Lay. August 8, 1930, " " Jr ' ' n i i SPORT CHAT On of tne most SUCf;esful Bri-j, jj boers Mat have come to Am- ri i is Jack Ber8- Known as the1 Whitcchapel Whirlwind," and as' Id' Berg nas naa a series or; 11,1. mlAA nf kA '. (VS-V 3 UH tiw diuc vji wic water. e u a willing: mixer and a hard it.-- Last nlgnt ne beat Kid nrVin rlfif! ftAVAP - Kann itcn as an .amateuf or profes- nrrtf. Her had about a 10-poynd ad- . t . !. . U 1 trrcl the ring a slight favorite.; ;,r consjueicu wjc cuiei con- ji for the lightweight title now dd by Al Singer. Local athletes are already get-nt; into trim for the Labor Day . f ill 14.. rv-.. -. Iio huve been In steady training II ummer ana tney are looking u; ra to the Labor Day celebra- provide the big wind-up to! ing season. One of these Is ..(.'f-b:n:k. Bob Irvine is another, hue a third Is Billy Vance. Wby has Ed. Smith who used to U m wadtl-a Ula ..I. ii , (.lie oiaiiua wiiii ilia lmjkt at the school games a ( ! of years back given up thb f-m cif athletics? Light, fast and mill null liiiuw. I Mill ltr ;i wcin 1. A I s Al . t- 1 spc ':i;illy and it would be too bad r ha did not. concentrate on it Alex Walters 1 another young ' e who shows (treat nrnmia n rv v&ultlnff. IIP has rlnn nln' I 'iiii-tr iiiLiit'. ui. iii.inh linn - us sufficient indleatlon of hi Abilities. 1 An udidtlonai Item of interest uld be the pote-vaultlng of 1 Wardroper. This youngster runnot be more than 3 feet. ''hrs high, and who weighs hes in the pole vault regularly. j: would indicate that the jump- j ?, rtiijc would be a big enough 1 fo rhlm to carry without Vry- tn inches higher than hlm- The performance of Swedish luve done much- to malae ii an important factor In all y' 'Hii' circles. Their aim Is not rou h to develop super-athlete? j !'ivc nveryone encouragement ' part in athletics of some ' rra or another and so reap thw raro benefits of health and vigor be derived from participation i pc rts generally. Onr tif the features of the h ufhlctlcs U the establishment r ft competition for the Swedish Badee Thla tmit Include.. proups of events. In each - n a competitor mutt reach a ' standard to qualify for a ih Merit badge, in the Sea J' un countries there are over i fy thousand who have quall- ' ' ' und among these is the Crown P' ,i; :f of Sa.'Hn Tr.r Vikine Athletic Club of V "; iUVPr rnnrlilrta nnmriAitHnn . these lines and such success r downed their activities that 'y hare made the trials open. Baseball Standings National League ci-. , Cm.. M0 .burg nnatl r!' cJ.iphia y-'-'urigto 1,1 York Cicv. ;ancrJ ' .I? Ciii. ,,.!0 L.iula Host. in W. L.- PfiLj .85 - 41 .015 .01 - 44 0 .58 46 m ..53 51 .510 ..50 52 .490 J50 50 .471 .44 50 .440 .M 69 .330 i League W. L. Pet 73 37 .604 63 42 .600 .64 46 .591 50 53 .610 .54 50 .490 .44 63 .404 ...44 68 .400 JO 71 J35 City League r . Wr L. Canada .... 3 I 1 Pet. .750 .333 .333 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - RAINBOW TROUT Are plentiful this leuos In the Stuart Lake district, tiny take either fly or peon, in thu wide virgin country there tfe hundred of miles of waterways In lake and stream with many pleasant baya and wooded tales, unexplored by white men. Now that really good accommodation ia provided and modern camping equipment la obtainable, manr are taking fishing tripe. Aower . injponani attraction there I la 1 ride or hike to the top of Mount I Pope, from -vhlch a wonderful picture I Ja seenJOO miles of like and woods In "VL,.??1. .. . FOR RENT- "ft" w . w uj wire or leiier to Douglas Ixdgr. Fort St limm. ll.C. Sm--t 24 Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake is now open tp guests. Fine Fly Fishin? On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest In Canada) Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare, from train to Ledf e and return Jt.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlcll (H'F.IJN CII.MtLOirE IsLANPH The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows fur Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Pishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Pari If ean be met at sltldesate or l"rt Clentenl. Vtrf4r for KfAtloaa MADAME RAJAUT JITNEY SERVICE Between Port ClemenU and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays nd Saturdays. UtM Port rtemenl. M a.m. ' Umrrn CharlaUe p.m. Iara SS earn. Round trip S6. h. !WN. Port riemenl. Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Sedan Can meet atl boat at Port ClemrnU and at Queen Charlotte City Refiitar trips to Port Clements every Tuesday and Thursday leaving Q. C. City at 9 mm. returning from Port Clements at 2 pi. Rate Queen Charlotte flty to Port Clement wtM rS return wikeiwa. Intermediate nalnta, lee. a mile. Ride In comfort, it costs no more. Phone a short, 1 long,' wire or phono nIlw!?rlT' BTfflNB - Proprietor 4- 4'4 4' SCALFOF CHAUGBS The fallowing is the scale f of charges made for reading naticea: Marriage and Engagement announcements 3& name. Birth Notices 50. Funeral Notices SI. Cards of Thanks, & Funeral Flewers 10c ' per ' FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath Phone 547. . tf FOR RENT 5-roomed flat remod- ejled with bath. Phone 543. tf' FOR RENT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Furnished suites, two $5.00 a month put3 piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Five rodmed flat, va- ; cant July 1. Summit Apartment. Phone Blue JM tf FOR RENT Clean well-furnished modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Red 444. tf BOARD and Room. 707. Mail'Schedule I Phone Black! BOARD resident, week or month, j for terms apply The Inlander,; Phone 137. lm-tt For the East Monday. Wednesday and Saturday 1150 an. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 12 noon Prom the East-Dally except Tuesday 12.30 p.m. ' For Vancouver Monday - 3 p.m. -Tuesday 230 p.m. Wednesday 4 pjn. Thursday 3 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. Saturday 4 pan.. 6 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday . 4 pjn. Monday Wednesday Thursday Frldrfy Saturday ... BRINGING UP FATHER AT & " mm WWenE I'bbOf? FATHER? ua. i rs bl M-'"9T3 RE. HCRB AMD ME'fc rslO-WWERK To ISS rovJNlD V,,-. .,. , Y fplvU Vn 9 ajn. 1U0 ajn. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 p.m, Monday - 7 pm Friday 1.30 pm TH2 DAILY RZW3 PAGE FIVJ FOR SALE FOR 8ALENew clinker built cedar rowboats $30 up, Lindsay's Boat Works. 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf FARM, 90 acres cleared land. Bulk-ley Valley, for sale or trade for house and lots in town. Phone Green 728, 187 and five rooms. Phone Mussal-, FOR SALE lem Grocery. tf An 8-roomed bouse with 6 bed rooms, In live town and doing: food boarding house business. Ill-health compels owner .to sell for $1100.00 cash as going concern 16 boarders. M. SI. STEPHENS & Co. LTD, CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) HOME FOR RENT 4 rooms andgunshne and Rcd, Ray Treatments patn, iuo, oecona Avenue. Available August 35. Rent reasonable. Phone 649 or 180. 189 BOARD AND ROOM t DRESSMAKING ; DRESSMAKING by experienced auctioneer ' ! DrwuKelf Tad Federal biock. SECOND-HAND DBALEHS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged I wny noi enjoy a nice anve m evening or tomorrow? nn, ottt.o ATtrtnuiunT rnw jvwrHc .w.-. , r, , .i mh Trf! -ni? There'll be a day when you'll kind of furniture - or household , . goods, muMcal tastrumenU, ma- n yQU Qur cn chtaery. ete : Oeneral repairs. reagonable. crating, packing and shipping Wwkmanshlp guaranteed. Just phon Black 130 and we will call. G. J, DAWESiuetioneer Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of tf CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER V. H. Montgomery Cutting,, Workmanship and Style i 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 33D All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM 'CLEANED PRESSED IM5TBW5 OP Ml VI iKTHOOUCWS .THE : nAflQl TO EVJErTYOME I'LL BET HE ) HOlM5 t'UU FlrJD MINI l IP s , -fl bt))ElL'l:n FOR SALE, FOR RENT, Nervous, Female and Childryns' 1 i Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 211. ANH We Deliver to any Part of the City Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 StAMOS 8 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Richard Walter Underfill! of Vancouver. B.C.. Aeeoun- tent. Intends to apply for iperinleaicn to lease the sallowing aeaoriMd loresnuc lands: Commencing at poat planted at High Water Mark about 1-2 mue 11 an nm. oaU M4 l-a mile aat of the aoutb P-hl. thenoe south S ahalna to Uland, thenee 9 ajn I 7 chains to ahere. thence north- ;eriy msteriy ana wawioi; ivv iugn I Water Mark to point of commence ment and containing 30 acres more or le V Dated July ftth. 1930. Richard Walter Underbill. Jamu T. Underbill. Agent. HELP WANTED MAID Wanted, Apply Mrs. H. F. Pullen, Third AvCnue. WANTED Housekeeper, must bp good cook. Call evenings between 5 and 8 or Phone Red 710. tf 1931 Census Clerks. Hundreds will be required. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 18 Mackle Block, Calgary. w SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY local married man would like whole or part time position as caretaker or Janitor. Apply Daily News tf EARN money now taking orders for Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Finest line ever shown. Easy td 6ell. Write for particulars. Regal Art Co, 310 Spadina, Ave., Toronto. tf LOST LOST Car door handle between Fifth Avenue East and Futon Rtrppt Finder Tileaae return to Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue. Phone Red 631 RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Ru&seU Bartlett of Vancouver. BC Secretary, Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described foreshore land: Commencing at a pot planted on the south, shore of Swindle Island about 30 ehafnr south and- 100 chains west of the south west comer cf Lot 33S, thenoe easterly and northerly along High Water Mark to tni south wear corner of Lot 33S, thence to Low Water Hark, thence southerly and westerly along Low Water Mark, thence north 3 chains to point of commencement, and enclosing all tidal flats and lagoons, and containing 80 acres more or less. Dated July 6th. 18J0. Frederick Rusvll Bartlett James T. trndcrbllt. Agent. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE Or APPLICATION FOR BF.EU LICCKCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the Slat day of August next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premlaea being part of the building Known as neai iwve notei, situate at the Olty of Prince Rupert. In the Pro vince of British Columbia, upon the lands dewrUMd as all that portion of Waterfront Block "I" Bay of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Province it British Columbia, Map S28. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described aa foUowa: Commencing at a point which lies In a straight line bearing north 69 dcg.. 38 ft., s Ins. East a distance of 767.30 feet from the centre of circle .a shewn on said Plan 933. Section 7. thence south 6 deg.. S ft., SS Ins. East IS.i (1 OH. HOW OOVOO OO BsHOJ? X THOOQHiTI 'I LOST k FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOSTPM fiifeilSuSE ife Ifutftf OF nUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO Yo6l5fc'S3?Oi5tf! Holiday Resorts FOR RENT SALVAGE ANP TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions lor Charter Row Boats and Canoes for "Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Northern 3jC. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1564 PHOTO FINISHING ItY EXPf-JCTK Send our film aiul rhcto.H'ork To rat hall I'hoto UnWiInt rrlnce Kuprrt, U.r. Quality Ouaranteed. Prices Rfliuinnable Spirella Service Ling the Tailor. 184 Supporting Garments made to meet ( your personal neeue. ' I rireaamaker. Coats, evenine eowns ii .in n it 1 1 I MRS. ISABELLA PETERS etc. Phone Oreen 187. minlMS rUmitUTe 0 UPuOlSlTy Resident Corsetiere Phone Red 103 The Store of Quality" nrrrr- , STEAM BATHS 204 6th Street Phone Black 784 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Gents, from . .. 10 ajn. to 10 pjn. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederic Clara Underbill ot Vancouver, B. C. Land Surveyor, intends to apply for permlaalcn RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Norman Hill of Vancouver. BC. Olerk. Intends to apply for oermlaeton to leaw the follow OHfMO PEOPLE BORB MK- VVJtWAf-l FIND TOOK. KUtiOANlD VETVf IMTER- ELSTlMQ WE PnSPUH TO VT OUT HERE r ) 130, 1 nil ftaaura Srvic, Int, Cwat BrtUis rtta WMrt4 t MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY Silversides Bros. WALLTAPEUS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 2! C. M. BRYANT A, It. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mail. Stewart British Columbia A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper. WallfelU, Muresco Brashes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 450 330 Second Ave., Prince Rupert TYPEWRITERS So other value can npproarti the aprclaJ REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very easy terms All other mokes from SI ft. 00 fit'N'DSTBAND AOM.Vn MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. V.WtWVEU, H.C. to lease the following descrined tore-; ahore La ads: Commencing at a poit - " planted on the -South shore of small , WAiteMlMI'miattffMKHtiTSW213a hay on worm End car trior island anou: 3 miles south and I mile east of the south east corner of Lot 336, Schooner Paauge. thence North 10 chains to opposite shore, thence westerly, southerly and Easterly along High Water Mark to point of commencetMnt and enclosing the bay and containing 13 acres more or leas. Dated July 4th, 1930. Frederic Clare Underhlll. James T. Underhlll, Agent. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that John Edward Underhlll of Vancouver. B.C.. Engineer Intends to apply for permlsslsn to lease the following described foreshore Und. Commencing at a post planted at the weet end of small bay absut 1 1-3 mile south and 3 miles east of the south aaat corner of La: 336 Swindle tslunct. thence south east 30 chains, to east entrance to bay, thenoe easterly, northerly and weaterly along High Water Mark to point ot commencement and containing 30 acrea more or less. Dated July 4th. I8S0. John Edward Underhlll. James T. Underhlll. Agert. Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 nESNER BLOCK ENTIST DMMllTMEXT Of Pl IILIC WORKS Notice to Contractors Houston Hrhoot SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "Tender Tnr Hcust n School" will b: received by the Minister ot Public Works up to 13 o'clcck noon on Manday the 23th day of Auguat, 1830, for the Erection and completion of a Oar room School at Hdu on In the Omlneca Electoral District BC Plana, Specification, contract, and forms of tender may ha aeen on and after the 30th day of July 1930 and further Information obtained at the Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildings, and at the offkM of the Ooewrnmtnt Aaemts at Vancouver, I Prlnoe Rupert and Sanlthaft. and Build ers axclunge. Vancouver, copra oi plana ing described foreafaot lands: Com-1 specifications, etc., can jy oclarncc a distance or go leet to a point, thence mencing at a post pianten on tne aauttiir-m tn ittparur.eiu on payment 'of a north 83 deg. 34 ft. SSIna, East dta- hore of Swindle Island about 30 chain , deposit of Ten Dillars (SIOOO) which lance ot 100 feet to a point, thence eouth and 100 obakna wast of the auuth . wUl be refunded on re: urn of the Bprth 6 .deg. 33 ft. 391ns. West a dta- west corner of Let SSB thence westerly plana, etc.. In good condition. otneeof soft, to a point, thence South along uign water Mara aoout 340 chains Tenders will be opened in public at 63 dcg.. 34ft.. 33 Ins. West a distance of to a point brMnd Double Island, thence 3.30 pan on Monday the 33th day of 100 feet to. the point of commence-1 3 chalna more or leaa to Low Water ! August 1920 at the Parliament Build- meat." 'Mark, thence easterly along Low Water Unas. Victoria. for the aale of beer by the glasa or by Mark, thence north to point of com-' The lowest or any tender not neont-tbe open bottle for consumption on the meacement and enclosing all tidal natal aarlly accepted. premises. and UEOona and containing 130 acres: P. PH3IJP, more or teas. Chief engineer. Dated this 33nd day of July. 1930 i Dated July 6th. 1390. Department of Public Works, II. A norm. Norman H1U ! Parliament Buildings. Applicant. Jamee T. Underhlll. Agent. Victoria. B.C. . By George McManusI A WELL- OF ALLl . 1 THINGS? J ( WANT AD. COLUMNS