You can be confident that Its quality never varies T tjB 'Fresh from the gardens' DAILY WE ARE LOCAL AGENTS FOR n A m fi TV T EAST ROl'ND TRIP . Prince William R rrna River Torats .... $1.50. to Naas River Points $2.00 Rc'.urn same day. Children half fare. 731 The new anil highly recommended tonic. Stimulates the appetite, the action of the liver and gall bladder and promotes bodily vigor and well being. Price, $1.35 Dimes ltd. 3fio Pioneer DrtQptsts Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists asw KVCUf 1 I i v 1 1 earners OUTII by lea iii cr to Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate porta Monday, XTedneatlays, Thursdays ami Saturdays. For Anyoi ami Stewart Mondays ami Fridays, For Alaska Porta Wednesday anil Saturdays. Alio rrftulanaaUings for Skceiia ami .Naas Hlcr ports and North atrrTVoutli Queen Charlotte Islands. Passenger trains for Kdnioiilon, W innipeg ami all points East leave dally cteept Sunday at I p.m. l-ow farra NOW. Atk about our Triangle Tour. CIdBATU M&YIONAsL TO EVERYWHCRE IN CANADA For Information rail or trrif H. F. MeNAUCJIITON. District I'asarncrr A(rfnt. Prince Hupcrt. Il." UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hsiiint trwn ITlnca Kuiirrt f ? VANlT'trv'ER. VICTORIA BiitvdsJe. Al'rt By. etc Tuwty. S 30 Jim tot VAM'OtlrlH. VIl'IOKK. Ilulfdalf. Al'rt lUv, etc.. t'rldst inldnUhl f ALICE AII.M. AN VOX, NIHVAKT. Na llllfr. Port Mliopusa. Bun- day, s.oo p.m. Ft roiiT KIMfSON aud WA1JE8 ISLAND. Thurvisy p.m Itl Zna Airniie K M MMiril -tent Prince Rupert. II. C. Ttrouch 1IM uld to Victoria and Seattle A?"! basMir checaeil nrouih to dcllntlon tSSlgj B. C. Coast Steamship Service If COAST ISTEAMSIIIPS sWn SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, WranKell Juneau, Skagway August 1, 4. 8. 11, 15. 18. 22, 26. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle-r- August 2. 8, 9, 13, 18, 20, 23, 27, 30. Princess' Tiary -Ocedn Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every many, xu p.m Agents For All Steamshlp'Llnes W. C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave.; Prince Rupert, Phone Si Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER I1LOCK DENTIST LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage! Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team 01 Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furnllure Moving. n""unnumi Daily Nfnt Ads, "Bpng, quick Results Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. TSiHtinSjhe Commission on State Health Insurance and Maternity Benefits will be held ir the: Court Hdtfse 'tonight at 7.30. Before ordering that raincoat r- wlntej coat e Win. Anld's window. oppralte P0$ Office. Interesting andf unique) demonstratioh of Strength opwater-reslstlng material, "ft-- n, Mrs. D. Zarelli and two who have been on a two- weeks' holiday visit to Vancouver Victoria and -Seattle, returned home on the Prince Henry this morning. Richard'W. Pillsbury, son of Aid. and Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury; arrived this morning from Departure Bay Vancouver Island, and will be engaged for the next three or four weeks in work out of the local biological station. For the pist year he has bpert a member of the Victoria High School teaching staff. NOTICE Cellars' Grocery business discontinued. All account now due And payable to F. O. Dawson Limited, Room 14, Besner Bloct P. 0. Box 1677. All fixtures for sale. 192 FOR Diarrhoea THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL PrkfelOo. a bottle at WWa!. nut un onlv ha HOTEL ARRIVALS -2 . This valuable pi -par;-tun dam Mpn on the market for the st eighty years, aixlboMn a, reputation si-roml touooeiut the relief of all twwel uuiiiiluinta. . all all dr drufcurt or TheT Mil- tg,.at- U & I Cafe Formerly the VTiite Lunch Is Now Open Under new management Central Hotel t'MIKIt M.W MAVKIKMENT Mm in lleatnt; Traveller"' Sample KiKmts; I lot and fold Water t'rre lliu Mrct 111 Train anil Unal Kates $1.00 and Up M'ECIAL MONTHLY HtTth CIC ItlCiGAUT A. DONALD Ltf rrorlrtr. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. I'UUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth sts. Savoy O. Beaudreau, Tyee: W. O. La polnte, Helge Oden. city. New Royal Hotel f. Zarelli. nop. TIIK IttlTCL nOKTII WHILE Hot to Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephnnr IS I Royal Pierre Le Ross, jr., Pacific; J. McNeill, L. R. Decker, C. H. Samuel, B. Splltbury, Vancouver; S. Saegar, Haysport; George Allan, North Pacific, Cannery; W. G. Valpy. Port Edward; W. Terner1, av? TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA DRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese- FRESH PASTFI'RIFO MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City THE DAILY NEWS PAIN so easily relieved How to treat Neuralgia V or rfieck n Cold .1 ximv ara some women mm ' i LUXHr tee-SSPH -iaww so VV patient with pain? Shopping with a head that throbs. Working when they ache all over. Sometimes it's hours before they take Aspirin and get relief! Most men take these tablets the moment that some sudden ache or pain threatens their comfort and so should you. Aspirin is perfectly harmless: it cannot depress the heart. The tablet! stamped Bayer are always genuine Aspirin; aJways the same, always tafe. So it isn't sensible to suffer with a headache, a cold, neuralgic pains, or anything else that these tablets relieve almost as soon as swallowed. Buy by the bottle and save money. Any drugstore has the 100-tablet size. TRADE MARK MO. SPIRIN Baseball tomorrow at 2.30. S.O.C. vs. Centrals. In the ctty police court this morning before Magistrate McCly-mont, Mrs. Robert Leighton, Gordon HalL and Dick Nazlel, Indians, were each fined $15 for Mrs. R. L. Gale and family of mithers. who have been visiting t in Victoria, arrived in the city from the south on the ss. Prince ttaWistv tKi IsV mAfnlns 4nrt nriveferaVrl y yp lay wa-aaj 4iittsy,itiu twvvuvj vy usiy sasvv svs J wu cj.R steamer Prince Henry, Capt. A. J. Ollbert, arrived in port at 7.30 this morning from Vancou er. Powell River and. Ocean Falls ( and salted -JlU 20- tu!s .afternoon for Skftgway and other Alaska points. The vessel brought north abouV 350 passengers, many of whom are tourists Her cargo for this port included a large parcel of cans for district salmon canner-les. $ , TtTttttl 1 tt ANNOUNCEMENTS Pat's Playboys dance. Moose Hal" August 22. . Moose Bazaar. October 16. 17. i i TO FROM MONTREAL ;i vm.ow .:.i.l AST-l.lviui'OOL xNot cnH'in- . t Liverpool Ti niLKIIOUIti-SOUTHAMPTOX II VM1I' lt(i Sept. " Montcalm To IIAKVE I.ONPON'-ANTUEKr 3" 4" MtSna U Montrose iog; Lartv.Andasen-. Tom Jones., Aug scpt? V.'.'.ehesa-of Yo, NUWy(B4,G Dfljuar, Chilli wac. . Jept, V&wt. aflft.,1,DueMss.of AtfcoU - - Oi l ll'IKiMUSliRO' i. I 1 laSJIVH'I'araVnT. nmsisfflmwM t t'UKItllOI lt(l-XH!llLMpio" ' Sept. 3. Sept. XI. Emprens of Australia Sept. 9. Sept, ao . Emprsas of Sootland Sc?t. 16, Oct 8 Emprcas of rranoe FROJI VANCOUVER To HuttUll-J;iMin-('Iilna. Philippine AugSl. Oct 16. .EmpraM of Russia ' aSept. 4. Oct SO. Emp. of Japan Sept. 18, Nov. 13 Bmpreaa ot Asia xOct a, x-Nov 37, Stop, of Canada xlncludin call at Honolulu. AddIv to Aienw erervwhert or J i r'DKSTKR 8tfnm5hlp Orn VMS. Aecnt C. P. R. .Station. V.nroirer. i'cii'liliiiiie irlivll) Lit Dlnnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Princess Mary arrived In port from the south last evening at 11.45 and sailed for Vancouver at 1.30 a.m. Princess Charlotte, CaptalrtfclCij jSalnty, is due this afternoon at 3.30 from Skagway, and will sil for the south at 5 pjn. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hunter and family returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver and Vancouver Island. F. Perry, president of the Cana dian Colleries, and Mrs. Perry were arrivals in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Henry this morning. Mrs. K. Q. Stephen sailed yester day for Vancouver where she will locate. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Nelson have taken over her beauty parlor business here. Mrs. Alex McRae, Green Street, returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning from a slx-weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver Island. Miss May Donaldson, who has been on a holiday visit to Van-; couver and Victoria returned to the city on the Prince Henry thli morning. Mrs. A. J. Matheson and son and daughter who have been spending the past six weeks in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Henry this morning. Murdo McLeod returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver where he spent the last two weeks, attending the Vancouver Exhibition and Caledonian Games. Mayor C H. Orme returned to the cltypjv the i Prince Henry this morning, frpra-a ibrleft trip to Van-couver( being accompanied home by Mrs. Orme, who has been spending the past year, in Victoria. Reslcrueian Mysteries: All sincere seekers for the great truth and power known "to The AnHentsTf' write for the free book "Light of Egypt, mailed without obligation to occult students. Librarian 111, Amonc Temple, San Jose, Califor nia 191 George Pearson. M-AA. for Na-naimo, one of the members of the Royal Commission State Health Insurance and Maternity Benefits, which is here today to hold a local session, is accompanied on the trip north by his wife, two daughters and nephew. Mrs. W. E. Wllllscroft returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning after a month's absence. She attended the Royal Purple Dominion Convention held recently in Winnipeg and on her way home visited in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island. Staff Sergeant Atox McNeill, chief of the dlftrlet1 detachment of the provincial police soiled this afternoon on the Prince Henry for a two weeks' trip to the Atlln district on official duties. He Is betwr accompanied on the trip north by Mrs. McNeill. Mr W II. Vlckers. widow of Prince Rupert's pioneer nollce chief has recently Joined the service of the Canadian Pacific British Columbia Coast Steamship service and was recently acting as stewardess aboard the steamers Princess Joan and Marguerite on the southern runs. She may make a trip north before long on one of the Alaska steamers. William Gilchrist, who accom- fcpl u. Kxo?t . n . . Mu,nedo.rPaned the Prince Rupert Boys' Band on Its trip to the Vancouver Exhibition, returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning. Two of the members of the band-Tony and Guldo Bussanich returned north with him. Jack Campbell and Fred Derry are1 remaining in the south to visit with friends. i vii'sm i' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY AGENTS WANTED PAUE THREP People's Store Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel I We Bought Cheap Can Sell Cheap! Wc have boufeht a big- surplus stock of new goods for cash at 33 per cent less than original cost, coming direct from the M aster Mechanics' Factory of Men's Wear SUCH AS PANTS, MACKINAW COATS, BLAZERS AND OVERALLS We guarantee that we can sell these goods 33 per cent cheaper than they can be secured elsewhere in the city. , Wc have overbought and must get rid of these goods and get the money to pay for them. People's Store Prince Rupert, B.C. I I tjL-,uujnrx7TTiiiiii iimminrM v , i - , injaj (3Wrcft$twice0j ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Holy communion at 8 ajn. Morning prayer and sermon 11 ajn. Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 pjn. SALVATION ARMY The annual Native Congress, Prince Rupert Citadel, August 23, 24 and 25. Commissioner and Mrs. Hoggard in charge, assisted by Staff-Captain and Mrs. Acton and other officials of the district. Meetings Saturday and Sunday open to the public. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society. 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Man. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "SOUL." The public Is cordially invited' to attend. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D, Minister Anniversary services. It is ust twenty years ago August 17 that the Baptist Church of this city was set In order. August 17, 1910. The" services tomorrow will be appropriate to the occasion. At 11 a.m. the pastor's subject will be "THE CHURCH U1 TUB COMMUNITY." At 7:30 pjn. the subject will be "THE CHURCH." There will be special solos. A cordial Invitation. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B, A. Morning Service at 11 ajn. Evening service at 7:30 pjn. Both services will be conducted by Rev. C. B. Motte. There will be a tea at the Parsonage lnild of the W. M. S., Thursday from 3 to 6. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Morning worship at 11 o'clock. English. Evening service at 7:30. Scandinavian." Rev. O. K. Andeen, President Columbia Conference, will preach at both services. . Miss Swarm OiafsoffTwho has. Mrs. R. A. Creech and Miss Dor- been visiting In Vancouver, return-1 othy Creech returned oa today's ed from the' south on the Prince , train from Francois Lake where Henry this morning. j they have been visiting for the I past few months. MAGIC GAS EQUALS OAS 3c. Corp. 11. H. Mansell, formerly a GALLON. Harmless guaranteed member of the city detachment of Mws B. McCubbin. who has been product. Used by largest Bus the provincial police here and for visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Companies. Labels, circulars, let- i the past two or three years chief A. Flnnie for the last few weeks, ter-heads with agent's name fur-1 of the Comox Valley detachment returned to her home In Pacific lshed. Free particulars and proof with headquarters at Courtnny. n today's eastbound train. P A. LEFEBVRE It COMPANY Vancouver Island, has recently LTD.. MAGIC OAS BUILDING beni confined to his home thor Get the Ad. reading habit. It Alexandria, Ont. seriously ill. i pays.