Tomorrow's Tides Friday, August 8, 1930 High t.36 a.m. 19.6 ft. 13.31 p.m. 17.8 tt. Low 4.. 7.23ya.m. 3.3 ft. 19.3' -n. 8.0 ft. Vol, XXI., No, 183. 7 VP arv a - a aw w hi wa at at at Badly Burned Aboard Troller KETCHIKAN. Aug. 7:-Wlth his ' and arms badly burned from o ' -aline explosion Peter Johnson, '".'llrr. was rushed to the Kctchl- t .11 Hospital last night from Port fti' xander on the plane Sitka, Pilot A Meyrlng. Upon arising about 8 o'clock J hnson started to build a fire In 1 Kas stove. on- his trolling boat ' li what he thought was kerosene c'ii which proved to be gasoline. In explosion that followed John- tyjvj anc arras wcre "badly Dunu'tl. his clothes became a mass r i t iamos which her extinguished by lumning into the water. Other trol-1 1 hearing the explosion rushed lux aid, quickly extinguished the 'v on the boat and gave Mr. Johnson first aid. skill. Bill Badely and his shows will be here. They are now touring the fairs. In Alberta with Merry-go-round, boxers and wrestlers and eight other side shows and all will be here and the boxers and wrestlers will be willing to take on all comers. Progress Is reported with the general exhibition features and considerable Interest is being shown in the new feature which Js' a floral display. The first prize for this is $20 and there are two other prizes. There was a meeting of the Fair Board last night at which a good deal of detail work was done, contracts were signed and plans laid. The members of the board are very optimistic for the success of the event and expect to sec a large number of visitors from outside points. President of B. C. Conference Visits Outlying Points Rev. O. B. Sanford, president of the B. C. Conference oi me uniwa Church left this morning on the Sunbeam II. Dr. Urge's boat for Port Simpson where he wm visu the hospital on his tour oi u. Later today he will continue to l.hc Skccna and tonight will be at Port Easlngton. Tomorrow he returns to Prince Rupert by train and will continue north to Stewart and Anyox where he will conduct induction services for ministers recently appointed to those charges. Rev C Sansum arrived from the north to meet Rev. Sanford today and other members of the party will be Rev. and Mrs. Motto. MUST AVOID SHARKS ( SYDNEY. Aust., Aug. 7: Aquatic Miiimnn hnvp been sworn In to ar- Liberals Gain Another Seat On a Recount SOREL. Que., AUfe. 7: Another Quebec seat has been added to the Liberal column. A recount showed that Alme Boucher is elected In Yamaska by a majority of two votes. The Liberals therefore havo elected 40 members In Quebec and rest swimmers who go beyond tnc ConsrvaUvSi 24 .knrlr.nrnnf nptS Wlin WIUCJJ Ull u Sydney's beaches have been equip pcd. Offenders wno vwuy. sharks are fined. I This glvs the Liberals 88 scats in the tho House or commons and me Conservatives, 137. HUNT CASE- t REMANDED The case nicalnst Ch Ml Hunt charged; with. pr)ury in iconhoction with 'the vimchiiigifor vrttois not on the list In the recent election came up this morning In the local police court on remand and on the application of the prosecution the case was remanded for a further eight days. XJeorge A. Woodland of the Imperial Oil Company returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BtITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT! D.O., THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1930 Attempt to Solve Identity of Children Mrs. C. Bamberger left and Mrs. Wm. Watkln? are here seen discussing with Health Commissioner Kegel of Chicago the best way. outside cjf paging King Solomon, to Identify their babies which got mixed in hospital. Members, of New Cabinet For Conservative Government Sworn Into Office Today- 1 OTTAWA, Aug. 7: The following is the list of the new cabinet sworn in this afternoon in order of precedence: Hon. R. B, Bennett, Prime Minister, President of Privy Council, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Finance. Sir George Porley, Minister without portfolio. Hon. E. N. Rhodes, Ministcrf Fisheries. Senator Gideon Robertson, Minister of Labor. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General. Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minister of Trade and Commerce. Hon. R.-J. Manion, Minister of Railways and Canals. ' Hon. E. R. Ryckman; Minister of National Revenue. Hon. J. A. Macdonald, Minister without portfolio. Hon. Arthur Sauve, Postmaster General. Hon. Col, Murray MacLaren, Minister of Ponsions and National Health. Hon. H. A. Stewart, Minister of Public Works. Hon. C. H. Cahan, Secretary of State. Jlon. D. M. Sutherland, Minister of National Do-fence. Hon. Alfred Duranlcau, Minister of Marine. Hon. Thomas G. Murphy, Minister of Interior and Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. Hon. Maurice Dupre, Solicitor General. Hon. W. S. Gordon, Minister of Immigration and Colonization, and Minister of Mines. Hon. Robert Weir, Minister of Agriculture. REAL ESTATE DEALIS'NOW the Empress Hotel. Mr. Obata, who Is one of the pur chasers Is a barber and, has been at upstairs. Mr. Jasumoto already owns property in the city. NUDE CULTS IN FRANCE Number There Now With Arrival of Hot Season Attract Attention 8TK. MAXIME. France. Aug. 4-With the arrival of summer nude "tilts began springing up Ilka mushrooms In Southern France. Already four have been located be- iwcin. Toulon . and the Italian' bor- acr. Several years ago tho police, took action against a colony that occupied the ton of a mountain behind Cannes. The German doctor who headed the colony was hoa- vlly fhicd and his forty followers France. They started for Haiti,'""""'' where thej wec told the, winters would be less rigorous. The new colonies live behind Miss Evelyn Hay of Toronto Sees Interesting Game Between Bruins and Her Ball JASPER PARK, Aug. V BOSTON GRILL LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thurdays and Saturday Dnnclng Evrry Hatordny Night, 9 to It Dacca Htll tor Hire Accommodation for Private Parties ' rilO.VE 437 PRICE FIVE CENTS TION PROMISING VERY WELL FINAL MEETING OF KING CABINET-BENNETT NOW PREMIER Big Program Arranged For Annual Fall Fair to Open Here on Sept. y 2. Number of Absolutely New Features This Year and Outside Baseball Team Expected to Be In City For Event While the arrangements for the Fall Fair which opens September 2 are not all completed, present plans indicate that there will be a large exhibit, a great many good attractions both indoors and out and with a good fishing season more visitors than usual are expected to visit the city for the event. The Exhibition Board is spending nearly $2,000 on attractions of various kinds and there will be plenty of sideshows and all the fun-making things that appeal to many. While the arrangements for baseball have - not yet been completed, It is'con-nv l tin nAn ifidently expected that an outside R-101 FLIGHT THIS FALL LONDON. Aug 7: Now that the v nuuc to Canada of the R-100 has bc'.n a success It Is Interesting to n something about England's ef fmls In airship building. Wt.h a gross lift of approximately I'd ons. the R-100 stands In strik-'lii'-'ruHtrast with early British alr-t r.iY The R-100 and R-101, both of uii j"are mordfthan 700 feet long, '.he latest of the series of mam-r '"t.h ships built In England since the war. I' was back In 1007. however, Uiat "u: first attempts to sail a lighter-than air machine were made In E'i 'Uind. Then the "Nulll Secundus," c t frying two occupants and a ight of 3,400 pounds, cruised 50 mil' s aided by favorable winds, at a maximum speed of 24 miles an h'.ur. Mure than $10,000,000 has been fp' ut In the construction of eight rai:'c airships In England since the : Others have been designed, but i was built. One of the earliest, ! R-31. flew two hours, broke a fin and never was flown again. Re-c :iMy the old R-33. whose tets In y rlmental flights were utilized t improve the R-100, was broken r. Two years after the R-34 crossed '':r Atlantic In 1019 In what was rr ord time, that ship was wrecked, f ".( raj other expensive ships have br'n scrapped or wrecked, or scrapped before completion. I' was six years ago that the de-r ion to build the R-100 and R-101 announced in the House of C mmons. A trip to India is plah-n a for the R-101 this fall. team will be coming and this In itself will provo an Important fea ture. So far the board Is assured of j the following: Greenville Celebrated Native. Dand. Prince Rupert Boys' Band. ' Quby's eight famous fluffy white poodles which, -glve-a, wonderful vaudeville act with two people. A Juggling and acrobatic dance act known as Adolphe and Cynthia, Ken Ross the acrobat and equilibrist In clever exhibitions of his Premier Mackenzie King Welcomes Rest Period After Eleven Years OTTAWA, Aug. 7: Mr. Mackenzie King officially handed the resignations of himself and his cabinet to the Governor-General at Government House this afternoon. R. B.. Bennett shortly afterwards proceeded to Iti-deau Hall where he and his cabinet were sworn in. OTTAWA, Aug. 7: The government is now ready to turn over the responsibilities of office to the incoming administration, declared Premier King, following the cabinet meeting of yesterday. The probabilities indicated that Premier-Elect Bennett would be ready to step into office today, is likely, the premier intimated, that he would cvt nit: vjuvcinui'Ukiiciui luuaj ouu kuuui wig itoiguu- tion of the government. Premier King recalled that it is 11 years ago today Since I he was appointed leader of the Liberal party, and remark-led on the coincidence it would be if he surrendered reins of office on the anniversary of that event. "We had an excellent meeting with everyl xly in the best of snjrit&'isaidhe Ejeinistj, Thaentirccabinet. was present. He added that the relieifrorh the burden of ad- rriiniof tnf trxirt i n A vncnnn cm Vii 1 tf irn1 ilrl rnxra Vi im n n fthnnv. COPfli LiLi 1 111 tuny to .rest' nme vears m office had been somewhat Two Local Japanese Residents Fur- chase 50 Feet and Three Stores On Third Avenue A real estate deal of some Importance was put through during the last few days when C. S. Obata and D. Jasumoto purchased two lots and three stores with rooms above from J. O. Chadwlck. the price bring In the neighborhood of $10,000. The building Is the one In which the La Casse Bakery, the Eagle Barber Shop and the Oreat West BEARS CHASED OWNERS OF ; GOLF BALLON j r t p kav ENTER SUIT ; preference stocks of the Grand 7: When Trunk Railway are cpnslderlng en "if8 Evf,y? Hay of Toronto drove, terlng Restaurant are located, across from ; TORONTO, Aug. 7.-Brltlsh of first and second perpetual action in United States 150 yards from the first tee of the ciurte to have the title to Canadian Jasper Park Lodge golf course, three I National lines In the United States black bears, until then engaged in ; vested in them on the ground that the same stand In the building he!"" u , fnr ihn nt 12 ng match on the edge of the Canadian government. R. C. Haw- i iiv in thrnnmi fairway, removed their attentions kin of London of the perpetual i a JVt Vtl V U1IVV1IVI S( WVAk MAWl. the bounding ball. They reached it almost together The smallest of the trio, however, a two-year-old cub, got his teeth on it first He wt bowled bver by a clout from one of his more bulky companions and the ball jolted from his mouth. He seized It again and had carried it about IS yards nearer the green for which Miss Hay had aimed It in the first plaee be fore he was once more laid low by i York liunscrs who spends his summers manugii.g the transportation desk at J;ispe: Park Lodge, made the hole In six. Mr. Dorgault re tained as rt souvenir the teeth pit- M i . . . . . I 1,111 IMll 1.1 i IJ L J L JIU UT L11U aJILTU,A.a 111 Lilt were given a fortnight to leave i "7. --. walls surrounding huge estates and j in two cases have private beaches. Bathing "in the raw" Is a common night time diversion all alonz j. J. . Gobeil Passed Today the Riviera. Ono group was sur- OTTAWA, Aug. 7: Major J. E prised In the water ono moonlight Oobell, M.C., superintendent of gov-night by three men and the host ernment telegraphs died here today had to pay a hundred francs be-'at the age of 01. He had been 111 for fore the Intruders would leave. two months. stockholders' today. committee said here BobCummings Won Single Sculls Beat Eddie Snead VANCOUVER, Aug. 7: Bob Cum- a combined assault on Uie part of mtn' formerly of Kelowna. B.C., his two confreres. The ball was left but now ot Francisco, won the in the middle of the fairway while tackweight singles sculling title of the two larger bears chased their Padc Coast on Wednesday younger and more successful golf- evening by defeating Eddie Snead In? partner back into the bush. of Vancouver is a special match with new$H MfW5 of one mlle Miss Hay continued a ball from where the bears left iff frMW&taMgV won by 20 and according to Leo Dorgault. her lengths in eight minutes, 40 sec- partner, man cl the Newi"uo Snead collapsed 200 yards from the finishing line, unable to finish! American freight ears are twice the size of those in Oreat Britain. 4t BRITISH AND JAP TROOPS FOR CHINA IN YANGTSE VALLEY SHANGHAI. Aug. 7: More than 530 British and Japanese soldiers and marines were en route to YantfeK Valley cities today as a result of uncertain 4 Communist conditions.