Pure Bristle Tooth Brushes anjjtpl Brushes : Regular 70c Both for 50c Ormes Ltd. Z7fic Pioneer DzuQpisls l'hones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists COAL PEMIJINA KGG Delivered, Per Ton $12 00 J1LNKHEAD-EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1250 JHNEHEAD LUMP-Delivered, Per Ton ... 13.50 FUKNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Dr Alexander j X-RAY SERVICE DESXEIl BLOCK DENTIST U & I Cafe Formerly the White Lunch Is Now Open I'ndfr new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel INNER NEW MAN.UIK.MKNT Wrani Heated: Travrllrra' Hmnple 1m; Hot and Colli Miller Trtt nui Mrrti All Tralm and Ikmla Kates $1.00 and Up frtt l tL MOM III. Y KATIA CR.ni(lGART& A. DON AMI I'roprlrlora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel n?nTn. ?uPrfs leading fam-"r hotel, Hot and cold water w all rooms. A- J. PRUDHOJIMF; Prop. yr of Frascr and Fifth 8U. Silvnv Maun. I'nrrrtnf TeiiMri t 'idrrK.ir ... n.J m - iijtrn ii ,1141 ( - ' mm 1V1. P. i I I f TCnn " 117 w. Inverness. H m iivhr. -m rr f rii..i a a. w ii n i n ri a - VV vui Kv. New Royal Hotel Tl- .'' Zarf"1' ,,r0P' HOTIX MOUTH WHILE Hu & Cold Water; eteam Heat "c PER DAY AND UP Telnitii.1.. (n n New Royal --u.au, j. Mccuiiougn, Van u. r. uorgenscn. T. II, i China . . . r'6'a-hnii. j- . ... j nj 4ul UUUItS, The i. . . - "mi i i rnnn rw vr i. i ""-iman - m - inn a i - " w uli. u uu a.ii it i Union sb. Cardena, Captain A. E. i Dickson, docked lat evening at i6.30 from the south with a large, passenger list and heavy freight nd sailed at 9.15 for the north ! to make a special call at Wales Is-: land with tannery supplies. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTINDAIitY FOR SKEENA BRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Local Items Classes fitted by registered optometrist at Heiibroner's store. Constable Gibson was a passen ger on the Prince Charles thi. Ipiornlng from the south. Larry Breen was a passenger frorfi Port Hardy on the Cardena last evening for Prince Rupert. Captain Joyce of the Salvation Army arrived on the train this noon to visit his father who has been ill. Mrs. P. Stephens has returned from Alice Arm and will be leaving for the .south in about two; weeks. ' j F. Mathers of the B. C. Packer? ! was a passenger arriving on the Cardena last evening from Lowe Inlet. Constable Grant and family returned to the city on the Prince Charle this noon after a vacation In southern cities, I ' ' Mrs. W. H. Kergin was a passen-1 ger on the Cardena last evening j ea roftte to Alice Arm where she! will vistt for a time. j C.PJI. steamer Princess Alice.1 Captain Cliff, was In port Saturday afternoon from the north at 4 p.m. and sailed at 5.30 lor CPJt. steamer Princess Louise. Captain Slater, was in port this morning at 9.30 and sailed again at 12 for Skagway and northern points. Miss Heron and Miss Wentworth teachers from West Vancouver were passengers to Anyox on the Cardena last evening to visit in the northern mining town. George Macklin, an expert plasterer and chimney builder, and worker in stucco, and Interior decorating, has arrived In the city ;and is open for engagements. Phone 427. Aeeniiplnylng the body of her znotber who recently passed away In Whitehorse, Miss E. J. Cowan was a passenger on the Princess Alice on Saturday en route to Sea-ford, Ontario, where interment will take place. Miss De La Mater of Fenwick, Ontario, accompanied Miss Cowan and the party left for the east on today's passenger train. THE DAILY NEWB "Your Vegetable Compound is a good medicine. Anyone who is in poor health should not hesitate to try it When I was taking the Vegetable Compound I tried Ithe sample Liver Pills I found in the package. I have taken them every night since and I can feel myself improving. I am so thankful for the good they do me that I have told several women about It." Ma O. W. Posliff, 263 Huron St, Stratfordf Ontario. Football tonight Canadian glon vs. Regiment at 6.45. Moose Bazaar. October 16, 17. Le- Though the Prince Charles did not arrive till 12:45 today the east-bound train was only 10 minutes late in pulling out. Before Magistrate McClymont In the local police court this morning Jacob Louis and George Jacobson, Indians, were each fined $15 or 14 days' imprisonment on the charge of intoxication. George- B. Kingbury of Hartford. Connecticut, is leaving for thj south today after spending two days in the city on holiday. He was here in the early days and was originally a partner with Easton Phyfe in the building housing ttu Till' Furniture store and Kalen Hardware, but sold out to Mr Phyfe. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heiibroner's. Store. Mary and Bill Sareeant of Ha- zelton are Visiting . with their aunt Mrs. St. Amour, C. U. & steamer (Prince i Rupert arrived this morning1 from the north at 8 o'clock and Is due to leave for the south at 4 pjn. C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles arrived in port this afternoon at 12:45 and Is due to sail at 8 b.m. for Stewart, Anyox and Massett Miss Kitty Williams of Calgary was an arrival on the Prince Charles from Vancouver this noon ind will visit with Mr. and Mrs Howarth for the next few weeks. Smoking Said to m n rce oe Liieminate SYDNEY, Australia. Aug. 4:Mr. Sdwin Geach, manaelne director of Union Theatres returning from a visit to the United States, declares that nicotine has such a grip on feminine America that in some centres the men openly declare that they are giving up smoking, as it is too effeminate. Another Interesting discovery he made was that Rudy Valee. a young singer of "sob" songs, and a master of Jazz, was the idol of the country. He earned as many dol-ars in a few days as the president did in a month. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" The Fresh Quality Of Pacific Milk 'Packed so close to Vancouver, Pacific Milk comes fresh to your table. It enters the tins rich and pure. Purity, richness, freshness .combined matte tnlllr norfepf TVi.ca il - ... ..IVdU Qualities make Pacific the food for infants and the milk for cooklne and table uses. Also they have at tracted a big patronage. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, B.C. 1 WV'A x u INCH v vr Bar" "- v x four FARES WELCOMER-100 r T f y NOW R. F. I B.C COAST STEAMSHIPS n y rf( O W "Wr... ULYS6 "NESTLE'S" j trie Milk of the British Empire was used on the Atlantic Flisht of the R-100 V" dS il? mishty cnS'nes rich creamy and uniformly nutritious milk for throbbed ll j out the l miles i . . . here to this little every purpose . . . the milk also chosen by community of darins people alone in the Commander Byrd. and by the "Graf air-meals were served as perfectly as on an Zeppelin"... the milk sold in every country SF" ? ccee' cacn CUP on eartn Ar,d a Quality product of every of tear etfth dish j callins for milk, was made country of the British Empire. Nestles more delectable with Nestles Milk ... the Cheese was also a delicious treat for all PAOE THRU Jasper National Birk Canadian Kockies on the RIANGLE TOUR Canada's Finest Scenery RAIL to Jasper anil Vancouver . . . thence lty steamer through the Inside Passage to Prince Rupert. Tour In either direction, from any point on the Trinnele. Sightseeing trips in the Rookies! Golf and Alpine climbing at Jasper! Indian villages! The "Norway of America". Liberal stopovers. Ask for booklet. Plan NOW. Round Trip - $48.85 (Including meal and berth on steamer) mN National TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA for Injormalion tall or write McNAUGIITON, District Paasenger Agent, Prince lliipert, II. C. A Real Empire Product in Canada Wslet; India England Ireland; Scotland Australia; New Zetland; South Africa British Guiana and British West Africa. OUAUTy ALWAYS NESTLE'S EVAPORATED MI LK THE BRITISH MILK HE'S MILK NESTLfiS World's largest producers and sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk W-IM UMION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing f rom Prince Bupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Buttdale. Alert Bay. etc Tuesday. 330 pjn lor VAM'Oin tK, VIC'IOIill. Uutrdule. Aim lla. eve., Friday wldnichl for ALICE ARM. ANYOX, STEWART. Naa. River, fori h,uiu, sua, day, 8.00 era. For POHT SIMPSON and WAI.E8 ISLAND. Thurway pjn IM ind Atenue R M SMITH Asent Prince Rupert. B.C. Ttrourh tlrkrt aold to Victoria a-od Seattle juid baacaia c becked ' thro n(h to destination I B. C. Coast Steamship Service,, SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT.,, ,f? To Ketchikan, Wrangell Juneau. Skagwayvr-August 1. 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25. ' ' To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle ' 1 August 2, 6, 9, 13. 16, 20. 23, 27, 30. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines W. C. Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vhoi.c SI Do you read the classified ath'crtisemcnts? The Prince of Wales, heir appar-1 Basle Is an Independent state In nit to the British throne, speaks the Swiss Confederation and has a ""Tench, German and Spanish with government and a constitution b ?qual fluency. its own.