m L:y June 3, 1930. to Inspection". THE DAILY NEWS PAOE TIIRES Q CAMPAIGN Victor Radio With Electrola Large Chest of Sterling Silver Tableware Sterling Silver Toilet Set Sterling Silver Manicure Set Fine 97 Piece Dinner Set AH these are to be given away as free presents to the candidates who get the largest number of votes in the Daily News election campaign. The office of the Campaign Manager Upstairs In the Dally News building will be open 7 to 8 p.m. tonight, Wednesday and Thursday, as a con vcnlcncc to prospective candidates who may wish to interview Miss Graham. aaawawglB mm TELEPHONE 98 PRIZES The Daily News' Political Contest is to be a urique event in which winning side gets $300 worth of Free Advertising for its own political party . REASON FOR CAMPAIGN The prime reason for putting on this election campaign and giving away the valuable prizes to candidates and other valuable presents is because the Daily News management wishes to increase the number of paid up subscribers to the paper. The paper is already going into most of the homes but there are a few who buy irregularly on the street and these also will have an opportunity to come in. Just now the daily press run averages a little over 2,200 each day and the net paid circulation remains well over three times as many as any competitor. An effort will be made to raise this to four times. GOLD WATCH PRESENTED In addition to the Grand Prizes given. away free to candidates in the Daily News Election Campaign, there will be another present of a 17 jewel, 14 carat solid gold waich purchased from R. W. Cameron, given to some person who takes a subscription during the contest, the person to receive this subscription being designated by the Contest Judges after the counting of the votes and on a plan under which every person who subscribes may have an opportunity to participate. This Political Contest is being conducted by the Daily News management and is under the sole control of Miss Graham of the Daily News permanent staff who will guarantee its fairness and whose records will be open to inspection. IT COSTS NOTHING TO ENTER Valuable Prizes for . Candidates VICTOR nADJO-ELECTUOLA , RE-45 V $375 (Complett with tubt)is THE PRIZES 1. A new Victor Radio with Electrola, the musical sensation of the age, price, $375 This instrument, which plays Victor records and also gives the finest radio reception, is supplied by McRae Brothers of Prince Rupert, and is on view in their window. 2. A complete set of table sterling silver in a handsome chest. It is a beautiful new "Queenston" pattern embellished with a little engraving and sells at $200. This is supplied by Bulgers Jewellery store and will be on view in their window soon. 3. A complete sterling silver toilet and manicure set of the famous Brewster design, 13 pieces, in two handsome cabinets. Price $104.75. This is supplied by Heilbroner's Jewellery store and is on view in their window. 4. -A complete 97-picce Johnson's Pareck dinner set, Belgravia pattern, which sells at $50, purchased from Heilbroners Basement store. This too, will be shown in Heilbroner's window. Commission to Candidates who do not win Candidates who do not win Grand Prizes will receive 10 per cent commission on the proceeds of their work. IT COSTS NOTHING TO ENTER Details of this Great Political Novelty Contest This political contest is a unique one in which all who take part benefit. It is designed to increase the number- of paid up subscribers to the Daily News and at the same time to provide valuable prizes and cash commissions to those taking part. Contestants, receive votes by taking subscriptions to the Dajly News. Each new subscriber counts 1500 votes and each renewal of a present subscriber counts 750 votes Nomination gives 1000 votes to start with. If there arc only four candidates the four Grand Prizes will be awarded, but if fewer than four candidates, one prize will go to each, the fourth being eliminated. In addition to this every contestant gets 10 per cent of all monies secured for subscriptions. When nominated, the contestant may declare whether he or she is working for the Libera or Conservative party and the total secured by all the Conservative candidates will be sc airainst thq tola votes secured by the Liberal candidates and the side securing the largest number of votes wins for the party it represents one ful page of advertising to beused by the party managers in the interests of such candidate and a two-column spread on the front THERE ARE NO LOSERS Those who do not participate in the Grand Prizes get ten per cent of all collections made, so everybody wins in this great Election Campaign. ft page of the Daily News to be written by the party manager or person he may designate, giving reasons why the candidate should be elected to the Dominion House of Commons. The campaign will be in charge of Miss Huldah Graham of the Daily News staff acting independently and with all records open to scrutiny at reasonable times by the party managers. Independent judges representing both parties will be appointed to count votes and award the prizes, and their award will be final. A complete check of all votes will be kept and will be open to inspection by the public or the candidates after the campaign is over. VOTES WILL COUNT AS FOLLOWS Nomination 1,000 One New Subscriber 1,500 One Renewal 750 . Subscriptions will be limited to four years from any one person Candidates will secure subscription blanks at the office of the campaign manager upstairs in, the ,I)aily, Itfews. office and may commence work at once. It is the early starter who is ilikely to win.!, THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS MISS GRAHAM IN CHARGE This Political Contest b bclnS conducted by the Daily "anaf and U under the sole control of Mis Graham of the Daily ' whose records will be open cnt staff who will ,uaratec Its fairness and OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS