j Seven : Mystery ( By Agatha Christie ;', , Copyright by Public ledger. '-I -run .,. Hit Jj'JqTi.. V . 1 01 unf PAGE FOUR INSTALMENT IX Bundle turned to Loraine "Yoi were just going to tell m" "Oh. yes. First, about the lelt' Shp spoks to Jimmy. "Qerry left a letter. Lady Eileen " "Bundle." "Bundle foitid it." She explained the circumstances in a few words. Jimmy listened, keenly interested. This was the ftrst he- had heard of the letter. Loraine took it from her bag and handed it to him. He read it, then looked across at her. 'This is where you can help us. What was it Gerry wanted you to forget?? ; Lbralne's brows wrinkled a little In perplexity,, A Letter to Gerry "It's hard to remember exacts now. I opened a letter of Gerry's by mistake. It was written on cheap sort of paper. I remember, and very illiterate handwriting. had some address in Seven Dial! at the head of it. I realized it wasn't for me. so. J put It back in the envelope without reading if "Sure?" asked Jimmy very gent, ly. Loraine laughed for the first time. , "I know what you think, and I admit that women are curious. But, you see, this didn't even look interesting,, It was a kind of list, names and dates." . ? "Names and dates,4 said Jimmy thoughtfully. "Gerry didn't seem to mind much," continued Loraine. "He laughed, He asked me It I had ever heajd of the Mafia, and then said it would be queer if a society like the Mafia started la Englandhut that that kind of a secret society didn't take on much with English peoples 'Our criminals, he. said, 'haien't got a picturesque, imagin-, ation.'" Jimmy pursed up his tips into a whistle. Tm beginning to see," he said "Seven Dials must be the head- quarters of sqme secret society. As he says In his letter to you, he thought It rather a Joke to start with. But evidently it wasn't a Joke he says as much. And there's something else; his arii xlety that you should forget what he'd told you. There can be only one reason for that If that so ciety suspected that you had any knowledge of Its activity, you tod would be in danger. Gerald reallz ed the peril, and he was terribly anxious for you." ue stopped, men ne went on quietly: "I rather fancy that we're all going to be In danger if we KO on with this." i& U ?" cried Bundle imlfgi nantly. . -,'. "I'm talking ol yqu.twp. different for me. I waswpooiif old Itonny's pal. He looked at Bundle. "You've done your bit. You've amverea me message ne sent me. No; for Ood's sake keep out ofjt? How to Begin? Bundle looked questioning!! '. ,af A 1 1 1 m . -l 1 uie ouier girt, tier own mina was definitely made up, but she gav no indication of it Just then.' Shftj had no with to push Loraine Wad Into a dangerous undertaking. But Loralne's small face was alight at once witn indignation. "You say that I Dq you think for one minute I'd be contented to keep out of it when they killed. Oerry my own dear Qerry, the best and dearest and kindest brather any girl ever had. The ojily person belonging to me I had mune wnoie wonai" i, ftJtfjmmy cleared his. throat un comfortably. Lorain, he thought. was wonderful; simply wonder ful. - 'Look here," he said awkwardly. yotiVmustn't say that. About be ing alone in the world all that rot You've got lots of friends-only; too glad to do what they can, See what I mean?" It Is possible that Loraine did, for she suddenly blushed, and to cover he confusion began to talk nervously. - v. That's settled- she saldr "I'm . golngto help. Nobody's going to stop me." "And so am I, of course,"- said Bundle. They both looked at Jimmy. "Yes," he said slowly. "Yes, quite1 so." V ' ' V. -. . Th.ey looked at him inquiringly. "I was Just wondering"'" said1 Jimmy, "how we were going to begin," PWNa "Don't be so impatient," said Jimmy to Bundle. VAU the besi sleuths approach a case this way, by eliminating unnecessary and unprofitable investigation. I'm pnjlrjg now tp t,he third, alterna UTe-Gerald's 'death. "Now that we know it was mur derby the way, you do" both be lieve that, don't' you?" "Yes," said Loraine. "Yes," said Bundle. "Good. So do I. Well, it seems to Jimmy's vords. lifted the discus- tha there f d0 ,f and some slon. at once into a more practical J?"" 'T l, V I. didn't take st,here. J the chloral himself. "All things, considered," ho-saidJSQmeon mustf a.vff got 'nto,h,j "nd " there-dissolved "we haven't got muen to go on. I' fut fact. Just the- words Seven Dials. 11 V e gltSS f ? he woke he drank it off. As matter of. fact I don't even f1?1 "P kikm exactly wheie Seven Dials is. And; ?' courseule" the, emPy box well,01 boU1" r. wh.a ,ever 11 was' You But. anyway, we can't very comb, out the- whole of that dis-l "VT . tjlct, house by house." "We could,' said Bundle. ,"WlL perhaps we could even tually though Im not so sure. I Imagine it's a well-populated area. But It wouldn't be very subtle." The word reminded him of the girl Socks and he smiled. "Then, of course, there's the part ot the country where Ronny was shot. We could nose around there But. the police ate probably doing everything we could do, and doing It much better." "What I like about you," said Bundle sarcastically, "Is your cheerful and optimistic disposi tion. "Never mind her, Jimmy," said Loraine softly. "Go, on." 'But c-cbl 5uiu nuncue siowiy. How; About Servants BRINGING UP FATHER lltE DAILY NEWS 'lihctey, January 1 Exactly that's "what I am get tlnir at You" h addressed Butt die-i."must go Into all that, jfiid outvwhen new servants were en gaged-what about footmen, for instance?" --"One of the -footmen - if. newt John, his name Is." HWeir, maltfe 'Inquiries about him And about any others who have come recently." "I suppose," said Bundle slowly "it must have been a servant. It couldn't have been one of the guests?" "I doh.'t see how that's passible." "Who were there exactly?" "WeU, there were 'three girl- Nancy and Helen and ocks "Socks Daventry? I know her..' "May have been. Girl who was always -saying things were -subtle.' '."mat's socks an right. Subtle is one of her words." "And then there were Gerry Wade and me and Bill Eversleigh "Wait And that some one must 1 and Ronny. And, of course. Sir have been In' the house at the (Oswald and Lady Coote. Oh! and time". It can't very well have been seme one from outside." "No," agreed Bundle, more read ily this time. "Very wen Now, that narrows down things considerably. To begin with, I suppose a good many of the servants are family ones they're your lot, I mean." 'Yes' said Bundle. "Practically all the staff stayed when we let It All the principal ones are there still of course, there have been changes among the - Pongo.' Who's Pongo?" "Chap called Bateman secre tary to old Coote. Solemn sort of cove but very conscientious. I was at school with him." "There doesn't seem anything very suspicious there," remarked Loraine. "As you say, well have. to look among the servants. By the wajr, you don't suppose that clock being thrown out of the window had anything to do with it." ' "A clock thrown out of the wln- Pi? d.l C"1 AM 6 toaup dow," said Jimmy, staring. It was the first he had heard of it. Tbe Seven Clocks I can't see how it can anything to do with It," said Bun dle. "But it's oddvsomehow. There teems no sense in It.' "I remember," sftld Jimmy slow ly. "I went In to to see poor old Gerry, and there were the clocks Coi'dial Itb meat artft drink to you Before going out in-to the cold, or after coming in steaminf hot "OXO" makct such a warming, deli, cious drink. And it'i ready in a minute-so simple, so inexpensive, so invigorating I Quickly removes 'Sorry. But somehow those creasing vehemence clocks have always given me the "It must be. It can bs J shivers. I dream of them some- cldence. . 1 y tJ 1 a . 1 . . 1 m. . . . r . , . . 1 have! K w ngni. ij; room in me aaric ana see mem my mesiger at last r u there In a row." dashed odd' "You wouldn't be able to seei Bundle started questionlmi them If it were dark," said Bundle practically. "Not unlets they had luminous dialsoh I" She gave a ranged along the mantelpiece. I i sudden gasp and color rushed Into remember noticing there were on- h'r cheeks. "Don't you see? Seven y seven not eight." He gave a sudden shiver and ex plained himself apologetically. Dials!" The othets looked at her but she insisted with In eagerly. "Who bought the clocks'" "All of us.' ' ' "Who thought of thHij "All of us." "Nonsense, somebody v.,vA thought of them first (To Be Continued Tomorrn I By George MrManus H&JCCSVOOVV)lC PROFBfeOl CUEFFI-i&OEMTMUOEO WHY OSA0 ( N1AGQE- DARUM'- ! I fvOO ARE RIGHT- IT yfetfC ,CCABRQA,0mMEDlA.TecAKJO pVFMV VO.CE HE 1 iCol !S rSftrMB .Tl fM TO ' W LOOK JUST A tOOIV "WUZ JUsT bW CO 5ELn6H OFME-ILL VTUDV VOC5 CUCrURE-YOU J no EUROPE TO HAVE IT J" J I ;"J. jrV fM HAVE A LErgb VOICE COLTISAVTEO WHAT DO VOO jMBW W)' TMIKJKIKJ HOW I I MOT GO-. Jk l' . ' rwJsJEK: Llja'jj BjfaLi .fiJL BKBKgh ... .Ill iary ) II Be r?ssy rT5sa? taasrr' i JBH EiSfKd & MACtlt l-iW'T MOME ME'b MOT MOMS -NKTTHiMC. IfO W"WBHHIHia AJslWtR. TMAT T 1 1 I I ttMT OOGMO OP WTH A OI&H I WM V AM "TMtRE CoeX ' M ,OflE OF THAT YOv UPE i MiCHTBE MMiOE- " OF CORMED Betr aN CABBIE , 1 1 ?- THErvviR Rnt St j ... J CALUH1MUP, . IT BoTHCCOOUDMTCniM' RY. 1 lfflSffis-r zllf(?s-?i a5yi.Tfl 'ftTT TTi j GOTTA CiT6 DU&AN I WOEW l PLAT TiRE L jCP t- TH&X.HT Vr PfbMUr . V' - ? OARVI") ' SH J GRAjoa cpem.kj' jv . ; J sTEpov TfV!1 A'Pst ' J jzr lJdzjLL ,i fea 12a v. , J ' S, ' ' ' ' ?r . . , --' - - - P tip ffUn Sfvlrt. li-jCrtt ttridtn flitiU wr3 Mj9HHHHHjjBH