er 16, 10199. WW. EDGE CO. pISTRIBUTORS Avenue - Prince Rupert If it hasn’t the Beaver ay 3) trade-mark it isn’t Ly Beaver Board your attic—partition the basement—put new r garage. Do it with } or your summer cot- v home, for the club, fice—Beaver Board. ec of lath, plaster and you better walls and handsome, more san- and nene against your Board. Get the gennine, it ar A. W. EDGE CO. Distributers, Prince Rupert a ell ROYAL Pool Room }; moved to 121 Third Ave. Opp site ie Empress Hotel IGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer - i ee )0HN PELLICANO R.FEED Co. Hay, Grain, Feed eds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty romptly attended to 908 3rd Ave. Best in Town Pecond Avenue, ‘ar Empress Theatre OO Rone ere PN; RC}; POCO Oe ’ | amesF Marten SIGNWRITING PAINTING DECORATING Phones Sad and Black 507 O. Box Workshow JQ s B14 Ore -econd Avenue Otte OPN pppooome, — ee “eres rvovooonns randy: ‘View H 9 0 FIRS] AVENUE tel Rooms paw, Open * & A Month SS THE DAILY NEWS ae Everyone Who Boug Canada's Victory Bon Made Money : - -- - - Be YERY one of the million and a half subscribers to Can- ada’s Victory Bonds knows that he can sell them to- day for more than he paid for them. Every one who bought Canada’s Victory Bonds has received 5/4 per cent interest per annum---paid twice a year. Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada’s Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved money that they would not otherwise have saved. The guarantee back of Canada’s Victory Bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Two Dollar bill. There is this difference, however, that you get interest on the Victory Bonds and you don’t on the One or Two Dollar bill. Canada’s Victory Bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan. Banks are ready to loan money on Canada’s Victory Bonds. Canada’s Victory Bonds may be turned into cash at any time. There is no other way in which you can invest your money with such absolute security---paying such a good rate of interest. Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds 1919. It will probably be the last chance to buy Canada’s Victory Bonds on such favorable terms. Prepare to buy as many Victory Bonds this time as you now wish you had heen able to buy the last time. & Victory Lloan1919 “Every Dollar Spent in Canada” LASSIFIE ADVERTISING Phone 98 This is the Advertising Column that people read when they want anything It brings Issued by Canada’s Victory Loan Committee, im co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of —_— — —_—-— wages FOR SALE—1 Holstein cow, good| FOR SALE—House and large lot, milker; 1 heifer 18 months old; situated on Alfred Street, See- { heifer calf, 7 months. Also tion 7. Forty-two foot frantage sow with 5 sucklings 3 Weeks no reasonable offer refused eld. Apply C, Fossuim, Spiller Phone Black 441. River, Porcher Island, B. ©, | WANTED—Kitchen help, | $60, at Inlander, 830 Second Ave. between 7th and 8th sts 240 Housekeeper to cook Apply P. O. box in WANTED for three men. 895, “ai FOR SALE oD | PIANO FOR SALE in good condi- tion. Phone 105. ———|FOR SALE—Beds, sheets, blan- | kets, steves, chairs, tables, at 1817 Seventh Avenue, Seal Cove FOR RENT THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR.- ANCE COMPANY Want a repre- sentative information and literature will in this territory. Fi be mailed on request. M. Gillespie, “Inspector,” Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. WANTED—One bookkeeper, male, Apply personally to G. T. P. Telegraph _ Co,, Third Avenue. and two ere, or *°——$————n oer WANTED ~Four good house car- penters., messengers. Dalgarno & Watts. STORE TO RENT at 144 Seeond Avenue, Will be fixed to suil Can be used for dwell- FOR SALE—Small pleasure boat} with new four-cycle 4 h. v.| marine engine; or will trade; for piano or anything of value |p OR Saturday from 2 till 9 o'clock. lake jitney to Seal Cove school. ill : , —e SALE Cabinet Edison tenant. a | Third Avenue, the home of the Gerhard Heintzman piano. tf MISCELLANEOUS THE NORTON-—-The place for a shampoo, Hairdressing. Scaip treatment. 210 Fourth Street. Open i0 a.m. or by appoint. ment. Phone 493, tf CORSETS MADE TO MEASULE Mrs. Director, phone Blue 92. J Also for sale fishing and hunt-| yramophone, with thirty ree- ing house if so desired. Applvi; o ; ing boat and one 12 h, p. Bas ords, in good condition. Apply Harry Hanson, the Reliable . engine cheap. See MeGowal; 623 Kighth Avenue West, ia Plumber. ef the cycle man, Seeond Avenu . iEY AT IR CENT on build.|'Three-Roomed modern that for aii ‘Bride Street. Phone|MONEY AT 8 PER meet = — “oy tf ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- rent and furniture for sale.| Blue eecemeremiassinean, sitiigene ei pert Housing Ltd, Geo, W., Bargain for cash. Apply ¥. On HALIBUT BOAT HILDA for SALI Nickerson, Secretary. tf box 937 or phone 4. it! tf Now in port and ean be ex amined before she leaves for} Open he ala Ketchikan Monday morning sale, Sewing machines Singer Shop, 144 | ater and baby buggy for;FOR RENT Phone Black 511, 240), and pianos EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day end up. FIRST-OLASS CAPE A La Carte.