jjjsjrict News 'Terrace t i Lcct of Smlthcrs arrived . wi4Mtr ntiH 4 enenHlncr . short buMay here. Mrs. Leggat, Jrtperfcd to Join him on Wednes- . .. paritrnon returned Mnnnnu (roflprinr ituperi.t wiicic iic open), the week - Dover leifc last xursuay , tn Pfin tiui t i. w jji-v . w pacific where sne win pe me bays an W0ode4 ulM, uneipioreT by , -t ,if Mi s Norma McCubbln for; white men. Now that really good ac-! rtVn.iiiav commodatlon U provided and modern i u hort noiiaay. camptne equipment U obtainable, many i J jffived Ut:iy ana more are expec-soon fiom the east. la Rrr F J McCarthy Is expected f,r,. W' 'I' day to replace the Rev. i w H 'buison who left Monday I', p.. net n where he will take up vrn i, iyabl dance took place jjrf ,i Tn tati' people, along with Terr;ic orchestra, went down np.ito In It. r m people put on a small id M !,.' n providing the music. f, ... . i: jjD'.sent enjoyed them- v Eiiii i Ollker arrived Friday : pr:r: p Rupert and to the guest :U F mny McLaren. Thf Mifs E. CHlker, F. McLaren au B. Moore spent theweek-end n n i the guetU of Mr. and Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 17, 1910 i . party will be sent out at l- u;ui ! the leadership of A. W. ; ' Investigate the possibility WjQja irth Lake being-used' to .v city of Prince Rupert A recommendation to tf.-rt from the hew city en-W M. Davis, has been .; t-. the city council. council has set Prince rt'- f;mt tax rate at 15 mills, uut covering all estimated vi'X. There will be no spe-t schools or hospitals. A. 'JiiiMtii'se from Jedway, Queen Islands, is under arrest . " ' i.-i; u" oi muraering a cuuii- Mail Schedul. fr the East Mor . Wednesday and Salt- i I1J0 ajn Ti v Thursday ftnd 12 noon from the East Daily rxn.pt Tuesday 12J0 pan tot Vancouver ", ' Utmilav ; ' 3 om. 230 m Wcdrirvday pjn Trmr-jay w 3 pin. n pm Sati.!.!,,v . 4 p.m. 6 pm from Vancouver Sunday 4 p.m Mn....'v .. 9 am W.-d:,. day 1130 am Thui ,: y , pm 9 am lli30 am ' An ox and Stewart Sunil.iy 7 pm, Mondv,' s4s .. j :7 pJTl . uaav .t rvi -....sVm awu JrV "lm x and Stewart-- lU"-S(j.i ,- 11.30 am Thursday 10.30 am, BJiur'i.iy 0 pm Wale3 iMand in j W Simpson 3 Thurs,jjy p.m '" Wales island"' "l4 Port Simpson- hl;MA Chariott 7 pm m Queen Charlottes Thursrtnu F,r Alaska- am and Fr,day .am Tty Ala.ska- "Mno'sdays and Saturdaysjpm CJV.R. DRAINS dat-Dally. except Tues J.' . 30 nrwm L x Daily, except 'Sunday CLASSIFIED IS, B E. iiftA'K 111 ,, Holiday Resorts RAINBOW TROUT ire pientirul this season In the Stuart Lake district, they take either fly or spoon. Ib thli wide vlrEln countrv tw. m uuics 01 waterways in lake arid atream with nun. nw..n. FOR re usuig namng mpa. AivoHter important attraction there a ride or bike to the top of Mount Pope, from which a wonderful picture aeen 100 miles of lake and woods In FOR every direction. Apply to !.N.K. or by wire or letter to ixiutla Ixxlje, Vort St .lame, ll.c. 3m--e-24 FOR Lakelse Lodge FOR New Lakelse tLodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake Is now: open to guests' JSk, Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest In Canada) Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful TIell qi'EfcN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows.'for Children's playgrounds." ' . tt.l.lJM " r -1 1 rr oaimun aim iiuui iiwiik T 1 - .nJ Cam t t ,l ri V . ititcr mm oca uaiuitif, . . . 201 1 1 A I I i Clement cuisine 4 Parties ran be met at Skldefue -'jg or rori iirmmi. n imw ii Rekerrallons MADAME RAJAUT Furnished Cabins FOR RENT ON Lakelse Lake Shore Close In to new Lodge. Apply to MRSSUSIE, Terrace, B.C. Graham Island Stapes OperatlnK IWnren jnren Charlotte tliy aira ion i irrarnn Meeu all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City. Fare 6 00. and In proportion to intermediate points. II. ti. MrhLMir. - - ITTinirr nuiri tjaeen Charltille City, uc. JITNEY SERVICE Detwten Port Clements and are Queen Charlotte City. Mondays and Saturday leaves lrt clement. SJM a.m. tlneen Charlotte 1. SO. p.m. lrr -1 earli. Ilnuml trip IS. L IIVSON. 1W ClemenH A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamen-tal Glass, Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, ralnters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 159 330 Second Ave., Prince Rupert BRINGING UP 11 . i rrnr J i n ' id'. MAKE YOUR ADVERTISfflENT PAGE WIHCJi MOST PEOPL E HEAD BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath Phone 547. tf FLAT for Rent. Furniture for sale, Phone 301. tf ROOM for Rent. Apply over Goo.l Eats Cafe or Phone 301. tf RENT 5-roomed bungalow, 5th Avenue West. Phone Red 390. tf RENT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf RENT $5.00 a month put3 i piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black' 707. If I BOARD residence, week or month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. lm-J5 : AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, ma-i chlnery, etc. General repairs,' crating, packing and shipping.) ... . . t t i t : phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf "Ur Street Phone Black 7G1 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies Yrbm 2 pm. to 9 pan. Oents. from . . 10 ajn. to 10 pjn. ar erWs Transfer PRONE 177 .Dry. Birth, Jack-PJne, Red j'CctUr, Veliow Cedar, Spruce, Balsam,. Ice Delivered. -Baggage Prices on Application Drivurself Taxi Why not enjoy a-nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive nox why not leam? There'll be a day when you'll wish you could. , We will teach you. Our charges reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS J. R. Watkins 1 i : Made in Canada ' Products Phone Green 709 For Particulars I of Our Special Summer I Offer. $2.00 Value fpr $1.50. i S. A. KEILHACK Smith & Mallet Block. FATHER TRA LA LA, U DID WIFE LOP-OE-OR-'DA' 5 ji DA1 OA-A' OA-A' 5 n r, S FAD FOR SALE FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk. Phone Red 720. tf FOR SALE Baby's Wicker Push Cart; also Chair. Apply 134, Eighth Ave. W. or Phone Black 736. . tf FOR SALE Three-room cabin furnished and lot. $400 cash. Apply 1, Blggar Place, Phone Green 718. 170 FOR SALE Large galvanized ,tank ruitable tank for Stationary gas engine, etc, Apply Dally News Office. tf FOR SALE New clinker built cedar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works. 842 Powell street, Vancouver. tf FOR SALE An 8-roomed house with 6 bedrooms, in live town and doing good boarding house business, in-tieaitn compels owner to sell for $1100.00 leash as going concern 1G boarders. it ft cTrniirvc sr r iTn I i'MUND FOUND Wedding ring. Owner may have same by calling at Dally New office and paying for this advertlsment. CHIROPRACTIC ' ' 1 C. ASPI.VALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. '(Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 J Spirella Service Supporting Oarments made to meet vnur rwrsnnnl needs. 0 - MRS ISABELLA PETERS Resident Corsetiere I Phone none Red ueu iuj 103 , 1 ' SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style i All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to any Part of the City , Ling, the Tailor Thone G49 UA.MI REfimitY ACT NOTICE Re: OrrHfteirte of Title No. 16144 C. to Part Ten (10) acres of Lot S3, Range 3. Coast District. WHEA&A8 satisfactory proof of low of she aba OertU teste ei Title issued In the usme of Orand Trunk Lumber Company Limited has been filed in Uda offlee, notice n hereby green that I shall at th eaniraUoa of ne month from th 'Hate of the first publication hereof, fetsue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of tbe said lost Certificate unless In the meantime valid objection lis made to nie In writing, Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prtae Rupert. B.C.. this 17th day of June, 1Q. A. THOMPSON. 'w J18 Deputy Registrar. QKIV L7.D ii ijrtLL, run IS FULLjOg llUMAN BUSINESS INTERESTTO YONG AND OLD. SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY local married man would like whole or part time position as caretaker or Janitor. Apply Dally News. tf WANTED WANTED-to-Rent two or three room house, preferably near Dry Dock. Box 26, Daily News (166) FOR SALE Six cylinder five passenger closed Pontlac car. Excel lent condition. Cash $375 or terms J $395. Phone Blue 406. ltl WANTED to Rent 3 or 4 room cottage close in, must be reason able. Can view place after 5 p. m. Send details. V. O. Radman. p. o. box 102. 168 unSrli:r.ed. and endorsed "Tender for Wharf Repairs. Queen Charlotte City, B. C," wUl be received until 12 oWix-lc noon (davURht navlnK), Tuesday, July 7Z, 1930, for the repairs to the wharf, at Queen Charlotte City, Skeena District. B.C. Plans and form of contract can be seen and !peclflcatlons and forms of tender obtained at thU Department, a: the offices of the District Engineer, Post Office Building. Victoria, B.C.; Victoria Builders Exchs-nge 2609 Prior 8treet. Victoria, B.C. and The Building aim Construction Industries Exchange, 418 West Hastlnga Street, Vaaouver, B.C.. also at the Pot Office. Prince Rupert, BC; Port Clements, B.C. and Queen Charlotte, B.C. Tenders will not be considered unlet made on printed forms supplied by 1 Deoartinent &nd In accordance w conditions contained therein. -ttiri Eaob tender must be accompanied ,4r an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the MWWtet-W PtihtU- Wcrka. eaual to 10 Tjer-'dentnof i the amount of the tender. Bond-ofhtbe. I Dominion of Canada or bonds nf tire i Canadian National Railway company wUl also be accepted as security, or bono, and a cheaue if teaulred to make up m odd amount. ! ". P co oe oouimea this Department by depositing an e- leepted cheque for the sum of 110.00, ' Pw oraer W ne Minuter or p.y. Workli which "win be retnrned If the intending bidder submit a regu- By order. l g-i Jf.' DE8JARDW8. Secretary J Department of Public Works, Ottawa. June 90. 1930 1 59 EXTENSION OP TIME Notice Is hereby given that the time for the receipt of tenders for the wharf Improvements at Stewart,- B.O , Is extended to Wednesday, July 33, noon, by order N. DESJARDINES. Secretary. SCALE OF CHARGES ' The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: ''.i Marriage and Engagement announcements S2. name. 1 Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. sli Cards of Thanks, $2, Funeral Flowers 10c per DrMT I ACT hum, iaam SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do It." -. Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Agents for EASTH0PE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night '564 P.O. Box 15C4 m FlimitlirP ft IlnhfllsfrV r -r.srj "The Store of Quality" ' Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged GiiM. HUNT Third Atenue, Phone Red G37 Photo Finishing Any size roll developed with six prints, 30c. Extra prints each 4c Enlargements made of your negatives 5x7 .... 30c, 8x10 .... 45c. Larger sizes made if wanted. Extra copies of enlargements made of your old photos. Photos of groups, children and passport photos in your own home. Prices Reasonable John Sunderwood, 424 8th Ave W lm-jn21 . ?! I;. .iHn i LINDSAY'S hi Cartag e and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service CTaI,rSand and Gravel We3ptcialize in Piano and J J ygrKure Moving. HilHttl01KHKW P CAITMn &. ivvnu Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE PHONE 23 Attention;! TRADEIiS AND TRAPPERS. Ship all your furs to The "Arctic Fur Co, where you Will get full market value. Don't forget the address ARCTIC FUR CO. Prince Rupert, B.C. C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and 1 returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia FURNITURE BALANCE OF JULY All Chesterfield Suites and Dining Room Suites are sold on 10 months' payment plan. Make your selection. Everything for the Home IVIacKenzie's Phone 775 COAL Buy the real Coal our' famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Giain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed -To PHONES 58 AND 558 in Buying Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody Is waiting to sell Uiat oar, or typewriter, or whatever else It is you are in the market for. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. YOull find undieamed of bar-(nsumirearned of opportunities. Do your shopping ,, through Uiee, columns and see how profitable and pleasant It Is. i . READ and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS' CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully toldit's quickly sold" OOOOOO 000000000100000lOOOOOOOtJOtCKK3eOOOOOOtOOCKIUOOOCHJ By George McManus YOU MtJARVoOfVl T 1 if ' x UKE "rHS OUO (7 Pi m I f THAT'S NaH SIMC? MBf 1 HOPti tOMG OPTHB UIKE" J llsl "jjj " , 1 "'tw Srvtet, Ik ir.i tirHtiii HtM rwtwl I l(" I WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS