BABE TEN AHEAD OF HIS RECORD Fortieth Homer on Sunday and Helped to Win For Yankees NEW YORK. Aug. 4: Home runs had a lot to do with deciding games on Sunday. A fix-run rally in the eighth inning after two men were down gave New York an easy victory of Philadelphia. Babe Ruth hit his fortieth home run of the season in the fourth and is now 10 games ahead of his record. Chicago lost to Detroit, their three runs being scored on two homers by Reynolds. In the National League the lead ing Brooklyn Robins won one of the greatest pitching duels of the ' ''year, shutting oat the Giants. Low "kfandmPhitadtftphla tamed round and took a double header from Bos-' ton Braves. SUNDAY SCORES National League Pittsburg 13, Chicago 8. New York 0, Brooklyn 1. St. Louis 11-6, Cincinnati 6-3. Philadelphia 11-4, Boston 5-lt American League Cleveland 6, St. Louis 14. Philadelphia 3. New York 9. Chicago 3, Detroit 4. SATURDAY SCORES National League Kw York 8. Braokhm fl. iTbUaielphia 9-4, Boston 3-5. .Pittsburg 14, Chicago 8. St. Louis 9, Cincinnati 8. r i -i -American League W&rjlrgston 9-, New York 3-5. Boston 2-7, Philadelphia 9-8. Chicago 2. Detroit 13. , Cleveland 12. St, LpuU.4. BASEBALL SCHEDULE Aug. 5 S. O. C. vs. Centrals. Aug. 7 Elks vs. S. O. C. Aug. 12-Elks vs. Centrals. Aug. 14 Centrals vs. S. O. C. Aug. IB S. O. C. vs. Elks. Aug. 21 Centrals vs. Elks. Aug. 36 S. O. C. vs. Centrals. Aug. 28 Elks vs. S. O. C. 11V I MU" - 1 BRIGHT FLASHES IN TIE GAME Baldwin stopped some hot ones around third base. . i?Wil mu& 5E"ivt', -J. 9 ".UW.. "Scoop" Bury went to sleep at first in the second inning. Baseball Standings National league w. L Pet. Brooklyn j62 40 608 Chicago .59 43 ,579 New York 57 45 .559 St. Louis 52 49 .515 Pittsburg 50 50 .500 Boston 47 56 .456 Cincinnati 44 56 .440 Philadelphia 34 66 .340 American League W. L. Pet Philadelphia 71 35 .672 Washington -61 40 ,605 New York 61 45 585 Cleveland ..... 55 51 521 Detroit . J51 56 .477 Chicago 43 61 .408 St. Louis - 43 64 .399 Boston J5 68 .335 a." a v. iru a rvn a vi i a rv M' i' ii f ft i i ri 1 1 .1 r"f WWWWWw Dry, 26 Vi oz $3.50. Old Tom, 26'i oz., $3.50 London Dry. Pints. $150 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Pontrol Board or by the Ooyernroent . j SPORT CHAT Football locally seems to be pass ing through a trying time just now. The unsettled weather caused postponement of games but the Mobley Cup competition promised a renewal of interest. Unfortun ately the first game in this sere3 had an unpleasant ending. The captain of the Regiment team took his team off the field ope minute from full time when the scores were 2-2. Presumably the case will come up for investigation before the Football Association but the Regiment committee are also taking the xase under advisement. There has been considerable difficulty n getting teams on the field in time. The players are re sponsible for this to a large extent. But they cannot expect the public to climb up to the Acropolis HJ11 to see games f teams repeatedly turn up with seven or eight players and have to pick players from among the spectators to complete the teams. Then there has been difficulty in getting referees. There is something wrong when a team turns up and then discover that the referee has not been decided upon. It would seem best for those really interested, and this includes the players In some cases, to realize their responsibilities towards the spectators and the game in general. Another distressing feature is the deplorable language used by certain players. No one objects to an occasional "damn" when collisions occur but when profanity becomes general and the guilty ones are not checked up the situation becomes one for Imme diate action. Tempers become on eage ana insieaa oi navmg a xoot-ball game there is a series of incipient prize fights with several players haying chips on their shoulders and threatening to knock chunks off their opponents. In view of the promise of many young players It would be regrettable If the game were discontinued but If an immediate improvement is not made the outlook is bad. Cricket comment from the Old Country deals largely with the test matches now being played between England and Australia. With each country having won one game and the one drawn and one abandoned the final match is of outstanding interest. The success of Prince Duleepsln- hji has been gratifying. There was, some discussion as to whether he should play for England 'or not! seeing he was not an Englishman. though of course he was born In the British Empire. He scored 173 and 48 In the third test match and In the fourth was responsible for the dismissal of Don Bradman the Australian star batsman for 14 when he caught him off Peebles' bowling. ' The final test match will be played at Kennlngton Oval begin- i nlng on Saturday, August 16, and will be continued to a decision. Tllden was the only one of the American, players to record a vie -THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FOUR Centrals Defeat, Sons of Canada " To Tie League , f i ' -J Downie Hits Homer In Seventh-New Players Show Up Well In Fielding Yesterday afternoon at Acropolis Hill grounds, the Centrals defeated the Sons of Canada in a City League baseball game by a score of 7-4. The win for the Hotelmen resulted in making a three-cornered tie between the three teams for second half honprs, each having won and lost one game. Sons of Canada were a couple of players short and picked up two men from the grandstand. Price who played In the field, nabbing two Hies, while Baldwin, a dusky lad from down south, held down the hot corner in an able manner and slammed out a two-bagger in the last inning. Chenoski was on the mound for the winners and pitched good ball for the frst six innings, holding the Sons scoreless, and allowing but two singles. He allowed two singles in the 'seventh that accounted for one run. In the eighth Mitchell singled. Smith hit one to Chenoski and was safe when Morrison failed to coyer second and Mitchell went to third on the play. Smith stole second. Lamble singled and Mitchell scored Smith holding third. Wendle slammed ont a three bagger and then Downle went In to pitch Stalker filed out to centre and then Frlzzell and Gurvlch struck out. In the second inning Central made three hits but failed to score Bury being tagged off first base. They scored two In the third on a hit batter and two singles. In the fifth they added two more on an error, a base on balls and two sin gles. Barry singled in the seventh and then Downie put one through the left field fence for his homer. Moore walked in the eighth. He stole second and went to third when Llleureux was thrown out at first He scored when Morrison was thrown out after Mitchell dropped the third strike. The ball was re turned to Mitchell but he dropped it in touching Moore. Lamble was the only Native Son to get more than one hit in the game, making two singles in five times at bat. Barry. Downie and Chenoski each collected two safeties in four times at bat. Bury hit safely three times in as many times up. He has hit safely every time at bat In the last two games. The Box Score S. O. C ABR II PO A E W. Mitchell lb., c. 5 1 1 7 2 1 Smith 2b. 5 110 0 0 Lamble p 5 1 2 0 3 0 Wendle ss 4 0 1110 Stalker If.. Jb 4 0 1 3 0 0 Frlzzell cf. 3 1110 0 Ratchford rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Gurvlch c, 3b 4 0 1 9 0 0 Price If.. W 4 0 0 2 0 0 Baldwin 3b, rf 4 0 1111 Totals Centrals McKeown e 4 Moore rf. 3 LfHeureux lfv... 4 Morrison 2b. :. 4 39 4 9 24 7 2 ABR II PO A E Farquhar ss 4 1 Barry 3b. ,. 4 2 Downie Ibvp 4 3 Bury cf. 3 0 Chenoski d.. lb 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 12 3 1- 0 3 4 Totals -34 7 10 27 13 3 S. O. C . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 04 Centrals 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 x 7 Summary: Two-base hit, Bald- The winning of the Davis CupiWini McKeown; three-base hit, by France was the outstanding wendle; home run. Downie; stolen event In world tennis this week, i base. Smith (2). Lamble. Stalker 2), Downie, Moore; innings pitched by Chenoski (7), Downie 2; Itpry nd of course he was defeated ; winning pitcher, Chenoski; base on In his singles match against Co-1 balls of f Lamble (2); struck out by chet. This Is definitely Tllden'slast Chenoski (8), Downie (3), Lamble appearance in Davis Cup competl- (12); hit by pitcher, Farquhar; left Hon and his withdrawal will beion bases, S. O. C. (8), Centrals (6); generally regretted by tennis lov- time of game, 1:45; umpires, Ar-ers the world over. He has won I seneau and Stephens. Innumerable trophies In Europe this year where he hal been playing for soma "months already. Japan Is developing into a trot ting centre. It lias 11 racing dubs, Mh nf lvhUh hnld xlk?dav meet And talking of tennis brings to!,ngs Ulce a year and' each day's memory the f ootfaultlng that is so very common locally. Generally speaking the rules are that one foot must be on the ground when serving and .the other is that the foot must pass over the baseline before the ball Is struck. To prevent footfaultlng one should stand well behind the baseline. Umpires are very lax In calling footfaults and this only spoils the game. It'C w(ij tcdable Jn' recent program Includes two trotting ra ces at distances ranging from one and one-half to two and one-half miles. No imported horse can be raced there, but steeds can be Imported for breeding. more power Into their shots Jump ed as they served. Yet they were not faulted. It was even commoner to see the server have his foot on the Jlne or carry it over the line games that several in trying to get before he struck the ball. am rour in oargams Pour Out At Great ma V A &WU PEIWHA Vj . Ll U 01 H ii 9 lers LJ9i WAV i&J.J&. hi! 616 Third Ave. - : Opp. P. gum.&i This sale has aroused the whole community. People from far and near are flocking to this Wig Sale. Be here with. the crowds tomorrow or the rc t of the week. You can't afford to stay away if you .want to save money. Supply your summer and fall needs at a big saving. Sale Starts Daily at 9 a. m. $15.00 YOUTH'S and BOYS' SUITS In summer patterns. Now selling at the On QC ridieukxttiy' tow price of QiOU MEN'S HIGH CLASS SUITS Hand tailored throughout. All colors and sizes. Double and single breasted. Regular Q9Q tA OO.OU $7.50 valu. for MEN'S PANTS Sold at $1.50 Q4 (C Now - PANTS Sold at $250. 1 45 HEAVY WEIGHT CORD HIDING BREECHES Md of fine quality material and strongly sewad. Double reinforcement at knees. Lace at calvea. BU loops and regular Qn poekeU. Sites, 31 toM. At ?laO BOY'S BIB OVERALLS Oood OOl quality, to clear MEN'S TOP COATS All wool Of Q ftC tlO, JD Snappy patterns, at MEN'S LEATHER LUMBERJACKS QO AC t)0. JD P,n sale at MEN'S FAti(& DRESS SUSPENDERS OU Qrtp Reg. 50c, at - $1.00 and $1.25 KHAKI COTTON "Ut ?0P WORK SHIRTS-Selllng at HEAVY WOOL SOX 9fln U1 Now, pair MBN'S FANCY DRESS SOX 9P iO Reg. 50c. price CHILDREN'S Rough Rldar Cotton" STOCKINOS To clear .OOK LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS Good CCp quality, pair LADIES' Fine Quality SWEATER CJO f? A . COATS 100 wool reg. $650 ... VO0J $1.00 LADIES' BLOOMERS CAn DUL Now. at FINE WORK BOOTS In black toe. Wonderful work boots. 0 and $5.00 value, at MENS FINK OXFORD Of hut) skin. New, neat, stylish. to.Off value, at BOYS LEATHER SCHOOL 8HOKS Plain toe. Reg. $3 95. at $4.00 VALUES MEN 8 FINE FKLT HATS All ciark oljrs, at MEN'S CAPS Made of all w. - K .. Assorted patterns Worth SJ " each. All sires, at A WONDERFUL BARGAIN- $1 0 ' made of fine wool twved clJ? x $1.80 COTTON UNltfN SUITS -Si-s 34 to 44, now COTTON UNDERWEAR- Shirts Fine quality. Worth $1 50 curh Our price, pet garment $9.00 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS ported Bngllsh broadcloth dn.s separata collar and soft, sin.' cuffs in newest colors. Tan Blue or White Sizes 14 to l"1, MEN'S UNDERWEAR- Ext mi i' I: Wool, super quality, ribbed unci : weight. Worth $2.00 per garni' Shirt or drawers, all tes P' CANVAS GLOVES Reg. ioc pair, at Hundreds of ChUdren'i SLICKH All colon. AU sizes. Reg. $4 1 LADIES' First Quality SLICKEKs All colon. Reg. $5.50, at $1.50 BOYS'. WOOL JERSEYS-Now, at $150 FANCY CRIBLVUKET Now, at w,..B,... S3.75 83.50 82.50 1.50 81.95 75c 81.00 ' .KIT 95c S1.45 81.25 10c 82.95 83.95 95c 95c $7.50 White Wool Blanket, now $5.50 B.C. Clothiers Limited Joseph the Stock Adjuster, in Charge GIG Third Ave. n eii 11 Hurns Co. m .1 aBBWaaaaSBaaaaafBHaaaB