PAGE SIX i l S. WALLACE CO., LTD. WEEK-END Children's Coats Values to $9.50, for Girls' Tweed Coatsr-Values to $16.50, at PHONE 9 $5.50 $9.75 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 9 ippem "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. 10-Day Closing Sale Peterborough Boats & Canoes Below Factory Cost Second Ave, next to Post Office P.O. Box 913 Phone Blue 315 OOOOOO0O 04 CKQQOOO0QPOOOaoOOQOOrooaOQ9OOOOD0OOOOOO0O Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying arid Selling Somebody Is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or Coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sU that car, or typewriter, or whatercr else it Is you are in the market for. Get the habit of shopping the Want Ads. You'll find undi earned of bar-ains-iundreamed 4hrough of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant it Is. BEAD arid USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" BOOOOO00OOO0OWOO00O000O00OOOOOO00O0OH0flO0000000V00000 FUUITS & VEGETABLES Apricots Last call for 04 e?A per doz. .'. Peaches Large slxc per doz . Plums per 5-lb. basket king Cherries 5 lbs Cukes 2 for Hothouse Tomatoes 2 lbs : Corn on Coo per doz Fresh Green Pcas-i. V' P oubs : Green & Wax Beans- Sweet Oranges-' A Per doz 40c, 50c, Sunklst' Lemons Large per doz. n SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Tea Sets, nice quality China in dainty designs. 23 piece sets. ) fjfij Very special, per set . . v Ladies' Cretonne or -fl AA Broadcloth Smocks, ea.vivW Wool two-piece Bathing Suits and one-piece garments. Q val. to $5.50, very special V COATS Ladies' Coats in Poiret Twill Crepe v ' de-chene lined, with fur collar trim. SS"0.... $19.50 v ' n Children's Tweed Coats, 4 to 7 years. Values to $6.50 jg gQ Bemberg Full fashioned Silk Hose, a new shipment just in. In C 4 AA all popular shades, pr. v Men's or Ladies' Cotton Bathing Suits, each . . . 50c Finest quality Rubber Diving ,7'?P Helmets, to $1.25, each ... ox Brocaded Rayon Silk in 7 4-Of beautiful colors, yd TOWELS White Turkish Towels with colored border of pink, mauve blue, 7IZp etc. Splendid quality, pr. . . THIRD AVE. & FULTON ST. I Anyox Scouts to Camp Terrace Members of the Anyox troop of Boy Scouts are expected to arrive from the northern mining town at ( the week-end and after a couple of days here will entrain for the Terrace district where they will camp for a couple of weeks. GOOD NEWS FOR the Whole Family HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN SAVE SIONEf ON YOUR CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE BARS Large assortment to choose OCT from. 7 bars, One-Cent Candy 6 for Sunnybrook 3-lb. brick .. II UTTER Hollybrook, Woodland and E. C. D., per lb. Boneless Hams per lb preserving, per crate Fresh Pears 5c $1.05 38c 30c 40c 40c 65c 95c 25c 35c 65c 50c i0 60c 40 THE DAILY NEWS $2,000 LOT BIG PRIZE Membership tickets for the fair arq.beiogj sold readily this ye&x, rei!y?cause pt theraluablty' lot wllcls being offeredas a prize to one of 'the purchasers. This iot in Third Ave. is valued at $2,000 al though no offer for that amount has been secured. It is pointed out by a member of he FalrBoard that the lower part ' if Third Ave. toward McBrlde 3treet is developing rapidly. The Besner Block brought business that way and how the new liquor store" .vlll be an additional development which will add to the value of pro perty. In a year or two this lot may easily be worth $5,000. In addition to the chance of win ning the lot, purchasers of tickets have the satisfaction of knowing they are helping the fair and If they are exhibitors they do not have to pay entry fees. nthusiastic OverTulsequah William Webster, old time pros- tor, and well known in the Interior, was a passenger on the Princess Charlotte from Tulsequah yester day. Mr. Webster is very enthusiastic egarding this new mining field. rhere are undoubtedly large and 'aluable mining deposits there. He las had chances of forming part-lerships to develop some of the irospects but feels that the district 3 really one to be handled by only ttie large mining companies. He himself Is now returning to Burns Lake district whence he will iroceed to Francois Lake and the nterior to carry on work for the ,'onsolldated Mining Company. Well Known Tug Visiting This Port The Cape Sqott, Pacific Coyle Navigation Company's tug with the log barge Bisgayne arrived in port yesterday to load logs at the Big Bay Company for the Powell River Pulp and Paper Mills. The tug Crfteftaln also belonging to the Pacific Navigation Company (s due with two scows of coal for Albert arid McCaifery. Denmark exports more than any other nation. Beeklst Honeyj-., 2V'2's, tin .....i..:..A.. Sunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3-lb.brick ... Little Chip Orange or 7-oz. Jar . . i. Fresh Fig Bar per lb. butter Week-End Specials Nabob Soups Vegetable, Oxtail or Tomato. 2 tins Ashcroft Catsup 26-oz. bottle Hallow! Dates 3 lbs : 25c 25c 25c 45c $1.15 Lemon Marmalade, 2's, tin Nabob Sllved Peaches 2 8-oz. tins ,60c Halls Chicken Livers in Jelly HtZn 11-oz. Jar Map of Italy Olive Oil 32-oz. tin Garibaldi Olive Oil 32-oz. tin Eggs, Fresh Extras 3 doz .T ,. $1.10 65c $1.15 25c Pickled Pigs Fcet'Cutlets QK 25c Johmtos Fi6or,.,vy- nsp 9i.AngUshiFlQCf (VaiiipH A I il-lb.iiln (tf.iX...iv:. W 'Bartlett Pears lAn ALL ORDERS OF $5.00 AND OVER! large size, per doz DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE Diamond Blue Plums mi -s I Per basket 75c 1 he tiConomy -j a 11 , mi.. Cash & Carry Mm "Where Dollars Have More Cents"! P GAJ1UI'A. Proprietor I rhone 360 319 Third Ave. Fifth Street. Phone 208 1 TRIED NUMEROUS REMEDIES, . f i Expresses Appreciation to Kellogg Company for Relief If you are troubled with constipation, this letter from Mr. John J. Mulligan (address on request) will interest you: "Thli li limply a letlfr of appreciation for tha wonderful resulta I tiara obtained through th usa of KeUogc't. ALL-BRAN. "For years. In fact eer line ray return from France. I have been troubled with constipation and Hi companion Ills. I tried numerous remedies In vairj Finally In dee. titration, not wishing to be a slave to laiatlves all my life, I turned to Kellogg'e ALL-BRAN. The results were remarkabla and quick In fact the next day long-hoped-for relief became a happy reality." The Kellogg Company has received thousands of similar letters In praise of ALL-BRAN, the product that is positively guaranteed to relieve both temporary and recurring constipation-It also adds needed iron to the diet and builds health. Eat Kellogg's ALL-BRAN with milk or cream ... in soups, salads and fruit Juices ... in cooked foods and hot breads. Your grocer has ALL-BRAN in the red-and-green Package. Served everywhere. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, JlrLL-BRAN 'Improved in Texture and Taste.' Ghost oi Camel First Ever Known ADELAIDE. Aust.. Aug. 7: What natives believed to be the ghost of a camel and what zoo authorities believe is the first pure white camel in existence has been discovered near the Wlrraminna cattle station. With the Increase in automobiles, thousands of camels have been turned loose to fend for themselves. Within recent months rumors of a holy camel" disturbed aborigine camps. R. K. Jenkins, manager of the cattle station, determined to Inves tigate the apparition and discovered It to be an albino cameL The camel now U in the Adelaide Zoo. MANY MEET MR. SANF0RD President of B. C. Conference of United Church .Given ' ltcceplipiv IS VERY OPTIMISTIC There was a splendid attendance llast evening at the United Church to welcome Rev. O. B.Sanford, president of the B. C. Conference of the United Church of .Canada. In the absence of the. pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, who Is on his way to England at present, Rev.. C. E. Motte presided, and Mrs. A. Wilson was pianist. Mr. Sanford expressed his great pleasure at the warmth of his reception and the large audience. The only chilly experience he had endured during his visit so far was at the Cold Storage plant. He spoke of the experiences he had enjoyed so far on his trip which had taken Mm to many i points on the coast. The revelation iof the heroic and magnificent work ; of the ministers of the church was almost overwhelming. At Bella Bella, at Bella Coola, and In the Kltimaat district the fabric of the community life washing practically reconstructed as a result of the Christian Influences of the church workers. There was a very large attendance at Bella Bella where he had conducted the induction service for Rev. P. Kelly. In spite of he fact that the fishing season was at Its height there was a practically full attendance of the Bella Bella Indians led by their chief. I The hospitals at Bella Bella and at Bella Coola were also visited and here the work of the medical missionaries was splendid beyond description. A particularly Impressive (experience was that of seeing the : magnificent lasting memorial to the late Dr. Spencer who had died In that idstrlct. Mr. Sanford had known Dr. Spencer's wife who had been a school male of his and as he stood before the tombstone erected ,by the Indians In appreciation of jhls work he felt that here indeed 'was one who had followed In his 'Master's steps. Mr. Sanford made a plea for a greater spirit of brotherhood among , all workers. The haplness and sal- 3m MJ u isiiixiBaxiaiiKiii 1 WEDNESDAY and tIIURSD.V oiiuna - 7 and .. William Haines "NAVY BLUES' A Riotous Comedy All Talkw With Anita Paje and KwlD,, SHORT COMEDY - "RIDE 'KM COWI50Y" SKETCII-"Conan Boyf Krrvtr ..... . ... ..... w Mu.,.-.. i imnur Admission - - zan,. vation of the race vn.. , the work of the elm in Interpreting tin . m , : their Master In activ. .1. church is most pros; . the most solvent an i n... (rounded institution m day. If the church fmi , m n of leading the country in cl ing a Christian social what else will maint.un dards of morality and t:, civilization? pr sr h l ib r A Marquis, Sask., Mother's Experience Little Joyce Taylor', mother writes! "The fir.t three month, of her life Joyce had a hard time finding a suitable food. Nothing teemed to agree with her. Then we put her on Eagle Brand and from her very Tint feed she come rifiht along. I went by the directions on the can. Now at 13 month, the ia sweet, happy child in perfect health all the time." And from Saint John, N.B. Mrs. Gourley writes: "One after another different food, were tried for our baby, but Una couldn't digest them. At birth .he weighed 1 4 lb. hut the dropped to 1 0 lb, at 3 month. Then we tried Eagle Brand and .he began to thrive almost immediately. At year, she weighed 40 lbs." CONDENSED Milk mm X JL f JUL VM, "V Tost bobies show normal progress. Thot is quite natural. If your baby is not stca Jily gaining consult your doctor. If fc is a food problem, we suggest that yoti and your doctor consider Eagle Brand For bottle-fed babies, Eagle Brand hs been the standby of mothers for three generations. It. is especially valuable in difficult feeding cases, being such a sac food pure, uniform, easily digested. You will be pleased to sec your baby begin to thrive immediately when placed on n carefully prepared EaglcBrand diet. It is highly endorsed by doctors and nurses. ILafde rand it" ; I.itric i A hearty vote of th.u., n . :orded the speaker at th" ri;.t sion of hla talk on ti:- m i,,,: ,; Rev. Motte, and refn i,in, , then served by the Latin A;u SPARROWS ALL SHOT PERTH, Aust.. Aim 7 inspector of vermin ha last sparrow In this Ma', have never been allowed here, but two of thrm i a ship at Freemantle ib igo. FREE BABY BOC&S Mail thi. coupon to The Borden Co. Homer Bldg., Vancouver, if yo" mfirL. coplea of "Baby's Welfare" and "The B" cw Address ........... U :! b::i . El i ;.it CPJl. steamer Pr::i chs-lotto. Captain C. C. S.i;nv J port from Alaska ar.d nn :it polnti yesterday alun.- n y, 3) and left again for' wr 1 k n in urilll n lavriff n: . tatr li