Transient display advertising, per inch," per insertion in- i TRADE WITH ORIENT Tr. was sr'nrnrl nt. 4Kb PVinmViot. Pnmmnmn More Final CI 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word ., 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 Contract rates oc application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . .'. 99 Editor and Reporters' Telephone S6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION wftn- Wednesday, July 16, 193jo LOW PRICES 4T.TRCTIVE The low prices ljovV being' charged in Prince Rupert stores for all kinds' df merchandise make this city particularly attractive as a shopping centre. This will doubtless have an effect on the fall, fair as many people will come to the city to do some business as well as to take in the big annual event Visitors to the city from the south recently have been Struck with thelow.prices of men's wear as compared with other cities. It is declared that no such values are seen in the big cities where rents are high and all other costs of doing business equally heavy ; For the fair there will be special excursion rates on the railway as far east as Prince George and this too should prove an attraction. jay night that the wheat trade with the Orient was likely did to- think some of the nronhecies are true. The citv is un doubtedly on the up-grade and with all the united effort we can muster we should succeed. In this connection we suggest to politicians on botr sides that they carry on in such a way that we can all live together after the election not only in amity but in unity after the campaign is over. WILL BE RETURNED Recent visitors to Prince Rupert ail seem agreedi that the Mackenzie King Government will be returned to power on the twenty-eighth and that it will have a working majority in Parliament. In view of J:hat, Prince Rupert-can best serve her own interests bv addinc one to that .major ity and at the same time elect a.ihn well' suited to 'represent the huge district. Olof Hanson is the man. Werbelieve he will be the choice of the people of Skeena riding. ,. , Plane Skagway Washington-Airways Machine Carried Tassengers From Ilyder to Ketchikan STEWART, July 16: About 11 o'clock Monay morning residents of the district were startled by the appearance of a seaplane which suddenly appeared out of a grey sky I slips, and finally came to rest on I the water opposite the Hyder dock. T i Pi i' plane was tne Skagway, owned VlSllS OieWart and Perated bv the Alaska-Wash-; ington Airways, with Robin O'Ran- ahan as pilot and Frank Wadman as mechanic and had flown over from Ketchikan. No passengers were arought here, but on the return trip to Ketchikan the plane carried Dr. W. E. Peter son, Ketchikan dentist; Jas. Free- I burn, mining engineer; and Miss i Frances Sandford. daughter of the j a few stunt turns and side- ' editor of the Hyder Herald. ys in Daily jjgrfl art; two kh)ds of people ga,up in tho air, aviators and politicians. There was a car wreck the other day. The nut at the wheel was too tight. ; There wa, a peal of thupder last Sunday and it , seems that a Jot pf 16cal people though. It was' Mr jenneu ojasung njs way lurougu o foreign markets. Ocean Falls Liberals are sending noney to Prince Rupert to bet on lanson because there are no tak-rs in the paper town. Pretty soon he local market for the same will ?e completely saturated. Some day Prince Rupert is so luiet the only stirring event is the weetening of the afternoon tea. There are several people around own whose sins never find them mt and whose creditors never find hem in. "Dorothyj" said her mother, "yo have disobeyed me by raclnp -.round and making all sorts o' noise. For that you shani have hat piece of candy I was savkw for you " A few minutes later, when father "ame in. be was surprised to flnr Dorothy huddled in a corner. "Whtf the matter, little one?' he demanded. ."I've been fined for speeding," cobbed Dorothy. Mary had a little lamb, A regular go-getter, But It wandered into the stocl- market And now it neep a sweater. WELL KNOWN PHYSICIANS WILL MEET thoueh Enzland K most generous cal work of the British Medieal Association Is Dr. H. B. Braekenbury 1 Wednesday, July 18 page rwq. 1930 The Daily News PRINCE1 RUPERT - BKITISlf COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert .u-aMU$!W4glnmued, .u.ailwNewdjjiLiraited, Third lmrd Avenu Avenue jy SUBSCRIPTION' RATES . f by mail to all other parts of -British Columbia, the -British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to ail other countries, per year ........... By mail to all parts of Northern and. Central: British, Columbia, nnffl fnrilrlvanii fni voarlt narirtri lii'.Ji.- t-i! . . For lesser: period, paid in advanced per month COO 7.5fl ;5a City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid paid ;,V in itf advance advance V, $5.00 $5.00 to increase soon and that officials of the Wheat-Pool, werej lommg W increased business through ' Prince Rupert, i I That is good' news. It seems as if all eyes are beginning to ! ifocus occasionally on Prince Rupert and that the city is' pounci to got some good irom the publicity, among those in itl'O r"vat j"irr 4- r aut future of the business. -. 1 FIRST VISIT HERE Several of the prominent Vancouver and Winnipeg menj ' wJio have, baen her this week have been -making .-.their! ...lJfti.oJ nith what .they i saw here and all were'. keen to express iw i'r'" n? themselves in regard ,?,i to the future of the'port. Aow,tl 1. .t,: rs t... "W?""" uuwiucis sec gjeaiuui g!! iur nmce ivu- Transient advertising on front page, per-inch 2.804 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 pert and most of the people who live here are beginmnj FIaninthe Moon : treasurer of the body, IsOp' :m,. IfurgcBn '&i West London Hi, pll l, ' His wife, also & member of tha pro. feselon, is daughter of Arthur unamDenain tu xiutmngnum. Lord Moynlhan of Lecf dia-tingulshed iurgeon from th. Le5 H Hen00'- 1S nno"er aiBr,i!-!"i:!e(, Virtually Every Portion of Empire physjcilari who 'wlll attend PrpV to be Itepresenled at Winnipeg 0j tne Rpyal College of gur. in Auffust geons, England, and president nt K trje section of surgery of i i930 I "WINNIPEG. July 1&-Impressive BiM A meeting, his appr trdncr ndnies are listed on the eatly .-wiij be looked for with marked at. 'scrolll of members who will at- tention. tend the 98th annual meeting of . . . ... . .. members who Ul attd the 93 " annual mertra :of the Brltisnadaor D Hobert JIu n .hbon Medical As0n. to-be held kl l-f WXtv .Winnipeg in late August. Virtually Acntrtre?J S",10 ' Dr. Hutrhi and peiatrlcs. ! every portion of the Empire will n i.,k., t of taunt prwent as a section officrr ut tK 1897 and 1906 gatherings. other nnnnrlnn, occasions rtry on UfhinVi which i f - n tuh bodv has met ,n Can i Among those who will be present at the. session Is Sir FawjOhar BuJ 8cjute ( pprigge. M.D. ftp zard, Bart.. K.C.V.O., M.D.. FJl.C. p., editor of sThe Lancr' r-P., physician extraordinary to James Purves Stewart K MO King George, Sir Farquhar was es- C.B.. lecturer in cl'ni -al r: pedally prominent during his Ma- at Westminster Hospital p r lesty's illnesa some 18 months frgo.'ard Luce. K.C.M.O.. C.B. '!!; r He is reglus professor of physics R.O.P.. member of thf at Oxford. council of the British Mori, a ' Lady Bawett, C. II.. M.D M.S.MjgclaUen-ttheie, are but a vu : a dlstlngnlahed figure in obfttfrtci tjjarOuUtahdlhg London r : as well as Jn th&xslal worW. bM mttfihowllhh in attend . , Ixparessed Intention of eonting to be meeting at Winnipeg, she holds the eminent position of con- Among the more promin doctors who have made tlons for the bon(cren':e T ..7,H & William Tuylor, KBE rjj l.!..?1 "i"-,... m kotmov ol surgery y I, lln . UnlvfttaUv. and Sir V Wheeler, past president present chairman of the council. His knowledge of the oparation of ' various Insurance Acts is regarded, as unrivalled. Sir Hubert Bond, K.' George E. Kldd. Stanl C.B., M.D., F. R.C.P., who la com- and J. P. D. Malkin of V ? missioner of the board of control and A. T. Williamson of W Is prominent for his treatment of directors of the B. C. Pa h mental disorders. At Middlesex ter an inspection visit to Hospital, London, he is emerltiw canneries on the Skcer n psychiatry. sailed by the Catala ye.sf : Jn Dr. and Mrs. N. Bishop Har- trnoon on. their return t T. man, the rasslons will find two of vr. accompanied b ! the best-known members of tbp Oosm, general manner;-association. Dr. Harman. who is company. News' Campaign osmg m tane place next aammay, at W p.m. when votes will be counted in Daily News Office V"" THEREHS ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT FOR CANDIDATES TO MAKE A FINAL ROUND-UP AND TURN IN THEIR BALLOTS TheAcoming week is the last forhe candidates to make their final roundrup in the Dai$ News campaign. The clpsfg takes place sharp at 10 p.m. when the votes will be counted. The names of the judges. will be announced before the, clohe and they will check up all votes and make the final award. ' Following the counting of the vote the drawing will take place for the gold watch which is being donated to some subscriber who pays his subscription through the cariaidates during the campaign. Aljcarididates are asked to check up their standing with the campaign mana? ger on 'Saturday, after which no information will be given out until the final count. The standing of the candidates follows: ' ' MISS ALICE KERGIN, Alics-Arm, B.C., Liberal 43,000 votes , JAMES BREMNER, Independent, .JlLllv : 40,000 vb MISS CONNIE THORNE, Independent :.;.'" 22,000 vofe MISS BEULAH McKINLEY, Independent ., ...10,750 votes MISS CHERRIE CAMPBELL, Stewart, B.C., Liberal 10,500 votes. , MISS OLIVE VAN CQQTJEN, Independent ......... ..u.atW. 9,250 Voles'" " ,U1 f AM1?? JULIA THOMAS, Independents ind$nb'LA:...yi4Kji&.:iu.:i..jjMl. (6250 wotes MISS MAY MURRAY, Conservative 4,000 votes MISS NANCY HOWARD, Conservative 3,750 votes MISS MARY ROBERTSON, Liberal 1,000 votes MRS. KEILBACK, Independent 1,000 vbtes GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY FREE ! To Some Person Subscribing to the Daily News During the Present Campaign Those who subscribe to the Daily News daring the mraonr campaign have an opportunity of winning a solid Wnl tham Watch, 17-jewelled, purchased by the Daily News from R ShsS?"' Thi1Sl8,a Pr?scnt one p thosewho subscriber ad-dition to the valuable prizes given to the candidates. ?he Wach splendi(l one' arantced by tho ,.,;n makers and will be on view m Cameron's window in tho next few Tv? rl campaign receipt for a subscription to the News civVaho chance on the watch. Be sure you keep your receipt mMv;4r t v . JTh e Prizes Victor Radio With Electrola Largo Chest of Sterling Silver Tableware Sterling Silver Toilet and Manicure Set Fine 97-Piece Dinner Set JV I $375.00 $200.00. $ 50.00 Ir