Third Avenue S98.0U Fast, Thqrough and Quiet in Operation w 1--K Boors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. riW ill COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldjr-Wellington in any quantities. Also Dulklcy Valley IUy, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Ruperl Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 Of The Rainbow Washer la the world's best washer value. Simplest construction. No olilngi Fully guaranteed. Let us send one up for Monday's washing. No obligation. Prove to yourself that at last you can purchase a washer at reasonable price, to fill all requirements. Kaien Hardware Co. Want Ads Telephone 3 H Dirl Inivi iiff.irrnflo tnnfnrinl nf rrrlnrpri nriros. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" lpperj s. -, . . "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Let Them Ik Your Broker in Buying r , and Selling ' Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else it is you are in the market for. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undi earned of bargainsundreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant It is. READ and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 08 "If it's fully told it's quickly Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 I1ESNER I1LOCK DENTIST E 9 5 5 KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK jj "FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. N Qna!lfiac ii Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Id B Hemlock Floonnir B Spruce and Cedar Shiplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers jjj - ' O I . B 5 M S BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. S Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. ami 4MP -. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. oooeoftoooOMOooowiOCioanoao&oooaooaoatKHKiooooooooooaeHj swim: .-:ii-'!.;j?j.iffj;j!- Saturday, July 26. PAGE SCC THE DAILY NEWS Rainbow Washer HOME OIL IS ACTIVE To Take Over Operation of Wells From Imperial VANCOUVER, July 26: W. J. Blake Wilson was yesterday elected chairman of the operating commission of the Home Oil Company Limited. The directors decided to purchase from the Imperial Oil Co. Ltd., which has charge of their operation -and production, equipment, plant and drilling machinery at present in use on the property amoulnlng to approximately $300,000. "Production of Home Oil wells has been interrupted somewhat of late through freezing," a statement issued says, "but there is no reason to believe that this Interruption Is anything but of temporary nature and all wells should be back to normal production within a short time." L. B. Ooodspeed, director of the. Canadian Fishing Co. from Boston who had his leg broken in an airplane crash at Bultdale last week will sail on the Princess Charlotte this afternoon for Vancouver where; he will undergo further treatment; for the injury. W. J. Rich, another Boston director, and Al Hager. general manager of the company,! will also sail on the Princess Char- j lotte for Vancouver. ! DDD a sluggish pimply skin needs its tonic action An nrtlrn fluid that cleanses the tis sues of unsightly Impurities. Skin sufferers give this treatment a test. Soothing, cooling, healing a remarkable agent, W J. McCUTCIIEON, DRUGGIST RUPERT PHARMACY ORMES LTD. 28c per lb. BISCUIT Specials tVhy make cakes over hot fires when you can buy Fresh Mixed Cookies for less money. Fresh stock in. See our window. Fresh Mixed Biscuits all varieties, Regular price from 35c to 50c per lb. Sale price Soda Biscuits 2's per pkg .. Soda Biscuits 5 pkg8. for Robertson Bread 3 loaves for per crate Plums 2 lbs. for New Potatoes 8 lbs. for New Potatoes per sack Fresh Peas 4 lbs. for Fruit Blng Cherries for canning per lb Blng Cherries for canning 5 lbs. for Vegetables 28c 20c 95c 25c Austrajlan Oranges Sweet, np Apricots for preserving $1.50 25c! 20c 95c Green or Yellow Roans A fin i 3 lbs. for 1U1 Fmh Carrots, lbs. for Beets, Turnips, Parsnips, Parsley 6 bunches for Cucumber Good size ! each Cantcloupes-dood size I each Bananas 3 lbs. for : x...;.i.u Dried Prunes i 3 lbs. for 25c $2.85 25c 25c Carrots, 25c 15c 15c 40c 25c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" rhone 3C0 319 Third Ave. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Salmon Run Continues Good An Election Approaches Halibut Landings '. J' . " ' ' ' While, generally speaking, the- sockeye run, one of the best on the coast in years, is holding up well, pinks are now beginning to make an appearance in the waters of the coast north and south of Prince Rupert and the canneries Of the mainland are beginning to run quite a number of these varieties through their machinery. Only on the Skee- na RiveK.was a falling off in the sockeye run to be noted during , Che past week and this was due to a large extent to unfavorable weather, it is believed. The average on some of the days during the week ; had fallen to 30 fish per boat per steadily around average. The top day whlch.ln itself might have been considered fair enough In other seasons when the run has not been so good as this year. The Naas River is still doing better than the previous year with an average of 20 to 26 fish. The average at Rivers Inlet was 16 fish and on Smith's Inlet, 30. Pinks are beginning to run in considerable numbers In the seining areas of the central division. Early in August, It Is expected that the pinks will begin to run in large enough quantities to permit of the Queen Charlotte Islands commencing their season's operations. A few pinks were beginning to show up around Massett Inlet but not in commercial quantities as yet. This Is expected to be a big season for pinks and churns on the Queen Charlotte Islands as well as elsewhere in the district. After weeks of campaigning and discussion, the citizens of Prince Rupert's waterfront will go to the polls Monday resolved to do the right thing by their town and their country as viewed in their respective lights. It is not the purpose of this column to predict who the people of the waterfront may support, although we may have our ideas on the matter after having sifted down the talk with which our ears have been assailed these last few weeks. If we were to offer a political wish in these ultra- neutral columns, it would be that both good men should be elected because we Go really feel that we can ill afford to .lose the services of either. As usual, (he name and the weal of the fishermen has been bandied about In this campaign, whether they willed It or not. And Just as capable of discerning the chaff from the good old food and to act accordingly. .This is something that we cannot help but feel, without mentioning any names, that some of these politicians seem to forget. As a matter of fact, we think that the fisherman is Just about as hard boiled a political puzzle as may be found to crack and with him, though some may not believe j it, words count a good deal less than actions. The boys the most of them have sized things pretty well up by this late date and, as we have said before, are ready to go forward on Monday and, be it rain or be it sunshine, cast a real honest vote for the good of Canada and their home port. After all. those are the kind of votes that elections ought to 3.960.200 pounds Canadian fish and j 8,808.700 pounds American, m HEMOtumoiosoapiits H Ml posmvfiYMtitvP' IDBYDILCHASttOINT riENT WHICH fOlHAlF A CENTURY HAS UN RECOGNIZED ASTHE STAN CARD TREATMENT fOUTHISANNOYINO AILMENT im.CISASE'S OINTMENT SUITS! SUITS!, MADE TO dRDEli' Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Wc Deliver to any Tart of the City Ling, the Tailor rhone 619 bid for Canadian halibut was 126c and 7c which the Vera Beatrice received fof 8,500 pounds and the low, 10c and 6c which the Johanna and Covenant received for catches of "4,000 pounds and 13,000 pounds respectively. The high bid of the week for American fish was 13c and 6c which the Wabash and Tuscan were paid for catches of 13,000 and ;8,500 pounds respectively. The low American bid was 10c and 6c which the Coolldge received for 10,000 rounds. The large and powerful diesel -acht Taconlte. which was recently idded to Vancouver's yacht fleet, '(lng owned by W. E. Boeing, well Tiown Seattle aircraft manufac-urer. Is now on a cruise up the -.oast in the course of which she is 'xiiected to call in Prince Rupert Luxuriously equipped in every de-all, this sea going yacht of Cana-1lan registry measures 125 feet in lenpth by 24 feet beam and is a distinctive looking craft with a type of bow that has been developed In some battleships and is now used a good deal in the design of sea going yachts both in England and America. It is something like a clipper bow without a bowsprit and has the advantage of keeping the decks free of water while driving in heavy seas. The vessel has a cruiser stern Her construction is of staunch sawn cypress while girders and engine foundation are of steel with an Australian gumwood keel and planking and superstructure of teak. The yacht is designed to accomodate 10 persons in the owner party and requires a crew of 10 to operate. She has a cruising radius of 3,500 miles without refuelling for all that, the fisherman will be j her cruising speed being 12 knots The Taconlte is equipped with tw 8-cylinder Winton diesel engine which develop 250 horse power each at 350 r.p.m. though they are designed to turn as high as 700 r.p.m If fitted with propellers suitable foi that speed. In addition to her main engine, she has a 6-cylinder diesel engine driving a generator to provide power for all auxiliary ma chlnery. Other features of he equipment are a gyroscopic com pass with electrical steering mcch anlsm, Marconi radio broadcast equipment, a 30 million candle pow er searchlight and electric cooking heating and refrigeration machinery. The saloons In the deckhouse are roomy and well lighted and thr furnishings specially made of teak Some of these rooms are finished in natural teak while the cabins arc i painted in different tints though Halibut landings at the port of I the interior woodwork is teak Prince Rupert for the week of July throughout. 19-25 inclusive totalled 591,000 pounds or which 190,500 pounds was from Canadian boats and 400,500 pounds American. The grand total for the season up to the latter dale Yachts Due The large Seattle charter yachU Caroline, Capt. S. M. Hlgglns, and Westward, Capt. Roe Dykeman was 12.768,900 pounds made up of 1 were due In port yesterday but, ur to last night, had not put In an ap pearance. Both boats are coming Prices during the week stood north from Seattle with parties of the American Nature Association who will leave the vessels here and entrain for Jasper Park. Two more parties are coming here from the east to join the two boats and cruise south to Seattle aboard them. Both the Caroline and Westward have already been here once this season. SEND BODY SOUTH The remains of the late Law rencc Mulllns, who died In hospital here as a result of injuries sus tained in a fall on the Premier tramline, will be forwarded tonight on the Prince Rupert to Kent Washington, where Interment will be made; The body will be accom panied south., by a brother, John Muffins. Don Yelf was In port this morning with his fish packer Cape Ball after having delivered a load of 50,000 pounds of salmon to Bute-dale cannery. C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte,1 Capt. C. C. Salnty, Is due In port at 3.45 this afternoon from Skagway and will sail at 5 p.m. for Vancouver and Victoria. When BaTbies CRY Babies will cry, often for no apparent reason. You may not know what's wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, you should call a doctor. Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adults I Most of those little upsets are soon soothed' away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, pentle-acting" children's remedy that children like. It may be the stomach, or may be the little bowels. Or in the case of older children, a sluggish, constipated condition. Castoria is still The Stewart Board of Trade has leclded to go after the provincial lepartment of public works In re-;ard to the Improvement and extension of existing roads in the lear and Salmon River valleys. It s pointed out that the road from llccpy Hollow to the Big Missouri nine is in no condition to handle he heavy traffic that will soon go iver It when the Missouri owners egln to instal their mill. A special oad committee consisting of D. J. McLean, W. J. Crawford and E. T. pplethwalte has been named by he Stewart board. Immediate resumption of work on he Duthle mine on Hudson Bay fountain near Smlthers Is reeom-tended by Dr. J. Macintosh Bell, a lirector and chief geologist of the tompany, who recently made a areful examination of the property or the Atlas Exploration Co. Dr. Jell's report reveals very satisfactory pondltlons on the Canary sec-ion .of the Duthle property where t concentrated his examination ind where high values in gold and liver and base metals have been ncountered over good widths. Two jrospecting shafts have beer, sunk 150 feet apart on the Canary dlvl ion of the property. The 150-foot ectlon between the shafts reveals n Important strength of mlnerall- :atlon with average values as fol ows: gold, 0.31 ounces; sliver, 15 unces; lead 10 over a width of 30 WHEN A CHILD IS FEVERISH, CROSS.UPSET Colle, rm, lour Mch. Injr, frequent vomttlna lererishneas. in and children, Renertlly how food U nouring in the little dlgeitire tract. When thea lymp. tom ippear, rIv mhr a teanoonful of Phif. Una Milt M. ..I. Add it to the firnt bottle of fon,l In (,. n-T !IU Allium t,i..w. KM WilUaaMHMa Mlwrat Hot Wamotc M ml loiosui n ism the thing to give. It is alnst certain to clear up any rn -nr ailment, and could by no p .,. bility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's th f-t thing to think of when a chi! his a coated tongue won't p!av a-,'t sleep, is fretful or out of ",i Get the genuine; it alwavi ha Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the package. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Work to Be Resmued on Woodbine Soon Stewart Seeks More Roads For Mining Districts Dijthic Reopening Recommended Hugh McGuire, managing director Qf the Wor n Gold Mines Ltd., is now in Vancouver after a businr - ro Eastern Canada and the United States and anno jnc that operations on the mine in the Portland Canai di r. will be resumed at once. Mr. McGuire is due in St.. soon to reopen the property and steady developm. r ' season is planned. The result of diamond drilling property has convinced the owners of the Woodhi v ' the gold values and extent of ore bodies will conipa v voraoiy with the Premier mine at . i similar stage of development. Mr. McOulre made his trip east in connection with plans to place the property Into production as soon as )Osslble. Inches. No assAyi, have b for zinc but the content . i ment Is known to be in i. sliver at 34c an ounce, l pound and zinc at 3c a 150 feet visible of the Ca: crop represents a va!m-over 91 lnchas and No a value of $19.26 over 38 m -h ther Interesting feature : by Dr. Bel has, to dour; tlon recently, undertake i, adjolnln? Mayflower . point 950 feet from N ' the Canary section. P. , the Mayflower is for thi p i encountering the contlm f the Canary vein syntem work, although Just ii"V. under way, has already f couraglng indications If : conclusively proven that ' xles extend into Mayfluw r then the situation at !:. obviously take on a new Ion. Duthle Mines has a i tton of 2,000,000 shares of value of which 1.832.200 : outstanding. The Atlas Fix; Co. owns 832.304 shares ,u i der option the unissued shares. The wjrk on Die J m be carried on by the AU; T noil i;o. in accoruB'ice commendation of Dr B k Vlce-Admlml Vernon c; C. B., C. M. O.. Capt. C u officers of H. M. 8. Isp . talncd local friends at i dancing party last even.; after deck of the light n music was provided b ship's orchestra and ' proved of much enjoy n. present. Delicious " were served the guest s : Preceding the dan i there was an official On the ship, when Mayor i and others were the tn Admiral Haceard and i tela. 'i.t OFFICERS F.NTF.RTAIN Delightful Dance Last NiRht Aboar II. M. S. Despatch htabIc.Vnfuiin aglT of Havta tUed at will comfort the chlhf-make hU itomach ! Br,tlsh West Indies ana Dowem ea.y. In five minute, he U 'the new steamif Pi In vv.muri.uie, nappy. jt will .weep the boweli free of h amir, Indhjc.Uble food. It open, the boweli in conntipatlon, cold, children, ailments. Children taki It lt ' Potable, r-leaiant- tailing Learn ill mtinv nan and Jit-- Its way out to Vancouvi will enter the service oi National Coast Steam-1 triangle run, Is due n x at San Pedro. The vesv ;. chid. Vvrlte for the interMtinir book. und" the command of ' r ItwllibeientiS It O rS to "Winder Wind,or 0nt nt and N1den accompanied WU1 bC to Vv S ' In buTing. be ,ure to get ocnttiite Phil. Itlchard Knox, supei inl ' ZLti M",1(,"i- iWton have Bineer at Vancouvr f i u, prcicnbcd it for Qvcr 60 yean. pany Vi- r.if- III