Thursday, August 7, 1930. Bathing EAST DAILY HOr.NI Tltllt s. I'rlncc William " f en River Pi ints $1.50. i) Nuas River Points $2.00 Ci ivii same day. drcn half fare. From 15c. to $1.00 Special 1-3 off Ormes ltd. Z7?io Pioneer Drtigeisls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 I 1 9 canters SOUTH OUTII by at earner to Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle and intermediate port Monday, Yedneaday. TliiinMlaye and Saturday. for Anyoi and Stewart Monday and r'riday. For Alatla Port Wednesday and Saturday. Aico regular tailing for SLeena and Maa Jtttrr Krtt and North and South Queen Charlotte Uland. raurngrr train for Kdmontou, WlnniK-fi, and ail point Eat leare dally eirept Sunday at 1 p.m. I-ow fareejN'OW. , Atk about our TrlantU Tour. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA for itiformation call or urnte II. F. McNAUGIITON, nitrlet IWrnier Agent. Prince lluperl. MX UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ..... Kalllni From ITInrc Rupert ' VANcnnvm virmai UUK1UK. in.t.iinie Alart Btl way. iiuv. etc Tuesdav. S.S0 nm ,niv.uuvBH VJlIUrtIA, fur VtMtilKK. VICIOKM. HulrdJle. Alert IUy. w ALICE ARM, ANVOX, HTF.WAHT, Naaa Kle y. eve,, rruuy imamim er. Port lruiea, sun. oy s.oo o m. '.ii.r 8IMPSON and WAI.ES ISLAND, Thurany p.m " .'nil Atenue It M SMITH Mtnl Itmce Rupert. II. C. Ttrnuth tirkrt ioll tu Victoria ao Seattle .and batcace checked '"'"irh to dentlnotlon tSfeSS B. C. Coast Steamship Service B.C COAST I SAILINGS FROM PRINCE KUPERT steamships To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway August 1. 4. 8, 11. IS, 18, 22, 25. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle-August 2, 0, 9. 13, Iff, 20. 23, 27, 30. Princess Mary--Ocean Kails, etc, Vancouver. and . i t j - t i n vicior, every tnaay, iu y.ui . Agents For All Steamship Lines J C Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Distributing, Team or Motor Service Col. Sand and Gravnl W Specialize in Piano and- --iiHUlU HI U Till IT. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edsort and Cassldy-Wclllngton In any quantities. Also Ilulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Local Items Glasses 'fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Mrs. N. Mussallem was a pas senger on the-Prince Henry southbound yesterday morning. Wm. Auld, district 61d-timer, has purchased MacDonald's Tailor bus lness opposite Post Office. 40 years experience. Phone 577. , Herbert Hampton, well known oldtlmer and at present proprietor of the Port Clements Hotel, arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Stan' Parker and children are booked to sail on the Prince Charles this afternoon on their way to Campbell River where they will spend a vacation. R. O. Cunningham of Port Es- slngton returned to the city this morning after making the round trip on the Prince Charles to the Queen Charlotte Islands and nor thern points. The regular meeting of the Toe H. was held last evening in the club rooms. In addition to routine business and reports, plans were made for the holding of the branch's picnic this evening to Dig by Island. At a meeting of the Fair Board last evening It was decided not to sell several concessions at the prl ces offered but to call for new ten ders. In view of the probabilities of a large fair this year it was thought the offers were too low. Following the recent resignation of Alex Prudhomme from the Falre Board W. H. Sherman, the presl dent, last night appointed H. F Glassey chairman of the sports and attractions committee, the other members being" C. G. Minns and Alderman P. Linzey. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar. October 16. 17. U&I Cafe Formerly the White Lunch Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'MtKR NEW MAN.lttF.MENT Meant Heated; TrairllrrV Sample Kuoini; Hot and Cold Water free Uu Meet All Train and RoaU Rates $1.00 and Up MUXIAL MONTHLY ItATtS C.K.IUGOAKT & A. DONALD Proprietor i PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading fam-' Uy hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. I Savoy : P. Carrfgan, Hazelton; Alex Millar, L. Hogarth, Falls River, R. C. Cunningham, Port Esslngton; Herbert Hampton .Port Clements. New Royal Hotel I, Zarrlll, rop, Till: HOTKL MONTH Wlllt.F. Hot it Cold Water: Steam Heat..' 75c PER DAY AND UP, Telephone Ml . . " New Royal J. H. Peets, CJiJl.; Mrs. S. White and daughter," Edmonton; J. Watson, J. Gamba, city; S. Langley. Vancouver, Ed. Strom, Port de ments. I MPiP A Vtn Cartage and Storage I'Apne 68 trUire. Vnrnr,nulnr anil TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtY FOR SKEENA nitAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH TASTEUR1ZEU MILK AND CREAM DAILY ( Early Delivery Throughout the City II THE DAILY NEWB PAGE THREf Was Constipated, Bilious JiretJ; Now Well, Hew Woman Ypars nf .MKfry FnfTpti- byiERUITTIYES 4 "Wa always -coir stlpated. bilious, tired, out of sorts. Since taking' 'Frult a-tlve' feel tike new woman, perfect health. Constipation alt gone." Muriel McHendry. Montreal. llosti of men and women write year-61d constipation and liver trouble ended overnight with "Fruit-a-tlves." Biliousness. Indigestion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic. Kidney and bladder Ills, pain in back fade away quick. Nerves quiet, sound slew. ouce. Rheum&tlun, neuriJgla, neuritis, alek headaches docamp In hurry. Complexion clears. Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined In handy tablet. Marvelous discovery by famous Canadian doc tor, tspecay results amaze au. Quit being tick, tired, weak. Get "Frult-a'tlvcs" from druggist today. Dinnerware, china, crockery, tiassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Baseball tonight Elks vs. S.O.C. at 6.45 sharp. . For cleaning and pressing phone 577. Called for and. delivered. 183 Mrs. Shadwell was an arrival on the Prince Charles this morning returning from Port Clements. Mrs. Hanklnson and family who have been holidaying at Port Clements returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning. rence Lawler of the Besner Apart ments. J. B. Talt. mate of the Border American F. P. BURDEN IN EUROPE Travels by Air and Sits In Royal - beats at iiendon - LONDON, Aug. 7 British Colum bia's Minister of Lands, was a busy man during his visit in England, from which he Is now returning, As one of Canada's 15 delegates to the second World Power Confer ence he made the Journey from London to Berlin In an Imperial Airways liner, a mode of travel which, he declared, was the es sence of comfort and convenience, and along a route which was full of scenic variety. He participated in the proceedings of the conference, and delivered addresses In the course of discussions. When seen on his return from Berlin Mr Burden was full of praise for the excellent way the conference had been managed, even to the smal lest details. Speakers were reminded that the time-value of the con ference worked out at $250 a mln-nte, and by means of a series af small colored lights Indications were given to them at what pace to speak and at what length. There were 4.200 delegates gathered from 40 countries, and In front of each delegate were ear-phones and switches giving him a choice of listening-in to a speaker In English, French, or German no matter In what language he might be addressing the conference. Mr. Burden received wide notice in the British press, the Morning Post and the Manchester Ouardlan In particular devoting considerable Miss Alleen Lawler was an arri-' speace to the Minister and hli val on the Princess Charlotte yes-1 views on the Peace River district terday to visit with her uncle Law- Through the courtesy of Lord Thomson, the Air Minister, he was accommodated with a seat In the Royal Enclosure at the annua' , Royal Air Force display at Hen- Queen who was admitted to the lo- don. During his stay in London Mr. cal hospital suffering from a frac- Burden made British Columbia tured skull is reported to be mak- House his headquarters and wa lng satisfactory progress. jmuch struck by the large number of callers seeking Information Mrs. S. Thompson and daughter about the province from the point returned on the Prince Charle3 of view of trade and settlement. "I this morning ' after making the had no Idea." he said, "there was round trip to 'Anjox, Alice Ahn 'such a stream of enquiry, nor did and the' Queen CharT3tte' Islands'. 1 realise how valuable it is to the i Government to have a London of Canadian National ss. Prince flee where these people can coun Charles Captain McKay, returned upon securing official and authen-,to port from the Queen Charlotte tic information. B. C. House is do- Ijlands at 9 a.m. and Is due to sail ing good work for the Province." I for Vancouvf this, yenlng at 4p. m. Miss Phyllis Lamb of the local teaching -staff, who. has been attending the summer school at Victoria, Is expected to return to the city on Saturday and will then visit her parents at Casslar FISH SALES Fish landings were light this mornlne at the local .fish exchange with only one American and one Canadian boat In. Recent Returns From Election Election returns not hitherto published Include the following: Cumshewa, Brady 5, Hanson, 16., Dawson's Landing, Brady 25. Hanson 27. Osland, Brady 1. Hanson 24. Soderman's Camp, Brady 13, Hanson 67. Squaderee, Brady 8, Hanson 9. Mr. and-Mrs. Fred Hardy weie Venus, 5.700 pounds' at 11.2c and passengers on the Prince 4c to Royal Fish Company. i yesterday for the south. Canadian I Helen, 12,000 pounds at 9.6c and 5c to Booth Fisheries. A Dily Sent rinir results. Henry want-ad will SiriadaOratige Pekoe proves itself with the first sip' TEA Freih from the gardens1 District News TERRACE Misses Rose and Jennie King have gone to North Battleford to visit their Grandmother Mrs. Kin? ,and their grandfather Mr. Van Dyke also other friends for a month. Mr. McKlnnon, teacher of Van- arsdol Indian School, is spending a fortnight in Vancouver. Mr. Tessler had the misfortune to cut off his thumb while cutting wood. Four Slslters from the convent In Prince Rupert are holidaying at Terrace. Rev. Father LeRay has spent some time In the district. Foster R. McLeod, of Smlthers, ipent a day at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod. Rev. Canon Marsh Is quite Im proved in health again, which his many friends are glad to know. P. Simpson of Vanarsdol was a one-day visitor in town. Mrs. Walberg of Edmonton sold her small property here to Mrs. Cramer. ft I IMPIEi Actually See Them Vanish ' Pim olMandedlaankk bvSootli. Salv'1 ca icraill tbtm drv ' nmnj go orernifni. oi &ootr but rrom araiitit today. nw. kla baaty tomorrow morning.! SALT LAKES THURSDAYS Leaves our dock on the hour lvpm. until 7 pjn.'Last boat leaves Lakes at 7:30 p.m. SUNDAYS Leaves our dock every half hour 11 ajn. until 0 pjn. Last boat leaves Lakes at 9:00 p.m. WEEK DAYS Leaves our dock 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Last boat leaves Lakes at 5:30 pxn. These schedules on fine days only Special trips any time by arrangement PACIFIC SALVAGE CO, LTD. (185) Peek-Freans, per lb TM Specials For Friday and Saturday Malkln's Best Tea per lb Dutch Maid Mayonnaise The rhe po- po- - pular dressing for all salads, per 8-oz. Jar Peanut Butter 2 lbs Malkln's Best Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, per tin English Qlngcr Buttons Bartlett Pears Royal City 2's, per tin Chocolate Eclairs Fresh stock, per lb. v Fig Bars . per lb. Ji .. New Potatoes 10 lbs 49c 28c 35c 9c 35c S1.00 1.00 27c PRESERVING JAR SPECIAL 2 doz. Jewel Jars (Quarts) 1 4-qt. Aluminum - QO A A Lipped Saucepan forV5vU Dried Prunes Malkln's per 2-lb. pkg Lump Sugar per 2-lb. pkg Bartlett Pears Clean sound fruit Good size A fin per doz. .jfvtt Hothouse Cukes- each 29c 21C 32c 24 c 25c 10c Watts' Grocery Quality) Right Prices Right I'HONE 53 PHONE 56 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST