Isday. January 0, 1930 tart 1930 with This Resolution ir Get your Drug Store Requirements at B C COAST STEAMSHIPS A A iJ rw VI Trfiv Pioneer Druacists mRD AVE. tr SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?f,200 Three Graduate Pharmists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnn I rom Prlucc Kuprrt t ar VANC Ol'VKH. VICTUUIA, Swannon luy. Ilutrdsle. Alrt bar. etc.. Tur. jfci i . 1 :3tl p.m. lor VANI'OlVlill. VICTOUI. llultd.Hr. Alel IU. He . Frldar iol1n1hl tor ALICE A KM. ANVO. NTLW.lllT. Na. tther. l"ort Miupwii, nun-day, 8:00 p.m. lii :od Avenue U M SMITH Atrnt Prince llupert. II. C. Tt rough tickets sold to VlrlorU uil Keattle jnU barrage tbcektj through to destination. Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will He In Effect From DECEMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 l or Further Information Enquire At Local Office B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FUOM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway December 28. January 11, 25. To Vancouver. Victoria and SeatUe Jan. 1, 16, 29. Princess Mary Ocean Pal, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friauy, 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Rasadian National CTht Largcfl TKailway SyJlctn in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing!! from riCIXCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday 10:00 p.m. FOR ANYOX and-STEWART earn Wednesday at 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH OULLN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. IMMEMIKK TKAINS LEAVE rillNCT. IIUI'EKT MONDAY. WKIKIY and HATI HIIAY at II sjii. It fltlNCE CIEOIUIE. KI1MONTON. WIXNirtll. all WHnU KaMrrn ttenatU, United ttr. AOh.VCY ALL OCEAN flTE.l.MIlr LINES City Ticket Office, 328 Third Ave.. Prime Ruperl Phone 26U COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, nor ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, por ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter'SuppIy WOOD MILL ENDS Per load ' $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to M S4S, No . 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x648 to 14' S4S, o. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 tfllri PrlpjllSljiprlipcilinB and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, 'Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, 11 C. Sawmill anil Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Itetall Yard, Cow hny. Telephone 423 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Billiards tonight, Canadian Legion Local Items vs. Grotto. j; 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gossc. Phone C86. i This afternoon's train, due, from the east at 3j30; was reported this morning to be on time Municipal candidates will speak at Rupert East Ratepayers' meeting tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Everybody invited. Prince Rupert Radio Association annual rneeUng Friday, January 10 at 8 p.m. in the City Hall. A large attendance requested The weekly devotional meeting of First United Church was held last night with Rev. Alfred Wil- St. Andrew's ' Society annual meeting tomorrow nlgr, Moose Charity Rait' tomorrow night,! Gentlfmen-Sl.0. Ladies 50c. The meeting of the Ladies' Music Club, 'Scheduled' for yesterday? was postponed until next week. Morte H. Craig is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for. a trip to Vancouver, Victoria , and Miss Florence Smith; will sail on ; the Prince' Rupert , tonight for a I visit "Tn 'Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. R. J. Kerori of the Railway Mall Service staff will sail onlthe'Prlnce son, the pastor, officiating. It was! Rupert tonight .for atrlp to Van followed by a meeting of theicouver. board of stewards of the church. Mr. and Mrs. 'Olof Hanson will Motorship Belllngham, Capt. sail on the Prince Rupert tonight Hooper, arrived in port yesterday ; for Vancouver. Mr. Hanson is go-afternoon from Ketchikan with ing south on business in connec- 10 carloads of frozen fish for , tlon with his timber interests. transshipment to the Eastern States over the Canadian National Railways. Address on ''League of Nations" by Colonel Mam on Friday, Jan- C. N. R. steamer Prince John. Capt. William Thomas, Is due in port at 8 o'clock tonight from Van couver via the Queen Charlotte islands. The vaacel will sail at 10 uary 10 at 6:15 in the Commodore Saturday on her' return south Cafe. Dinner tickets $1.00. A lim-!0Ter the route ited number of places available to r the public by application to the I school board eaipenditures for Women's Canadian Club, Phone! the month of Dectmber totalled 41. (7)j$7J6. including $909.29 in ae- counts and $6,356 for salaries. The The resignation of William Oll-jpayrou and tne accounts were pas- ennw, as a scnooi irusvee was ae-laed for payment at last night' cepwa wwn regrei at last nigni s , rMnliar monthlv meetinn of the Doara meeung, on mouon oi j. ,school board. School expenditure! rnompean ana aan uarrie. air. for 1920 am0unted to S1.400 less l Thompson stated he had found tnan the estimates, it was stated !Mr. Oilchrist a lealous worker in at the meeting. scnooi attain ana nis resignation , was, therefore, a matter for regret The malar monthly meeting the school board was held last night. Thomas McMeekin. chair-1 I man. presided and others present i The following is tne scale ' of charyree made for reading ntice: Hlrth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. 12. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c name. MarriaKe flnd Engagement announcement! S2. 4. 4.4 4..I. 4 HOTEL ARRIVALS per Central Hotel I NKKII NEW MANAHBMENT Mrani llral'd: Travellrrs' Hamptf ItooiHt: Hal i'nd Cold Water Krrr im Mrrtx Atl Train and liuaU Itntes 11.09 and Up HI'RCIAI. MONTHLY 11ATK8 JOHN FRY and A. DONALD lrpf Ittom PHONE 51 Central W, 6. Martin, Whltehorse, Y.T. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. rilUDUOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sharps, Elko; b. E. Strand, Vancouver. New Royal Hotel , J. Zurrlll. I'rop, Tilt: HOTEL WOltTII WIIILIi Hot ft cold Water: Stotai lat 75c PXK DAY AND UP Ttlrflliuiir Ml Royal W. E. Ferguson, Ladner; A. M. Taylor, A. Anderson and J. A. Alno, Montreal. - STEWART PROSPECT were Mrs. Thomas 8pencer, J. II evs Classes Outstanding DeTelop-! Thompson and Karl Barrle, trus- ments in Industrial Progress I tees; J. O. Williamson, secretary: of Portland Canal IH. C. Pram, school inspector, and D. H. Ilartness. Miss E. A. Mercer Miss 8. . Mills and Miss O. E. Mc-Arthur. principals. ANNOUNCKMBNTS Mooec Charity Ball January 10 Valhalla Ledge whist drive and dance, Friday, January 24. Werthofeii piano recital Wednesday, January 28. SCALE OF CHAIKJRS The Stepart News daises as the outstanding events of industrial development of the Portland Carnal during I92: Taking over' by Censolfifeted' Mining St Smelting Co. of tft Canadian Northeastern Railway and its charter. Bntcy of Power Corporation of Canada into the district, and work started on hydro development at American Creek. Two new properUes brought into uerma lien t production, and mining generally placed on a sounder footing than ever before. Free miners' certificates issued, 472; mineral claims recorded, 933; certificates of work issued, 1534; bills of sale, etc., recorded, 271; abandonments, 9: certificates of improvement (crown grants) rec orded, 2. (Number crown grants last year, 109). Building in the district reached total of $40,000; general bustnas conditions better than Jast year, and optimistic outlook for the future. Visit of His Honor R. Randolph Bruce, Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia and a. keen protagonist of the north, for the. Dominion Day celebration on July 1. First time a lieutenant-governor has ever visited Stewart. Peter Kozak Laid To Rest The funeral of the late Pete Co-aak, proprietor of the White Lunch, whose death occurred at the first of the week, took place this afternoon under the auspleas of the Moose Lodge. There was a large attendance at the service which was held in the chapel of Ilayner Bros.. undertakers, with Rev. Alfred Wilson of First United Church officiating and William Beaumont presiding at the organ. After the service interment was madcln Fair-view Cemetery, ; V . Pallbearers were Glllls Royer. Oscar Sather, T. Martinson, Jack Judge, S. Ayers and J. 'Morrison. There were many floral vofferlhgs. FOR ALDERMAN Support of the Electors for the candidacy of H. F. PULLEN is solicited. -JWk J-mm V T IML' 1 'Mil I 1 1 ' llM 'i tli A PdWIRFUIL AID to PASfBOIX MJIIMMG Vancourer Stock EschanSe Is THE the machinery which converts capital. Into mining, oil and industrial enterprises employing Westtrn Canada labor. When Investors buy listed stocks, their purchases represent machinery, shafts, roads and camps, smelters, factories, payrolls. The result of such activity Is the development of natural resources, the creation of new wealth, thriving wholesale houses, retail stores, farms, prosperous workmen. The mining Industry in this province alone pays annually in wages .30,000,000 and employs 18,000 workmen. What part does the Vancouver Stock Exchange play in this activity, this enlarging of our payrolls? The Exchange provides a ready market for securities of value. This encourages the investor to participate In those meritorious enterprises that have contributed to the development of British Columbia, her industries and payrolls. If no such market were available, investors would be reluctant to place funds in securities which would remain "frozen." The activity of this market represents the public's desire to buy and sell securities and keeps every Investor posted as to the cash value of his holdings and the success of the industries those holdings represent. The Stock Exchange requires that every stock listed on the Exchange be scrutinized as to capitalization, directors, soundness of the enterprise. v Through members of the Exchange, British Columbia's Investment opportunities are advertised, world-wide interest of capital aroused. The Vancouver Stock Exchange thus plays Its part In creating confidence and in diverting capital to British Columbia enterprises. The Exchange is a powerful force in Increasing your prosperityi In bffilding payrolls. dUttmimH nlmuliM conttnm, Ik fncml 5loc ( " f S,if mV Slb Stsunmt. HIGHWAY ENDORSED Gyro Club Adopts Resolution of Trans-Canada RoaiI; District Governor Visit Expected The Prince Rupert Clyto Club, at te regular monthly business luncheon yesterday. Jowph Oreer, president. In the chair, endorsed a resolution from the Automobile Club of British Columbia asking the gov-amments concerned to complete the trans-Canada highway construction. There was some discussion as to whether endorsaUon of the resolution might prejudice Prince Rupert's highway claims, but the club decided to take a magna-mlmous stand on the matter and give ttie endorsaUon, particularly since the remaining uncompleted link in the trans-Canada highway is In northern Ontario. The club was advised by District Oovernor Alex Davies of Tacoma that he hoped to pay an official visit here on February 19. Arrangements will be made to have representatives of the Ketchikan Gyro Club here on that occasion. A dance will probably be one of the social events to be staged while District Oovernor Davies is here. Meantime, local Installation ceremonies will proceed on January 32 .s originally planned. Mrs. Moorehouse , Head of Rupert East Ladies' Aid The Ladles' Aid of Rupert East fUntted Church hejd Its annual meeting in the church yesterday and received satisfualury teporU covering the work of the past year. The election of officers resulted as follows: President Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse. Vice-president Mrs. C. E. Motte. Secretary-treasurer Mrs. Frank Warne. Press correspondent Mrs. A. J. Squires. Dally News quick results. 'Want Ads" bring OFFICERS OF MOOSE w. B. McCallum Elected Vice-Dictator of Organization Which D. C. Schubert Heads The election of 1990 officers of the Moose Lodge last night resulted as follows: Past dictator B. M. Simpson. Dictator D. C. Schubert. Vice-dictator W. B. McCallum. Prelate Joe Ratchford. Treasurer Ted Rorvlk. Trustee Sam Uaudensehlld. Delegate to Supreme Lodge D. O. Schubert; alternate, B. M. The school board, at its meet-ng last night, considered proposal of Cecil Morrison to service xhool typewriters regularly on tne basis of a year's contract tor the work. The contract would include monthly Inspection of the machines as well as cleaning and oiling. The sum of $10 monthly was suggested as a stipend for the work. Action in the matter was laid over for the consideration of the 1930 board. RINT, DIZZY SPELLS Had To Sleep Propped Up In Bed Mrs. Norman Bishop. Salisbury. N.B., writes: "I u troubled with fsint and diiKT spoils anl irhes I would lis dirn I would suffer terriblv with smothering spells. I got so ba . I had to sWp propped op in bed. "My doctor said it was my heart and aems, and that I needed a good heart tonic "I was advised to take and I had not taken one box when I could lie down and sleep like a child. ' ' Prlee, 90e. a box at all druggists and dealers, er resiled direct on reeeipt of frit b) TU T. Mllourn Co., Limited H&J?at S.&.t ; . vat. tut 3 Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Shop by Phone and Take Advantage of Our Delivery Service COTTAGE ROLLS Bone- OO p less shoulders. Per lb BULK SOAP FLAKES The washday help. 47C SLICED PEACHES 2 s. Packed in Australia. Q Per Un APRICOTS 3 Hs. Packed 7p in Australia. Per tin CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP For these cold days. Of? 2 tins MALKIN8 BBBT HONEY 00 AO, Jan. each TOMATOES 3 tys. Malkln's ilt Best. Per tin DRIED PRUNES Del QQp Monte. Site 30-40. 2 lbs.00'-' BULK FLOUR Order early. AOs 10 lbs HEINZ TOMATO CATSUP 97p Large bottles. Per bot. & 1 VITONE 4s. 9Qn Per tin TABLE RAISINS Qp To clear, per pkg iOv LAYER FIQS 4 )n To dear, peg lb. Z&g Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 Advertise In' the Dally News.