PAGE FODH i i We : : Seven y A ; . Dials Mystery By Agatha Christie I. ii Copyright by Public Ledrer INSTALMENT XXXMU (Continued) Alfred Get? Warning Hie bursal? to London was with' Mli kin nritknaat aaMaiaa Aul liL. I Tight," said Bundle with satisfac tion. i "Wat It ntCCEWty t be so wettJ d raster Lont dnjirred. I "It's safer." said Bundle. "I dont know what Jimmy an4" Bill are up ! io. but we dopt wppc Alfred com-jing back in the rnidljjj of it and wrecking mrytbiag .ialta, here ' they are. Well they ha vent wast-jed much Ume. Probably watcking : around the corner to see Alfred leave. Go down and open the door to them, Loralne. Loralne obeyed. Jimmy Thesleger alighted from the driving seat. "You atop there for a moment, Bill," he said. "Blow the hom if you think any ene" watching the place." He .ran up the steps and banged the door behind him. He looked pink ad elated. "Hallo, Bundle, there ev are. Mow oat adventure, except such as was J then, we've got to get down to it habftoaBy provided by Bundle's Where's the key of the room you driving. They kit the car at a gar-j &ot mto lajt time?" age and proceeded direct to the! "It was one of the downstairs Seven Dials Club. J We'd bring & tot Tbe door was opened to them br Atfml Bundle Xc hTwaJ and get Bill, Loramt. There's no need for him to keep watch outside any longer." Loralne ran off. "What are you going to do?" in quired Bundle impatiently. raine followed. J?'" T" eMUy "spreading over her Oh- rnv l-4lr mhitt'UHCU uwt awmg ikvsv uu Alfred turned chalk white, Te e r0 Y , exactly as Bundle had seem it be- rve come to warn you because (fore the xwn grouped yaa dW me a good torn the other uWe. Jlmmy ,nrTOyed tWt." went on Bundle rapidly. , f mmui or two in silence. -There's a warrant out for Mr. mob- Then vtat to two cup. gonmky and the beet thing youi-j. ; ooaro. j i. . ti i quick as you can. If you're not found here, they wont bother you. Here's ten pounds to help you get away somewhere." tum. "Well, (TUKll IM MIC bupuvaiu JUU lint in Bundle?" "This one." I 1 01111 1 understand nv mutter- Jimmy went to it and flung the I Jhnmy. "But he's not dead, door open. The same collection of i Cheer up, Bundle. Look here, we've In three minutes' time an inco- ' miscellaneous herent and badly scared Alfred had tne shelves. left 14 Hunstanton Street with only oe Idea in his head never to re- j "Out" but Not Dead .TtMtnv mtit:trA1 an rwath nnrt HT. H J - 1 A,Ct m a oeautirui Hit: DAILT 'KETyb Satiny., v Jimmy was down on his kneeJaJhegf ' and nodded t . i head sapi trying to peer through the crack of the other cupnoard door. "Wait till Bill comes and you shall hear the whole story. This is his staff work and a Jolly creditable bit of work it is. Hallo what's Loralne flying up the stairs for as though she'd got a mad bull after her?" Loralne was indeed racing up the stairs as fast as she could. She burst in upon them with an ashen face and terror in her eyes. "Bill Bill oh. Bundle Bill!" "What about Bill?" Jimmy caught her by the shoulder. "For God's sake, Loralne, what's happened?" j "BIll-I think he's dead he In the car still but -he doesn't move I or speak. I'm sure he's dead." j got BDl into the house without much difficulty, and without attracting mum attention, save for an unshaven gentleman who said sym paijietically: ' Uennenman's tod a couple, I enttir. Klnto the littla-back room down stairs," said Jimmy. "There's a sofa there." They got htm safely ante the sofa arid Bundle knelt down beside him and took his' Mrap wrist in her hand. "His pulse Is beating," she said. ".What is the matter with him?" He was all eight wrjen J left him just now." said Jimmy. "1 wonder Jf'snme one's managed to inject Lsome stuff into him. It would be UasHy done Jus a prick. The man jnftghf. have been ajking him the tune, 'mere s oniy one imng ior u. Inust get a doctor at once. You stay here and look after him." He hurried to the door, then paused. i To Be Continued.) sprang for the stairs. Bundle behind I r i r l him. her heart pending unevenly ' LUIIlD6riIia.Il ll3.IieQ and an awful feeling of desolation Bill dead?! Oh, no! Not that. Please God not that. Together she and Jimmy reached the car. Loralne behind them. Jimmy peered under the hoed, Bill was sitting as he had left him, leaning back. But his eyes were closed and Jimmy's pull at his arm brought no response. glassware covered I gal Kel nun into we nouse. let s 'pray to goodness no policeman j comes along. If any one says anything, he's our sick friend we're j "We shall have to shift all this helping into the house." I've managed that all; stuff." he murmured 'Run down Between the three of them they r of Prairie in Grande Peace GRADE PRAIRIE, Jb. 15 R. A. McMillan, manager of the Fron tier .Lumber Co., has been elected mayor of Grande Prairie for the year 1690 by acclamation, no candi dates having offered o oppose htm. Tte succeeds Willtem Sharpe, who was retired as chief magistrate after six years' good service. E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, has been on a trip this week to Smithers and other interior points on official duties. M icro- nchronow new ARREST DETAILS Further Particulars in Connection With Taking- of Suspected .. , Counterfeiter Further particulars have been received here of the arrest last Sat urday night QQ a train westbound from Prince George of Nlcoli Marty-nowlcx, who is charged with having forged bank notes in his possession and to whom, it is believed, a valise containing nltro-glycerlne, loaded revolvers, explosives and ammunition, which was found in the local baggage room this week, belonged. The arrest of Martynowice, vW is a Russian-Pole and claims to be thirty-five years of age, was made by an officer on the train after he Kad presented suspicious looking currency to Conductor T. M. Spencer for payment of fare to Smithers. The man was taken from the train at Vanderhoof and returned to Prince George. He actually had no baggage with him. although the valise, found on another seat,- was believed to have been his. Martynowicz first was brought to peliee attention through the drop ping on the street in Prince George of a Dominion of Canada one dollar note, an two pieces of white paper on which o Mr sets of the face and back of the note had been made. On the bank note and the printed paper there was a strong odor of something like lyeol. The bank note had evidently been saturated in the lysol so that the printed colors were loosened sufficiently to transfer them to the white paper, making a very faint negative of the face and back of the bank note The effect "OICTOR Dealers have just received this graceful model of new design jn W walnut. Its two doors, when open, reveal the-exclusive yictpr iHuminatcd full vision dial, and the distinctive speaker grille; and when closed, they conr -ceal these features with their own beauty of matched woods, This splendid new model contains all the performance features of Victor Micro-Synchronous Radio and, above all, gives you Victor's supreme tone quality. Convince yourself of its supremacy. Ask any Victor Dealer to give you the "Victor Tone Demonstration." Five minutes of listening will put the facts before you m words tmd music. v t Any VictorDegJer will deliver. Victqr .Micro -Synchrpqous RadjoR-3 ,at, once on Convenient Payments And rememer the yictor trademark pro teas you when you own a Victor Iladio. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE -COMPLY OF CANADA, LIMITED MONTREAL . T &r-iiimvaled of the chemlca) was evident on the note, as .the jcolqrs were somewhat ulcaohed out of it. The bank note and the two negatives of it were taken to Sergeant Service of the provincial police, -with a description of the man who had dropped them, arid the sergeant de cided to look the man up and see what his specialty was. A watch was kept at the train to see if the suspect boarded it, and a plainclothes man was a passenger to watch developments from that side. Martynowicz slipped on the train, but omitted the formality of purchasing a ticket. The conductor was tipped off to the police move and given a description of Martynowicz. When he w.ent through the train Martynowicz tendered him two five-dollar notes In payment for a passage to Smithers. The notes were genuine, but one of them had been I faded out, and there was the same strong odor of lysol. The arrest of Martynowicz followed. I!e had very little, money on his person but he had two Dominion one dollar notes whlh appeared to have been subjected to some unusual treatment, in addition to the ffve-dollar Canadian Bank of Commerce note which had been tendered to the conductor in payment of the fare. Peace River Names Officers of Board Of Trade For 1930 PEACE R1VFR. Feb. 15- Max Zabal has been eleoied president of the Peace River Board of Trade. G L. Oray is the new vice-president, while the executive consists of J. A. Caw, H. E. Jerry. C. W Frederick. D J Johnston. J. R Taylor and Page Hideout s t nr. . . lihick.waYvha Ton, too, cnnhavsion?,! dant hair. 1: m. using this nas. ..,,)'' nair-speciaiist tijiw RIM 31 I' T who haven't tun-out treatment Tonight when hair, just yui n your brush Tii-bristles throm-i th scalp if i ' how the hair i iMMgc; h" brought out; i, brilliance aiul .;. Danderini- i -dandruff; hdn keep hur an courage? the t' abundant ha -used a year Tka effectiveness! W. A T.' Pacific s.i! Cardenu !,. to Vance the bi'tte: ;i. Official (i : i USed .r Danderi At All Drua Rti m . Tn.. t cabitiet gaEtaBriffa' easy at any price to own. i ! - v. "n" trnt ' -1' fc.r "If- t tit 3 .. : proreil fBmsMxmwmmmawMMumiwmsm ORTHOPHONIC VICTKOLAS AND J5EC0HDS McRAE BROS. LIMITED VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS