jt gives more pleasure than you thought tea could give T ROUND TRIP $48.85. from any point on tht Triangla Ine Meal and Berth on Steamer) Co, Sad and Gravel 1 sPclallze In l'lano and r flfitU. ... -Hurt niflTin?. EI 'Fresh rom the gardens9 r Face Powders 50c, Ar, 4l rtment of odd lines regularly priced at $1.50 including Gay Paree, Roger & Gal-1, . JJuliarry, Mavis and Piver Powders, in all ;-i,;i.k- and odors. (tames M. ZTfic Pioneer Drt4rrLsls I'honcs si & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists PA A I ! PEMBINA EGG -Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINKHHAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 tllNEHEAD LtffMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 ITRNlTWtE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 rilONE 580 Canada's Finest Scenery ...on this TRIANGLE TOUR Thin y.ar Uk a real vacation! Explore the majo:-tic Rockiest Golf, ride. swim . . . it Jasper. Enjoy the nodal gayetim in Vancouver. Cruise home throtirh the Inaide Passage . . . or tanke the complete tour (n the oppoaito direction. . . . and that long-promised trip Eaatt Why not Now? Summer farea are much lower - liberal stopover, too. Train leave daily at 1 p.m , except Sunday. Connectione with fie luxe transcontinental flyers ' .r Prairie points, Toronto. Montreal anu everywhere In KaMern Canada and United States. W It For informaticn ft. F McaufkUm, D.l'.A.. I'rinet Rupttt, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED r Hailing I iwn rviiue Kurxn ' "TVER. VICTORIA. Buleaale. Alr. May. tic Tueaday. 3 SO pJE fj !N,"tl;K. VtriOHH. Ilviedale. Alert ts. etc . FrMUr iiUdniiti AI.HE AKM, ANYOX. MMVAUT. ! tef. Ift "lilu. , V, 8.60 o.m. ' SIMPSON and WAUJH ISLAND. Thunoay pm 1 1 Asenur K M SMITH Want ITIIMW Bttnert. II.C llmurh tlrkrl 1.1 to llrlorla anil Kaallle And ( therlfd . tu letltilnit OAST Lr'' i ships 5y B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM rHIXCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wranfrell Juneau. Skagway- July 7, 11, 11, 18, tl, U, Z8. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle-July 5. 9, It, 16. 19. 23. 26, 30. Princes Mary--Ocean Fall, etc, Vanoouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m .. agents lor rtii siearmmp t.ine c Orchard. General Aren't. 3rd Ave Prince Kuncrt. l'ho il LINDSAY'S fortage and Storage I'hone 68' Ur'a(fl Warehousing and hi touting. Team or Mt TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIKV FOR SKIF.NA UK AND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FR ICS 1 1 PASTEl'RlKI) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City . Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Liberal workers wlil please turn out this evenlne at Committee Rooms. . tf Moose dance August 1 at 9 D.m. Premier Orchestra. Chance on Round-trip to Vancouver given with each admission. 171 Miss Joan Eyolfaon is lea vine on Monday's train for Burn's Lake Tor a montn's visit, In the hope of regaining her former health after a recent Illness. Mrs. Th. Eyolfson, her mother, will accompany her. Having been delayed by heavy freights for waypoints, C. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. Fen- ton, arrived in port at 1 o'clock this 'morning from the south and railed about an hour later on her return to Vancouver and way- potnta. Mrs. Perkins, formerly housekeeper in the Prince Rupert Hotel and for the past several years redding 4n Montreal, arrived in the city today to visit with friends. 8he la now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis, Sixth Avenue East CJJt. steamer Prince Henry, Capt A. J. Oilbert, with a large list of tourist passengers, arrived in port at 1030 this morning front Vancouver, Powell River and Oc ean Falls and sailed at 2 JO tht afternoon for Skagway and other Alaskan points. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McMillan arrived on the Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver for a brief visit to the city. Mr. McMillan Is a well known Vancouver lumber exporter and Is part owner of the Big Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill here. Notice to Voters , If roil have Registered or live la' the District between Seal Cove and the Plaza you will go and vow at Cavanaile's Store. Station No. If you have Registered between the Plaza and Hays Creek you will vote at Fuller's old store cor ner of Hsys Cove Avenue and Bacon Street, Station No. 70. If you have registered between Hays Creek and McBride Street you will vote at the I.O.Di. Hall Fifth Avenue, Station No. 71. If you have Registered between McBride Street and Acropolis H'li anywhere In Section S. you wil vote at the Skating Rink, station No. Tl. If yon have Refr'stered bctwv" Fulton Street in Section I, as fa: Kat as "he Dryock, you wil! vot at the 8 tore next to McClymont'--Office, on Third Avenue, Station No. 73. If you have Registered between Fulton Street In Section I as far West as Morse Creek, you will vote in McLaren a Store, Third Avenue. 8UUon No. 74. If you have Registered anywher in 8ection 2 you will vote In the 8enool House on AUln Avenue Station No. 75. EDWARD H. MORTIMER. 174 Returning Officer FROM MONTREAL ' TO iI.MiO IJl:i I VST-l.lNr.ltl'OOI. Aug. 1 Aut. as MeUta xAug. 10. Bcpt. 12 Mlnne-osa aNot calling nt Liverpool. I To rtlKHlMIl KCI-KOH HAMPTON' I H AM 111 ltd Aug 7, Sept 9 uontoalm Au 91. Sept 18 UontcUre To IIAKVT: UlXKOX-ANTntlltP Aug. 11 Sept. 11 kfootroae To MVKimiOI. Aug. a Aug. 37 Durbea of York Aut. 13 Ducten or Rlohaaond Aug. 14, Sept. 4 Ducheas of Atnoll 1 FROM QUEBEC To HttMllOt KU-MHTIIAMrTOX ' Aug 6, Aug. 36 Ktnprrw of France Au! 13. Sept. 3 . .Empress of Auatralla Aug. IB. Sept. 9 . K.upraa of Sootlaad FROM VANCOUVER To llnwnll-Jamin-tiilnil.riililppliiM xAug 7, xOt't 3. Empress o' Canada Aug 21. Oct le .Emproan of Russia xSept 4 x()rt 30. Emp of Japan 1 ilurt wv r- i: ' - Anrlv to Afente everywhere or t. i. rOKMTKR Stennvshlp Oenl. Paas. Agent fl p R stiulnr Vnoour TrlPiliulii' Irlliil) 1111 THE DAILY NEWS PAIN so easily relieved How to treat Headaches Neuralgia Neuritis or check a GbtfT mm IT TIT Y are sbme women so V patient with pain? Shopping-with a head that thrpbs. Working when they ache all over. Sometimes it's houra before thev take Aspirin and get relief! Most men take those tablets the moment that some sudden ache or pain threatens their comfort and so should you. Aspirin is perfectly harmless: it cannot depress the heart The tablets stamped Bayer are always genuine Aspirin; a! ways the same, always m. So it Isn't sensible to suffer with a headache, a cold, neuralgic pains, or anything else that these tablets relieve almost as soon as swallowed. Buy by the bottle and save money. Any drugstore has the 100-tablet size. TRAOtV'MAIIIC RIO. Hear Boys' Band play contest piece tomorrow evening in Capitol Theatre at 9 o'clock. Silver collection at the door! 175 A. UL Manson. K.C and Mrs Paul Smith, on the conclusion of tonight's Liberal meeting, will sail on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. T. W Brown of Wttliam. Manson St Oonsalea. who has been on a trip to Haaelton on legal business, returned to the city on today's train. Mrs. James Sturgeon and daughter sailed last night on the ss. Princess Mary far Gfcinipbell River. They will spend a holiday on Van couver Island. Mrs. George Beviridge and daughter. wh4 have been spending a vacation in Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning. Morley Shier. we:i known Van-rouvr powder traveller, is a passenger aboard the Prince Henry today bound tor Juneau en route to the Taku River mining country on business. i Km. l7-fflaVValBaflattatf tei( cut tt wor A. 11 U&I CAFE FORMERLY THE WHITE LUNCH Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IMIKK NE1V MWAtlEMKNT Slem lleatnt; Truvrllrrn' ((ample IMAM: IM B-d ColdM'utrrM rrre Ilus Mreti All Tralna and lloats Rates 51.00 and Up Sl'IXtAL MONTHLY IUTCS C. R. UIGGAKT & A. DONALD Proprlelors " PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. ritUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and FlfthvSts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Prop, TI1K IIOTKI. ttOKTIt M1II E Hot tt Culd Wfiicr. Bteam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Ti Ifpliniif is I "..tr-w JfctlWftie Dlnnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. A. R. Holtby returned to the city on yesterday's train from a brief trip to the interior on railway Laurie 'Lambly, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning. W. B. Morgan, mechanical superintendent of the local dry dock, will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Morgan Is already In the south. ; ' An Ivy Wood tour party of ten people from Philadelphia, led by' Miss Tyson, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from: Vancouver and entrained here for: Jasper Park. R. J. Hobson arrived In the city on the . Princess Mary last night from Vancouver. He Is here to open an office for the Fuller Brush Co., having been given charge of this district. Miss Gertrude MacKenzie of the Imperial Oil Company staff here sailed yesterday on the yacht Su-eja II. for a cruise to Alaska as the guest of Capt. and Mrs, Jas. Griffiths of Seattle. J. B. Woodworth, who is interested in the Surf Point mine' on Porchcr Island, arrived in the city on the Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver for a brief visit of Inspection to the property. R, R. Payne, production manager of the Canadian Fishing Co, who has been on a trip to Alaska on' company business. Is a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte this afternoon bound for Vancouver. MIm M Smith isltjr nf Mrs CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society. 215 Second Avenue PAGE THREP tut. A. t. UUUUtKHAM, CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF GOVERNORS ERNEST MacMILLAN. B.A.. Mus. Doc. F.R.C.O. Principal HEALEV WILLAN. Mus. Doc. F.R.C.O. VlCl-PRlNCIf AL Fall Term Opens September 1st COMPLETE COURSES OF STUDY-Tuition in all musical .ub-jcti (theoretical and practical). SPECIAL CLASSES in choir, training. ,dictioiwear training .and ight-inging, hiitory and rudimenu of music, principle! of pianofort teaching, score study and analysis, etc. STUDENTS' ORCHESTRAS (Junior and Senior). CHORAL CLASS Public appearances with orchestra. ENSEMBLE CLASSES Opportunities afforded for appearance in Conservatory recitals. SCHOLARSHIPS Particulars of which may be obtained on appli. cation. EXAMINATIONS ara held locally throughout Canada in May, June and July each year. ADDRESS 135 College Street, Toronto 2. flhurcK $m)i(&$ mnutimnrrTrmvrf AJ-g M AtLU Li iAlJSft t if ill This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, to Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "TRUTH." The public is cordially invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on AO Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pn. '"" ' """" ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL . (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30. vRev.H. Floras will preach at both services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Treacher, Rev. Dr. Stevenson, M. A, Ph. D, F. It. G. S. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30. Male duet John E. Davey and A. Clapperton. n H hrmP nrrlvM in th rltv nn P" ptCXUTB OI ine WWn OI 'I nil lTE Tl) CLASSIFY itha. Prin. Hnrv this mOrnine!0W elton appears In the cur- r,a-mtno it.' ,... m iw. v-i 1 y a... from Victoria. Mrs. Orme will be!1 u"u'"1 ' &ter hlch at POW- rt.,mW horn 1nt,r nftr having ! Published spent the past year In Victoria. fU J 01 tho! head officials at Powell River, was "surwrintprident those who the! n a MeAinian. !Jiong accompanied r th. ii rirv dock and Mrs Me-'recent auto caravan beaded by Millan and family, who have been Tolmte ' VW on a motor trip to California. ute OI Uic nwy. returned to the city from tbei south on the Prince Henry this; morning. H. G. Fowler, an official of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd.. arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert Testerday from Vancouver' last night. He addressed a special meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. 8! 4- v ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Dance August 1. Dry Dock Employees Picric August 3 to Tug well Island. Moose Basaar. October 1G. 17. WAmtD-wit'miiof Inrf Inald, for relief duty. ' Apply 'General Hospital Saturday arid Monday. (176) FOR SALE New Savage Electric Washer, half price. Apply A. Ferguson, Royal Hotel. 180 FOR BALE House plants, prices reasonable. Apply 403 Seventh Avenue West.' 'IT ; rnrr What part of your newspaper , is of most interest to you? THE front page? The society page? Sports? Woman's page? Financial? Editorial? Cartoons? There is a part of nearly every page that is practical, helpful, full of news the advertising. Do you interest yourself in reading it? You should. Hero is news of immediate value to you. Comforts -nec-.essities luxuries merchandise every bit of which gives "foil a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spend. In the advertisements is information of practical worth. Reputable merchants bring wares for your inspection that are soundly made and of known, proved value. The statements thev make thev are willine to sicn knowinc that each statement must be truthful, for their reputation, . i ii.. i : tf :fc ..l standing in me communn.y, unu uusmuss ijrcaMgw. stake. ' v . 4 at It pays to read advertisements. For, in this part of your newspaper, you can find where your monoy can be spent to best advantage. A vory material aid in bettering your every-day life. A way of lengthening your pocket book. (Jet the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. Saooo00OO0oeoona0oo00oo0OO0eHooCHWOowo00O0Oooaow iaa0iiQ0oog I'li'l il1- T' FOR SALE or Exchange 4 'twere e Ranch near Terrace, ii' or mile mile from town. About 300 fruit trees, would exchange for 4 or 5 room home in Prince Rupert, close in. Phone 132. 175 OlHSCSJOCOCKOOOCOOOOO3O0aCH3OOOOOOOOHOOOOOOCrWKOOOOOOOOOba MHI ODOOOOOOOOOODOOOO OO OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OO CJOOOOOChOCrfJOOOOCHSOOOOOaOOCHjOOOOOOOCOO''