Romance passed her by . . . until she ended"B.O." rriraiTY-FOUR and still single! She had had admirers many of them. But they had drifted away from her. Larry alone called occasionally but he never proposed. Then one day Ada discovered why she couldn't hold friends "B.O." Body Odour. Today she is married to Larry. Read her letter. See how easily she now keeps perspiration odourless. "I couldn't believe it at first that I Bhould be guilty of body odour and not know it. But, as my physician explains, this happens to thousands. "That's because wo become insensi- End T 1 rr&a , Dept. j Li feb (Body Odour) tive to ever-present odours, he told mC But pores constantly give off odour causing waste as much as a quart daily. "Now, with Lifebuoy to safeguard me, I never worry about 'B.O. even on hottest days. It's marvellous how utterly clean Lifebuoy makes me feel. Its deep-reaching antiseptic lather purifies keeps the body gloriously fresh. "Lifebuoy keeps my skin healthier looking, too. And it's a real safeguard against germs. Lifebuoy's pleasant, extra-clean scent, that vanishes as you rinse, just tells you it purifies." uoy HEALTH SOAP stops body odour S23 0 a oouoooooooooood oooaooooooa ooaooooooooootrfJooooooooootHooo oooooooooooooooowkkjo Douoptooooaaooooouoo aooatioo0OoaooooooooDBoeoioo!KiooooooooKmoooooooocCH5ooooor r Hi'.' What part of your newspaper is of most interest to you? THE front page? The society pago? Sports? Woman's page? Financial? Editorial? Cartoons? There is a part of nearly every page that is practical, helpful, full of news the advertising. Do you interest yourself in reading it? You should. Here is news of immediate value to you. Comforts necessities luxuries merchandise every bit of which gives you a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spend. In the advertisements is information of practical worth. Reputable merchants bring wares for your inspection that, are soundly made and of lenown, proved valueV TtiVstatQ-' ments they make they arc willing to sign knowing that . each statement must bo truthful, for their reputation, 'standing in the community, and business prestige is at , stake. It.pays to read advertisement. For, in this part of your nyrapaper, you can find where your money can be spent to hejKadvantage. A vary material aid in bettering your Hayeqjfejlayjife A way of lengthening your pbcketbpok. Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. ' T time In getting arrangements under way for the final and most Import Jant stage of the contest, namely the ! voting. Immediately after nomlna- and, within a few hours, the first ballots had been delivered. Yesterday afternoon the first . to raise in school taxes than was ballots were sent out to outlying points In the southern part of the riding when boxes were dispatched on the steamer Catala to Rivers Inlet, Smith's Inlet. Margaret Bay, Allison Harbor, etc. Today the ballot boxes for Atlin and other points in the extreme north of the riding will go forward. By the middle of next week, It is expected all points In the riding will have received their boxes. FISHSALES Summary American 55,000 poun and 6c to 14.6c and 6c. Canadian 24,000 pounds, arid 7c lo and 7c. American Eldorado, 33,000, Pacific, and 6c. 6c. 13.3c I1.9c 13.3c Hazel H., 14,000, Booth, 14.6c and Frisco, 4,500, Cold Storage, 14.4c and 6c. Cora, 3,500, Cold Storage, 14.3c and 6c. Canadian Joe Baker, 6,500, and Selma, 4,000, Cold Storage, 11.9c and 7c. Aiken, 7,500, Cold Storage, 12.1c arid 7c. D. S. T., 6,000, 'Atlin, 12c and 7c. CHARGE DISMISSED A charge pt perjury against Do -nonic Rossi 'was dismissed by Sti pendiary Magistrate H. F. McLeod n city police court this morning. u Hi VANDERHO0F The provincial department of public works has-been making con siderable. Improvements on the Stuart Lake road to the river bridge. For a mile and a-half the road has been widened and gravelled. Another stretch on the same highway at Necoslle Hill has been widened and gravelled. Miss E. E. Beagely, matron of a Church of England home in Prince Rupert, is spending a vacation here visiting at the Vanderhoof Hotel vith her cousin, Mrs. J. W. H. Day Everybody Knows HIE QUALITY OF OUK OOODS IS THE IJEST. WE OFFEK THESE SPECIALS FOIt YOUK BENEFIT. White Sugar 15 lbs Evaporated MilkAll brands 9 tins .. Singapore Pineapple 8 tins 1.. Pitted Dates Fresh' stock 2 lbs. King' Oscar Sardines per tin Ashcroft Ketchup per 26-oz. bottle Stroh's Malt Syrup Hop-, Flavored. pcr tin; jl x,;'. Gold Dust Medlunr size 2 pkgs. ...wmmvLV Del Monte Ap'ric'ots-la's per tin SI $1 Empress Red Currant Jam Q( 4's, per tin .'. 81 25c 15C 25c 85 c 25c 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving every boat at reasonable prices. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE Ik AND 84 HO0 CHlWliHfilOOtf 0OHWHJ pgpopoaopoaappopaooonaoaoooocwppooacioooaoaocio"'ioaoopPOoaaooopaoQooooaooooos:cioqoo train. the case last year. There was large attendance at the meeting. OUTLET FOR PEACEBELT Immediate Action is urged by Former Mayor of Vancouver (Vancouver Sun) Unless immediate steps are taken to give British Columbia's portion of the Peace River block a Pacific Coast rail outlet. Vancouver will reap no benefit from that great hinterland of potential agricultural and mineral acreage. This is the emphatic contention of ex-Mayor Louis D. Taylor, who has lust returned from a tour of ths Peace River District, and who is bubbling over with enthusiasm regarding the possibilities for trade through the Port of Vancouver. "It appears to me," he states, that unless the business men of Vancouver become a great deal more active in their efforts to secure completion of the P.O.E. to the Peace, we will find ourselves In the same position we were in at the time of the Klondyke, when Seattle captured all the business resulting from the rush." Cut Distance in Half At present, Mr. Taylor points out the road Is 1200 miles, but it the north and south Urns wero comple ted, the rail distance would be cut In half. As soon as this short route is available, a motor highway direct from Vancouver to the Peace should be provided, as a lares ner- rentage of the 8.500 settlers in the B.C. section have their own automobiles. Hundreds of thousands of dol lars are being spent yearly already and this will Increase steadily, for agricultural implements, mosUy motor-driven. 1 Itlg Area for Trading "While I suppose we should not be Jealous of the business which goes to that city, still there Is an area in Alberta equal in size to that In B.C. from which it can draw trade. Therefore, I do not think it is unreasonable for Vancouver to expect the business originating on this side of the provincial boundary through Peace River block," he says. He reports nothing but optimism In the north country regarding the 1930 crop and future development BIG MISS MILL PLAN Ucllrve That Consolidated Will Buy Klverslde Plant and Move It to New Ground STEWART. July 16: Since the announcement last summer that Consolidated had purchased the local railroad, no news has pleased Stewart people more than the fact trtnji. 1:1 Wednesday, July i6 l9J) PAGE SIS THE DAILY NEWS i'V, HE THOUGHT: BSSt1 "I coujd casi you, ELECTION ACTIVITY Ballot Boxes and Papers Now Going Forward Following Close of Nominations wnr rv .. 1 ! - ots1 Now that nomination day Is, over, Jack Re-elected To School Board In Stewart Town "STEWART, iulv i:P. 8. Jack. "lT B itti'sWaWf Secretary 6f the school' mis3 Elesa' Ulvlg, lor 30 years a'g pMM'fDf'the past nine years, was SChool teacher In Norway and now E. H. Mortimer, returning officer ni-bleciied to the board at the air lor SKeena riding in tne lortncom- nuai 5cn0oi meeting held last Sa- recently made known that the same ' " big mining and smelting company is going to erect a pilot mill at their Big Missouri property. Rumors to this effect have been prevalent for some time, but the matter was brought to a head last week when local owners of the Riverside mine, near Ityder, were asked to place a price ori' their mill and plant. It Is b'efte'vetf'totat Consolidated is plan-Hfritf' Ib'Mrchase the mill outright aria'Mrfster ll 'to th'e Big Missouri. The Riverside mill has not been In use for some time, but It Is quite modern and In excellent condition. It has a dally.capaclty of somewhat less than one hundred tons. II. O. Olsen, Smlthers manager of the Hanson Timber it Lumber Co., returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning after a week's trip to Skagway and pro ceeded to the interior on tod ay i IMPRESSED BY COAST! !B Norwegian Woman, Ucpresentlng g Old Country Newspaper, Sees jg touring uruieu Dwiica In the Interests of a Norwegian lng federal election, has lost no furday night. There was only one newSDaDer' for which she Is writing, vacancy to be filled. II. D. RocMort ief t at the first of this ween ior takes the position of auditor for-jajper park and points east after 1 merly held, by Q. P. Helnekey. Thea brief visit .In the city, following other two trustees are II. P. Oibson her arrival from Vancouver, as the tlons closed ori Mondays, printers I arid V R. Tooth. received the ballot paper orders ftuest of Rev. ana Mrs. J.t u,nanw. Estimates for the coming year Miss,Ulvlg'ras impressed with-were cut $500 to $4500, which means the wonderful prospects of this that the district will have $5Q0 less j part 0f the country and made the statement that the coasume Between Prince Rupert and Vancouver was remarkable and should be able to afford a prosperous living for thousands of people who were willing to work. 1 i;iniitaii:!i3B:iiH!ia:Kwui:: TWO SHOWS Wed. & Thun ' & 9 p.m. NORMA SHEARER 'N Their Own Desire A dramatic story of hearts adrift with Belle Bennett and u . ' . Lewis' Stone Talking Comedy Laurel and Hardy In 'The Bralv Color Symphony "The sack's Bride" Admission - Cm. 20c & 6 Food Perfectly Preserved even nfrfcr a long week-end AUTOMATICALLY lh Centra rEUcirle RrfrlfVr. lor maintain a ttmjwrature well below 50 decree . . lh dancer line aUe hlrh food ipoili and health ii menated. You ran ufelr leave ierlh-able fooili In a Ge.neraJ Electric for days at a time and they will remain frh and healthfvl a th day you put III ' loJI m fZ HL I them In. Nor doet the Ceneral Electric ever require any attention not even oiling. II caute all the mechanlam. It ealed air-tight In a ateel t-Ing not one owner hat tpcnl a cjent for trrrire. Let your dealer demonstrate tin many other feature of th Ceneral Electrfc Refrigerator, m.iio-B EtuxJTcrma A tranced. As low as 10 down and balance spread over 24 mor 'l GENERALELECTRIC ALL-STEEL HEEItlGERATOIt Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, H.C. ft hy CANADIAN CENERAL ELECTRIC CO., L CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND rr'ut" SHIPYARD PI'KJJATINU (J. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlarkumlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker!, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAItlNE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 LUMBE Spruce and Cedar Shl'plap, Boards, Doors, Windows, KILN, DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND IIEMI,()( K FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, I TC J SpecialtiesJU ' Edije'Grfiin Iloat'Ccdar. KllrfWicyE'ligc Gruia Hemlock Flooring Dimensions and TimbcrJ Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off.gradc material at reduced prices BIG BAY LUMBER m TTD. Lumhrr Mflnuffirftir!-. . .. ... n - ---. i9 Prince Rupert, l.C