.. ffhniarv 15. 1930. aturaw- PAGE THREE fl 1CASTP1,,,, tw 4 9 fl f ! l ilMwt.lwirtit' mt'J ChiMrtn will fret, often for no ipparcit reason, dui meres at wlyt one sure way to cpmfort a restle frettul cnud. lastorui Harn le ; as the recipe on the wrapper mua ana Diana as it tastr- But its gentle action tcothe-, a youngster more surely ii.H i-iTii- nowerful medicine that is meant for the stronger ijjtcn ot aauns. ih:;t 1 tne Deauiy oi mis special !rei's remedy! "It may be m ? tiniest infant as often . I T - t U tr's h any, neea. in case oi Mrrhca, or similar disturb- ii. rt . i - inva uaoie. out u nai everyday uses all mothers should 1M CimilMV1'"- WF1 understand. A coated tongue calls for a few drops to ward off constipation; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed to set everything to rights. Genuine Castoria has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. SPECIAL Whale-Bone Brushes Excellent for Massaging the Scalp Values up to $2.25 While they last $1.25 TO?k KJ ma C HQ VI "T.t I .&sJbja. Jfic Pioneer Drtiyeisfs THIRD AVE. 0 SIXTH ST TLLEPMONf S rrc?0C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSIIIl'S LIMITED Hulllnti limn Ptlno ttuprrt TA ' Ol VtK. irTORIA.MwnnNwii lt. lluterialr. (H-ran I'alK .lert r. ' rlr . TurMl.v. 1:81 p.ai Y-it VIM DDI KH, UCJOUHj'Hu'liUli. Alert (hit. rtr . Frhtav iiiMnlfhl It ALICE ARM, A.NYO.V STMVAKT. Naa ftMer. IWrt Mwiwsa. sun-uj, l.no n.m. 121 "!nl Atrnue K SI. llJUTII agent Pmr llupert. II C Tlrout.li Mrkrti will, t-lrtorla Dit hintllc .and bacMC f hc krd llito,h in dcitlnitlon Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Be In Effect From DECEMIHSU 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 t " 1 urther Information Enquire At Local Office I B. COAST B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAIUMiS FROM PRINCE KITEUT To Ketchikan. Wramiell, Juneau and SJiagway ebruary 8ih. 22nd. v . To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle .'ebruary 12th, 28th. Princess Mary Ocean Palls, ale, Vancouver find Vtotnrla vfrv Prlrlav. 10 Din. v Rouna Trip Excursion tickets Prince Rupert-Vancouver and Victoria, $10.00. .Agents For All Steamship Lines w C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave.. Prince Itupert, Phone SI Canadian National ic Lnrgcft filioay Sphm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Sa'l'nits from PKINCH KUPEKT for VANCOUVER, V1C-T)KIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate poln Thursda 10:00 p.m. v V11 AW'OX and STEWART each Wednetdar at t p.m. or NORTH and SOUTH OUEEN CHAREOT1E 18LAM1S. fortnightly. I'ASstNdtu TRAINS LEAVi: HUM E 111 I'BHT M)I)V. MlNKftlt V and TllllAV M Us " I ' ""UK. KIlJIONTON. VVINMIXO. nil h.IIs l,at.rn VxUM Stales. AOENCV ALL OCCAM STrAMMIir LINr.8 ra Ticket l'rlnct Uupcrt--i'honc 260 Office, 528 Third Ac COAL Bu.v the real Coal our fa-SJ0"' Edsn and Cassldy-'Y"ngton-ln any quantities. frlnUik,.Cy Va,,cy ,,a ra,n n Hobln Hood Flour. nce Rupert Feed Co ' "UiNKS 58 AND 558 M aaareiiiiiii. unmm '."""'j li T.. A lsivrrkTr-lflfll I I VI fllCAdllUCI ! ! IMIOM! 7S II,;(M;K IlLOCK DENTIST Local Items Dentist.' Dr. J. K. Clossc. Phone r.86. Moose dance Saturday 9 to 12. Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c. OIJ saws repaired and sharpened to Rive good work. Complete stock on hand of new circular and bond saws. WtUt u about Mir SIMOND CANADA SAW CO. LTO. MONTMAL . TORONTO 729 VANOOUVt - ST. JOHN. HMt HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IMlCK NLYV ! A.NAOKMKNT Meant llratol: Traveller' ttampl Kun: lut ad Cotil Water tree llu Merit All Train anil lkwl Rates $1.04 and Up M'KCIAL MONTHLY liATISN JOHN FRY and A. DONALD lToprlfton PHONE 51 50 Try our Alberta Soollras Coal, rninrrt at Jasper. Albert & McCaf-fery, Limited. Phone 110 & 117. 41 LO.L. and L.Q.BA. Bridge Whitt and Dance, Thursday, Pebiuary 20 i at 8 p.m. Gentlemen 75c Ladies 50c. 39 Scats -are going on reserve for "The Pasty" at 9 ajn. Monday. Be sure and buy tickets now and avoid the rush. , 36 . Ernest A. Woods, lty clerk here from 1910 to 1924, has received the i appointment to be municipal clerk ! and treasurer of the municipality! of Matsqul, in the Praser Valley. For : some time Mr. Woods had been in Vancouver. C. P. R. steamer Princess Royal, ; Capt. 8. K. Gray, arrived In port at 5:15 yesterday afternoon Crorn the1 south and sailed at 10 p.m. on her ' return to Vancouver and. way ports, j The veseel has a light northbound pasaneger list. ! i The totem pole jthlch is reproduced at the ejids of the new 10c Canadian postage stamp is a copy of a pole at Kitwanga which has been restored for preservation by pole preservation committee, the Dominion government totem In answer to a question by Ian Mackenzie, MX.A., for North Vancouver, Attorney-Oeneral R. H. Pooley admitted in the legislature this week that a beer license had been grantee to the premises of Empress Hotel at Prince George In spite of four convictions under the Government Liquor Act between 1921 and 1938. The licence was granted during the latter part of 1039. NOTICE Li f. Doles, piano tuner. Is now in town. Call Red 103 for orders. Saws repaired .... 34 Central M. O. Docherty and C. S. Huffman, city; Arnc Nelsen and Ah re, Henrickson, Vancouver. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading lam lly Irrttl. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PlUlWlOMMK. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Firth Sis I Savoy I J. Thistle, Haysport; J. Kn'Jt&cn. (Vancouver; G.A. Wesley. Port 81m p- son. I New Royal Hotel J. 'nrrlll. Ilup. THE IIOIII. WOKTII WHILE Hot it Cold Wuicr. Ht.-iun Heat 75ai PljR; DAY AND UP 'TrtTiioi. SSI Royal Mr. ahd"Mrs."Flewln. tloat Harbor; N. C'. 8mith, Vancouver; C. Halvarson, city. White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Eiajy My Meals55 What a pleasure it is to sit down and eat a good, hearty meal without a premonition that there will be pain and discomfort in the process of digestion. Chronic indigestion usually results from torpid liver and a consequently constipated condition of the bowels. Naturally, there are headaches and biliousness in many eases and much irritability and depressed feelings. It is so easy to allow this condition to develop that almost before you know it you become a "dyspeptic." But what a relief when you learn about Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver PiUs and put them to a test. In a day or two you are feeling fine and soon you reaute that you have discovered the most effective regulator of the liver, kidneys and bowels. Dr. Chasers Kidney-Liver Pills Shingles Before buying Shingles call and see us We. have a special line. Albert & McCaffcry, Limited Phone IIS and 117. 41 A substantial reduction is now effective on round trip tickets via Canadian National ' 8teamships Prince Rupert to Vancouver and Victoria Return fares1 from Anyox Stewart and Ocean FMIs to Prince Rupert are also reduced. Full par ticulars from City Ticket Office Third Avenue. Phone m 132 . ANNOIWCKMCNTS I 4 Moose Legion 45 Annual Novelty dance, Thursday. February 20. Catholic Women's league So-iclal Friday, Febrirr2i. I Players' Club ataging the The l Patsy," Feb. 34 and 3t) at Moose j Hall. J ON SKA. Sixth Annual Ball, ' Auditor lum. Friday, February 38. Baptist Marsb 1. (15) Church Wateh Tea, IhMl T)nn.l DrlilM AVttla mnA ! Dance at Blks' Ho Thursday March 6. "The Rebellion of Yost." Fkst United Church, March 7. Pioneers' Bridge, Whist and 'Dance March 10. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale. April 24 III ra 1 1 t:i tj Kin FROM SAINT JOHN I TO OLASGOW-B. L. AST-LlVEi No', clli ! ' Brir--t TO CIIERBOUR(-LONDON Mar., Apl. 10 ...tMam ,TO nEl.PAST-GLASQOW Mar. SO, Apl. 17 ...MsUta TO LI t'KRPOOL Mivroh 21. April lfi . . uusbsms of York TP CHERBOUKJ.SiTliAMP-TON, ANTWERP'1. Mnreh ST.' April 83 &ntro , WOM NEW tlK TO ClIERBOURO-SOUTHAMP-TON-LIVKHPOQL, Mcr. 14 DurlMat ot Sedtord FKOM VANCOUVER Ti llll-JM-l lilnn-l'lilIlppliitMt xPeb. 18, xAp. 17 Emprsss of Canada xMar. 8. May 8 Kmpivus of RUMla Mr M, May 20 KmpMas or Asm x Including call w Honolulu Aur!v U) AKenM i-vrrvwhers or i j imsTi;n Steamship oenl ltu.,AMit O.P.R. Station Vwiosiuve. Telephone: riumy 1181 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ifeilbroner's Store, (tf) Miss Vina Eby. has returned to her home in Smithers after spending a hoiiday in the city. Masonic Ball Friday, February 21. All Masons not having received invitations may ap ply to G. P. Tinker, Bcsner Block. G. A. Woodland, local manager of the Imperial Oil Co.., has been on a trip this week to Smithers and pther interior points on, pompany BMnflss.,, ... t ; Scandinavian Dance tonight at Metropole Hall. The very latest dance numbers as well as real snappy rhelnlanders. Hanson and Farstad's Orchestra. 39 The death occurred last week In Vancouver at the age of 73 years of Mrs. Sarah Cecelia Barber, mother of W. R. Barber,, who Is In the employ of the Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls. Alex McLean, formerly section foreman for the Canadian Na tional Railways in the interior and now steward of the Canadian Le gion Club at Smithers, has been snending a few days in town this week. Mrs. Olson of Terrace was brought to the city from the interior on Thursday afternoon's train for surgical treatment in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. She was taken from the train to the hos pital in the ambulance. Mrs. James Brough, formerly of this city and now residing at Smith ers, left the Interior town this week to spend an extended holiday In England and Scotland. Mr. Brough accompanied her as far as Cars driven by Ralph Smith and Or. L. W. Kergin collided about midnight last night on Fifth Av enue. East, not far from the I.OD. E. Hall on the glassy surface of the street. The doctor's car sustained some damage. No one was hurt. Among winners m a "movieteat" contest recently conducted try the' Vancouver Province were Mrs. S. G. Fletcher of Hazelton and Miss Yvonne .Agnew of Smithers. Many local people also tried the contest j but none were successful in winning prises. Aid. Theo Collart, chairman of the Prince Rupert-Pea ee River Outlet Association, has sent, a letter to W. C. Little of Woodcock, secretary of the Upper Skeena Farmers' Institute, acknowledging the sum of $6 received for membership in the outlet association. THE WEATHER Haysport Cloudy, light wind. 35 snowed all night. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 22. 15 nches new snow. Rosswood Snowing, calm. 18. 18 nches new snow. Anyox Snowing, calm. 30. Stewart Snowing, calm, 26. Two "eet new snow. Alice Arm Snowing, calm, 26. rwo feet new snow. Port Simpson Cloudy, raining, T. wind, 42. Snowed all night. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 16. Sinithrrs Cloudy, calm, 15. Burn-i Lake Part cloudy, windy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .uoM aiul Boaru. all home commits reasonable rates. Phone Black 530. 40 Heart and Nerves Caused Her To Have Cold Hands and Feet Mrs. Joseph Price, Red Pine, N.B., writes : " Several years sgo I wss troubled with my heart and nerves, and was so bad. at times, my hands and feet would becomn numb and cold. "I happened to see adrertiunl and ."turtrd taking them at onee. I euntinunl for some little time, and since I lien I have had no return ,.f mv trouble." Priiv, .r'o. a Vt si all dregirists and itraler-, or aiailuJ dirset on receipt of price lv The T. Milburn Co., Liaiitsd, Toronto. Out. rr: PHULIPS- For Troubl due to Acid MOIOISTIOM CIO STOACM MEADACHt When Pain Comes Two hours after eating What many people call indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach. The stomach nerves hsve been ovsr-stimulited, sud fowl sours. The corrective is an alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly. And the beat alkali known to medical science is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It bss remained the standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of this harmless, taste less alkali In water will neutralize in-stantly many times as much aeid, and the symptoms disapprsr at onte. You will never use erode methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Go get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyal-clans for 60 yeawa in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full directions any drugstore. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Holy Communion at 8 ajn. Morning Prayer and Sermon atllajn. Sunday School at 2:30. Evening Prayer and Ser mon at 7:30. Men's banquet In the Parish HalL Thursday, at 7 pin. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION." Song by the Junior Choir. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "THE WARFARE THAT CONTINUES." Solo by Miss E. Vickers. Devotional Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Moth Church of Christ Scientist. In Boston. lng service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "SOUlklandav. School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wedmftcfay 'evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays' aha Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConnell,B.A. a Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "FLYINO MACHINES." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "MR. BALDWIN ON CHARACTER." (Lord Rector of Glasgow University, Mr. Stanley Baldwin, Britain's ex-premier, addressed the students on character). An earnest invitation is extended to all Presbyterians and others. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D Minister ' Services: Morning Worship at 11 am Subject, "TRANSFORMING LOVE." Sunday School at 12:30. Evening. Worship at 7:30. Subject, "THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS." Devotional Service, Wednesday, at 8 pjn. A cordial CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'EUATlNi; (J. T. l 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, niocksmlths. Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City