rrlday, August 8, 1830. SaSadaGrsegePekoeproves itself with the first sip WO Mt- nil,. Tin; da, Government J Starts J LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 UKC Warehousing, and "uNbutinjr. Team oi Motor Service Coal Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and """'WIC iriaiviiiir. XORANGE 2f MM" PEKOE H H JMH 'Fresh trom the gardens From 15c. to $1.00 Special 1-3 off Qrmes Ltd. yfio Pioneer Drugpisls I'honcs Ri & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists i'jM-.T E mm m 16? Mm miv rtwi-nient not iiublinh-0 or'' 'Played by thb Liquor Cintrol Doard or by the Go eminent of Rr(Mh rnlumbta UION TKAiMSllil'S L1AUTEU MM iw lYiiir Huprrt ' ''OUVER. VICffOaiA. buxdflW. AUrt buy. etc. TlHwhy. pm r VM oi u:u. VILTDIilt ItulMtal. Mm Ut. fie. lrUli inlUnUbt " AI.H'E ,K.M. ANVf). MKW.UtT. Ni IUrr. IVrl hIuipmiu. Bun-, d.ljr. s.oo o.ra. ' ! SIMPSON nd WAl F ISLAND. 1'hunaay p m 113 !M Wtnur II M MMIfll ftBt ITInre KoiMYt. H.C Tinnuli (Irkrtu 10IJ tu Vkori una Hrattl ! butnif chM'Jttd hr njh to (Inllnillon B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wronpcll Juneau, Skagway August 1. 4, 8, U. 15, 18, 22, X. To Vauuouvcr. Victoria, Seattle-August 2, 0. 9, 18. 16, 20. 23. 27. 30. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria. vur Friday, 10 p.m AtrnU Pnr All Siinitliln I.lnM v t Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave Prince Rupert, l'hou 31 t COAL lluy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-'Wellinxton In any quantities. Also Uulkley Valley Hay, drain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Ruperi Feed Co IMIONKS 58 AND 558 News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. picnic to 'Dig' by Island, Saturday. Boats leave' Pacific Salvage float 1.30. Adults 50c. Children free. 184 Ed. Strom of Port Clements was an arrival on the Prince Charles yesterday to visit Mrs. Strom who is a patient in the local hospital. Hubert Ward returned to the city on the Prince Charles yesterday from Tlell, where he has been recuperating following his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Allstone and family are passengers booked to sail on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver tomorrow evening. W. M. Watts was a passenger on the Prince Charles yesterday after- moon to spend a holiday in the oouin in me course or which he will visit in Kelso, Washington. Seattle, Portland and southern B.C. Union ss. Cardena, Captain A. Johnstone, arrived from the south last night at midnight and later will leave for the south tonight at midnight 4 f ANNOUNCEMENTS Central Hotel UMIi:K NEW MANAOt.MENT Slrnni llratrd; Iravrllrr' Sample Uuoiim; lint and Cold Water I'rre llu MfrU All Train and . IWial Rates $1.00 and Up SPKCtAL MONTHLY UATti C. R. HIGOAKT & A. DONALD l"roffCori PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading fam lly hotel. Hot ond cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zurelll. top. Till: HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Hot St Cold Water: Bteam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Ti'lrphnin- 2X1 9" SALT LAKES THURSDAYS Leaves our dock on the hour 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. Last boat leaves Lakes at 7:30 p.m. SUNDAYS Leaves our dock every half hour 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. Last boat leaves Lakes at 9:00 p.m. W EEK DAYS Leaves our dock 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Last boat leaves Lakes at 5:30 p.m. These schedules on fine days only Special trips any time by arrangement PACIFIC SALVAGE CO., LTD. Wri TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI It Y FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH rASTEUHIZEO At ILK AND CHEAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City THE DAILY NEWS Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ilcilbroner'a Store. Mrs. Swanson is booked to sail tonight for Swanson Bay on the Cardena, 14ft 'agalrii fet'-fl' m! for"h'df therri points. i C. N. R. Prince Rupert arrived from Vancouver this forenoon at 11.30 and it left again for Stewart and Anyox at 2.30 p.m. A. R, Mallbry, J.P.,;rf Port Clements, is In town on a business trip, having arrived on the Prince Charles yesterday. Scandinavian dance'featurday, 9 p.m., Metropole Hall. Popular tunes by Anderson on the .Accordlan. Come for a good time. 181 Mrs. Bam Jabour returned to the city on the ss. Prince Charles yesterday, having made the round trip to Anyox, Alice Arm and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Misses Dora and Maxine Hell-broner are passengers on the east-bound train today to Terrace where they will spend the next two weeks at Lakelse Lodge. left for Wales Island. Today she CUR,. Prince William, .Captain is making calls In the Skeena and William Thomas, arrived in port yesterday afternoon at 4 pjn". and transferred passengers to the ss. Prince Charles which then left for Vancouver. Owing to those interested being engaged in the regular baseball league fixture between the Sons of ra n i rli onrl Via Clin 1nif Pat's Playboys dance. liW Hall the meetlng wlth the Faif Bq August 22. i regarding the bringing in of a Moose Bazaar, October 16. 17. U & I Cafe Formerly the White Lunch Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS jDaseoau team irom tne outside I during Fair Week was postponed. To Whom it may concern: I This is to warn any party or parties contemplating' purchasing or chartering gasoline launch -Bllli-ken" registered -NO; 126544, now in Prince Rupert, B.C.. that they will this day been withdrawn. H. HOGAN, tf Bella Bella, B.C. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One boat with Outboard motor. Phone 9. 186 L . aaaaH x4(m flaaaaH i raw rirrfTJ'iH 'A-m r - ' ' i I Ml The best money can buy . no fillers Anhusr-Btisch Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup LIGHT OR DARK IUCH IN BODY NOT BITTER I PNODOO I aaaaal ijS ipiuU to a cup ol coli gLV Shtkt in thiiin, or pkU ", until diiMlnj. Cow's Stomach 'Window Helps Study of Diet Pennstate Jessie II, Lets Scientists Observe How She Digests Her Food STATE COLLEGE, Pa Aug. 7: The mantle qf Pennstate Jessie, being aware that anything out ot the ordinary was taking place. have to deal direct iwith the owner 'bacterial action in Jessie's dinner H. H. Hogan. Bella Bella, B.C. The j The studies Interrupted by the I authority of any agent to sell or 'death of the original Pennstate charter' said gasoline launch has i Jessie now may be resumed. They open speculative features which may initiate an entirely new sphere of invstigation in dietetics. It has been found that the bacterial count content In a cow's stomach changes as new element are Introduced to her food, new - Make this a summer habit GYMNASIUM POOL FOR ZAM-BUK Marvellous For Healine Ulcers & Dad Legs' bacteria appearing and '-r'--' rr r-,tm--TrTrrin' irrrr as the new rations were continued, and disappearing when the elements are withdrawn. How these bacteria originate. where they come and how the findings may apply to humans and influence -the general practice of dietetics, comprise a field of largp potentiality. The fact that an or-, j gahlsm was found In the stomach ( j of Jessie I., which manufactured vitamin B when there was none I in the ration, leads to the belief1 that special bacteria may be de- rived from other organisms in the stomach, or are developed from MalkUrt Best Tea-existing form when they are re; per lb ! quired. Park Your Pup Upon the Roof i For Friday and Saturday pular dressing for all salads, per 8-oz. jar Peanut Butter 2 lbs Malkln'a Best Pepper, On- U ,11 ' nauton, wuuneg, per un ilOtel InVlteS BngUsh Oinger Buttons-i Peek-Freans, per lb. LONDON, Aug. 8: A parking place for huds has been built on th S lbs. roof of one of London's West End Bartlett Pears Royal City hotels. The British dog is generally i s. per Un supposed to be the best cared for canine in the world and this latest comfort seems to confirm the supposition. A uniformed .page .is as signed to feed, water, and watch the dogs which are left while mas- Lipped Saucepan for 49c I Dutch Male Mayonnaise The po- 28c ! 35c! rULSEKVING JAR SPECIAL 2 doi. Jewel Jan (Quarts) 1 4-qt. Alumimau 9 A A fcrs and mistresses attend the pejr- romance. Dried Prunes Mucin's All the large department storeaof Pr pktr London have an attendant in the Lump entrance hall to stand guard over per 2-lb pk; the dogs that are left while the chocolate Eclair-Fh owners shop. The dogs'. leashes are atook lb hung on a series of hooks In front ' y of which are placed little pans of 8 mxs water. There are few restaurante, r lb Weft in1 te"smartest dining districts New Potatoes where doss are forbidden. Waltais 10 lbs. , cheerfully step over taUs and legs Bartlett Pears Clean sound mat protrude irom beneath table Oood size I cloths, and many hat checkrooms pet doz Ihave complete dog chocking facll- Hothouse Cukea TELEVISION INSTITUTE An International institute of television has been established at Brussels to deal with collectlnx and propagating the results of re- searches made in connn-t.ion with picture broadcasting. each 9c 35c S1.00 2?c 29c 2ic S2c 24c 25c fruit 40c 10c Wattj' Grocery Quality Itiglil-Price Night PHONE 35 PHONE 5l I 9 I PAGE THREF TF you enjoy a delicious, coof and invigorating drink try COLD OVALTINE. Make it a habit to follow Tennis, Golf, Bowling, Swimming or other physical exertion with a glass of cold Ovaltine. It will restore your spent energy quickly and develop nerve poise. Winning athletes the world over have proved this. It will help you play a better game. Ovaltine supplies all the food elements essential to mental and physical health in correct proportions and easily digested form. 'OVALTINE COLD fauifds-up fbmn,Jene and'Bexiq At all good tlores in 50c, 75c, tl.25, and special family 'Size f4.50 tins; also served at soda fountains. AND SWIMMING PKINCE RUPERT! AT MEETING LAST NIQIIT. (Continued fro-r. pane one) will be held on Friday. August 16, at 8 pjn. in the City Hall. Discussion revealed the fact that there is already a sum of approximately $4,000 available for such a the famous cow which lived four fund from various organisations years at Pennsylvania State Col-; and toe active support of these has lege with a "window" in her sto-jbeen promised. mach, had fallen on another. j Deleijates present in addition to Again selecting a Holsteln, scl-!tne Mayor were from the Rotary enlists christened her Pennstate ; club- D B and H. E. deWoIf; Jessie II with a painless operation 0vro club- Dr L w Kerffin and W. in the college veterinary hospital. H- Tobev 8r-: Canadian Legion. J A local anesthetic was used and Smlth and J 8 WiIson: TnOm and bevond shflkincr hr hMrt spvprai . boi Council. S. D. Macdonald; times the heifer gave no signs of MeLodK!, J Mrjtaon and W. H. McCallum: Sons of Canada. Oeoree Johnstone and Harry Breen. All U I. 41. - -1 ... The opening of the largest sto-l " ' mach is kept closed with I special !f n ?" ,. , . , , . r .so that a eonmletely representative rubber plug which can be removed chParge cominittee wlll m Qt tne when scientists wish to study the undertaking CURATIVE WORKSHOP VALUED AT S30.0O0 IS PLANNED , Z7oUmct7r j medical students and physicians is to be established at the medical col lege of Northwestern University by the Chicago Woman's Club. Around Lomer LEO REISMAN and his orchestra FOXTROT 22459 'SINGING A SONG TO THE STARS' LtO RCISMAN and . iOCCHCSTRA FOX TROT 22432 LEWIS JAMES VOCAL 22453 "IP I HAD A GIRL LIKE YOU" BUDY VALUE and is CONNECTICUT YANKEES FOXTROT 22419 DAMCI NG WITH TEARS IN MY EYES" NAT SMILKRET74 The VICTOR ORCHESTRA WALTZ S24S JOHNNY MARVIN men I At Any Victor Dealer VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY Of CANADA HMITtO Montreal McRae Bros. Itccords, Victrolas, Orthophonlo Victor lladlo llecelvers.