PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEW8 EE MOCK TRIAL PAIN Peculiar to Women IS ENJOYED Periodic Suffering The Arc he rur to. 5.0 Interesting tist Brotherhood Entertainment Meeting at Bap Headaches Neuralgia , Neuritis Here's Relief sure I B fc-- m H mi n H Ml PI Announce Opening of their Fur Store in Prince Rupert at Corner of 3rd Ave.- and 6th St., opposite Orme's We invite the public to come and inspect our up-to-date stock, consisting of the finest Foxes of all descriptions silver, white and red. Also numerous other neckpieces of the finest northern skins and a large selection of the Latest Models of Fur Coats For Dread. We buy furs direct from the trapper and give our customers the benefit by elimination of the middleman Vc assure the public that every garment in this store is the best quality and workmanship. Our 30 years' experience in the fur business being the best guarantee of this. The Artie Fur Co. - cor. Third Ave. & Sixth St. i ranSS2xnxa2B2Xia2iriBiaxBjij:EiBiB:.-B?:B:a::2 bibibtb FIVE RO FLOU For Cakes For Puddings SES For Pastries Don'ttrust to luck Use this World Famous Flour In All Your Baking i Every Bag Guaranteed By i Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd. 5 T1IOS. McMEEKIN PRINCE RUI'EKT, B.C. J Local Representative Ntw "VtttlMt ttn" litre U cloMd compart mtnf in which you can keep vrBMbtot frcvaod f raenf criip (ot darl al a time, Tha porrateia tnemcl 6n Uh iniuras sanitation aod makai cleaning eaajr. dirt and moisture. A permanent supply of oil is enclosed in the steel casing mounted on top of the cabinet. Come in and see the new all-steel models. Note the accessible freezing regulator, the new Vegetable. Van and other features. We will gladly dcinontratc the l'l superiorities of the General Electric Refrigerator. 'i W w R lEasy Term' Arranged . s CR-tO-D GENERALELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFHIGEIIATOK Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Cu.ranired lr CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limit! I INTERIOR ii m B a g a 5 PI Jieep ksi EBi.a ii lEJtBiamrxf jncai ji tmimiti m in i rai ca tinimi i on with ling Plant N oT a cent for Service That is The record of hundreds of thousands of General Electric owners IN over three years not one owner of a General Electric Refrigerator has fpent a cent for service. The mechanism is trouble-proof because it is sealed air-tight against FARMING A mock trial was staged by the Baptist Brotherhood last night, the court convening In the church parlors. V. Houston, as 'Four Bits Ash- ott" was charged with operating a still and bootlegging on the prcm-, Ises of the Canadian Steam Laun-, dry. The characters were: Judge. Dr. F. W. Dafoe; Court! Register. C. Qllker: Police Chief. J. H. Smith; Constable. Gordon Dan iels; Prisoner, V O. Houston; Crown Counsel, M. R. Dafoe and Q. W. Johnstone; Defense Counsel j Aid. P. H. Limey and W. W. Wright Jury were W. Wilson (foreman), T Annesley. O. Peters. Mrs. P. H. Lin- ; zey, Mrs. F. Morris and T. John-1 stone. Crown witnesses were Chiel Smith. Constable Daniels, Sid: Hamblin and Frank Glass. Defense ' witnesses were Lee Dell (Dago, Pete, Mrs. V. Houston. Cha. Blet- i soe. i fcjiaDDermoutn ouneni ana the accused. Exhibits as evidence were one I realistic still, one bottle half full, and a small whisky keg, which po-illce claimed were found in the Ca-'nadlan Steam Laundry washroom I when raided. Accused claimed the j still was a new invention used for removing button holes from shirts i about to be washed. Sid Hamblin (One Lung Louis), as the jealous i competitor to the Canadian Laundry, gave damaging evidence. The audience was kept in roars of laughter as the different witnesses gave evidence. Even th Judge failed i fagammsEm toieep.a stra,nt fa"- me jury iciunieu a vciuwii ui guilty and accused's wife fainted which caused accused to demand a drink (for himself. He was fined $50 and sentenced to three months at reduction plant. Then he was led away handcuffed and leg shackled. Refreshment were served after I which M. R. Dafoe. and Bert Imported Surplus eron gave vtollnfjeleejlons, Feed Grain panted by Chas. Bletsoe. The pris- ' n tAs1 ,n 41.. M1lArlnn utHIIa The farmers are still importing Chief Smith waUned lie didn't poc-shcep, several carloads having ket any. hAsn VirnxcrVit ' in hf. n,int. About seventy Mrieni were DM MM am m m . mm b . . .U W1MIC&. OajTO " " g Always the Best and Best f Al! 117 Ways 1':" i , P In the Houston district tu-pnt four registered Hampshires have! USK UbSeiTYfiS vcrcn uiijuiku nuiu niuciia. i ue Lambing reports show an increase over previous years. It is necessary that the lambing period be delayed as heaviest losses occur when lambing starts earlier In the season. There has been some winter kill-'ng of alfalfa, although many of the well-established lots have come through well. There is still a shortage of moisture in the ground to insure a normal crop of hay. The Exchange Agency in connec- the Government Cean-at Telkwa has done a great deal In the way of marketing seed grain. Practically all the seed handled through the Agency has been sold. There Is still a surplus of feed grain in the district which of at will probably be disposediMargare t Richmond, Dorothy a later date. Prospects of Stewart. Pauline Lowrle and Fan marketing all surplus hay appears i certain. Sunday School Sirs. W. X. Duncan Is Superintcn dent and Mrs. S. L. Glover, j Secretary Treasurer USK. May 14: Marsh Memorial Sunday School was organized recently with the following officers In charge: Superintendent Mrs. W. W. Duncan. Organist Mrs, P. J, Skinner. Secre'tkry 'Trsureivi-Mrs. S. iil Glover.- ? TeachersBeginners, Mrs. Ml Post: Juniors, Mrs. W. W. Duncan? intermediate, Mrs. E. L. Drake. Assistant Teacher Mrs. S. Glover. Twentyears.Ago " In Prince Rupert May 11. 1910 Coal mines owned by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway near thei town of Telkwa are being vigorously developed with C. E. Betta' as superintendent and J. Golds-! worthy, foreman. Since work -was started last fall, 1.600 feet of un-l , derground work has been done and a large quantity of merchantable coal opened up. ny Post. Mother's Day j Special Program By Marsh Memor-j ial Sunday School Pupils I on Sunday USK, May 14: On Sunday the Marsh Memorial' Sunday School here observed Mother's Day with the following program: Song. "Hark 'tis the Shepherd's Voice I Hear." Lord's Prayer repeated by the school. Responsive Reading, Exodus 2, 1-11. Song, "I am so . glad that our Father in Heaven," by Ella and Origin of Mother's Day, Mrs. W. W. Duncan. Reading. "Mother's Love," Donald Glover. i , n i n 1 1 neauing, "Aioinex, f auune ww- At usk r ormed: ... ... ouiit ujr kiiwi, n it'll iic iiuur eth, When He Cometh." Offering and Sunday School ma terial distributed. Reading. "Mothrhood," Margar et Richmond. Reading "Christian Mother," Howard Thornton. Reading, "God's Best Oift," Ella Richmond. Reading, "Her Day," Pat O'Drlen. Reading, "Honor to Mothers," Margaret Adams. Song by school, "Jesus, Loves Me." Presentation of, carnations to Sunday School. ..... "Twenty-third psalm," Fanny Post. Reading "Mother's Home," Dorothy Stewart. Reading, "Mother," Megan Mor- jrto. ! Closing Hymn. "Yield Not to 'fTemptatlon." - i Closing prayer, (Mrs. 'Duncah. 'ChildrenCryl nor CASTOR I A A BABY REMEDY APPHOVED BY DOCTORS i W C9UCCCN$T)ntfiOH,DlAAJU1(A I HP HE next time x TRAM MARK MS. SPIRIN LOG SCALE IS HIGHER Production For April This Year Showed Small Improvement Over 1929 The log scale In Prince Rupert forestry district for the month of April this year totalled 6.788,042 board feet as against 6,386,498 board feet in the same month last year and 4,767,170 board feet in the year previous. Timber production per species for April this year together with figures for the same month last year for comparison was as follows: a headache makes you stay at home or the time of month has brought on pains which threaten to prevent your keeping some engagement-remember Aspirin. Give these tablets a trial, and you 11 be grateful for their comfort. There are so many aches and pains they relieve promptly. There is never the slightest harm in their use. Genuine Aspirin can't hurt youi Doctors will tell you it does not depress the heart The experience of millions of men and women speaks for its worth. So dont suffer ttdlenly. Aspirin tablets will check your cold, relieve a headache or neuralgic pains so easily I Buy the 100-tablet bottle and save money. April 193. April MM Fir 23AM Cedar IjBHjm Spruce 3J30M1 Hemlock 1,421,27 Balsam 388,076 Jack Pine Ijm Cottonwood 100,270 16461 591397 3.475.729 1.12334ft 1,000,880 337 75.7M Totals 6.786,042 6,366,498 During this April there was 30,- 466 lineal feet of cedar plies and 1,276 lineal feet of hemlock pile produced. Pulpwood totalled 440 cords while the hewn tie count amounted to 2,226 pieces of hem lock and 92,730 of jack pine. JASPER TO BROADCAST Big Program to Be Put on Air on .May 24 . WINNIPEG, May 14: The second west to east transcontinental radio broadcast of the Canadian National Railways will take place on the night of Thursday, May 32, from Jasper Bark Lodge, the Rocky Mountain summer resort of the summer resort of the company in Jasper National Park. Alt., which opens for the season on May 21. The concert will begin at 7:00.Mountatn Standard Time and will be broadcast over the entire chain from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The music will be supplied by Irvln Plumm's Jasper Park Lodge Orchestra which leaves Winnipeg Saturday night next for its sixth eotuecutlve season at Jasper. During the winter months, the orchestra plays at the Fprt Garry Hotel in Winnipeg and, both as a concert and dance or chestra, it has gained renown throughout the country. The8Ol01sta will be Mrs. Gladys BeUgwen of Reglna and Sydney Ilfiwra of Edmonton. Mrs. Owen, tneWurybt'a Reefta newspaper edflotfwas born IrT Prince Edwatd Island and she achieved fame as a singer by being chosen, from more than 1200 applicants, principal soprano soloist In the original production of Morris Oest's spectacle "The Miracle" In New York City. Mr. Hendra, who was born in Wales, is one of the leading tenors of Canada. He won the gold medal in the musical festival at Hastings, England, In 1918, during his services overseas, and he has also won a number of other Important awards. 5. s ft -I 5 n m mi Wednesday m, K L'JAZZ HEAVEN1 ALL TALK and ALL MUSIC Comedy "Troubles For Two" Talking Novelty "Lesson No. 1" "Hodge Podge" "Paramount Sound News" Added Attraction Miss Myfamvy Campbell's Pupils in Fancy Dancing at 8:50. a Admission f 20c &65J Tun t e kbi ii e is i b twin rxr.axni.KtB tm r bib lb.:. b b : i j CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'KKATINU i. T. I 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers. Machinist. Hollermakers, ItlarksmlthK, I'atttro Maker, Founders, Woodworker), Etc,. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK rilONES 43 AND 385 COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALRERTA EGG Delivered, per ton l?.5n ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PIM MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 Attending; Session, of Caledonia Diocesan Roard Here Mrs. OllbeH Perrabee o Mont--eal, the Dominion president of the 'Voman's Auxiliary of the Missionary Society of the Church of Eng-'and in Canada, arrived on the rlnce George this morning to take nart in the nineteenth annual neetlng of the Caledonia Diocesan Toard of the WA, which is to be In esslon In Prince Rupert on Thursday and Friday of this wee. Mrs. Ferrabee, who Is an able speaker, will give an address at a nubile meeting on Thursday evening in the Cathedral Hall, and again on Friday afternoon, to the W. A. While here Mr. Fcrraboo will be the gueat ot Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carson, ot the Dank of Montreal. The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prlnco Rupert Oyro Club was held today In the Commodore Cafe. There was a good attendance of members with President O. A. Kirkendall In the i chair. There was further discus sion of the local gymnasium pro-J : ject and net proceeds amounting ! to something In the neighborhood of $230 for the gymnasium fund 'were reported as a result of tho 'recent hoedown dance. 3.50 1000 BABY CHICKS CONSISTING OF CANADA'S FINEST K. 0. P. Ilarred Plymouth Rocks No. 1, mating 260-321 t White Wyandottes No. 1, mating tlO-300 rjiS White Leghorns No. 1, mating J 10 and over Rhode Island Reds No. 1, mating 300 and our For Sale JACK SELVIG ' lead of Woman's Auxiliary Here 20c Apiece Prince Rupert, IU SPECIALS Dollar Soda DUcuii (j5C per txftc Helnz's Tomato Kin ! i gj(J 3 bots. for Helnz's Pork tt Bean i g5C 3 tins for Clark's Pork it Bean " J5C 3 tins for Quaker R6lled Oats V. (JOC Chlnaware, per pk Happy Valo Sour M 1 gOC Pickles QU, per j i Happy Vale Sweet C l ()(C Qta. per Jar Stroh's Malt Syrup- yiJC per tin , Just Arrived Fresh shipment of "t"'1. Cherry Cakes, Sptci- f j. hwiH onr! rVinVlnit. El' sortment to choose U Mussallem Grocery ft Limited 417-423 5th Avenue PHONE Id AND P. 0- box i 3