PAQB SIX THE DAILY NEWB Cutting Down Travel Time NO matter bow anxious travellers may be to spin out their holiday to the ultimate minute they always manifest a certain amount of Impatience when once they hare left their ship and the formalities of Customs Inspection necessitate a slight delay on the pier. To orercome this the Canada Customs at Montreal and the Canadian Pacific Steamships are cooperating In a new service to Incoming passengers. On the four palatial 20.000-ton Duchess liners Duchess of Atholl, Duchess of Bedford, Duchess of Richmond, and Duchess of York, the largest liners to sat) direct to Montreal. Customs officers, baggage checkers, and porters board the ship at Que DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by bee. Customs examination of heavy luggage is carried out on the ship during the 10-hour voyage from Quebec to Montreal, baggage is checked through to Its destination and the passenger is enabled to walk off the ship, pause but a moment while hand-baggage is looked over, and procet direct to the waiting train. Photos show scenes at the Inauguration of the new service on the Duchess of Richmond recently. Invoice in hand the fair traveller is telling the Inspector how much the package cost. The honeymooners, customs Inspection over, are checking their trunk Judging by the length of the ticket they must be going to Banff, at least. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'EHATiNG . f. i 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Iloilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers; Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our IJlant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 10-Day Closing Sale Peterborough Boats & Canoes Below Factory Cost Second Ave, next to Post Office P. 0. Box 913 Phone Blue 315 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, snd Distributing. Team or Motor Servlcs Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour, Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 GRAIN CUTTING COMMENCED AND WILL BE GENERAL BY AUGUST THE 19TH (Continued from pajre one) tending from one to eight miles wide at different places, resulted. The Yorkton and Rheln subdivision! r?Prt conditions as very good, although rust at one or two points is noted. Ii is hard to say at present what damage will be caused from this source. Considerable Hail The Asqulth and Dodsland subdivisions report considerable hail damage. In the Prince Albert division moisture Is plentiful and warm i weather is maturing the crops very quickly. All grain is filling out well an dearly sown grains are turning. Meota has suffered heavy hall damage and slight and scattered damage from this source is apparent in the Prince Albert district. All grains in this division are well ahead of last year with every indication of an early harvest. Cutting is expected to commence around August 10. In the Langham, Cutknlfe, Carl ton subdivision conditions are fa vorable and damage from the hall storm last week-end will be very slight. In the Craig, Rosetown, Beechy subdivisions the weather has been fair since the last report with a few local showers. The re-seeded grain Is doing well and there is no anxiety felt now as to the feed situation. No rust damage is reported but in some districts crops are ripening too rapidly. In the Conquest. Elrose, White-bear subdivisions crops generally are In excellent condition but hall Is reported at Macro rle and Dins-more causing damage estimated at 15. Along the Lampman, Bienfait, lAvonlea. Oravelbourg, Central Butte subdivisions the weather has been hot and dry and all grains are ripening fast so that harvest will be general in a few days. The whole of this territory will not average more than 10 bushels to the acre and straw is very short Edmonton District I In the Edmonton division weath-1 er during the past week has been Ideal for the growing crops. There have been scattered hail storms but very little damage is reported from this source with the exception of a strip one mile .wide and seven miles long near For'estburg' where damage to the extent of 50 is reported. In South Central Alberta hail did considerable damage In the Drum-heller subdivision and the yield will be very low. In the Oyen subdivision oil rrafn aro nntif hA,rf1 nnf T0W0RK0N LOST MINE Party Leaves Prince George to Do ' 'iDevrlnnmrnt Work on KIch ...... ..Property ? Pilot Joerss -took off from Sfx? I Mile Lake yesterday morning in "ine Liiy or prince ucorgc wun three men and 1000 pounds of freight, bound for the headwaters of the Finlay River, to secure some dcvclbpment upon, a copper property from which fantastic values have, been disclosed by assays,' Mys the Prince George Citizen. The existence of the property has been known for many years, but JJ figured as one of the "lost" properties of mining lore. The gnowledge of the location of the property was believed to be possessed by Gun-a-noot, the Kisplox Indian who was a fugitive from justice for several months. Stuart Henderson of Victoria, who unsuccessfully contested Victoria in Monday's election as the Liberal candidate, had the defence of Gun-a-ngptand learned of the big copper property. He later organized an. expedition and prospected for it with the assistance of Oun-a-ncot, but the Indian was not able to locate it. Later on an organization wu formed of Prince Rupert and Ed monton railway trainmen, and thr Junkers plane, operated last yeai . by Pilot Joerss, was brought into; British Columbia to search for the , property. This effort was also unsuccessful, and the plane was lef: neglected in the vicinity of Smlth-ers for several years until it was secured by Dick Corless. The lost mine was eventually located by Jack Ryan and J. Thomas of Prince George, and a number of trips were later made to It by the old Junkers plane and recently by "The City of Prince George." The ore exposure occurs on both sides of a canyon at the headwaters of the Finlay. This canyon has a length of half a mile and is 300 feet wide and its walls rise to a height of 300 feet. From the prospecting done since its discovery the ore appears to have -a width of three or four feet on both sides 6f the canyon, and assays made from specimens brought out disclosed a. copper content of 25. While if Is not expected any such value will be maintained, it Is the belief of those who have seen the exposures that the property will prove one of the richest copper mines on the continent. The prospect is at present owned by a local syndicate of 18 persons Including Dr. R. W. Alward, Dr. O. Ewert, W. L. Armstrong. William Joerss, J. H. Johnson, Charles Wis-enden, R. Corless, J. Duncan and T. Corless. The three men who went in on the plane on Wednesday have been commissioned to dress the prospect up as well as possible, so that it may be brought to the attention of mining engineers who. in view of the" slump in silver and lead values, are now giving renewed attention to copper properties. Passengers booking out from Prince Rupert .last evening on the Cardena included D. Drysdale and O. F. Scott for Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Levolr and J- H. Smith to Anyox, and Norman Fraser to Alice Arm. SPECIALS Fig Bars, fresh stock OCn each AVi Pan Yan Pickles 20 oz UUt Blue Ribbon Baking OA. Powder, 12 oz. ...ov SnowCap Crab g g q Purity Rollel Oats Q( and ripening fast. Stettler late 'Up-RiVer Itt$barb grains are doing well ana pastures are in good condition. West bit Edmonton in the Waba-munrLacJSte,. Anne, Sangudo sub- 6 lbs. for 25c Fresh Celery,, JCq division all grains are reported in Seedless Grapes ' 25tf splendid condition and no damage reported from any source. Peace River In the Peace River district the general prospects are very good. Weather during the past week has been hot with showers in many districts. Slight damag from haU Is reported from Morlnvllle-Cardondale and the Don Accord districts but no damage from frost is reported at any point. per lb Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 Mh Avenue East PHONE Is AND 81 United Church People Gather In the District Visits to be Made to Various TolnU ' in the Prince Rupert Presbytery Knox United Church. Terrace Is planning a reception to Rev. O. M.. Sariford. President of Conference of the United Church of Canada on his visit to the town. A public meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, August 10th. at, R p.m.. In the church when the I congregation and visiting delegates will have an opportunity of meeting the President of Conference on this his first visit north. On Wednesday morning. August 20. the sessions of Presbytery will commerce when Dr. Wilson. Superintendent of Missions, expects to be in attendance. The following itinerary has been outlined to the Secretary Rev. T. H. Wright. BA.. for the president: Juyl 31. Bella Bella. August 1. Bella Cools. August 3, Ocean Falls. August 6, Prince Rupert. AuRti't 7. Port Rtsington. August 9 and 10, Anyox. August 11. Stewart. August 12. Port Simpson. August 16 and 17, Ilazelton District. August 18. 19, 20, Terrace Presbytery meeting. Prospects at Duthie Considered Bright Chief Geologist's Report Favorable to Early Resumption of Development at Property SMITH ER8, Aug. 4 Supported by the optimistic report of Dr. Mac intosh Bell, chief geologist of the Atlas Exploration Company, a rumor to the effect that the Duthie mine will be re-opened early this fall has gained considerable strength in Smithers mining circles. The Atlas comnany own 822.-294 of the 1,822.104 issued shares of Duthie Mines. Limited, and has an option on the unissued treasury hates. The mine has been operated under Atlas control ainee securing control from the Duthie company. Ocean Falls Clergyman In The Hospital Rev. Wm. Deans, pastor of Ocean Falls United Church and Chairman of the Presbytery of Prince Rupert la a patient in Shaugh-nessey Military Hospital where he is recuperating after an operation in the Oeneral Hospital, Vancouver. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Moses Thomas, the young Indian boy who was admitted to the lo cal hospital on Friday evening last was suffering from a gun shot wound In the fleshy part of the thigh. He was in a boat with his father who was seal shooting. The gun had been placed in the bottom of the boat and the lad struck against it causing the bullet to be discharged and to cause the wound. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert Aldermen had a long discussion ! as to why Second Avenue had been graded before First and Third Avenues. The Prince Rupert Optimist con- tains no fewer than eighty applications for Land Purchase In the District of Skeena. j The Imperial OU Company a branch nana and have taken over the Kelly warehousfe beyond Market Place. Complaint Is made of the ber of latid grabber All the land between here and Aldermere has been taken up but much has been taken up by men who only desire to bold It as speculation. The Ashman Coal Mines Com pany has been Incorporated to i acquire oy purchase certain coal Hands on the Bulkley niver on the .line of thr Orand Trunk Pacific railway. The capital is one million dollars and the area to be developed is about fifteen square miles, Monday. Aujnw t music, iieauty and Fun In the n talkinr and singing screen reTB, "TANNFH ! Ff c ! ...... "iimuiu. a 5 1 jj Marie Dressier and Tolly Moran in- ''DANGEROUS FEMALES' $ w Song NoveJtyr-'Take a Trip In My Airship' 3 Color Symphony "Song of the Islands" Paramount Souna New i 5 THIS IS A GREAT PROGRAM l Jj Mon. & Tues. Two Shows 7 & 9 P.M. Admission. '3( i , vaiaKmmmwvwmmmmmmnmmmmutmmm-.'a: B z y EVERYBODY CAN assist in the preservation of the forests of British Columbia from the ravages of fire, but not everybody does. Elaborate and . far-reaching measures are being employ, eel; to control the annual cut, but the general public can do the most to eliminate the annual waste. BE CAREFUL WITH ' FIRE AT ALL TIMES AND EVERYWHERE. Prevent Forest Fires You Can Help! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVIC E 90 PER CENT OF ALL FORD CARS ARE STILL IN USE . Consider this point when you purchase a car. We have several Model "T" Fords, at : i vhich will enable anyone to own a car. Come in and let us show you some real v;i i We will be glad to demonstrate any cm" ' choose, or you are at liberty to drive it yi " ' without the least obligation. Purchase your car from us. Drive it 1 .days and if yoiiarc not.entircly,itisfi'(I, v allovV you the full purchase price on am i car in stock. . . . , . 1927 Chevrolet Coach rW-M 192G Ford Coupe ? '' l,n 1925 Ford Tudor sl'ii S.E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOP' Want Ads -;Lct hemB(?i-YqurlroW Buying unu veiling "Somebody Is waiting to buy that house or !; 6Ct,-or coat you have to sell. Somebody Is waiii H sell that'ear, or typewriter, or whatever el? " ; are In the market for. Get the habit of si ( through the Want Alls. You11, fjfid imdtpamc(i " galnsmundrcajpqd of.apportujalLlcs. Do ypur i" . . . through tho$ei.colurorw.andieoihew prufltai pleasanTri'lir-- REAIXand USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly koM" WCHJOOOOWOOOWOOOOOOOOOOdOOHOOOOOCHjiOi?'.