n dntsday. May 14, 1030. Ran ad ian National Q7jc Lnrgcfl Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Splints from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTQRIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points Thursday & Sunday 10'p.m. l ot AXTOXafra STEWART each Wednesday & Safurdify at "4 tttn. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Wednesdays at 10 p.m. Tor S vEENA RIVER POINTS, Mondays, 8 ajn. For NAAS RIVER POINTS, Tuesdays, 8 a.m., PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT Hilm. Wl.ltNTKIlAT. and lATt'HHAY al II So a. m. for PHINCK i Dili. t. i;i).MOT(). MINNirUi. all point pattern Canada, Inlled Atency Ail Ocean Steamship Lines Cif Ti. ket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince RupertPhone 260 IT I TMRETR Ii I 6 r ODAK IS HERE TIME Wf carry a full line -of Brownies and Kodaks ar prices to suit every purse from the Brownie 1,0 the Cine Kodak and Films to fit them all. Daily Photo Finishing Service fines 7uf Pioneer Drttoeists THIRD AVE. If SIX in ST. 'TELEPMONFS 8?f,20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED MIIIni riom rvlure Kupert i. v.-f-nrvER. VlCTOaiA. Butcdale. Al-r Bay, etc. Tuesday 3 30 p jn I ;r ( M OI KK. VICTOItll. Ilutedalr. Alert ne., Ir.dar inldnlrht svw AlU f. ARM, ANYOX. 8TKWABT. Mas. Kiirr. I'ort Hlniu.,a. Bun-day. 8. Ml D ID I r SIMPSON and WALES ISLAND Thursday p.m. lit iml .U-nue It M SMITH rent Prince Rupert. B.C Ttrout.lt lUkrta old to Victoria and neattlr ud batcare checked through to irntlnvtton I B.r COAST steamships B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PKINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway May 10, 21, 31. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle-May 4, 14, 21. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver nd Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn Aitrnts For All Steamship Lints V C Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vhoue it KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK I1MSH, CEILING, RUSTIC, .MOULDINGS, ETC. F Specialties ( r"-.. :.. ii rVwlnp Kiln lirlr-il Rflirp fir.ifn lAihl VJKlill IIUUl WVUUt. - - O - u Hemlock Flooring g Spruce and Cedar Shlplap. Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. 5 w . . . . . . ! It vua iuis un-uiiiuc iiiumim .. M IJ ir D A V T I T1IUL'LI I 'I 1 I III FOR DEMONSTRATION PHONE BLUE 315. Alex Macdonald, District Dealer e E m L L IU DAI LU1Y1DUV w., 2 . ..i t ... nn m ".-.liocr manufacturers - m .nxmKmmStfamm I . NOW HERE Electric Starting 22 H.P. EVINRU nrssatL m sssssnssWLaUataMMM" DE Local Items Dentist. Dr J. It. Gossc. Phone G86. , Tryehead egeoal for 1 chen use. Can'and(JiohA klt- 771 tf Fox Ranch for Sale. Ilel-' gerson. H3 Dancing display by the dudIIs of Myfanwy Campbell in Moose Hall. Thursday at 8 pjn. Admission 50c. 113 George McAfee, manager of the Big Bay Lumber Co, will sail on the Prince George tomorrow for a uusiness inp io Vancouver. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. Arthur Slater, Is due In port at 3.40 this afternoon from Skae way and will sail an hour later for Vancouver and Victoria. An address "The Open Door will be given Mrs. Ferrabee at 8.30 p.m, Thursday, May 15 In St Andrew's Cathedral Hall. All mem bers of the church are earnestly invited to attend and any others interested. (Collection.) 114 Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fit ' tings, Belting, Etc. Full line of new and used Oalv. and Black Pipe and Fitting: new Rubber Butt. 1 to 13-lneh: also Pyramid Hair tseu, Dfi English make, very durable; nr Corrugated Iron. 6, 8 and 10 ft aneeta, always In stock; used rut Chtfv. Sheets. 30-lnch by 10 ft. Pull stock of 8trH spilt Pulleys; Potato and Grain Sacks; Barbed Wire; Wtr Hope: canvas; Doors; windows; Hoofing Fait; Oanton and Air How; Boom Chains; Merchandise and EoulDment of all descriptions. Enquiries solicited. 134 Powell St. Vanoouver, B.C. B. CVJtMK CO. DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and prevent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quickly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within. The sane and harmless way. First correct the cause, sweeten the sour and acid stomach, relieve the intestines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. COMMODORE CAFE . The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel INMU NEW MAWOKMKNT Mm in Heated: Traveller' Sample Itmimn; Hot and Cold Water tree Hun Meet AJI Train and Itial Rates $1.00 and Up Srai.U, MONTULY HAT 118 C.R.BIGGART & A. DONALD rruniletora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. FRUD1IOMME, Prop, Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sta. ; 4 v Sa,voy 1 Roy Smltjf , Fourth Cabhf. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll. rnp. TIIR IIOTIl. MOUTH WHILE Hot it Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone IK I Royal Wah 'Soon, and R. M. Stevens, Inverness; J. PaulU, Cedarvale; Arne Kaldal, Smilhers. THE DAILY NEWS PACJE THRES HE CAME HOME TO DIE, BUT DIDN'T His uncle, a physician, prescribed geUogg's I didn't o wet' lo France, but came home to Canada arrylos my dratb-wamnt. the doctor declared. I weighed eiictly 120 poundt not much for a tli-lootrr. Lock at me now I IIS, and a hard asnillil" The speaker (name if requested) was a young Canadian who served overseas ' with the Royal Flying Corps, and returned in 1918 a mere shadow of s nun. llis uncle, a prominent doctor, suggested Kellogg's ALL - BRAN. After one month's trial, he felt better. He pers vered, and in three months was back at his position, healthy and happy. The best part of the story is: his health has lasted as only health gained in a natural manner can last. He is still holding his strenuous position as editor of a successful publication. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN will relieve constipation and the chain of ills that arise from it, permanently and naturally, if eaten regularly. Eat at least two table-spoonfuls daily in chronic cases at every meal. ALL-BRAN can conquer constipation. Made in London, Canada. Fo: sale at all dealers. ALL-BRAN Glasses fitted by registered op tometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf ) CUR. steamer Prince William. Capt. William Thomas, returned to port at 12 midnight last night from the Naas River and will sail this evening for the Queen Charlotte Islands. LOOK GIRLS! A RIG SHOW Event to Take Place at Capitol -sin Theatre Mar 22' at l'l:30;i(ti- Prize $100 ' Look , girls, here Is a big beauty and fashion show to take place at the Capitol Theatre May 22 at 11:30. There will be six big reviews, dancing and singing and the winner of the contest-gets i a, prize' of a free trip to Vancouver Flr and $60 spending money' ji'.s f All girls wMsttlng?4p 'enter the contest are asked to leave names and addresses and phone number at the Capitol Theatre and remember, only 14 can take part. The early applicants will be accepted. The rehearsal will take place Sunday night at the Capitol Theatre and the model's dress rehearsal will take place at Annette's store under direction of Leo. J. Laing, assisted by Mrs. Florence Wendle. The event is expected to be a big one. Nick J. Coulter of Port Edward cannery arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit in town. A. R. Holtby returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from one of his periodical trips to the Interior on railway business. A. H. Waddington of the Forest Branch Service returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the lnterlpr on official dutle. T. B. Campbell, totem pole preservation engineer for the, Cana- CNH. steamer Prince . Oeorge, dlan National Railways, arrived Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port In the city on yesterday after-at 11 o'clock ttys morning from noon's train from Hazelton-for a Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean brief visit In town. Falls with a good-sized passenger! Ust. including many persons going R- F. McNaughton, CNR. dls- through to Anyox and Stewart, trlct passenger agent, will leave whence the vessel sails this after- tomorrow morning, for a week's noon. '. trip to the Interior on official bus- 1 jiness. In Jasper next Monday he ' Jack Nelson lf on today's train will attend a conference of west-for Toronto whele he will attend ern passenger department officials, be graduation 'of his oldest .. i ' j. daughter as a nurse from the Toronto General Hospital. He will also j take In "the Imperial Shrine ceremonial at. Toronto next month and pay a visit to his early home in the Kincardine., district. NOTICE TO FISH-BUYERS. All Salmon Fish-buyers must be! registered under the Provincial Fishery Act of the Province of British Columbia, the fee for such Registration is $1.00. applications for such registrations will be ac cepted at District Headquarters Provincial Police, Court' House. S Prince Rupert, on and after May, 15, 1930. ANNOUNCEMENTS -v Moose Whist Drive and Dance May 30. i Lelf Erlckson Independence Day Banquet May 16. ' Eagles' Smckei, May ID. ( Eks' dance May 23, Elks'' Home. NOTICE Fishermen please attend the Mass Meeting lit Pprjt Esslngton Noblea Hall May 17, at 7 ,pjn. Choosing secretary for the season 1930, also the price of fish district No. 2. By order of auspices of the N. B. C. S. F. Asso. WANTED Family with school children, House free one year. Enquire from Osland School Board. Ideal for Skeena" fishermen. 110 Dr Alexander PHONE 578 BERNEK IlLOCD DENTIST ; SA1ADA" SAME FLAVOUR T !E, JPl NOW 1 W. E. Walker, manager of Ar-randale Cannery, arrived In the city on the Prince William last night for a brief business visit In town. Special Triangle Tour summer fares including visits at Jasper, i Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver,! etc., become effective from here on the Canadian National Railways starting tomorrow. Round trip excursion fares to Eastern points be come effective on May 22. Mrs. Oeorge Hill, Jr., left on this morning's train for Driftwood Creek, near Smlthers, where she will take charge of the public school in sucesslon to Miss Netta Clark, who Is expected to arrive In the city tomorrow afternoon to resume residence here, having resigned her position. SAME QUALITY Ac A LB- BROWN LABEL AT ALL GROCERY STORES Inspector William Splller, provincial police, left on this morning's train for a trip to Prince George on official duties. The Prince. Rupert branch of the Professional Engineers' Association of British Columbia held Us monthly meeting last night In the Commodore Cafe, business being of a routine nature. J. J. Little was in charge of the meeting over which he presided. LIEF EKIKSON LADIES The Lief Erikaon Ladies' Club "Hygga" held tblr regular sewing meeting last evening at the home of Mrs. H. Hanson, Eighth Avenue East. There was a good attendance and refreshments were served. These meetings will continue dur-'lng the summer months. Another polite snub now she knows the reason . . "B. O." She WAS a newcomer in the neighborhood eager to make friends. Dijt in spile of her cordial pleasant ways, she couldn't! A few polite calls at first a few polite invitations. Then dropped! She was distressed bewildered. Jt wasn't the first time this had happened. Wliat'roiidbc the reason? Then one day she found out. "Il.O." bodyodmr. . . Now she has many invitations scores of friends. She knows the easy way to keep perspiration odourless. jrio cart say "not guilty?" If we .always knew when we were guilty of 'll.O.", of cour&e we'd correct it at ,oncr-. ,llu( jt's no easy to offend and never tupcct it. . Everyone perspires. Pores give off a quart of odour-causing waste LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM Ii lafaoiMf No pull. N I'wtua. No tmdfffKt.. JuM Ike mnxhm thjvt yuuVc m hid. Write fi Fnc Simple. Lever Brocher Limited Dipt. 119 Toronto, Ont. (liodyOlour) even ou cool days, doctors say. Accus- totnod totliiscver-presentodour.wodon't notice it in ourselves. Hut others do! Don't risk offending. Way safe -wash and hallie wilh Lifebuoy. Its gentle, searching, antiseptic lather pivijiea pores destroys every traUe of lrtkly odour "? ' leaves )oti,feeling jjloriou!) freh and rlcan. "The only toilet soap for mel" say millions of particular men and women. Complexions stay young Lifebuoy's gentle yet thorough cleansing, frees clogged pores of all impurities brings fresh, radiant, heal lliy beauty to dull, sallow kin. Its pleasant 0Xlaihwi scent that vanishes as you rinse tclla you Lifebuoy purifies. Adopt Lifebuoy today. 1 r I Liteb uoy SOAP cn a d HEALTH tops body odour-