PAGE BIZ THE DAILY NEWS The upsets of All children are subject to little Upsets. They come at unexpected times. They seem twice as serious in the dead of night But there's one form of comfort on which a mother can always rely; good old Castoria. This pure vegetable preparation can't harm the tiniest infant Yet mild as it is, it soothes a restless, fretful baby like nothing else. Its quick relief soon sees the youngster comfortable once more, back to sleep. Even so attack of Mint RofNA-co I colic, or diarrhea, yields to the soothing influence of Castoria. Keep Castoria in mind, and keep a bottle in the house always. Give a few drops to any child whose tongue is coated, or whose breath is bad. Continue with Castoria until the child is grown I Every drugstore has Castoria ; the genuine has Cha. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. oAre YOUR Holidays Carefree or Otherwise? Outlays on holidays should be money well spent Often what otherwise would be a real, beneficial vacation is spoiled by thoughts of the costperhaps by the thought of sacrifices to be made afterward. Get the greatest pleasure and benefit by saving well in advance. Enjoy the thrill of anticipation as well as the carefree holiday itself. Regular deposits, begun well ahead of time, and put in a separate account if desired, will ensure the kind of holiday you want to have. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total AmcU In Excess of 1800,000,000 Prince Ruprrt Branch: A. H. CAR30N. Manager. COAL! PEMBINA EGG-Delivered, Per Ton $12.0 MINEIIEAD EGG-Delivered, Per Ton . Xw.l2j0 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per ToirHn$& FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 Try a Daily News Want Ad. CLEANING UPC0WBAY I Gang; of Men Hare Been at, Work Field 'Tomatoes-- s More More -i V DDBFUMaKlnff Place Respectable City Engineer Good his had iiT ask W 4) Si mono Cahao 4w AW Co. W. Ltd. WTW. u a umiTHU TOIMNTO .AtMT' tlOMt dealer Cut faster, easier, and wear longer.' Save-tlme end money. Pure Italian Olive Oil per gallon 5-lb. bask(6Ljjmt. Lettuce Large heads -per head New Potatoe" ' : ' 21 lbs. . QLIL. New Onions " 6 lbs PRESERVING ITEMS SUOAR 100-lb.. sack SUOAR 50-lb. sack SUGAR 10 lbs CERTO 3 bottles MEMUA Similar to Certo 2 pkgs JEWEL JARS Quarts per dpz JEWEL JARS Pints per dbz ..... ECONOMY JARS Qts. per doz ECONOMY JARS Pts. per, doz.., , 0 gang of men working at the clean- ial there will be a properly con structed transforming plant In re spectablc surroundings. T " 1 -4JnrWTfltt..7" I - JOHN, N-V VANCOVVin WVIK Why Pay More? We want your support to help mis bring down-the cost"Tflrvmif Biff ValuesLower Trice' BREAD per loaf .", vf 'OHOMlO 8c $2.50 Pure Italian Olive Oil CI QC per V, gallon fA.UO Pure Italian Olive Oil per V gallon Dutch Maid Mayonnaise per quart 85c 90c The best by far for large families Best Foods Bread it Butter OCn Pickles per bottle .... Best Foods Mayonnaise & QOn r Relish 8pread-per bottle"-' 65c 7C 50c $5.65! WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings Lower For Week Little Happen-ings of Prince Rupert's Mosquito Craft andil'eopicwuong waicrironi Halibut landings for-the week were below the previous Uninrr 79,1 flfifi "nniiiifle rnmnnrpf with nlKi.UUU aWJirS Pounds. American during the week amounted toW, being rapidly removed. The large 200 pounds, a decrease from the previous week of 7y,500 shed on the west side of the bridge pounds. Canadian boats showed an increase of 9,400 has been burned down and most of pounrJs above the previous Week. . the piling destroyed staging and Th b t obtained by American boats was 12.2c ZSLAtZiBnA 5c whie'h the Glacier obtained on Tuesday for 8,000 being removed. : pounds, ine best uanauian price was iu.ic mm wmtu The Power Company has a gang several boats obtained. clearing and levelling the back part American sales through this port the various ports called at. by where they will have transformers ; for the year are now over the ten means of the loud sneakers that arc placed, so that within the next few ; million pounds mark being 10,322,- in position in different strategic weeks Instead of the terrible col- 1 100 pounds. Canadian sales will rooms on the boat, lection of rubbish and waste mater-: likely pass the five million mark ; while at Wrangell they cxper- j this week. The Canadian total Is lenced what the crew called a har-1 4,738.200 pounds. bor storm and according to ac- counts It was bad enough, a high 1 The waterfront habitues had a ' wind blowing and heavy seas run- (couple of little incident to amuse Intng. The weather on the trip was Raymond A. Fisher, son of Mr. th h th Prlnce Charles wasi-iot mnd On the return vnvaae thr and Mrs. W. S. Fisher, formerly of docklng on Thursday afternoon. It j announcement was made through this city, is now Identified with the irouid he ,ecn from tne distance I the above mentioned loud sneakerr taff of the University of Saskat-; that the boat nad a blg carg0 for 'that there was a Canadian Customs chewan in Saskatoon. she was lower down forward than officer on board who would make aft. One facetiously suggested that by the time the deck load of salmon was all on board her propeller, would be In the air. First of all one of the mooring lines fouled one of the pier booms and as the line was drawn tight the booms were rapidly elevated till it was taken off and was lowered again and released. Then the stewards were anxious to gain time by unloading the soiled laundry. One made a bad shot and the bundle missed the wharf and landed on one of the booms at the bottom. Here later a steward could be seen retrieving the linen. The Frank Waterhouse line Is finding the big salmon run a profitable asset to their shipping. They !have four or five boats chartered to handle the salmon from the canneries. These 'include the Prln.cs Albert, the Granger and the Border Queen. Of. these the Prince Al bert has a rather interesting history. Formerly owned by the C. N. S. S, she was Sold, and according to rumor was erfgageo; In rum-running. Seized by the United States she was confiscated and sold. Rumor says she was bought back by the same rum-running interests again. Now, hqwever, she Is engaged In legitimate ','flshy" business adj is qne of the boats serving the can-, neries on the Skeena by supplying cans and taking out the canned fish. Captain Tait who was injured on the Border Queen some time ago, sustaining a fractured skull, Is making a splendid recovery and the doctor is having difficulty In making him realize that he has had a bed accident and needs rest. Several boats reaulring repairs ! 1 1 T t.T Ciwil Hnva The Ethelda, formerly the necessary inspections and save rouble at Prince Runert. This war weived with mixed feelings What have We got to go through h's all again and turn out every-hlm?" was the remark of one lady who had probably had her baggage r,arr.fned at Vancouver, at Ketchikan, and now again returnfof therefrom. A trip nast the mouth of the Skeena at night now Is an lnterestlnp experience. It provides a visitor with a weird thrill. To all Intent; and purposes there is a city with a million lights stretched out over a very large area. The lights are of course those of the fishing boat" and their floats. It has to be seen to iber fully realized, but when cm consider that there are 1100 boaU In that; river and then one tries tc visualise the ef ect of them all with S2 85 i Iocal dry dock tne lug Pacinc Foam present. The Chuchona II which v 1 was undergoing repairs at the Mc- struck a rock Is having a new fore- 58c 95c 28c $1.35 $1.20 $1.65 $1.35 ECONOMY JAR CAPS Q- Aft ! 3 doz kw...,.,. 5MUU ftUBBERVRlNG84-V 5 doz: : 40c GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW I The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents' Phone 360 319 Third Ave. slips busy. belonging to Wallace, but now owned by Wright and Hlnton the surveyors, has had the hull practically rebuilt. Repairs to the Cape Race which was In collision with a scow recent ly are about completed. The Inside 2SCi engine bed was shifted by the Im pact and a new qne has Deen put In. While the repairs to the Union Oil Barge were being completed at the their dual lights he may get a faint idea of the beauty of the scene. A trip through these nets L equally thrilling though not very restful. They prorled a problem for the blf boats. A channel Is supposed to be left open for navigation but this I', difficult when the tide it running strongly and carryinr boatK and gear swiftly with it. It re minded the writer of his first ex povienee in the Ypres Salient In 1919 when in the frortt line we could not see any ga: in the ring of flares that lit up the country al night How did we get in? How can we get out? There seems no end tc the lights on the Skeena and It L- easily understood why shipping at night in Its estuary Is a thing to be avoided. Accommodation for their flshim gear Is an important consideration with the fishermen during the win ter and the Home Oil Distributors have recognised this in a practical way. They have just finished their shed 50 feet by 36 which la for tlu exclusive use of the fishermen dur Ing the close season. Already there is a Quantity of geai under cover there. llnlnz had to be replaced and the Andrew Jansen skipper of the Al hull on the port side rebuilt. The i ken who came In Wednesday with his boat is a patient In the local hospital. His many friends will be glad to see him around again. Several repair Jobs are occupying the pontoons at the dry dock at Lean yards. The hull had been bad- foot built and part of the hull Is ly splintered and the tall snait , being replaced, bushings damaged. j 1 Annt.hnr rnnnlr Inh In holnir W.J. Klrkpatrlck, of the Customs on the packer pragta. MwnbUB and Excise staff has been regaling his confreres with his experiences aboard the Prince Henry when he made the trip north on board the flagship of the northern waters. Kirk cannot speak too highly of the service on the boat, the exquisite fittings and luxurious accommodations. He is particularly enthusiastic In regard to the arrangements for informing the passengers of times of arrival and departure from UJAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 r7 I which was salvaged by the Helac II In Gunboat Passage. The CN which recovered from Kitkatla where she sank last May Is also on the pon toons. There is considerable dls cussion regarding this sinking. On the port side forward below the watcrlfne Is a hole apparently re sponsible for the sinking of the boat. Much of the equipment and gear had been saved before the sinking as dishes and ba tteries were not found on board after the soH ' vaglng. A major piece of work at tho dry dock is the construction of the car barge for the C. N. R. similar 'to the one constructed here last year. Con-structlon of this may be said to be well under way. The keel has been laid and the staging erected. Another repair job at the dry dock is one of the Dushby scows which Is badly holed under the waterllne. IS APPOINTED TO NORMAL Former Superintendent of Schools Here Takes Up New Duties In Victoria Harold L. Campbell, formerly su perintendent of schools In Prince tupert and for the past year school inspector with headquarters In Kamloops, has now been appointed o the staff of the Provincial Nor- nal School in Victoria and will as sume his duties there at the com mencement of. the coming term -this ;all. CJf, ss, Prince William, Captali William Thomas, will make anoth er of her popular trips up th' ?kcena River tomorrow,, leaving" at a.m., returning at 8 p.m, and calling at various canneries. H-ni. mxiBiniiiii Saturday. August 18 FrL&jSalTwo Show,. 74, ' In DEMAND MARY PICKFOUD and DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS me ail talking all to- comedy "The Taming of The Shrew" Shakespeare's Master! o Two Great Short Comedies- Laurel ana Hardy in TIIKYm huuji ana the spy Also a SCENIC Feature sturte ; , . ldmissioa - .at. Matinrp al v MKTB!?B"irB3E3B.'fl: Help Wanted ! EASY WORK M(J PROMTS START IN 'BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF i.V YOUR OWN u.MF TOWN AND DC INDEPENDENT. A PLEASANT AND I'ltO) if Aiin IHJSINESS OF YOUR OWN AT WIIIClI YOU CAN MAhf, $10.00 to $20.00 PER DAY WE SHOW YOU HOW OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO MAKE BIO MONEY IN YOUR FULL OR PART I'' !r For $9.00 we will start you In the Carpet Clean m j; sending you a half gallon of QUICK CARPET CLEAN! N 1 . DER which will clean twenty rugs or carpets at $2."Q $50.00 also we give you FREE of charge a long handi ... making complete outfit. This eliminates kneeling and makes work easy. Ilnmlrni Carpets and Rugs to Clean In your neighborhood . on Cars and Chesterfields, Etc. Etc. QUICK CARPET CLEANER works Instantaneous-, thoroughly and removes all spots and stains from ( t:; etc, and restores it to Its natural color, leaving the N 1 pliable. It Is a real wonderworker and takes only one lull tiiui clean a large size carpet. Work being done without n 1. pets or rugs from the floor. Dry In one hour. - Full instructions together with many suggestions ,u. : : 1 ; hints sent with order. Guaranteed Harmless To The Finest of Fabrirx Contains No Acids, Lye or Potash. Every Home will welcome you, and means repeats and n w FILL IN the COUrON and be one of our HAPPY MONFYMA.J r Quick Carpet Cleaning Company MANUFACTURERS OF QUICK PRODUCTS 1008 - 1st Street West CALGARY A Herewith find enclosed $9.00 being for one In '. QUICK CARPET CLEANING POWDER also one brash to be sent FREE of charge also full particulars as mem. u NAME ADDRESS TOWN PROVINCE "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST JjREAKFAST FOOD" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., M PRINCE RUPERT, II. C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS 1 Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND : SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1 20.000.TON FLOATING I)KVW)H Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, niark80Uh!'tter Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND. ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385