ST jags rosa TST DXS.T NEWS raiay. Deeeau course c? ha ccdsoartrr awereattal ss aa mar passers-uy mow boi sutee sertrtsx In Uarch. 1S1X he HrotBnrAL0 KiUed After : duties. er surmise the daogtrs IMk Mwttnonw1 m aboard to Ship Watocha. 600 The lire . i one of the fiat Newfoundland mllej off the Portuguese coast. SPORT NEWS r sraninGr Wat ndr w BiB only aetsr of contlnjent to fo orerseas. Laeey when a German submarine appeared iin the nasmi. ' escaping a crtnr to erred throach the OaJltooli cara- and held up the craft. After the the vessel was torpedoed by a Gr- 'paftfn and later In France where he etew of six had been forced into a Park. The hk, ' i Veteran VrffUndf Sle Sr- ma snmartoe. ams the tale irt was wtaaaty woonoed in his rcgl-atent's soat without supplies, their ship was i head measure '. ' . tl I i 013 Soccer Tfrer af Torpedoed Snip, Meets ay Rona'.d Laeey. motarman of ''.ds aott tragic enraeerient orpedoed. Erentnally they reached Thalf niches r :..', ' ir 4 Country BIG SCORES Accidental Death city While dr.ring his street --at. that of Beaumont HemeL on July 1. the coat in an exhausted condition. ai inenes. The c Laeey n-need a broken wire drnt'- 1S! His dtscharce and rerum home but the small boat overturned in Taie offEe rih' . CUEI5T5U XWY SCOEES IN HOCKEY ST. JOHJTS. N'fkl . Dec K To ling anr uirantineous tie 'ft :t foUoved ihe surf and Laeey was the &ole 15' inches. Th u -s be!y electrocuted in the -ulted wr.-?r. he tried to faster 'urriror spread is 30 -; Siatthh Lmw-Pfct DhMw Morton 4. St. Ifims 2. EotUa Dawned PhiUJrlphia; De Parttck Thkftle nfl: Motherwell 3 troit Snmpcd Toronto; Bans-en Park 4; An United 1. Beat Ottawa JIWMbw nil;: Leeds United 1. " nfl. Rovers 1; Derby i X Sheffield United 1 Boston Wanderers 3 nfl: AstonrfOas X Ton nfl: Liverpool nil City 1; Arsenal 4. 2; Leicester Csty S. United 4; nfl: West Browieh AJ- City J; stoke City t Bamley 1: Preston Marts d 0 J. IVerton X Wotrtngrtsm Forest 1; steading 1 CNdhaai Athletic 2: Wotverhaup Wanstarexs nfl. X 1; Charlton Athletic 1. Tawa s: Bristol City 2 otapars 1; Soatb BOXItrO DAT SCORES Eaglfeh Leacae Pint DirWn Astoaal 3, MaartwetCT City 1 Aasav VlBa 3. Chasm 3. Derby County 1. Baackburn 1 United 3. Dotted 3, BiralBcham 1. Ctty 1, StmAertand 1 Liverpool l, Qruasby Town L Manehster United 1. Bolton 1. X SheffttM Wed nesday A Portsmouth i, Westham UnHeA 8. HhaffHai United i. Wlarirpod 1. En?Kh LeafM Seaaad Division Bradford I, MUhrall 0. Bttstss City A Swansea l. Charltoo Athletic J. Pottraa? 1. Flyraowth Argyk A Cardiff City 1 Morthend X Burnley X : X Notts forest X Sowtnaxapton x Tottenham Hot-apanX Stoke City L Bradford Ctty I. West Btouiwlch Albion X Barns- ley X XOaJhamt Hockey Scores PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE 1; Portland 1. i3P ICtAfiBEKFY WINE jaaaaaaatLaaaTMav lb i - - u. f - m ' " 1 ALSO IN IMPERIAL CALLON JARS 25P PLUS 3Or0R CONTAINER .FITlTXUll) 1 MATLItCD AWO ECmED BY VICTCFIA WINERIES! This advertlMement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia DETROIT. - Dee. "8 Bir generally featured National hoc Mr Leaaaea gnwes on nnwsaai aaahi. The local Paleont swasspad the crippled TMonto Uapte Leafs whaV at Boston. PWhtililnhn! piawd no mateh tor the Bnrinr. The Boston pae was featsncd i? sat period w4h numerous ffehti saajor penalties and ftae. The Cook brothers peored too aaaeh tor the Senators as the New York Ranters von at Ottawa. At- New York, the Americans wont into a tie for second ptce tth the Ma room by defeaUrat : 'Auitreakcs am. a tsrht game Last mfht'fr, spores Boston S; PMtadelphia nfl Mew Tork Asericans 7:'- Uect-reoJ Maroons 1. Detroit : Toronto 1. New YorkRAafeYs 4; Ottawa 1 METEOR ON CHRISTMAS Birrht rUh and Terrific Explosion Reported From Lewtston In Maine L&frmOif. Ualne, Dec3:A eaor. preeeAeA by a brifliaat flash thsAhatited an trteeeMtryt&e oier aa ar a of fifty or sixty atfea. das raportad to hae fatten late phrlt- dastriet were rocked by the; explo sion that came when the aerial mhv sue straek the earth. SPORT CHAT Foot Canadian rise stars, rione hi them m'mX fVin.n fhgrs- Mt all WMtataiwImK Derfor- mers. hare been named by the Athletic Commission c Montreal as their norameee for a new hat of re- ehampkMM betne eomnUed by the National Boadng Association with which the Montreal commis sion Is affiliated. The National M-aoesatton. with ramtfkations er-tendinc into 38 states of the Union. Oreat Britain. Cuba, Maxleo and Canada. seektac from each of its amnated meEneers aa ophnon on the matter of ehansons, on which win be based. The four Canadians named by the Montreal rommtatton to occunr the 1 I world's titles are as follows welter - 1 welajht. Jimmy McLamin of Van-; hoover. )ual6rstlifiI Fore- man of Montreal tantaWwetght Pete 8anstol of Norway, now making his home penaanesrUy In Montreal ; flyweight, Artrr Olnmx of Moo-1 treat. i In marine Its Mealrurions. th Montreal commtatton conviuded the heavyweight title coon be declared vacant so far as they were eoncer-; ned. and went on record as stating that there ware no bearyweighU ' , today of suffleienUy high eAhbre to be nominated as champions. In th other fistic divisions, the ehotceis of tho Montreal commission were as follows: nght-hearyweight, Maxle Roeenbioftm. New York; middle-! weight, Mickey Walker; Junior welterweight. "Jack KM Berg: lightweight. Tony Cansonerl; featherweight. Kid Chocolate. COAL Buy the real CoaltrOur fa-moo lUlton and CasIdy-Ulllnelnn--in an ouantltie Also Bulkier Valley llaj Grain and Hsbln Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES S8 AND 558 Oet the Ad. reading habit It ipays. mm VICTOR RADIO R-39 it Lmxi HicMey $25 VICTOR RADIO R-JS (smt tmihtr m RS9) Beth meJtlj nmftat m itbft VICTOR RADIO -R-FIFTfUr $185 " VICTOR RADip R?0 ' Strm-GrU, BUtyj-Omtri ' ' 1140 tBcitdint Inlet Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio ariMigraarrHraiwiMij the Entertainment from that Christmas cheque! VICTOR KADtO HOMS-RICORDING hiCTBOLA Ri -7 CtmfUu tt-ab imbtt means "PADO SATISFACTION" The New Victor Radio - Home-Recording Electrola 'A great new triple instrument bringing you more cntertainmenr okJ mat kinds ef entertainment than has ever been offered. Radio which is not mere ly an improvement but the attaining of an entirely new standard . . . record reproduction from the improved Electrola surpassing even Victor's todl supremacies of the past . . your own microphont so you can actually mb records at home! and play them immediately all in one magnificent acouiticallj engineered cabinet; . :.'B...3?u-:av."ir :"B; li'Jir.iiai :t".au:ains a: tatMuamzuzarm The Newest Victor Radio The first and only screen-grid five-circuit micro-synchronous radio. Here, in a choice of two beautiful cabinets, is a surplus of radio performance greater selectivity . . . greater sensitivity . . . and tone which spans the gap between accepted radio entertainroent and complete, undieyed rMiical enjoyment. The radio of tomorrofathaz comes to yoaJodajl r i - ' The "R-Fifteen" Victor Radio A new Victor Radio so inexpensive that anyone can own it . . . afford it! Screen-grid operation . . . four circuits . . , new and improved speaker . and the resulting Victor Tone arc all offered to you for the first time at an unheard of price for true Victor quality $185, complete with tubes. The cabinet small . . compact . . . exquisitely desjgned and handsomely, finished is a masterpiece of furniture artistry - inCTOR TA1XINO MACHINE COMPANT OT CANADA LIMITED MOWTMAtt McRae Bros. Ltd. Orthophonic Victrolas and Records