THE BARLY NEWS Prince Rupert “ry Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. can te docked together on light. boats making fees materisls is Several section, Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industria! Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries * Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. ar: Sa ae ” MIM Stephens Notary Public Conveyance: FOR SALE A well appointed apart- ment house consisting of two flats. view five _ roomed modern harbor rents for 87@ with excellent Borden per month Price $5,500, Terms. Street, M. M. Stephens REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANC pf ChittiConSarne and Hot Tomales at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second 635 Ave aave ‘ Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 one small Large stock of repair being laid in. \..MeDonald arrived from hiss on the Prince George this morning. Mr. McDonald has just come from England where he was a lieutenant in the Highland Light Infantry and spent two years in France. He was con. nected with the Foley, Welch & Stewart Contracting Co. here and at Kitselas in construction davs. He leaves for Anyox tonight. (reo, Children’s gaiters just arrived. The Family Shoe Store. tf Corsetiere. Phe ae last night. . Full stock of rubbers and rub bet boots ror everyone The Family Shoe Store tf . > * W. J. Wakefield, the transfer man, ieft for Telkwa on the train today on a business trip. > * . Robert Porter, mayor of Vic toria. is in the city today. He foes south tomorrow night . * ° B. M. Simpsen, corner Fifth d McBride, fe shoé@ repairing irst class work guaranteed. t . ’ Chief Vickers arrived back on the Prince George this morning from a holiday spent in the south . > * Benson, of Stewart, was an arrival today. He will proceed to Stewart by the first boat north 7 . . A. Edwards was fined ten dol- lars and costs in the police court this morning for being drunk and disorderly. S. Oe > * . The Tilamook arrived at 1:50 from Ketchikan with over thirty passengers, mostly for Seattle and the east. . . ’ Temporary vepairs having been made on the disabled steering gear of the Camosun, she is leav- ing thie afternoon for Vancouver > . . One new letter and three old letters from Hoomes K. Freeman were nead at last night's council yneeting. The writer said that his boat had been stopped illegal- ly and maliciously by the boat in- spector. Ald. Perry, in moving Extra Special ! 100 Boxes Choice Wealitiy APPLES | Snirefla Unwrapped, 4 Ibs. tor 25c Per Box, $2.00 pupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212 DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth a Anyone Mal) Shop Anywhere He or she likes But all the S8mx it «sometimes makes a difference where you #0. We have thought and worked to accurately sup ply your wants at every + point of the jewelry busi Tees From evllar buttons to diainonds we strive to make our store perfeci, This is our ifivitation to you to see it We do not ask that you buy anything. You'll! find pleasure tn just secing; and we in showing. JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Store of Worth and aty , lowers peur oMciancy : DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; : Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT F or Sale coim Steam heated modern house near drydock $2,500, Term®. i-fcom house, 7th Avenue, », $1,760, Terms. {-Room house on Fifth Avenue section 5, $1,600, Terms. Section 2 Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 5 $660 cach, Terms. 2? Lots, 6th Avenue, Bectiqn 7, nea: deydock, $360 each, Terme. Lot 25, Block 20, Section 5, $200 Cash McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. ' Agents ii ” 3rd Avenue Insurance Real Kstate Rentals. Phone new letter be filed, said matter looked like a per- between Capt. Free- vat inspector the captain proposal. that the that the sonal issue man and the steamb: and suggested that make some definite To build yourself up when feel run down—to eine in i V Kenonp fate of eaten beues, & cx ¢ EMPRESS TONIGHT _ DOROTHY PHILLIPS In — “The Talk of the Town” Six Parts 12th Episode “A Fight for Millions” and Building Aeroplanes | in Caneda Two Shows - 7.15 and 9 ‘dimisston 15 and 30 cents WES THOLME TONIGHT Special Prod Production EVELYN NESBIT Pormerly Mrs. Harry K. ang her son, Thaw Russell Thaw, The Woman Who Gave Montgomery Flag es Beresford of the Baboons 2 Parts, and CHESTER OUTING Admission, 35c and 15c two Shows, 7:15 and @, Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week “3 bonis Alice B. Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES If you’re on the watch for something smart in a tailored suit, something in a new model, sj; gle or ah breasted, styled exacily righ!, ¢ rectly tailored, in a fabric that ia not lose its shape, we have jt ,j $39.00, $50.00, $60.00 and $70.00 Se SE eR De ee — — == ——e_——-—— ere, + Va a ee ee “| ST ‘ ! | { | - G. H. Arnold - Notary Public | boon News" Notes || a tr Dawson as relur a4 € We offer sins View rie, ’ sae Lot 7, Block 44, Section 7 ae aoe | al Ore A fine level lot on Eighth Avenue, midway between i eieneaii ee ies \ Dry Dock and Cold Storage, for Walker. Phone Blue 589, tf Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Young ar. $300.00 Tived on the boat at noon today. H. i . Wearmouth returned from e S H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Ci ee eee Insurance e keal Estate Bonds WwW. F. pistes ‘ot Ge Was — River was an arrival in the city 0€$ ARTIN O’REILLY ee -. TO CARPENTERS All members of the Carpenters’ Union must be present at meeting Wednesday night, October 15. Shipwrights in the city are also requested to attend. By order of the Executive. io Mayor Mel wastont crossed from Victoria to Vancouver on the Prince George this trip. He will be back in Prince Rupert on Sat- irday’s steamer. . >. , At the meeting of the City jouncil last night a letter was read from A, Akerberg asking per- mission to put in a septic tank in the lane behind his house. Tue matter was referred to the neer with power to act. \ccording to market reports the present sugar shortage in British Columbia and Washington southeastern states and the Oni- ent. \ meeting will be K. P. Hall on Friday, ' 8:45 p. m organizing a lodge of the Daugh- and Maids of England. All ladies who are interested in the formation of a lodge isked to, attend. Refreshments will be served. held in the October 17, ters such City Council meeting from the secretary of the Retail Merchants Association regarding improved lighting of the downtown seetion and permanent Third Ave, These matters were turned over te thé Utilities Gom- mittee and the Board of Works. >= . . James Sturgeon, was a partner pert Transfer Co., seas in 1916, city on the Monday. but, went over- Princess Mary on to again to go into business in WecLeod has been overseas since the beginning of the war, having been in New Orleans when the war began. He went direct to England where he enlisted, later transferring to the Canadian Fy peditionary Force. New arvivals in Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies. The Family Shoe Store. tf coevseeceececcdeos * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * CPE ee ee FORK KENT Four roomed flat with bath. Apply 725 Fraser Street, if WANTED Seen to i. crochet engi-| . for the purpose of | ’ are 216) Letters were read at last night's | improvements to, whe formerly | in the Prince Ru-} arrived bAck in the} He was accompanied by his wife and little girl and expects the eity. The Seots will all wel- | come him back as he is a re doubtable piper, . . . Donald McLeod, who installed the electric light system in the eily six years ago, arrived in town last Sunday evening. Mr. ever, vill soon be relieved, as large shipments are being mushed to | seattle and Vancouver from the ; | ! j | GEO. HILL The Practical Shoemen Be Prepared! RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE E. R. TABRUM — «ARE HERE: Girls with Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. DEMER’S Coats Suits Dresses Blouses SOME OF OUR SPECIALTIES And a showing of MILLINERY not excelled in the city Corsets Brassieres Hosiery Gloves work for store, Apply 836 Fra. ser Strect or phone 538. 296! IS THE MARK OF SUC- CESSFUL BUSINESS AND IS SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. You can ality and distin SHOES AT OUR You will be co examining our McARTHUR’S Shoe Store THIRD AVE. INDIVIDUALITY! obtain Individu- ction in the sTORE. nvineed by stock.