* ef Page 2 THE DAI PRINCE RUPERT - Published Every Afternoon, LY NEWS BRITISH COLUMBIA except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. {H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiITor. DAILY EDITION, voip: Wednesday, Oct. 15, —_—_——— 1919 People Hungry For Good Music. The way in which people flocked to hear the music at the theatre on Sunday night was a revelation. For two hundred people to stand for two hours in order that they might enjoy classic music, some of it of a church managers. purely sacred nature, Many church people were disappointed to find is a hint to that they were unable to get in on their arrival and some of them suggested that it was hardly fair to those who went to church to be debarred for that reason. selves at a time when many, usually find the time hang heavily. It has been suggested that possibly in these days of Church Union ideals, the churches might unite on a Sunday night musica! service at the theatre, for the soloists aiding. cal society singing People are hungry for good music but they are not hungry} It is meereey _ | the issue | Los i to listen to long prayers nor to to argue that people ought to like those things. They show clearly that they do not be- church. because they turn out to hear it and patronize the should, but they do not. they stay away from good music suse several of the best hear long sermons. They show that they collection plate when they get it. How many people have st could not gain admission to a ¢ 90d for two hours hurch service in this city. Perhaps they \{ thousand people enjoyed them- | especially those away from home, possibly securing the services of the musi-} and with local like} jthe above mentioned lands because they/ esther Mckenzie, » | Was Pos-} sibly they have done so but it has not become a habit that could be noticed. We are strongly in favor of music, Churches where the music is good are usually the churches! get. where the crowds go. New Athietic Association Here. Some committees are ai all that it is possible to} work gathering data and making other arrangements for the organization of an athletic associa- tion in this city that will take over the Agricultural Building and use it as a gymnasium. Very s soon as it knows just what il wants, city for support. helpful to the town. oon one of these committees, will ask the people of the The geners| idea is to make the association The chie/ difficulty will be in getting a good physical director who will organize the games and classes and There is no doubt that such an organization is badly needed here and that it will receive the keep things running smoothly. support of everyone when it is | Editor’s Home At Vanderhoof. The field secretary of the aunched. National Editorial Association must have made an extremely favorable report on the Vanderhouf district for the executive to have decided to make it their per- manent home. valley and also to the whole of central Columbia. and At anyrate if means a good deal to the Nechaco northern British The big hotel which was commenced at that point some years ago will be completed at once and editors from all over the country, especially the big free lance special writers, are expected to visit the district often and they are bound to tell of the place in some of their artic its luck. hoof is to be congratulated on future for it, les. The little town of Vande-- Doubtless there is a good for if it has good hotel accommodation it will soon prove to be the Mecca of all commercial men and other travellers through the country. SALE OF CROWN-GRANTED MINERAL CLAIMS For Delinquent Taxes In the Prince Rupert Assessment District I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that cn Provincial Assessor and Collector, in ‘he Granted Mineral Claims hereinafter set by the said persons on the 30th June, 1 total amount due is not sooner paid. The Collector will be pleased 1) receive any THE DAILY ’ oon Try Our Ice Cream and HOME - MADE CANDY Iee Cream Wholesale and Retail. Ice Cream Bricks Always in Stock. We Keep Nothing But the Best. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF ‘an application for of a fresh Certificate of Titie t Nine (9), Block Thirty-one 31 ection Seven (7), City of Prince Rupert. Men 923 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is my intention to issue after the expiration of ome (1) month from the first publica tion hercof, a fresh certificate of title te the name of which certificate of tit issued the 22nd March, 1911, and $s numbered 427-1. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles Land Registry -—. Prinee Ru B. Cc 22nd ae “of September. 1919 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS TRICT—RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA TAKE NOTICE that I, Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend to apply for a licence to prospect for ex al, if and petroleum over the following de scribed lands on the West Coast of ira ham Island:— Commencing at a post planted at three Peter Piomiyw, of miles north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence &0 chains north, thence 20 chains west, thence 80 chains soutl thence 80 chains east to point of com mencement. PETER PIOMBO Located July 27, 1919 ___Dated September 25th, 1919 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH MacPHERSON MARTIN, DE- CEASED, INTESTATE. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an order made by His Honour Judge Young, Local Judge, in the above matter on the 9th day of Octo- ber, 1919, as follows tt 18 ORDERED that J H. MecMullin, )Mcial Administrator for a portion of the County of Atlin, be allowed to swear to the death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as having occurred om the 4th day of August, 1919, one month from the date of the first publication of notice of this order unless in the meantime proof is furnished the District Registrar of this Court at *rince Rupert that the said Hugh MacPher- son Martin was living subsequently to the ith of August, 1919, AND IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the sald J. H. MeMullin publish notice of this wder in the Prince Rupert Daily News, 1 newspaper published at the City of Prince Rupert, B. €., once a week for a pertod of one month. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C lay of October, A. D. 1919. 4. H. MeMULLIN. this 10th M nday, the 3rd day of Nowember, 1919, at ey of Prince Rupert, B.C., I shall otier for sale at Out, of the persons im the said list hereinafter set out, 919, and for costs and expenses, includ ug the cost of advertising said sale, information respecting the { ‘lowing list he bour of 10 4. m., at the office of thie public auction the Crown for delinquent taxes unpaid if the where the owner is a member NEWS woe OF CANCELLATION. NOTH ie hereby given that the reserve exist ver Lote 1510 ana 1820, Queen Charlotte District, by reason of a notice ed in the B. C. Gazette of 27th De cember, 1007, ts cancelled U. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands 22nd September, 19i9. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that Northern B. C. Fish- eries Limited whose address is Winch Building, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a licence to take and use 4 cubic feet per second of water out of un un-ne creek which flows north and drains into Steamer Passage about 200 feet west of west boundary Lot 4954. The water will be diverted from the stream at @ point about 180 feet N.W. of the 8. W. Cor. Lot 4954 and will be used for industrial power urpose upon the land described as Lot 4954, Range 5, Coast District This notice was posted on the ground on the 6th day of September, 1919. A copy f this notice and an Sue ha pursuant thereto and to the ater Act, 1914, will be fled tn the office of the Water Re order at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be tied with the sald Water Recorder or with the Comptreiier of Water Rights, Partia ment Butidings, Victoria, B.C. within ifty days after the first appearance of this notice in @ local newspaper NORTHERN B. C. FISHERIES 1IMITED Applicant By W. A. Bauer, Agent The date of the first publication of this notice is 8th September, Pally News vrince Rrpert LAND ACT Notice of intention to » to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is and Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port lements, occupation lumbermen, intend to apply for permission to lease the fol ywing described lands:— Commencing at a post planted at the N.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port lements; thence N. 70 dew W.—540 ft; hence south 33 dee. W 455 ft thence uth 237.77 ft.; thence east 472.95 ft hence following the shore line in a north asterly direction to the point of com encement and containing 7.1 acres, more less }RAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CHO LIMITED Dated August 12th, 1919 IN PROBATE. N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT and N THE MATTER OF THE FESTATR OF NATALIE CONDO, DECEASED INTES TATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of His ‘onour F. MeB. Young, made the 2ith day { September, A. D. 1919, I was appottted ‘cministrator to the estate of Natalie ‘condo, deceased, and all parties having laims against the said estate are hereby equired to furnish same, properly verified » ne, On or before the 26th day of Ock er, A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted the estate are required to pay tie moamt of their indebtedness to me fort! vi JOHN H. McMULLIN, OMcial Administrator _Date d this 24th day of September 19:9 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT ! The Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd., (Eeonomy Store wish to inform the public that they have purchased the whole of the stock and fixtures of 8. Mussallem & Co., Ltd., from the assignees and from now on will run that business in conjunction with their own. Old customers of 8. sallem & Co., Lid., are here with invited to continue trading with us and we can Mus- of the Allied Forces and entitled to the Betts of Section 29 of the “Taxation Amendment Act, 1918." LIST ABOVE MENTIONED. OWNER Claim and Lot Number. TAX costs TOTAL ; ; Red Chin M * Lid. | a Clift, Lot 75 — te ¥ brat uo., Lid. a iit, i eae ye 9 75 Hea Cif! Miming Co, itd. .........- Montrose, Lot 76 ‘3 > HE : i$ 50 hed CHM Mining Co, Ltd. .......... Mount Lyell, Lot 77 .. 1175 3765 15 50 Red Cliff Mining Co., Lid. ....... itttie Pat Frac., Lot 78 1175 375 55 Ked CH Mining Co., Lid. ..... Waterloo, Lot 7¢ . ; 13 00 375 : 7. fed CUM Mining Co., Lia. .......++. Mac Fraction, Lot 86 ; 156 375 7c Hed Clift Mining Co., 14d. wot Fraction, Lot 87 2 60 375 oe Hed Cll Mining Co.. it¢. .... Se, SA 117 375 . 7s Glacier Creek mining ©o., Ltd. ie ey EOP EPO ini acs loo cds j 13 00 375 15 50 Gwcer Creek Mining Co., Lid Last Chanee, Lot 40% Ps ; 10 75 2 e 16 75 Glacier Creek Mining Co., Ltd. Nellie V., Lot 464 : 10 25 sor re oe Glacier Creek Mining Co., ! td Kiverside, Lot 4065 .......... i i3 00 2 38 i4 oy Portiand Canal Mining Cc), tad. Sadie Frac., Lot 408 ..... ' 125 378 16 ee Portiand Canal Mining Co., Lid. ... Barney Frac., Lot 406 i +4 2 7% 5 ow Glacier Creek Mining Co, Lid. . Miter” tot 410 33 238 4 50 Glacier Creek Mining Co., Lid. . Nellie Frac., ict +19 50 3 75 450 forttand Canal Mining €o., Lid. Gypsy, Lot 416 ae 375 426 i vortlland Canai ‘diming Co., itd. ..... Mee, ae Wee. 0k dks Ks 11 00 o 3° 16 95 rortiand Can. Mining Co., Lid Re, DOr GOR spi ds a's 6s } i 25 : cs ! 47 bortiand Cana’ Miminge Co., Lid. ...... Mayflower, Lot 4i¢ ; 6 00 38 soe rortiand Cas;! Mining Co., Lid. Sadic, Lot 420 ie: oe 975 ' 7s 725 | cand Canal Mining Co., Lid. ..... an Cee -608 4. tees 14 50 oes 9 00 i «ttand Canal Mining Co., Lid. arn, B06 GOP oo ee 2. 10 ze 375 i5 25 iortland Canal Mining Co., Lid ... Little Joe Prac., Lot 438 275 376 1400 Stewart Mining Development Co., Ltd Sunbeam, Lot 869 ...... 11.25 $78 650 Siewart Mining Development Co., Ltd. fen Hur, Lot 870 ‘ +8 60 375 15 00 hiewart Mining Development Co., Lid wen Wor Fraci., Lot 874 . 3 76 16 75 Stewart Mining Development Co., Lid ueorge E., Lot 872 375 a7 | 6 50 Portland Canal Mining Co., Lia. ..... Little Joc, Lot 872 oe 375 1625 Portland Canal Mining Co.. Lid. icky Seven, Lot 874... . 475 16 75 Portisnd Canal Tunnels, £ td. ‘ Littie Peart Fraction, Loi 5560" aa is 7 375 i450 Portland Canal Tunnels, Lia. -°)..)..: Kootenay, Lot 1385 .... : : 43 + | $75 1625 Thomas MecRostie ..... ...... a Cae Oe 4 tee 13 aa 375 15 50 EE We oo ead ane bees ifomestake No. 1, Lot i590 } 375 16 75 Thomas Mchostie & James L. Hatmp sun Rise, Lot 1530 | ie 335 1675 Cev. Matheson, Geo. Rudge, James ii. eee ee $8 60 $75 | 1695 | lLobertson, administrators of the estate ’ of Donald A. Robertson. .......... Thelma, Lot 1554 a | Oe feo. Mathesen, Geo. Mudge, James R. 925 3 76 13 00 Robertson, administrators of the estate of Donald A, Robertson. ............ Black Bear, Lot t503 Gee, Matheson, Geo. Kudge, James Ri. eno ee