PAGE TWO iM&i The Daily. News PitlNCE RUPERT - URITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Itr uaiiy JNews, Limited, Third Avenue I. FALLEN iff JllJi .;!? SUBSCRlPriON RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ........... By mail to all other countries, per year . . '. . . f.5.. . .. By mail to all parts of Northern and Centra,! British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ur luui moiiLns inr s . ..... i' . .ii .... DAILY EDITION LOCAL NEWS ITEMS relief duty. 3.00 i.,v.,- 1.0.O John Sigvald Fauske, for his, J. H. Talt -of the -Canddiatf Le-second offence In a charge of glon sailed Sunday might on the drunkenness, was fined "$50. with Prince Rupert for his annual holl-option of thirty days imprison-: day trip to Vancouver ment, by Magistrate McClymonti . in city police court this morning, j Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident , . , " : mining engineer, sailed on the ss. John Havlk and Aksel Setso. Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon district miners, left on today's : for a trip to Anyox on official du-traln for New York where on June! ties. 14 they will embark aboard the) steamer Bergensfjord for a trip to Rev. W. S. Cooper, Anglican their native homes in Nora-ay. (Churfh clergyman at Qreenvllle ion the Naas River, is a passenger Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cavers oflaboard th rnfnla m. . nnyux nrrivea in me city on tne Prince Rupert Sunday evening from the smelter town and left on yesterday's train for Toronto to aund the Imperial Shrine Cere monlal. f ' ' iftOJS. Malasplna, Capt. Relford, of the fisheries patrol service ar- rived in port yesterday from Van couyer, Drtnging north two new 5WIoot patrol boats whkh-were biiilt recently in Vancouver for usein this district. Ir. Scholmar. official of the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Col arrived in the city on the Ca-taja today from Stewart and will stop over until tomorrow afternoon when he will sail for Vancouver on the Princess Louisa E. R. Oatman of the provincial public works department staff at Anyox arrived In the city on the Catala today after a trip to Stew-are on official business and will proceed to the smelter town on the Prince George tomorrow afternoon. bound for a trip to Vancouver. W. E. Walker, manaeer of Ar- randale Cannery, arrived in thp city on the Catala today from the naas River for a brief visit in the city. Howard Chalk of the lnrnl branch of the Bank of Montrpni who has .been for the naat ! Kef ks at' Stewart W relief .i& arrived in the city the attain - - - - ww on uu biic Wrtlaltt also be engaged In TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY t . WANTED clean respectable woman to take charge of home In moth er's absence. Apply p.a Box 656, MONEY TO LOAN KttlX, tbt Niw arid Imfnvti Sanitarj Nl, coiM but very little, yet it is a hygienic service millions of womert wouldn't think of doing without. It amply protects against the serious consequences that may easily follow times of hygienic distress unless proper precautions ire taken. The comfort, freedom to work or play, peace of mind and security that women desire, can be obtained only from Kotex, No embarrassment when buying. Just lay Kotex at any drug, dry goods or departmental store. Regular she for bdx of a dozen. Super-sue 75c. Directions in-every package. MADH IN CANADA K O T e X Sanitary Napkins 209 6 Features of the New and Improved Kotex J. sf.. ur. . . ka, feu mri it ' S. Kotei f I Irr-b fr llflur n4 oMn lka cotton, ytt tbwtU S Unm ,k k. It li caU dltpowd of. No mtptruact Uundry. tf PRIVATE money for small loans. Apply Box 21, Dally News Office. A Small Purchase . . but an important hygienic service tf 1:J . I Local Items i ! Dentist, Ur J, R. I I Gosse, 1'iiunr Dontfttoretitilhs Elks' FTaffitf .DinrpTItillfs' M Miss Clara Ludvickscn arrived In the citv at the end nf thn arnolr 6.00 from Norway and will take up em- j-uiujfiiitriii, Here. JJ Affflrnofln tp nnrl into nf hnmn. i,wjuiij5 cooking at the "c iiunic Hqmer ux of Mrs. mts. O. v. , ,,,v ......... vciiuu, yam iu auvaura. per biuiuji ... ...v. .... ...w ju , uevericige, English! Hill, Thursday. City delivery, by mail or carrier,fVear)y jperlbd, paidHn advance? $330 1 June! 5 from 3 to tfffor W.M.S. of' Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.?0 United Church. 129 ' Local readers, per Insertion, per line .,. .23! , Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ......... 1.40! Piano Recital by Viggo Kihl, un-i Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02;der the auspices of Ladles' Music Le'gal notices, each insertion, per agate line .15 j Club in the United Church Wed- Contract rates bH annllcatlnn. neday June 4- ot 8-15 P- Adml Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Tuesday, June 3. 1930. Ision $1.00., 129 Mrs. Bert Smith, wife of the assistant manager of the Premier mine, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert Sunday night bound from Stewart to Vancouver. The case of Mrs. Sam Bill, who Is charged with keeping liquor for sale, has been adjourned until tomorrow morning in city police court. John Graham, on a chare of traspesslng on Canadian National Railways' property, was fined $5 In city police court by Maelstrale McClymont Saturday afternoon. Miss Johnson, who has been vis iting here with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McLean, Bowser Street, sailed by the Prince Charles today for Van couver enroute to Wlnnloec. Later Anyone wishing to secure a fine Victor Radio with Electrola, a $200 rcurred In connection with it from June 1, 1930. 131 22. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Moose picnic. DIgby Island, June C. race N. Recreatlqn Picnic to Ter-July I. Canadian Leelon Island July 6. picnic DIgby m. THE DAIL? Tnesd: ROUGHAGE IS ESSENTIAL IN REDUCING DIETS KdlowTO .LL-BRAN Is Ideal Roughage If you are following a diet, v , . it is .o i iivuuij Itiiui kail. IIIU. J J take a regular amount of roughage amount of. roughare. The result is constipation-i-th!ef of both health and beauty. ' Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is recommended by many doctors and dietitians because it contains the bulk necessary to insure proper elimination. Also, because It contains the Iron needed to help prevent anemia another danger in reducing diets. ALL-BRAN is not fattening. Ita bulk sweeps the system clean of poisonous wastes helping to promote glorious health and beauty. A popular way to eat Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is soaked in fruit Juice. Try ltl It is delicious with milk or cream. Sprinkle it over cereals, salads and soups. It adds flavor to cooked foods and is equally effective. Your grocetf has Kellogg's ALL-BRAJJ. It is served in restaurants, hotels and dining-cars. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. ArALL-BRAN Glasses fitted oy registered optometrist at Hellbroner's Store, (tf ) Football tonight Canadian Legion vs. Prince Rupert A.C. 129 Note Note the tne fine "9e Victor vlctor Radl Radio with w,tn she will proceed to Sydney, Novai Scotia. Electrola In McRae Brothers' win- . dow. (tf Those wishing to take part in the i Dally News election campaign; T. J. Shen ton, inspector of mines should see Miss Graham In her of- i returned to "the city on the ss. flee upstairs in the Dally News Prince Rnpert Sunday evening building. She will be there every day I from a trip to Stewart on official and from 7 to 8 tonight. Wednesday '. duties. ana Tnursday. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, resumed to nort at 12 - 130 I noon todaj from Anyox, Stew- set of solid silver tAhlrorarp a tnlM nrt .-j .tC t. ulw nc uvitcy 'luiuictii puuiis ana silvejr toilet and manicure set" or a, will sail atS0 this afternoon for J7-piece dinner set without cost to the southr'f iiicjii3fivf3 ""V'VM snouia TCB.a vv me uie alu iuji . . A.J M II . . ' t-41 . ... louay ,rom mere ana wecwon advertise-i immediately :Pa8 campaign Ens,n R nnanclal offlf. proceeded by train to Terrace ment on another page. It tells how.! where he will ,)MBZ",i' w,tn headquarters at Wrangell. ar pup cmm. steamer Prince Charles. u , ,.j , . . .. Wharves and sailed at noon today i- " - - for Vancouver where she will be commissioned in coast service for the summer, sailing Saturday night for Prince Rupert, Anyox and north Queen Charlotte Island points. NOTICE The Central Hotel Manaeempnt has rented the dining-room and is no longer responsible for debts ln- MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE on FRIDAY, JUNE 6 Commencing at 1.30 p.m., at the AUCTION ROO.MS FEDERAL BLK. Consisting of: Oak Dining Room! Suite, 4 Beds complete, 3 Dressers. 3 ' Ranges with water fronts, large' quantity of Crockery and Glassware, Bicycle. Foldlnc Couch. Oil- 'stove, 3 Sewing Machines. 2 Vlc-'trolas, Electric Irons, K. Tables. I Chairs, Oateleg. Tables, small Oas Engine complete, and Mlscelan-eous articles. Note these goods must be sold as we need the space. GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER PHONE BLACK 120 Nomination Form 'To he f illrrl nut in nAmlniHn I m a m 41.1. i . - . t. . n-n vauuiuaic lor 111c iiauj iicns r.icr- 1 tion Camnairn. ThN xhnuM ho - " " " iiidiicu ur uciiHiiu iu illc Campaign Manager, immediately. 1 NAME ADDRESS POLITICAL PARTY NOMINATED BV c w."t'iiafMiwfii tnm. ian ! See the election campaign prizes In Hellbroner's window, (tf) Dlnnerware, china, crockery glassware. Hellbroner's Store, tf R. A. Creech has severed his con- ruction ith, the men'sjjrurnlshfngs tore oi. (j. A jirKpatncK ana nas iow 1 dried the staff of the B C. Packers here. Billy Fuller has signed oh as a member of the ships' crew of the steamer Prince Charles which sailed today for Vancouver. He will mg aiets do .not contain a sumcient- ,Vlai u. le urciiestru. There? anav iaosslhlv be'onlv four candidates in' the liallv News elec- Jtion campaign. In which case each will receive one of the very valuable prizes. See McRae's or Hellbroner's windows. (tf ! E. H. Mortimer, returning officer for Skeena riding, returned to the jelty on the Catala this morning , after having made the round trip jto Anyox, Stewart and other northern points on preparatory election work and will leave tomorrow for the interior, on a similar mission. Miss H?len McQlllivray of New Westminster arrived in the city on .the Prince Rupert Sunday even ing from Anyox, where she had Fpent the past two weeks visltinj with her sister, Mrs. F. F. Brown, and left oh yesterday's train for Vanderhoof enroute to Stuart Lake where she will take over her duties for the summer as assis tant manager of Douglas Lodge summer resort. Hunts' Furniture Store The Store of Quality" EXTRA SPECIAL One Week Only In Genuine Walnut and Oak Dining Suites Chesterfield Suites Beds, Springs and Mattresses Crockery and Hand Painted Chlnaware Sets G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 631 COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business .Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel vsur.n new .manaoement Strain llratrd; Travrllrrt' Sample Koonu: Hot and Cold Water Free 11(19 Mrrti All Tralni and Boat Rates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY HATES C.R. BIOGART & A. DONALD Proprietor! PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel, riot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. PKUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor, of Fraser and Fifth Bti. Savoy Mrs. J. T. Oosthaek, Miss C, Dirigemann, E. Bounsell, J. Donnelly, E. M. Letnes and D. McQlllivray, Falls River;; Percy Davidson, Smithers; II. Ball, C.N.R New Royal Hotel I. Zaretll, Irop. the hotel woutm while Hot It cold Water: Bteam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 21 Royal R. Fisher and George Allen, North Pacific; John West, Clax. ton; Dill Peterson and William reierson, Petresburg; A. R. Black, city. "v mms at Ormes Limited Dispensary RUING YOUR PKESQEIPTIONS To I B.C. COAST ISTEAMSIIIPS JLlLclL Jftv Pioneo.r Druaoislx A Graduate Pharmacist is THIRD AVE. (, SIXTH ST TELEPHONFS 8200 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED For VANCOUVER. TlCTOAtA. BuUcUl. A, rt Uuy tc rot JUICE ARM, A.MOX. NTMVART. Kum WmVt ' ,,dJ djy. s.OO a.m. - -4 For PORT SIMPSON and WAtBfl ISLAND. Thundif p m IU tut .Utnue u M S.Miril rnt nine Kuntrt ,k llf" Virion. rt iffsnJriif. B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Eku-une 9, 16. 20, 23, 27 30. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle -June 4, 14. 21, 25. 28. Princess Mary-Ocean Kails, etc, Vancouver itf tiuiu, eciy rncay, iu pjij Agents For All Steanuhip Lines W. C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, "he j, Ran ad ian National Qjc Largeft Kaihoay Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE JTOm, J,R,NCE KOPKKt -for VANCOUVER, VICTOC!!, SEATTLE and Intermediate point. Thursday & Sunda 11 pm For AN OX and STEWART each Wednesday & Saturday at 1 pm For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Wii ncsdays at 10 p.m. For SKEENA RIVER POINTS, Mondays, 8 a.m. For NAAS RIVER POINTS, Tuesdays, 8 a.m, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT IMII.V EXrKPT MAUtV at I l.m.. fnr PKIXCC OEOTt'i' ftlM ' MINMI'EO. all point tn i:j.frrn runadi. and I nltnl s r . .'Vcncy An Ocetn Stcanwhip Lines ri a City Ticket Office, 528 Thitd Avc I'rlnce Itupert-Phon: id SBSHtSSt CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. l 20.000-TON FLOATINR DRVDOCK Engineer. Machinists, Ilotlermnkcru, Rlacksmlths, I'attrra Makers Foundera, Woodworker. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 PEMIHNA EGG-Delivered, Per Ton . S1?0 MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton I--50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 If you lose anylhinff, try a classified a'l Advertise in "The Dailv News"