Saturday, August 18, 1930 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday-ss. Prince Rupert pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala .... 350 p.m. Wednesday ss Pr. Henry, 0 ajn. Wednesday ss. Pr. Henry, a.m. ss. Princess Alice, 5 p.m. Thursday ss.Pr. Charles, 4 pm. Friday ss. Princess Mary, 10 p.m. ss. Cardena, T2 midnight Saturday ss., ss. Prince George, 7 p.m.; From Vancouver j Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Monday ss. Princes Alice Alice am a.m ss. Princess Charles. , 11.30.m. ...... W"aav . . n uooroe. . i Thursday a. Cardena p.m,;0w ami woodei Friday ss. Princess Louise. a.m.l.?. ,,a 'fr , . , . sa. rnuue uwic, nju awn as. Princess Mary 4 tun. i Saturday ss. Pr. Henry ll.30am.4a Fnr Xaa. River and - Port Simpson i Sunday-ss. cataia 8 pjn,, Friday ss. Prince William, 8 pm. . t0 From Nas iliver and Port Simpson Tuesday-ss. Catala .... 11J0 am. Friday ss. Prince William, p.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala, 8 pjn. Monday s. Pr. Charles, 8 p.m. Friday ss. Pr. George, 220 pjn. For Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ....11.30 a.m. Thurs ss. Pr. Charles, 10.30 ajn. Saturday ss. Pr. George, 6 pm. Saturday -ss. Pr. George, 6 p.m. Tor Ocean Fails-Monday ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 p.m. Friday ss. Pr. Mary, .. .10 p.m. ut ss. Prince George, 7 pjn. From Ocean Fails-Wed ss. Pr. Oeorge, 11.30 ajn. Friday sa. Pr. George. 11 JO ajn. Princess Mary, 4 p.m. Sat ss. Prince Henry, 11.30 ajn. For North Queen Charlotte Islands-Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn. From North Queen Charlotte Islands Thurs sa. Pr. Charles, 10 JO ajn For South Queen Charlotte Islands-Monday ss. Pr. William, 8 pjn. From North Quern Queen Charlotte Islands Thurs ss. Prince William, ajn.; For Alaska . i Monday ss. Princess Alice, ajnJ Wed. ss. Pr. George, 220 pm. Friday ss. Princess Louise, ajn. Sat -ss. Prince Henry, 250 pjn. From Alaska Mon ss. Prince Rupert, 7 ajn. Wed. ss. Prince Henry. 7 ajn. m. Princess Alice, pjn. F iturday 63. Pr. Charlotte, p.m. For Tort Simpson and Wales Island-Thursday ss. Cardena p.m. Friday ss. Pr. William. 8 ajn. From Port Simpson -and Wales Island Fdday ss. Cardena pjn. ss. Prince William, pjn. For Skcena Ulver Thurs. ss. Pr. William, 8 ajn. Eat ss. Pr. William .... 8 ajn. From Skrena River Thurs ss. Prince William, pjn ss. Cardena pjn Eat . Prince William, pm Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Satt- uruay . 1U0 ajn Tuesday, Thursday and rnaay 12 noon From the East-Dally except Tuesday 1250 p.m For Vancouver- Monday , , ,w 3 pjn. Tuesday . 220 pjn. Wednesday 4 pjn. Thursday 3 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. Saturday 4 pjn, 8 pjnv From Vancouver f.unday 4 p.m, Monday . 0 a.m, Wednesday 1U0 a.m. Thursday pjn, F'lday 9 ajn. ' tturday 1U0 ajn. For Anyox and Stewart anday 7 p.ra. Monday 7 pjn, , F"day . 1.30 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart iucsday njo ajn. Thursday 10.30. a.m. Saturday 6 p.m. For Wales island and fort Simpson ' iiiursclay p.m.1 r'om Wri'es Island nd Port Simpson Frlday p.m. Fr Queen Charlottes-Monday 7 pjn. rfm (Jneen Charlottes Ttl . ursaay for Alaska-Mondays and Fridays a.m r'om Alaska-Wednesdays and Saturdays, pjn. CLASSIFIED TH3 DAILY RZWB FACIE ITV3 ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR P;GFWrilCH MOST PEOPk tfttE$b BECAUSE IT THIS ISTTlE Holiday Resorts RAINBOW TROUT rt Plr,ntlfu! h" "n in the Stunt Lake district, they lake either fly or Poon. In this wide virgin country there ; are hundred, .-.f miu f t .... .... I :r rr. ' ,u ana Rtrpair. wth many oieamtnt Jfiles. unexplored by ! ,rawiunun is provinea ana modern cashing oqulpiwmt ta obtsinasjW, man ..JVr "K "'"? '"P- Ar.nLr.r mn4nt arr4.M w i a m nr h i.; . ,h. T.?!l?ro" 'cb ekrlui picture! "ralm uo 01 Mae ana woods in i every direction. jr to or by wi iett' iugia i,odgr. r.irt t Jam. b.c; sni--je Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakfise Lake is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest In Canada) ! Good for rheumatism. i Phone connecting; with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return StM Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlell IjlEfiN ril.IKI.OTTK IB LAN PS The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine lirtle ran he met at Mrtdtte . or l'vrt Ctemetria. M'lrrkt f ReservatloBa MADAME RAJAUT JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Monday Bd Saturday: Leave lwt Clemeata. 8.S0 ajn. (Jneen rbartette I SO p.m. lam SS earb. RomhI trip SS. L. DVSOX. INirt riemenH StaSe & Taxi Serv!ce! n., rk414f Tc Can meet all boats at Port and at Queen Charlotte City Regular trips u. Port Clements every Tmaaey and Thursday leartttg Q. 0. City at 8 am. returning from Port Ols-meats at 8 pjn. lutes Uueen ChartuHe Otf to Irt CtesaeaU fi.88 orSS return or i ke versa. Itersaxne pilata, lee. a mile. Ride In comfort it costs no more. Phone 8 abort. 1 long. Wire or phone our eapsnaa. i:iiU(TM) bir.VENs - ProfNlHor Jasfe Lino Rugs At Greatly Reduced Prices JUST A FEW LEFT Before purchasing a Vacuum Cleaner see the Air-Way Sanitary System, no filthy bags to empty and several other features that no other cleaner on tkw anrkct ttaa. Five years guarantee. At MacKenzie's Furniture BRINGING UP WOMDER tP wOOLD MATCH MV . . . 'FURNISHED Flat. 4 rooms 'and bath Phone 547. tf 'FOR RE RENT 5-roomed flat remod- eliea ,, w w with bath. Phone 543 tf ru iusijt - rurnisnea apaurneni hv wneV nr month. Phnnf! Red 60T tf FOR RENT. - Furnished suites, two and five rooms. Phone Mussal ' lem Grocery. tf r FQR RENT $6.00 a month put3 i Piano in your nome. vvaiser s wisiv Store FOR RENT five roomed flat, va- cant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Completely furnished 4-roomed house ' with bath on Sitth Avenue Wefet. Phone Green 786. ! 194 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. if BOARD residence, week or month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. lm-8 SECOND-HAND DEALEiCS iNew and Second-Hand Goods r Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Thormfue STEAM BATHS 204 Cth Street Thone Black 764 Opposite Trince Rupert Hotel jLadias from 2 pjn. to 9 p.m. Gents, from .... 10 ajn. to 10 pjn. Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window OUss Picture Frame Aloul 3M THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 'iinVE 2 si I SP'reIla Servi Supporting Oarmente made to mee: your personal needs. MRS. ISABELLA PETERS Resident Cersctiere Thone Red 103 SCALE OP CHARGES . Tbe following Jd the scale of charges made for reading nties: i Marriatre and Engagrcment ' announcements S2. Jt, Hme. '-- Birth Notices' 50c Fuperal Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. , Puaeral Flowers 10c per 4 Oet the AC reading habit. It pays. FATHER THAT HA.T MOW b ME OMUV CHAMCB To jiT AWAY fr fnl V lw DcWKt, 1st, Qwst BrBsts rlsau Mttrws 3uUK ORB& ' .. im'i Kaitiirt FOB SALB--Household furniture in Bood condition, kitchen uten-; etls. crockery, el. Phone .Green 4S0. tt rTJK TSAlifi new '.uniwi uum cc- iar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's; Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf FOR SALE An 8-roomcd house with C bed-1 rooms, in live town and doing food boarding house business. Ill-health compcls owner to sc for $noo.OO icash as goinff concern 18 boarders. M. 51. STEPHENS & Co. LTD. ;To Whom it may concern: This is to warn any party or par- - -ties contemplating purchasing or! oharterinc gasoline launch "Billi-i-- ,v." mmmimtamA Un tusu rvnr in : "1 Prince Rupert, B.C.. that they will,; hv to deal direct with the owner H. H. Hogan, Bella Bellai B.C. The authority of any agent to sell ori charter said gasoline launch has that day been withdrawn. j ' H. HOOAN, j tf Bella Bella, B.C. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING by experienced dressmaker. Coats, evening gowns etc. Phone Green 187. 191 CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINAIX (Chiropractor) J is 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Eay Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrehs' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 211 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART S buy, sell pr exchange any nd of furniture or household r"&rwv1o triii tlijil IneTnirnftnta ma chinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf PHOTO FINISHING BV EXPERTS Send our film and Photo Work To Wratlull Photo llnlthlng Trlnce It u pert, n.C. Quality Guaranteed. Prices RMuonsble C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mail. Stewart British Columbia C.N.R. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tuesday. 12.30 noon. For East Daily, except Sunday. 1 p.m. THE BS LOAFUF?-WMBRE. tNl THE. I a WORLO DtO HE IS FULL OF IIUAfA'N BUSINESS INTEREST TO' YOtfNG AftD OLD. HELP WANTED ! WANTED Housekeeper, must be i good cook. Call evenings between ! -5 and 8 or Phone Red 710. tf I POSTMEN, Clerks, Stenosraphers, ; Customs Exammtrs, etc. I stanUy required m Government , Service. Write M.C.C. Civil Ser-' Vice School. 18 I.cWe Block Cal- ! gary. SO ' SITUATIONS VACANT EARN money now taking orders for Personal Christmas Greeting! Cards. Finest line ever shown, Easy to sell. Write for particu lars. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadlna I take sotice that Ave Toronto tfiOndertini of Vancrwe: ' WANTED WANTED (Joorl hnmp fnr Hlirh - . . . . . . t: ? . School girl irwreturn for light duties. PhonejtBlue 403. 192.tly t" SALVAGE ANP TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it.M Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity. delivered anywhere by water , Phone. Day r .Night 564 P-O. Box Drivurself Taxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now. why not leam? ThereTl be a day when you'll wish you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. fain,,) r, .. .. :i i Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS Hunts Furniture & Upholstry "The Store at Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special low prices. Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today before It is too late. BUTTS Special order complete and finished in three days. See Ling the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue Phone 619 RENT, LOST & FOUND ca-rrxmem' motor ac- NUlre ef Apnthmtlon. Jar Congest 1 m Mcm fjn kottce is tnmm Wi that at the j of eor mot irom the ?irt 31'fcttcatttm Iwroel, tke mmter.iiarnert lu. Bjaaa ij swiwt te nsaaifor m Betr Llowme Wa. 3S, and lsaued In rrapect ZSZSttttJLPtTVS aomest. cc. t cbe icii derid " li woek 47. District ic wuesji onKK m.iiri-:. nan 1079. from Herbert Itanspton. Oa-tano Clceoae and Thecdcre Mosconl to Job yper. mted UUa 8th day or Auguat. 1030. JOHN applicant. EASOE S COAST DISTRICT Beecrdlag Dirtrlct rrt Prtr.ce Rrwrt Richard Wal'ir B.C.. Afcvin- tant, tntendi to apply for pm-..w;icn tr lease the trUcmtig iworllxM f' re lands: -Commend nf? a,t a p-..,t pla:it.-"l at tflfh Water Mark ab ut 1-2 mil south and 1-3 milt east of the vouth oast orner lit 22. Swir.dl" Ioland. ttence aauth 5 chams to Kland. thence east 7 chains te thena- nnrth- "westerly and vjutherly olcnR High water aiarx to point or commenoe-ment and eontalnlns; 20 acres more or leas. Dated July Sth, 1930. Riehard Walter TJnderhlU. Jamea T. TJnderhlU. Agent. RANGE 8 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE tfcat JotHi Mward Un-derhUl of VaneouTer. BC., Engineer. Intends to apply for ptiiiitMloh to leaee the foUewlng oeserlfcecl foreabora lands: OommenelDg at a poet planted at the vest end of small bay about 1 1-2 miles south and 3 miles eaat of the south east corner f Let S33 Bwladle Iahtisd. thence sonth east 30 dtalna, to east ea- trance to bay, thence easterly, northerly .and westerly along Hick Water Mark to point of commencemeat, and oon-tatntng 80 seres more or leas. Dated July 4th, l30. Jeko Bdward OnderblU. Jamea T. Underhm. Agent. RAKOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recordmg District of Prlnoe Rtspert. TAKE NOTICE that Norman Hill of Vancouver. B.C . Clerk. Intends to ap ply lor permission to lease the. loBow- ing aewrraed rereaBeee lands: oom menelng at a post planted on the south ahore of Swindle Island about 30 chains south and 100 chains west of tbe koutii west corner of Lot 388 tbenoe westerly along High water Mark about 340 chains to a point behind Double Island, thence 3 chains more or leas to Low Wster Mark, thence easterly sjleng Low Water Uark. thence north to point rf com mencement and enclosing all tidal nau and laeoona and containing iso acres more or less. Dated July 8th. 1330. Normaft Hal -James T. UnderhUl, Agent., GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OF APPLICATION fOR BEER LICENCE NOTICE 13 HEREBY QIVsW that, on the list day of Atkgvst treat, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Hoenee In rasp set of premises being part of the building known as seal cove Hotel, situate it the City of Prtnoe Rupert. In tbe Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as an that portion cf Waterfront Block "I" Bay of Prtnoe Rupert. City of Prlnoe Rupert, Province of British Columbia. Map 938, Prtnoe Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described as follows: "Commencing at a point which lies In a straight line bewrtag north 8S deg., 38 ft., 8 las. Bast a distance ef 787.20 feet from tbe centre of otrcte 3a shown on said PHn 838, Seat too f, thence south 8 deg.. 33 ft., 38 Ins. East a distance of 60 feet to a point, tkteaee north 83 deg. 34 ft.. 38 las. Bast a distance of 100 feet to a point. theStce north 8 dag. 85 ft, 38 Ina. West a distance at SOIL to a point, tfeanot Sottth 83 deg, Jm, 33 Ins. West a distance of 100 feet to the point of commencement" for the ssls of beer by the glees r by the open bottle for consumption on thr premises. Dated this 3tno clay of Jury, 1380, H. A DODR Applicant AHCH! S COAST DISTRICT 'neeakllng Pftjjct of Pr'uce Rupert. TAKS NK-tfto that FMOerte Clare Un-(MThH a) Vtaraitivor, a C. land Sur-VLycr, irmenti tt Wp& f.-r twrmlxslon ;o leaoe .Ui fi.'Mng cfcred fore-hor- ::---4MMwafqg at a pott rltn;?d cn tr.e' 3fltWj mil .ire f small b;:y cn North End of Frtue iatond ;vbout ." m:ien south end 1 mile ease of the -outh e;:t ccraer of Lot 338. 8ohooner I'acwgt.. thenoe North in chain to op- ! r oalte shore, thews weaterjy. snvrtherty iid Ka--orlr alone HWa Water Hark o ir:m;. iT r mil ii int and encloa-' in Use key art ooBtaiMlft. n aore iee or (en , Dated Jaly th 1030. Prederle Clare TJnderhlll, -Tame T. TftiderhBl. Agent. RANGE S COAST DISTRICT ' secrfltng D-irtrict of Prlnoe Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Ru,wll "rnlttt ol Vn.-:;uver. Secrdiry. -i(ei! tn njrtrty Ion pcrmK':!:!! to 'at 'iv f ll'ivlnq descrlbeu foreshore ,.nd: Commencing at n pes', plmitd n the R'juth shore cf 8wlnille Inland 'b-ut 2fl chains wiuth and 100 chains et cf the sotuh west ccrner of Lot "3S. thence easterly and northerly :Uong High Water Mark to south west -orner of Let 335. tbenc to Low Water Mark, thence sou inert y and westerly along; Low Water Mark, thence ncrth 8 chains to point of commencement, and enclosing all tidal flats and lagcona, and containing 80 acres more cr less. Dated July 8th, 1980. Frederick Ruanell Oaitlett Jam.a T. Underh'il. Agent. DEPARTMENT OF PL'IU.IC WORKS Notice to Contractors Houston Peheol SCALED TSTtDEBB, endorsed 'Tendor for Houston School" will be received by tbe Minister of Public Works up to 13 eyaook noon on Monday -tbe 5th day of August, issfl, tar tbe Erection uad eccoaseuon or a One room School at Houston ln the Otrilneca Electoral District BiC. Plana. SaeclfSeation. contract, and forms of tender may be men on and aner tne aaao day m Jifly isso and fartlksr InMavsdan obtained at' the DsasitssniMt of Public Works, Parlia ment Buildings, and at toe offices nf (it Government Agents at Vancouver. Prince Rupert and llmlthedu. and Builders Exchange. Vancouver, ooptes of plane specifications, etc.. can be obtained ln Use Oepartroeaton. payment of a elaaasfc af iTin nsnsai ianooni which rwlH b refunded on return of tbe plans, etc, ln good condition. Tenders wUl be opened in public at 6.3S pjn. on Monday the 25th day of August 1800 at the ParUameat Buildings, Victoria. Tbe lowest v..- any tender not neces sarily accepted. P. PHILIP. Chief Bkuineiar. Department of Public Works, parliament Build mas. VlCtorte, B.C. A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper. WaUfclts, jtluresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangcrs' Supplies. Thone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave Prince Rupert TYPEWRITERS So other valve can appntnrh the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Vr ey terra All ether ihakeit from UVh St'XIMTKANII ,tlPIN MtrillNEH United Typewriter Co. Lid. VAM Ol VRR. I1C. By George McManus J ilffmUW CJOOO UbE FEU THESE ' ft LftJl . MM MINIATURE GOLF COORI1S 1' llte r.G : : p ,; MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS