May 23, 1930. A Better, Brighter Breakfast The better the breakfast, the brighter the day. Don't fog the brain and clog the body by eating a heavy, indigestible breakfast. Brighten the day by eating Shredded Wheat with milk and go to work with buoyant step and mental aJertness. Shredded Wheat with milk makes a complete well-balanced meal containing everything the human body needs for growth and strength. Try it with berries and cream. It's a rare treat. SHREDDED WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLEWHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, A Graduate Pharmacist is Always on Duty at Ormes Limited Dispensary TIRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO 7w Pioneer Druyeists AVF f, SIXTH ST TELEPHONIC 8 6 20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing rtum rrlnre Rupert scoUVIR. VIOTOaiA, Buu-dnle. Alert Boy. etc. Tuesday. 3.30 pm i AillllKB, Ml' I OKU. Ilulnlale. Alert lta. etc.. Friday inldnlghl - M U'F. AllM. .INYOX. ATHWART. Nam. KUer Tort MluiUMta. sun '.i). s.oo o.ra. ; 1 SIMPSON and WALSA ISI AND Thursday p.m. I Atenut K M SMITH grnt ITinre KuprfL H.C. I rnugh rkr( sold lo Victoria and Matlle And baggage checked ' to letlnstlon OAST B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway May 10. 21. 31. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle- May 4, 14, 21. Princess Mary Ocean Fall eta, Vancouver and victoria, every rncay, iu pm Agents For All Steamship Llnrs Orchard, General Aient, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vho.. Si ; an ad ian National Vic Largcft -Kailway Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOllVEIlVigrfmiA. ' U: and Intermediate jioints. Thursday & Surnlay 'WpM. v V'X and STEWART each Wednesday & Saturday at 1 p.m. "UT1I andiSOUTII QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 1cd-days at 10 p.m. M'ENA RIVER. POINTS, Mondays, 8 a.m., RIVER POINTS. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., 1'ASSENT.ER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT- ' WPT Cl'NH.W ..t 1 .m.. ror rillNTE EOIIK. EPMONION. s vii'l'.j.. all iolnts In i:trm .f'aiiudn. ami nllrtl waiw. A;ncy All Ocean Steamship Lines oo kct Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupcrt-lhonc Early Copy is appreciated '4i in i HI I, Local Items Dentist. Dr J, It. Cosse. Phone 686. Try Minehead eei? coal f nr Mr. . erfgelean anfrhottfcHeJt M. A. Durbank, divisional engi neer for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on todays train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. ivja'mes S. Irvine, who has been rpending the past two weeks in New Hazelton recuperating from a long and severe attack of influenza, returned to the city from the interior on this afternoon's train, his health considerably improved as a result of the change. June 4. June 25 June 11. July 2 June ltL.aulS june 34 . . . FROM MONTREAL TO BELFAST-GLASGOW Uune 11. July 2 .Mellta June 21 Mlnnedosa xat calling at Belfast. TO June 8 Duchess of Bedford June 13. July 12 Duchess of York Uune 14 Montcalm June 27 Ducheis of Richmond Nt oaUlnf at Olasfow. Calling at Reykjavik Uoeland.) To CI1ERBOURG-SOUTIIAMPTON IIAMnUKG May W, Juas 28 Montclare TO July S Metagama FROM QUEBEC To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON . .Empress of Franc Empress of Australia rtas of Scotlanil Emprew of Japan) i FROM VANCOUVER I To Itawall-Japan-Clitaa-Plilllpplnrs ! May aQ "aaif siiiaMast'iii 1 i " ' , Jn 12. r4UBWWaTOBaU Jun 24, Aug 31 . Empress of Russia I Including mil t Ho:;olulu AdWv to Agent" everywhere or J J Steamship uen! Pim. Agent C P K VMvi. VmcotJm BaaTTrBBWaMyfcaiiTaaBPTCjnfty COMMDl EBRE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'MlEII NEW M.WAOEMEXT Meant lltat'd; Traveller' Kamnlr Kooins; Hut and fold Wntrr I'rre llus Meet AH Train and IJU Rates $1.00 and Up M'KCI.U. .MONTHLY llATt.8 C. It. BIGG ART & A. DONALD ITnprletors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel .Prince Rupert's leading fam-'lly hotel. Hot and cold water In all robms A. J. PKUnilOMME, Prop. Cor. of Praser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dudoward :and son, Port Simpson ;Mrs. II. IHelln and Miss VV. Talt, Balmoral Cmxiamm McPhee. Vancouver: 2iStk, R. Burton. Paul -Carl Bfcntzen. cltv. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. "rop. THE HOTEL MOUTH WHILE Un As, Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrptumr 281 Royal , ' Elgin Cummlngs, Balmoral; W. O. Valpy, Ecstall River: II. La very, j Anyox; Mr. and Mrs. William ! Spalding, Port Esslngton; J. Dou-, cct, Vancouver. THE DAILY NEWB PAQE THREE "Skinny! I Gained 11 Lbs. in 8 Weeks and Boy Friend" "After trying several tonics tried Ircnized Yeat. In 8 weeks gained 11 lbs.. nsw oomplxlon. round limbs. Beat of all a boy frmnd."fl. M. Saline. Men and Women are amaoed at Rain and women 'are amazed at hallows vanish. Bouy limbs round cut. Sallow, bletnlehed skin gets, clear and rosy like magic. Nervousness, '-tndigeatlon. constipation disappear overplg&t, Sound sleep. New, pep from very first day. Two1 great tonics In one special weight-bundling Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than urunedl- -cated yeast. Reu!ts In V time. No yeasty taste. No gas. Don't go round "skinny." ugly, unattractive. Oet Ir-nlwd Yeast from drujg'n Uday. Feel great tomorrow. Money bafck from manufacturer If not dUfl)ted with results. Scandinavian Dance Saturday night. Metropole Hall at 8.30. 121 Insure your furniture and save tears if it burns, costs little. Helgerson. 121 Miss K. Newell,' who' has been visiting here for .some time with Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Nickerson, Fifth Avenue West, sailed by the Prince George last night on her return to Seattle Mrs. Huntley A. Watt sailed last night on the Prince Geonce ' for Vancouver to loin Mr. Watt who has been transferred there in the Canadian National Telwjranhs service and who left the south a "few days ago. SJ E3 L.E2 C T - The choice of ihose men who who appreciate appreciate good good Scotch Scotch Whisky Whisky This advertisement is not published 05 displayed by the Liquor Control Ooard or by the Government of British Columbia BUSH'S' Grocerteria Week-End Specials FLOUR 49-lb. sack POTATOES 8 lbs v. :r ' per suck 2.40 25c :$2.95 MACARONI -Ready cut t ftp - ' r" VERMICELLI 1-lb. pkt APRICOTS 7JO. l"l ..... 10c, 30c TEA Malkln's or Nabob IZCn per lb , r TOMATOES No. 1 Hot- jp r - CARROTS per bunch 10c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND. 212 FREE DELIVERY I Glasses fitted by reentered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf ) Dr. Alexander has now installed an ex-ray service. 121 A. J. Galland of the excise de partment returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the interior orT official duties. " " The first Ketchikan-Prince Ru pert ball game will be played at 1.30 tomorrow and the second at 6.30. Track Events at 1 pjn. r Miss Eva Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, left on today's train for Usk where she will spend the holiday week-end. R. La very of Anyox arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge last evening from the smelter town and entrained here today for a trip to Canajoharle, New York. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived in port at 1.45 this morning from the south and sailed two hours later for, Wales Island, Port Simpson and the Skeena River whence she is due back here tonight Dr. R. G. Large, who has been on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver to attend the .United Church Con ference, arrived in the city from the south on the Cardena this morning and will proceed from here to Port Simpson on his power crusier Sunbeam III. W. H.Tobey. CNH. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on today's train from a ten-day I inspection trip along the line as I far as Red Pass Junction. Going 'up the line Mr. Tobey made the trip by motor car for the purposes of minute inspection. A ! Richard Peterson got drunk and boitroii8 evening and this morning was fined $25 by MaRls-j trate McClymont 'fot'fng 'lrytoxl-lcated and an additional'-$25 'for aiuUing Con3taJ9r9(.Ci.tqiBlaney while be was hUlE: arreted., Peterson, who Is (a' logger lorm the Prince George district with a stake of $300 Mid the fines and also to? .damaee he did, to a car while bei ing taken to the lock-up. , ..vt . . 22. tllsW iii.'if)iii . ANNOUNCEMENTS Eks' dance May 231 Canadian Legion picnic Dlgby T.innJ T..1,. e Miauu w uijr u. TENDERS FOR FIREMEN'S UNIFORMS" , Tenders wlU be received by the un-deralgned up to M-nday. 2nd Jum rtxt. at 8 tor seren flremettV ur forms. . ' Samples of cloth must be submitted, and rkmphlp must be first class In v:ry reapeot. The lrwest nor any tender not necessarily accepted D. J MATHBSON. 133 Purchasing Agent n,rar.Ti-a?E Sfrw spirit of good (ffluship This advertisement 1 not published nr disvlayea by the Liquor Control Bourd or by fie; overnmmt of British Columbia mMBBHEnaUXEBBSEEEl CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ! Clirlstianjsfienee Society. 215 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 am. Subject, "SOUL AND BODY." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on the first Wednesday evening of each month at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially Invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays' 'from 3 to 8 pri.- FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning worship at 11 ajn. Sunday School nt 12:15. Song service at 7:30. Solo "But the Lord is Mindful of His Own," Mrs. E. Anderson. Anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord," Soloist, W. Plommer. The pastor will preach at both services. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) . Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Empire Day Services. Sunday School at 10 ajn. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 ajn. Church parade of Girl Guides and Boy Scouts. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. LOW SUMMER FARES afatfsaaLaMawVafF saaflaalr SPECIAL FEATURE CnMM mwh l Crt IsIms nm Far! Arthur t Strnlm, It's anfer tit "In. 'kt&Yf Lutheran Aid Home. Moose Whist Drive and Dance ' May 30. Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, June C. N. Recreation Picnic to Ter 'ace Juiv 1. i Tea and Sale Affair Yesterday was Success, Substantial Amount Being Realized The West End Ladles' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church held a successful tea and sale -of home cooking In the church yesterday afternoon, a goodly sum being realized as a result of the affair. Mrs. Thomas Dybhavn was con venor and Airs. John II. Hanson received the iruests". Mrs. Karl Dyb- i havn had charge of the tea room assisted by Miss Thora Peterson while Mrs. K. Knutsen. Mrs. M. Hvedlng and Miss Corlnha Peterson looked after the kitchen. In addition to being general convener Mrs. Tom Dybhavn was In charge of the home cooking table. Baptist Church ' Entertainment Large Crowd Enjoyed Fine Program Yesterday In the parlors of the Baptist Church yesterday quite a large number met and spent a most enjoyable time. A fine program of instrumental and vocal talent was presented after 'which the party entered into a social time and partook of refreshments. The committee in charge of the affair were Mrs. Vic. Houston, Mrs. F. Cameron, Mrs. C. Larkin, Mrs. F. Morris and Mrs. Peters !t The program was aVtollows: , Sections ... Rainbow Orchestra Violin solo. Miss Pdylls Hamblln Recitations. ... Mrs. Oeo. Hlbberd Pianoforte, Mrs. Clifford Ollker Violin Duet, Miss Lawrence and Bert Cameron. Local duet, Bob and Dave C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. 8. K. Oray, is due In port at 5.30 this evening from Vancouver and waypolnts and will sail later In the evening on her return south. - 1 ,i ' THIS year ro East via the SCENIC route! Go CANADIAN NATIONAL . . . and travel "de luxe." Plan a few days at Jasper Park in the Rockies, and visit Minaki Lodge ,in the Lake of the Woods country. Tickets on sale May 22 until September 30. Choice of routes. LuVral stopovers. Return limit October 31. 79ffl JKM atiopal Kiy For Information Write R. F. JIcNaujhlon, Dist. Pass. Aft. Prince Rupert w-c, Local Girl Is Terrace Bride Miss Florence Monteomrnr Wedded on Monday to Wilfred Gardner of Pacific TERRACE, May 23: Miss Florence Montgomery of Prince Rupert, became the bride of Wilfred Gardner of Pacific in the parsonage on Monday, Rev. A. W. Robinson officiating. Edward Hogan, also of Pacific, was witness. For quick results try a it. the Daily News. learning hair! The way modem hair dressers accentuate your hair by lovely lines and contours makes it important to keep the hair in perfect condition. . Now, millions know the quickest way to give the hair new life and lustre; to bring out its natural color, is with Danderine. It is so easy to use; you simply moisten your brush with it each time you arrange your hair. Danderine dissolves the crust of dandrulT; stops falling hair; puts the scalp in the pink of condition. It helps the hair grow long, silky, abundant; gives it more lustre than brilliantine. It makes the hair easy-to-arrange; holds it in place. Waves look nicer; stay in longer when "set" with Danderine. Danderine 77. Hnm A flair Rraulifter 991 K " "f " 'W' 1 lpruitprsa-Thirty flva fsnta