - yeiagy creel ‘ wanders oles The door will be opened "US8OlS triweek)y ¥|Monday, October 20, at 5 p.m. seats arevfull. Very young any |Lowest or any tender not néces- The heating and ventilation » "*W lines in mes sarily accepted, For, specifica- Admission free, with collection MMihy Bhoe Rt ‘8 abaee tions apply Lo 243 ne tf W. D, VANCE, Secretary, Nasut'in Reaches. Mayo Safely, SITE SUGGESTED FOR MURDERERS T0 BASKETBALL HANG FRIDAY, ASSOCIATION sit: tents ths ae sal FORMED HER" Were Guilty of Killing Sheriff's Officers. es Six Teams Expected to Enter tive Special via G.T.P. Tetegrapns.) Senior League — Officers Regina, Oct. 14.—Dr. J. Ger- Elected for Season. vais, V. Carmel and J. B. St. Ger- - main, found guilty of murdering! The Prince Rupert Basketball sheriff's officers Charles Horsley |Association was formally launch- ind Lajoie at Steep Greek, now|ed last night at a meeting of sport inder reprieve, are to hang Fri-jenthusiasts in the Sons of Canada day. ‘Hall. Officers were elected and there is a prospect that at least six teams will be entered. The following are the permanent of- ficers: AMERICAN CAN (0. con President, H. F. Pullen, President, Fred Gilhuly Sec.-Treas., Geo. Russell. Exeeutive, one member from each team and the executive of A letter was read from the ‘Board of Trade at last night's | council meeting in the matter of a site to be offered to the Americana |the jeague. Can Co. as an inducement to bring} 4 ¢ommittee consisting of their northern branch to this ¢ity.| Messrs, Clementson, Blythe and The letter explained that this! Wijiseroft were chosen to draw company would probably employ up a constitution for the new in the neighborhood of three hun- )pganization. = dred persons and wou!d be a great | The teams entering were, Sons industria] asset to the city, Act-| of Canada, Drydock, Commercial ing Mayor Rochester further ex- /Pravellers, Sous of England, Cal- 4 plained its importance to the city) ties, anid possibly the G. 7. P. It } ‘and teld that a site near the ship- pwas decided not to draw up the sheds would be suitable. |schedule for a few days in order Some of the aldermen were of to give any other teams an op- the impression that it was hardly portunity to enter. a matter, for the council to deal); The possibility of forming in- with especially as no definite 4ermediate and junior leagues proposal had been made. The) was discussed and it was sug- letter was turned over to the) gested that if two or more teams Utilities Committee. jof bovs from 18 to 20 years of age eould be formed there would COAL MINERS MUST | be an intermediate league formed, and the school principals will be KEEP THEIR CONTRACT asked to interest themselves in the formation of a junior league. (Special by 6. T. P. Telegraphs.) Washington, Ociobver 15.—Coal OPENING RACES AT who are threatening to LAKEWOOD TRACK strike wenpe warned today that their contract with the Govern- ment is digging and it should be (Special via G. T. P. Telegrapns.) Atlanta, Ga., Oet. 14.—Grace Direct, driven by Beek, won at a fulfilled. LONGSHOREMEN’S * |2.05 pace the purse of $2,500. This was the feature of the open- STRIKE SETTLED ing of the grand cireus races on the Lakewood tracks in straight New York, Oct. 15.—-The vote heats. of six local unions to return to work has virtually settled the longshoremen's strike here. BLOOD POISONING , (Specief via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) * Berlin, Oct. 14.-—Blood poison- GERMAN INTERNES ing symptoms have developed in the case of Hugo Hamee, inde- SAIL FOR FATHERLAND pendent Socialist leader who was —_ shot last week, (Spectal via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) ee Madrid, Oct, 15.—-Crews of the BR. M. Simpsen, formerly -of ‘yman submarines interned in| »awson, has opened a shoe re- Spain have sailed from Vigo|pairing shop corner Fifth and ound for home. ‘aie, eg ae FIUME FREE STATE eee CH ROH ORE RO * s Paris, Oct. 14.—The Petite|* Wanted, a nurse, trained * Perisienne says that Italy has|* or otherwise, to take * agreed to the creation of a free|* charge of a case of Scarlet * state at Fiume. * fever. * se ee * Jd. P. CADE, _ * Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. if\* Medical Health Officer. = wa a * B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. ## *# # eee HERE RE eee my >} © _¥ > - a « Page pre ? & re an : & ip ed ~ pop) eh 2 t