oAre YOUR Holidays A. Brindamour Adclard Brindamour- I Carefree or Otherwise? Outlays on holiday! should be money well spent. Often what otherwise would be a real, beneficial vacation is spoiled by thoughts of the cost perhaps by! the thought o: sacrifices to be made afterward. i Get the greatest pleasure and benefit by saving well in advance. Enjoy the thrill of anticipation as well as the carefree holiday itself. Regular deposits, begun well ahead of time, and put in a separate, account if desired, will ensure the kind of holiday you want to have. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Toul Asku In Excess cf $800,0uu,000 Prince Rupert Branch: A. H. CARSON. Manager. BSBSL0BBHbE5EbbmL B.MIIIII I II Mil mil i.BJ . PAGE EEC THE DAILY NEWS Thursday July 7 i UNALGA TO BE Peace River Special Finnegan Case CONVERTED Visits Hazelton1 Is Discussed - I i JUNEAU, July 17: The United Half an Hour Well Spent in Show Doctor Cade and Aid. Macdonald States coastguard cutter Unalga ing Visitors Around Have Difference of Opinion has sailed from here for Seattle, Over Workmen's Com- itermihating'aff Alaskan assignment HAZELTON, July 17: The tour-! pensatlon that hid' cemttritied 'for a decade. lsts,onithe New OutlooVKJeRlvet The Vessel Ingoing' to Baltimore special train numberlnr Shout 200 The case of Thomas Finnegan, wnere sne win De convertea into an "veu in nazeiion rnaay evening whom Aid. S. D. Macdonald claim oil burner. Week-End Specials Crisco 3-lb. tin Dutch Maid Mayonnaise 8-oz. Jar Cowan's Instant Cocoa -lb. tin Campbell's Chicken Soup 3 tins Sunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3-lb. brick ... Eggs Fresh Extras 3 doz Bggs Fresh Seconds 3 doz, Royal City Peaches 2 Vfc's 3 tins Llbby"s Pork & Beans 2's 2 tins Felix Ginger Ale 1 doz. pint bottles Princess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs Kelloggs Corn Flakes per pkg ..... Knox Gelatine , per pkg, . .,. Icing Sugar 2's 2 pkgs. Bartlett PearsJ per oz. New Apples rr. .-.r. NW Potatoes IBlbs.'.-. HUDSON the World's Largest Selling ??EIGHT 95 E Registrations officially recorded for the United States and all available figures for the Dominion of Canada show that for this year more Hudson Eights have been delivered to consumers than any other eight in the world. . Sec For Yourself I lie Increasing Number of Hudson Eights on the Street IK' Hudflun Beauty, IhuLson Quality, Hudson Performance, J?1(C HudAon Value frankly question the wisdom of ever payingimoro for any car. They have made Hudson the world's largest celling Eight. And the growing power of this conviction h shown in the increasing numbers you sec everywhere. ' v . . t 1. A Nine other models just os attrac- iT" v iiveiy priced. wtncranRcoiroiorsi lill'A I II All prices f. o. b. Winl8brTF f" laics hxtra. Prince Rupert Auto Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. -Frascr Lake, B.C. Smithers, B.C. 85c 30c 25c 50c $1.15 $1.10 90c 95c 25c $1.45 45c 10c 20c 35c 45c 25c 50c Alberta Market P. CAMULA. Ifth Street. Proprfetor Phnne 20S ' 1 .,!!(:'. fit party; Rev. Wm. McMullen of To- Sunnybrook 3 ronto, a former writer and assistant editor of "The New Outlook;" Mrs. J. S. Tlmmins, Toronto; W. A. Hod- gins, Shawrille, Que.; Thomas Mi llard. Waterloo, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. O. Hezzelwood, Toronto. Some of the leading professions were represented including profes sors in universities, clergymen of the city and rural churches in the clers, doctors, nurses and school Renewal Plan1 committee to look into. FISHSALES uvv . - - i !i 1." Summary American None. Canadian 20,500 pounds, and 7c. to 13c. and 7c. Gibson, .8,00.0 'and 7c. V Teeny Miliy, and 7c. Impereuse 7c. Canadian lie. Cold Storage, lie; 6,500, pacific, 13c and per brick per tin. 5-lb. Tins east, medical men, lawyers, flnan-! Pfr J 10-lb.. Tins- teachers as well as successful far-1 Per im mers and their excellent wives. The 1"'b- Package ladies were in the majority and per pkg. numbered two to one in the party, .areen unions Electric Lamp 3 for .. BUTTER Woodland JZ.CD. and . Hollybrook, per lb. I 14-lb. Boxes per box Old Potltoes Netted Gems, per saek Peaches per doz. Cherries Frank Dibb Would Do Thi at Apricot puai in inicresis oi tinciency T jb , . . , NewOabbage- A proposal that new electric 4. , ,h lamps be Installed in the hospital " " to replace old ones so that power COFFEE & TEA consumption may be reduced and Malkins Best Coffee at the same time greater lighting rer lb . ' efficiency be brought about was Ma'mr Best Tea-made at last night's hospital board lD ' masting by Frank Dibb. It was sug- atMt7mZ.Mi. gested that a contract for lamp re- M . Bm 4,4 tl newal might be entered into. Presl- FrMer Valtev plum Ja it was cheaper in the end to use new lamps than old ones. In connection with the hospital light bill which has been running about $300 per month, 11. W. Birch, managing Isecretary. pointed out that electrl- Htv ums nlxn n.uvd for the oneratlnc 4's, per tin Roger's Syrup 10's per tin Roger's Syrup 5's pex tin , Kllm 5's per (in J r " .11. room sterilizers, stoves and x-ray "-i"" machine. i Pr tul The proposal that new lamps be Kiim l s put In was referred to the house per tin .... nyviia is per. pkg Fresh' Molasses Snaps t Crisp, 3 lbs. - Pcek-Frean's BlsculjLs per lb Waxed Paper per roll 4.40 ;,S8c $4.85 I SWIFTS S1LVERLEAF LARD 3-lb. Tins, 62c $1.05 $2.00 20c 10c $2.50 35c 39c 15c 6c 50c 50c 70c 45c 84c 42c $3.23 $1.60 75c 50c 50c 50c 8c The Economy Cash & Carry 6,000, Atlln. 12.6c "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave. Hospital Is I Wed. & Thur. . . Full Just Now Conrrstion Reported to Board at Meetine Last Night By Lady Superintendent ThetensWsihgWanVbea' in the Prince Rupert Genecfl,IIos7j nital Just now, Miss Jean Itfrrlson,' about 9:30. Rev. S. W. Fallis, editor ed iast month had been deprived -R-N- lady superintendent, m the 3 of "The New Outlook," the organ of of workmen's Compensation Board board at lts meeting last night ta 2 me united Church or Canada, the coverage before he was reaUy fit toescnDln8 Presem congemuu -conductor of the party, was more g0 back to work following an accl- the institution. Forty-five patients R than delighted with his tjip west, dent, was revived at last night's are be&g treated n fiS?r,2 and spoke in high terms of the meeting of the hospital bdard. Ald.'and tw0 beds have been placed1" great success of the venture. Macdonald reiterated his views of tne librarv. The seconfloot is i al-ii mneiy per cem oi ine.pariy naa a month ago that Mr. Finnegan had m U3 "". never been west of the Rockies, and not been in a fit condition to be!lsolatlon hospital Is in use. were unstinted In their expressions discharged. of Dralse of what thev had seen of nr t o ca t, ro,nnncihiiif' .. . . ... - - v vw. iv.u.u.., Tne Ilre (jeparimem was caueu the "Land . of the Setting Sun" and , for having ordered Mr. Finnegan 'at 1015 last n,ght to tne MochIda ran out of adjectives and called up- discharged and declared that pa-: rfln-hot seal Core where 3 nn wav l. supply. About B. H Lanceley, l.!inf0 AO for Tnr a a fresh frech I L t. I l 1 1 - 14 - 1 i R tient had been quite fit to go back there ft chimn flre. Spark3 Admission !to work and. inriepd. had receivpd . .L . DEMAND thirty lirtv-five of the nartv m h if V rp tt.,aia su8nl aamaB " lne - BIDIIDIIIIIICC were driven by car to the Hazelton ment than the nature of the in-Hospital. Dr. H. C. and Mrs. Wrinch jury, a split bone. Justified, were on hand and a number of the Aid. Macdonald insisted in his citizens placed their cars at the view that Mr. Finnegan had noti disposal of the distinguished visl- really been in a condition at the tors for the drive. ! time to engage in manual work. 1 Miss Dorothy Fallis, daughter of Indeed, he believed that his con-1 the conductor of the party, was ditlon Justified further hospital -presented with a beautiful large treatment. f bouquet of flowers by Rev. T. H.' Aid. Brown recalled that It tiadj( Wright B. A., pastor of the United not been long ago that the board -Church here, on the arrival of. the had been Urging the doctorshot ta ; ' ' train. 4 r. leave patients in the hospital after '. Those remaining at the C. N. R. Workmen's Compensation coverage station were entertained in con- had expired, versatlon by the leading citizens of After further discussion, the mat-the town, and were pleased with ter, which came up in connection the descriptions given of the na- with another subject, was allowed ' tural beauty of the locality, an of 'to drop. tural beauty of the locality, and of tain Rocher deBouIe whose beauty cannot be surpassed anywhere on the North American continent. It was regretted that owing to the limited time allowed for a stopover all could not be taken to the hospital. Half an hour was not sufficient time to make the necessary trips for taking the two hundred THIS IS THE TRUTH oassenugers to the hospital and re-llf you purchase one month's sup-turn to the Station. j plies from the CASH & CARRY-jrou The officials of the C. N. R., Mr. will save the price of your i&)V ' Clay, assistant superintendent of mas turkey. Try it. ' f.wAJ Smithers and the local agent, W.' 6 Oc Oow, were unfailing in their cour-,Bread tesy and attention in looking after Per loaI LK ! the interests of the party during White Flour-,AU brands CO.OC', their brief stay. I 's, ?MkUU Amongst some of the noted vis- White Flour All brands ltors were: Dr. S. W. Fallis, Toron- 88's to; Miss Dorothy Fallis. Toronto; Pastry Flour 10's Dr. J. W. Armstrong, Outremont, per sack , it.... Que.; Rev. Dr. E. B. Lancely, Toronto, the flowering oratnr of the NORMA SIIEATtEK lv A dramatic story of heart, dtJ With Belle Bennett and Lewis stone ft - e .Talkinir Comedy Lauwl , S Hardy in "The Brat,' Color Symphony ymp!lony Th. The - sack's Bride" PEMMNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton MINEHEAI) EGG-Delivered, Per Ton iHNEIIEAI). LUMP Delivered, Per Ton FyhKlTUHE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 20c k I 111 512 ft. . 13.5U Rupert Brand" Kippers - THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti PIUNCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'EKATINti V.. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING OUYIMK'K Engineers. Machinists. Roilermaker. nisrksmlth, I'stter Makers, Founders, Woodworker Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 LUMBEJ KILN DRIED SPKUCE, CEDAR AND HILLOCK J FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS. ETC . i. 'hl'u'm...!, (-., Specialties fidget! faliilio tfatKilnjDricd Kflsc f.rain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Hoards, Dimensions and Timber Doors, Windows, Shinties, Etc. Odd lots off-gradc material at reduced prices- BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. j iber Dc e Manufacturers Prince Rupert, j Lumber