or Naas River and port Simpson Sunday- -ss. Catala 8 p.m. Frjrtpv -ss. Prince William, 8 pm. rom Naas River and ort Simpson TJr day -ss. Catala .... 11.30 am. FflibJ" ss. Prince William, p.m. ol .. .1 AnAV UOr airwar nu nuu Sunday -ss. Catala, 8 p.m. Monday -ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pm. Friday ss. Pr. George, 2.30 pm. or hiewari aim nijui TarvJuy m. Catala ...11.30 am. Thurs -ss. Pr. Charles, 1020 am. F 'uriay -ss. Pr. George, 6 pm. Cafurday- -ss. Pr. George, 0 p.m. or Ocean Falls Monday . Pr. Rupert, 4 pm. Friday -ss. Pr. Mary, .. .10 pm. Eat ss Prince Oeorge, 7 pm. rom ucean rails Wed ss Pr. Oeorge, 11.30 am. Friday -6S. Pr. Oeorge, U.30 am. Princess Mary, 4 pm. Sat ss. Prince Henry, 11.30 am. or North Quen barlotte Islands- Man ay -ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pm. rom North Queen oirlotte Islands Ti.nr? ss. Pr. Charles, 10 JO am. or South Queen arlotte Islands Monday- ss. Pr. William, 8 pm.! ram North Queen wrn Charlotte Islands Vhur7 ss. Prince William, am. or Alaska Monday -ss. Princess Alice, am. Wed s. Pr. George, 2.30 pm. Fr'daT -ss. Princess Louise, am. Sat ss Prince Henry, 2.30 pm. rom Alaska Man ss. Prince Rupert, 7 am. W.; ss. Pflnce Henry. 7 am. fs. PrlrJesuAllce. pun. fi'nrdav -js- Pr -'lhSrlbfie. . om , ir rort Simpson w & i Wales Island Thursday -ss. Cardena pm F; V v ss. Pr. William, 8 am Trom Port Simpson j pd Wales Island Fj: iv . Cardena P.m., ss Prince William, pm i For Skftna Rh-pr . ;' 1 T:. r ss Pr. William, 8 am.; Eat ;s pr. William .... 8 am From Skerna River Th; ss. prince winiam, II hnrsduy. August 7. 1930, P.,gjage . t & Taxi Service ss. cardena. -pm;. t ss. Prhicf WUHarrt, . ptm. MaifScii'e'duli fm the Fast-j ; ' M linuy. Wednesday and Satt- ; 7 . 110 a.m. T-! day, tiiurBdai' and " y 12 noon from the Ist iJ-.. except Tuesday 12.30 n.m. Vancouver Mnday , 3 pm T!' Jday ju ISO pm. Wednesday ..L"4 pm. rday ; .3 pm y ' 11 p.m. fc -rdav 4 nm 8 p.m. l"rom Vancouver ' fj"t!ay ...LL... ;4 pm. 0 am. Saturday ius am. """day - 7 pm, U0 pm "om Anyox and Stewart i5 clay 1U0 am. ' nuraay . 10.30 am. wturday a pjn. irs Island and fott Simpson ft" Wln5ji,'nd'" pm. ,nI'rt Slmpson- wy pm, yuwn Charlottes .Monduy 7 pm "om quttn CiariottM s. lilUlxitnu For Alaska am. 1.. . wuys and Fridays am. -"" Alaska w1ntidayi and Saturdays, pm. v . l y "i. ' S'V-f ' "3- , i' - m i mwi ! - - i-' ' ' ' r t y Steamship Sailings j - ? ' n.jxl. QAi . Tu'- (:,,y -68. ifWiii . .. -y jjj;i. ,,:.iy -as pr. Henry, 9 am. V,,:. :,,i..y -ss. Pr. Henry, Sam s PrlnneM Alice, 5 pjp. .xs. Pr. Charjes, 4 pin. .us. Princess Mary, 10 p.m. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight g:i... ' -as. Pr .Charlotte, 5 pm. , ss, prince George, 7 pm From Vancouver j qunrt:.v -ss. uaiaia . pm. 'Are . Princess Alice am T iLASSIFIED ADVERTbEMENTS THIS IS THE Holiday Resorts RAINBOW TROUT plentiful ?" tbl tola season In in trie the Stuart ui-" """net. tbey take either , u fly or Princess Charles, 11.30 ajri. spoon. In this wide virgin ccArotryther u.H'rv WCdc!y ssPr. George, 11.30 am. hunJrod of mites of wfoerwiys in "i;' trelun many pleasant TbilHduy -SS. Cardena pm. ays and wooded isle-, unexplored by rriduv -ss. Princess Louise, am'j?- Now that reaiiy good ac r oommodaUon U provided and modern Prince George, 1U0 am. i camping equipment u obuinie many r, Princess Mary 4 pm " Vn wpa. ' ... j .. Anotlr Important attraction there Paturiay -ss. Pr. Henry 11.30 am. ;i. a ride or hike "the tSp of mZ FOR ' FOR FOR rope, irom wbleh a wonderful olctur u een- -100 mtlea of Uke and wooda 1b erery dlreetlon. FOR Apply to c.N.lt. or by wire or letter to DtHixta t4xlXfc fort Hi Jaruex, II.C. 3m J 24 FOR Lakelse Lodge FOR New Lakelse Lodge on the shore ot .Lakelse Lake is now open to guests. ... Fine Fly Fishing On the like and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada) .Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlell ijrr.tx ciiAiaoirK isusm The Home Farm Fine beach and rheadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine rrtir ran be met at xkldr;te I r lmt Clement. WlrrlrH far Krervatlont I MADAME ItAJAUT Furnished Cabins FOR RENT ON t Lakelse Lake Shore lose in aa new Lugc. npyij n MRS. SUSIE. ' Terrace, B.C. JITNEY SERVICE Betwien fart Clement! and Qvxvn Charlotte Olty, atondays n4 Saturdays lsar vwt (lroriii. R40 a.m. (ueeti riwrWtr I3H p.m. 3rd lam M earn. Itmjnd trip SC. L. IIVKOX, rK Cleniet . Vuccn vnaraoiic is. rwle oiaVi Twgulat utoft4 Port Clnau StTt'e l5SSn; ortQaf: ; DirtU 4 put. ; - r ,Kle 4liie n liaruue J ' rirDientt IA0 W-K) rriuru or lire trs. : Interninllale miIbI, inr. n nine. Ride in cemfort. It costs no more. PbeiM 3. short. 1 kn. Wire or phone . - .... Hi . 1 . . ' J . ' - - C-N.R. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tues- jday, 12.30 noon. For East Dally, except sunaay, 1 pm. BRINGING UP ( YOU MHARP WHAT IM Tl AC. K1TCMEKJ riRg THAT COOK- t MAKE. ,.Y,0UR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOghiMU FOR RENT FURNISHED Flat, 1 room? and bath Phone 547. tf RENT 5-roomed flat remodelled with bath, phone'6j3. tf ...... ,' . rt RENT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phone, Red C07. tf' RENT Furnished suites, two and five rooms. Phone Mussal-' lem Orpcery. tf RENT &5J00 a month puts a piano in your home. Walker's Musle Store. RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1.' Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf r ' RENT Clean well-furnlhed modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Red 444. tf HOME FOR RENT 4 rooms and bath, 1028, Second, Avenue. Av-- ojlable August 25. Rent reasonable. Pirohe 645 or 180. 188 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. it BOARD residence, week or month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. Im-j5 POUND FOUND Clip tflth red stone. Owner may have same by call- i ing at Daily News Office and paying for this advertlsment. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange B anv kind of furjiltpre or trouse; tepr4r.. eoods. musicar Instruments, I, rhlnerw fie fjpniral renriira. crating, packing and snipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery Avenue Phone Blue 3S9 SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is the scale j of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Fwiffapement auiifunt:iiiuiii- 1 nnui Ilfrth Notices 50c. 4, - Funeral Nqtlces $1. Rurd's of Thanks, J2. Funeral Flowers 10c per ; Get the Ad. .rcoainR habit, It pays. FATHER Si Ol oo it? AMUJ 1 HneD J!A . iiro : II I .V TK3 DAIL7 PAG3 FTV3 FOR SALE FOR SALE New Jinkei built cer-rlar iW rowboatt $30 ud. Lindsay Boat' "Worife, 342 ' Powell Streitjf 'Vancouver. tffi.' FARM, 00 acres cleared land, Bulk-ley Valley, for sale or trade tot hpuse and lots in town. Phone Green 723." 187 , FOR SALE An 8-roomed house with 6 bed rooms, in live town and doing Rood boarding house business. Ill-health compels owner to sell for $1100.00 cash as going concern 16 boarders. M. M. STEPHENS & Co. LTD CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING by experienced dressmaker Coats, evening gowns j etc. Phone Green 187. 191 DrivurselfTaxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a'day when you'll wish you could. We, will teach you. Our "charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of t CHRYSLER aiuLPLYMOUTH CARS . J-1 - ma-1 SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER- -1 " ,Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANIl PRESSED We Deliver to any Tart of the City Ling, the Tailor Phone C19 IIAHOE 3 OOA6T D1BTRIOT Rording District of Prince Hvprrt TAKJt NOTICE thnt Blohard Walter Dnderhilt of Vaaenttver, n.C.. Aceoun UK,- Intends to apply tor. DcraHanlos to ,TM the f -llowti.'K daccrlbrl foccabbr latlOi: -CnouiK nolnc st a peat pianted iat High Water Usrk about 1-3 (aU aIsouIB and 1-3 mile east of the wuth 'eaat rorner of Lot 3:10. 8wumU isUnd. thanoe south S chnlns to Mud. thence put f aaiHunsj isj ni'iTi win-Hw ivn vii- arty SMsWrly and southerly along HlghJ Water Mark to point of oomroence-1 awMt and oontalnuut SO aeraa mwe or DatMl July 8th. 1930. Richard Wilier Underbill, James T. Underbill. Agent. OOMT talx BAvdK TO rv OO SST FOR SALE, FOR EUIS FltfiL OF IjUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ft- f I RlQHT' j -i V ','My.f,Wa?; a WANTED ANTED 5, roomed unfurnished . . . it. - i i 1 1 1 V : suite or aiou.e in good toiiuiiion. Apply Box 31, Daily News Office. ' ; tf HELP WANTED MAID Wanted, Apply Mrs. II. F. Pullen, Third Avenue. WANTED Housekeeper,, must toe. good cook. Call evenings between ' 5 and 8 or Phone Red 710. tf 1931 Census Clerks. Hundreds will be required. Write UJCJC. Civil Service School, 18 Mackle Block, Calgary. : : ,. ' w SITUATIONS WANTED 6TEAQY local married man would like whole or part time portion as. caretaker pr janitor. Apply Dally News. tf EARN money now taking 'orders.; fbr Personal Christmas Oretlhef' Cards. Finest line ever hawiuf Easy to sen. write lor particulars. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadlna Ave., Toronto. tf Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry "The Store of Quality'' " Complete House Furnishings ' Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 RANDE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Ru&aeU BarQett of Vancouver, B.C.. Secretary. Intends to tpply tor permission ti lease the following described fore&hore land; ConuDenctns; at a post planted on ttin south shore of .Swindle- Island labftut 20. chains south, antv lB0,ch!D ISM:" lbnc eWrly aadfiortbel-VylOona iHliti Water Mark to thi aouth t corner oi Lot 333, xnence to ww wa ter Uark. thence southerly and et erly along Low Water Uark, thence north 3 chains to point ot commence meat, and enclosing all tidal flats and lagoons, and containing 80 acres more or less. Dated July 6th. 1930. Frederick Ruswll BarUett James T. Underbill, -Agent "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REEK NOTICE IS HEREBY CJIVEN that, OU Um 21h dayr August riexVtho Under- i toSM" corner of Lot 338 8"raUa tsod. M lntend. to.f Control Board for a licence la respeet ! the City of Prinze Rupert. In the Pt4 - vtoc of British Ortumbla, upon tb' lsaS (hnerttxd .11 thst nortlon it ss . . . .. - . . i Waterfront Block "I" Bay of Prince Rupert, City of Prince Rupert, Province rt British Columbia. Map 028. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described a aa follows: "Commencing at a poln which Jles In a straight line bearing north 69 4rg.. 28 It, 8 Ins. East a distance of 707.30 feet from the centre ot cjrcla aaown on said nan a, BcctlottTTi Uienee south B deg . 35 ft 33 Ins. list a distance of CO feet to a point., thence norm mixv. is it aaina. caat a an thence , ! ..n v. ,w V rr m Will., fc 111 M-U I aortb 0 deg. 34 ft. 33 Ins. 'West a dU - ttace of 60 f t. to a point, thence South 83 deg 34ft.. 3S Ins. West a distance ol 100 ret to the point of commence merit " or Uie sale s of Ml wi.va beer by the glasa (isvaj v or by UJ tho w bottle fpr consumption on the TStTsawirs. DatiNl thU 22nrt nf Jul lnin ', ii, a noho. Applicant, RENT, LOST BAI.yAGE ANP TOWING . "If It's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work' Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire ' Bargains in Gas Engines Agenf for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel :m any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Pbone, Day or Night 664 P.O. Box 1564 PHOTO FINISHING BY EXPERTS fiend voor Film ana Jheto Work To Vvrathill rhoto Finishing Trlrire Kupert, n.C. - Quality Guaranteed. Prloea . 1 v . Reflonable Spirella Service Supporting Garments made to meet your personal needs. MRS. ISABELLA PETERS Resident Corsetlere Phone Red 103 STEAM BATHS 201 6th Street Phone Black 764 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladles from 2 pm. to 9 p.m. Gents, from .... 10 am. to 10 pm. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederic Clare Dn- derhUl of Vancourer, B. C. Land Bute veyor. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described tore-(hore lands: Commencing at ?pot planted on the South shore ot mal! Passage, thence North 10 -chains to op posite snore, tnence westerly, aouineny and Easterly along High Water Mark to point of commencement and enclosing the bay and containing 13 acres more or less. Dated July 1th, 1830. Frederic Clue Onderhttl. James T. Underbill, Agent. RAN08 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that John Bdward Un derbill of Vancouver. B.C.. Engineer, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described (sreshere laawta: Ccnunenclng at a post planted at tb west end of small bsy about 1 lr3 mll' south and 3 miles, east of the south "" '"".r w Vi, 1, ff"1' " commenctmeat and ma- f.,J ? or P"!1 JU,I 1th- "3.- . . I jenn John Edward rui Underbill. James T. Underbill. Agent. ' RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording pMtlcf, of Vlrc Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Norman Hill at Vancourer.. sp derk, mtands to OfV piy tor permwion t leat the vami mg cescrrbed foreshore lands: Com menci; ng at a post plauted'cn the south ! shore ot Swindle Island' aJout 10 ctui&r south west JZCrfL! ' llnni, ltlsh Watar Uark. ha 1. to a point behind Double Island, theneei 3 chains mote or lass to Low Water ' Mark, thence easterly along Low Water , iLHi " anjsk tinMKr a.1 a .9 ' wa w IAhi wa vuill - mencetnent and enclosing all tidal flats ww tsavuiia ana oonvauung iw acres more or less. Dated July th, UM. Norman H1U James T. Underhlll. Agent. & FOUND Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 22 a IVL BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mail. Stewart British Columbia Cameron's Transfer PHONE 177 Pry Birch, Jack-Pine, Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Spruce. Balsam, Ice Delivered. Baggage Prices on Application A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhansers Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave, Prince Rupert TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approarb j., the uperlal RUtCnh UNDERWOOD S S73.00 C t enr eay terms All other makes from 13.1)0 Sl'MISTKAXn A DDI NO MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VAXCOl VEIL I1.C. IIEP.1RT.MENT OF Pl'llLIC WOKK8 Nfttlre to Contractors $ HouUon Kehool SEAL8D TBMDns. cwaarwd "Tender rer Scstc acbcol" vtll he received by the Minister ol Public Works up to U c'cl.ck u--n on Munday the 3Sth day of Aisgtlst. 1Q30. for the Ercetlon and c&mpletlon of a One room Uehool . ,p . the Oralncca Klectorll Pteas. SfclflMtaasi. eocUraet. and UT r-nM,,,b? tn2 the SOtb day of July 1030 and further Information obtainod at the Department of Public Works. Parlla- merit Bulldlnss, and at Vh offices of we aovemnteat Agestta stt Vancouver. Prln eliwet and WsjlWueai, and nulld-tr Htciiange, Vancower. eopleaof plans apocllcatlons, etc., can be obtained frcnt the Department on payment of a aepattt of lira IX liars itWIK)) which win Of raftinsM M return the (Jmu, stu sb t4 amMMMn. Tcnawi wUl te opened in p iWlo at fUy CCVpted. . p- ,IVI'j oaler InfUieer. gftygy?' !..PbHc Work- WrWMOt lattaKHHM. sjfa4 n r " Dally News "Want Ads" liriofcT mik results. iVii "T"1' 9""?.:" "" iZZtor an, tenr not Ws- By George Mc.Manusl CRJ OUT OP Tt1l! KXTCMENJ-HOW bXAS N XOO COPflE. nir4 Kere? .34. "' ' lt.lMlfrMart awv.w..CnM IfisnMNMtMa 2f- WANTS KNOWN THROUGHr.,DAILY.'N&W&'tWANT AD. COLUMNS