Tomorrow's Tides v- Wednesday, June 4 1930.' ' 111, ,11 Low Vol. XXI. No. 120, 7.34 am. if. ? I 21.31 1.40 a ,j 13.56 p.m. ft. V So Fishing Yet On West Coast of Vancouver Island Though Season Is Open .Men Refuse to Put Out at Nimpkish NEW WESTMINSTER, June 3: A meetinc? between rcprr ntatives of the canners ntn. i ni - .u. on me maner oi prices 0 , and salmon fishermen last i i i.i 7 , 10 De nam Uiis season em ed FOUR BIDS SUBMITTED Two Vancouver and Two Prince Rupert Contractors Tender For New Liquor Store VICTORIA, June 3: Four tenders were submitted to the Department of Public Works on Monday for the erection of a new liquor store at Prince Rupert. The tenders were as follows: E. II. Shockley, Vancouver $30,229. Thomas Canon, Vancouver, $30,563. Mitchell & Currie, Prince Rupert, $31,771. J. L. Jollymorc, Prince Rupert, $10,000. The contract will be awarded after the tenders are checked. START OUT AT LONDON rrmler Kin Will Again Open Ills Election Campaign in Ontario City LONDON. June 3: Liberals wore notified yesterday that, as was the -ase in 1926. Premier Mackenzie King will again open his election .ampalgn this year in London when lis keynote speech will be delivered. FIFTEEN ARE LOST Fatal Result of Collision of Swedish and Italian Ships In English Channel NEW HAVEN, England. June Si-Fifteen men are believed lost as a result of a collision oeiween me Swedish steamer Ingcr and the Italian mctorshlp Literno. The In-ger sank with but three of the crew of 18 saved In fog in the English Channel near Beachy Head. The Literno was damaged but proceeded to Dover. One body was iouna. Prince Edward Island Editor Dies at Age 68 CHARLOTTETOWN, P--Jjuw 3 '-John Pond, editor since 1922 of the Sumerslde 'Prince Edward Is-m-flr nnri Inventor of the nennv in he slot gas meter. U dead, ' Ke age oVS. ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ALMON PRICE Fishermen Unable To Agree With Canneries On Eraser River Rate latin in a deadlock. The fishermen held firm for last year's The order or Merit is given to prices for sockeye in the Fraser River area whichaver-MontasueRhode8jame8-Provotof arcd 75c per fish and went as high as 85c. It is understood jEton-and Georee McAuiey Trevei-tKut the fishermen will meet at New Westminster on Sa-Iyan' hhtorian- turduy to discuss the whole situation among themselves. I Tt re was no fishing yesterday on the West Coast of . . T-1 1 -11.1 1- 11 1 I nn -Oliver ismnu aimougn me socKeye season nas opened t,;rri officially. Fishermen at Nimpkish are holding out for jOc a fish while the canners refuse to pay more than 42 1-2 cents. Under the circumstances, the fishermen re-f ; i (1 to put out. Negotiations are still proceeding. BUILDING IS AHEAD Value For Yrar to Date Stands at r.S.973.50 as Against $38,840 In Same re'rlotTof 1029 V .ming permits issued in Prince r. -: i .since the first of this year f : -nut a total value of $58,-i i us compared with $38,840 in t rs; five months of 1029. Wi ii Uie building outlook for the t .:.:Ut of the year very prom-- it is expected that 1930 will I Uv build up the lead it has -..' j rstabllshed over last year. TWO PLANES HERE SUNDAY One Ship Comes In From Ketchikan and Other Touches On Way to Atlin Ta flying machines visited In P .a 1 Rupert Sunday morning. Or vus the Oorst Air Transport C Boeing flying boat, C. L. Scott, r ' which has been here several ' i 1 before, and which had a Ket- ' ..t.ii) party on board for an out- U Tli- second machine was a Van-f ' i Junker seaplane, piloted by F J Burke, well known commcr-' dyer of this coast, which was be. m ! for Atlin with a party of f ---tr passengers on board. Louis Timmins, Important Mine Man, Has Died MONTREAL, June 3: Louis Hen ty Timmins. lumberman, merchant W1 mine owner, who played a large P' In the development of North-' m Ontario, Is dead at the age of 70. GEORGE IIEGGIF. IS NEW MEMnr.Il VERNON, June 3: George U' tsgie, Conservative, was el- cctpd by acclamation yesterday to the legislature for North Okanagan riding when the by- ''lection nominations closed without a second candidate. Mr. Hegglo succeeds W ,F. Ken- nndy, who resigned his seat to Join the Liquor Control Board. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.) TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 PREPARING FOR ELECTION CAMPAIGN Q HONORED BY KING Sir Esme Howard, Former Ambassador to United States, Is Made Baron LONDON. June 3: Anions the King's birthday honors are Sir Esme Howard, who is made a baron, and Sir John ionn Simon, oimon, who wno Is is made maae urs Grand rnm,n NEW RULE IN FORCE Liquor May No Longer Be Sent From Canada to United States OTTAWA, June 3: Official of the Department of National Revenue have sent forward instructions to customs officers with regard to the act which came into effect last Friday night refusing clearances or releases from bond of liauor de- sTTneJto"tHe"rtfnHea "sleT ' from Canaila. It is understood that the regulations which apply to the new order of things will be drafted immediately and that, in the meantime, officers at border ports will refuse clearances. Spar Buoys In Venn Passage Are Replaced The Department of Marine and Fisheries announces that, without urther notice, the spar buoyt which have been maintained off Roberson Point, Dundas Point and Aurlol Point in Venn passage between Prince Rupert and Metla- katla will be discontinued and three day beacons erected In stead. TEACHER SUICIDES Lily M. Palllser, Sick and Despon dent, Throws Herself from Vancouver Department Store VANCOUVER, June 3 Lily M. Palllser, aged 35, a school teacher on sck leave, threw herself from a window on the sixth floor of a Oranvllle Street departmental store Into Seymour Street and was In stantly killed yesterday The c woman body was hurled to, pavement parfmCtJL ,qfie ' hundrc crushed liniment ,fct tendered an official reception the below. Her head was to splinters and every bone In her body was broken. Identification was not made until last night. Miss Palllser came here from Montreal last September as (an ex change teacher and resigned last month of ill health. King Observes His Birthday LONDON, June 3 The King cel ebrated his sixty-fifth birthday today remaining quietly In Buckingham Palace while the Prince of Wales took the Royal Salute at the 'trooping the colors." ) NEGOTIATIONS Sixty-Five Today PRIZES IN CAMPAIGN VALUABLE Readers of Dally News Advised to Carefully Peruse Advertisement on An other Page In this number there is published a full pare advertisement of a campaign being carried on by the Daily News for the purpose of increasing its subscription list. Paid in advance readers are worth more to the paper than any other kind of circulation and the campaign is an effort to secure these. Valuable prizes are being given, some of which may be seen, one in the window of McRac's store and two in the window of Ifeilbroner's store. Others will be shown later in the week. These are very attractive and the quality of the goods is being guaranteed by the merchants selling them. Those who begin early in this campaign are the ones wlui have the best chance, so quick action is suggested. PAPER MEN IN SESSION Imperial Press Conference Opens With King and Government Honoring Scribes LONDON, Juno 3: Thirteen countries of the Empire are represented among the delegates to the fourth Imperial Press Conference which opened its labors here yesterday. In the business sessions there will be discussed questions affecting newspapers and newspapermen throughout the Empire. The members were received by the King and Queen at Buckingham at Hampton Court, the palace prcr sented by Cardinal Wolsey to his royal master, Henry VIII. ' STANDARD OIL CO. IS 'NOW INSPECTING H!" GRAHAM IDS. SHOWINGS, SKIDEGATE, June 3: En- glneers of the Standard Oil Co. have chartered the launch Annie v.. up, u. Mcnae. 10 T take tnem oui 10 nean point on the west coast of Graham Island to look over the' oil showing; there. Later they will proceed to Yukon Lake. 4. LAB0RITE VICTORY Conservative Motion For Committee to Examine Naval Treaty Is Defeated LONDON, June 3: Rt. Hon. J. Ramsay Macdonald, Prime Minister of Great Britain, won his first victory on the London naval treaty last night, defeating a Conservative motion to appoint a committee to examine the treaty, by a division' of 282 to 201. VETERANS Annual Convention of Canadian Legion Opens New Federal Legislation is Greeted NELSON. June 3 With approxl mately one hundred delegates at 'ending the fifth annual conven i tlon of the provincial command of the Canadian Legion. British Em pire Service League, opaned today. Lieut. Col. L. R. LaFleche, Dominion president, wired from Ot tawa tnai, au uui iinsiaiawHm IiiSJ passed" and ftgiestethat tottf- f faction over the victory should be reflected in the convention. Cheer- greeted the reading of the wire. CHARGE IS NOT TRUE So Says Georre Ireland of Allega tion That He Cashed In On .Meal Tickets VANCOUVER Junp J'-Xlpnrael D. Ireland formerly head of- the Irltv relief rlen-irtment nnneorln'! 6c to 12 and (before the jc 6c-gating civic committee investl-and operations of the city relief j American i department, absolutely denied that nenei 25,000, Pacific,' 11.4c and Cc. I he had participated to any degree mah. 10,500; Thot, 5.000, and I whatever in the sale or redemption Blue Bird, 5,000. Booth, 13.5c and or city meal tickets or tnai ne naa at any time instructed or Instigated his former assistant, Clifton Max- well, to redeem these tickets. Merthyr Town NotRe-Elected Thames to Take its Tiace in the Southern Division of English League LONDON. June 3 Merthyr Town was not re-elected to the Third Southern Division of the English Football League and It was decided to admit Thames Club in its place. Gllllngham was re-eleAed. In the Northern .Division Hall-fax Town and Barrow were reelected. College Dean Passes Away W. J. Rutherford, Head of Saskatchewan Agriculture Faculty, Is Dead SASKATOON, June 3: Dean W. J. Rutherford of the College of Agriculture, University of Saskat chewan, member of the Saskat- !chewan Grain commission, is detid ihere wa, bom ln 187l- The Weather Prince RuDert Cloudv. calm: temperature, 48. Ministers at Ottawa, Clearing Desks, Will Jump Into Fight Soon Giving of Fisheries Portfolio to Prince Edward Island Rumored In Connection With Cabinet Changes OTTAWA, June 3: The present week will be a busy one for cabinet ministers who will be clearing their desks before they plunge into the general election campaign. Premier King will not announce his tour until the end of the week. The general impression is that he will start in Western Ontario and that Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, will start his campaign in Winnipeg on June 9. Cabinet ministers will cover every part of Canada, concluding the campaign in their own ridings just before the polling. o Some of the Members of Parliament from Prince Edward Island visited Premier King at the week end, giving rise to a renewal of reports that the new minister of fisheries will be from that province. If Prof. Cyrus McMillan of McOin University were chosen he would - " y; yt wif. miuu-i v. ct-i.. . .. tueneles. tt-tr&ld, Ukln?thnfoceT'i or a sitting member who would be elevated to the Senate. If McMillan is not chosen, the choice Is believed to He between R. H. Jenkins and Hon. E. Sinclair, the two members representing Queen's constituency. FISH SALES TODAY'S SALE Summary American 45,500 pounds. 11.4c land 60 to 13-5C and 7c Canadlan-48,-300 pounds. 11.1c 7C, Canadian Gulvlk, 5,500. Atlin. 115c and 6c. Pair of Jacks, 10,000, Cold Storage, 11.4c and 6c. Cape Spear, 6,300, Cold Storage, 12c and 6c. Atll, 7,000, Pacific. 12.1c and 6c R. W 10,000, Atlin. 11.1c and Cc. Domino II, 7,000, Cold Storage, ll'ic and 6c. Norland, 1,800, Royal, 115c and 6c. MONDAY Summary American 144.800 pounds, 10.7c and 6c to 13c and 7a - Canadian 63,000 pounds, He and 6c to 11.3c and 6c. American Rainier, 24,000, Pacific, 10.8c and 6c. Mlddleton, 31,000, Cold Storage, 10.7c and 6c. Nordic, 12,000, Royal, 10.8c and Cc. Frisco, 6.000, and Schorn, 10,000, Booth, 13c and 7c. Lansing, 16,000, and Chum, 8,300, Atlin, 13c and 7c. Augusta, 13,500, and Arcade, 10,- 000. Pacific. 13c and 7c. ( Excel, "14,000, Booth, 12c and. 64 it A, Canadian Minnie V., 5,000, Royal, 112c and :6c. Aiken, 6,000; Johanna, 8.000, and Cape Spencer, 7,000, Cold Storage, 11 He and 6c. Oslo, 8,000, Atlin, 11.3c and 6c. Covenant, 13,000, and Vera Bea trice, 11,000, Cold Storage, 11c and 6c Tramp, 5,000, Attm, 11c and 6c. BOSTON GRILL LA ROE CABARET Special Dinners Thursday! nd Saturdays Dancing Ever Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accommodation! for PrlTete Parties PHONE 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS FAIL HOSPITAL TENDERS E. II. Shockley Submits Bid for VICTORIA, June 3 Three tenders were opened yesterday by the Department of Public Works for a new hospital building at Hazclton. The tenders were: E. H. Shockley, Vancouver. $70.- 513. J. P. Wowney and Svensen, Sml- thers, $72,000. Thomas Carson, $79 000. Dr. H. C. Wrlnch, M. L. A. for Skeena and medical superintendent of the Hazelton Hospital, was present at the opening of tenders. The contract has not been awarded as yet. SUMMER HOME IS DYNAMITED Furniture and Interior of Nelson Lawyer's Place Completely Wrecked NELSON, June 3: The summer home of E. C. Wragge, local barrister, on Kootenay Lake two miles from here, was wrecked by dynamite. The interior of the house and furniture was completely wrecked. A week ago an attempt was made to dynamite the tomb of Peter Veregin, Doukhobor leader, at Brilliant WHEAT YESTERDAY VANCOUVER. June 3' Wheat was quoted on the local exchange at $1.11. - 4 IAN MACKENZIE IS WILLING TO RUN IN VANCOUVER CENTRF. VANCOUVER, June 3: Fol- lowing an Interview with Capt. Ian Mackenzie, now M. L. A. for North Vancouver, members t of the Vancouver Centre Lib- . era! Association ' stated that , Capt. Mackenzie had expressed his willingness to run ln Vn- couver Centre against Hon. H. H. Stevens at the forthcoming federal election. It Is under- stood Ihit Capt. Mackenzie will be offered a cabinet posl- tlon at Ottawa, succeeding Hon. Dr. J. H. King, who Is to be elevated to the Senate.